When Heaven meets Hell

By AHBaig

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Revenge is a bittersweet thing. It gives you immense satisfaction, but at the same time, it destroys you from... More

When Heaven meets Hell ~ Part I
Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Author's Note.
When Darkness Calls ~ Part II
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Epilogue (Part I)
Epilogue (Part II) ;
Author's Note
Bonus-Manga/Comics from Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Fifty Seven

118 16 3
By AHBaig

At first, for a fraction of their journey, no demon approached them. As miraculous as it was, it did not last long. Demons emerged from everywhere they could, blood crazed monsters engaging the group in battle not for the things that were at stake that day, but for their own pleasure.

There seemed no end to their army, hundreds upon hundreds materializing out of thin air, their numbers rivaling those they left behind. Seeing their army, Joan felt despair rear its ugly head.

Can't stop now. We are too close. She told herself. It won't end here. I will see to it that this mission is complete.

She raised her sword and began cutting her way to the Sanctuary gates, which loomed over, tantalizingly close.

If the battles before had been fierce and bloody, then Joan's current fight was on an entirely different level. With determination driving every fiber of her being, she plunged herself into the sea of demons, sword flashing and blasting, reducing flesh, bone and whole bodies to nothing. Blood splashed everywhere, drops of red merging together until the blood of all the demons she killed became one. She was covered in it, head to toe, more spraying all over her face as she cut open another demon's chest with great ferocity.

The Sanctuary gates drew closer, and Joan wove past demons and angels alike. She heard Heidi cry out her name in warning, but reacted a second too late as something large smacked her aside, sending her cart wheeling through the air, skidding against the ground before landing painfully. Hurt but far from defeated, she rolled to safety, avoiding being trampled upon. Lurching to her feet, her gaze traveled upwards to find that what had slammed into her- a hand that belonged to a giant of a demon fiercely guarding the gate to the Sanctuary.

A rumbling growl alerted her that Avander had seen what had happened, for he launched himself at the giant, a single, hardly distinguishable shape surrounded by a whirl of crackling energy and thick shadows. The demon laughed a deep, booming laugh as he punched back Avander's attack.

"Why not give it another shot Avander?" The demon mocked. "Go on, you've got more power than that!"

The monster suddenly cried out as a series of light beams struck him in the face. Shielding his eyes and groped the air blindly, Joan felt her heart skip a beat as the demon's hand closed around Heidi, plucking her right out of the air.

"Not so fast little birdie." The demon cackled despite the red bruises on its ugly, flat face Avander unleashed his servants upon the demon, forming the large bird from before. Both Avander and the bird attacked in unison, clawing at the tough skin and drawing blood where they could.

An idea formed in Joan's mind and she was on her feet at once, racing forward. The giant demon was far too distracted to notice her inching forward, staring determinedly at the creatures thick tree trunk like legs, weaving and dodging as the demon stomped about. Joan brought her sword around and dug the wispy blade into a leg. Despite its thickness, the sword cut clean through the layers of skin and flesh, down to the bone and then beyond, leaving behind the stump that had been the foot. The demon wobbled, arms turning in circles as it fought to keep balance. It was unable to do so and pitched forward, gravity pulling the huge ogre down.

Joan was already sprinting away, but knew she could not escape fast enough. Fortunately at that exact moment Avander's arm curled around her waist and they lunged, darting out from underneath the great shadow and rolling across the snow to safety. The demon's fist released Heidi and she took to the sky just as the giant hit the ground. It rolled down the slope like a boulder, leaving the ground trembling in it's wake. Panic stricken demons rushed out of the way, momentarily forgetting their objectives.

Seizing the chance Heidi swept down, taking one of Joan's hands and one of Avander's, dragging them forward with her. She put in a great burst of speed, wind whistling as they made one last, valiant effort to reach the Sanctuary gates. Closer and closer they grew, the gates beckoning to them. The surrounding demons had become aware of what was going on and hastily tried to rebuild their barrier. But with a final burst of energy and speed, Heidi tore past demons with Joan and Avander clinging to her, slamming open the great heavy gates and crashing inside.

The cold bite of the air vanished and the shadow of a roof spread over them. Joan landed hard against the smooth stone of the floor, groaning with pain as she gingerly picked her tired self up. Avander was right beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder to ask if she was okay, to which she nodded. Then she allowed her gaze to travel around the great hall they were in.

It seemed to have been craved directly out of a cave, strange, crystalline stalactites hanging from the high reaching roof overhead, casting soft hues of varying shades around the hall. Pillars of grey flanked two of the parallel walls, the third with intricate stone archways leading off into the interior of the Sanctuary. It was grand and breathtaking, even the most magnificent of ballrooms and halls paling in comparison to it.

It was a soft whimper that stopped Joan from marveling at the natural beauty of the hall to the curled up figure behind a pillar. Joan's eyes widened as Heidi let out a sob, sorrow intermingling with the pain in a heart wrenching combination.

"It hurts. It hurts." Heidi choked. Joan raced to her side at once, collapsing by her and reaching out. Heidi recoiled at her touch and sat up, shrinking away with fearful eyes. Joan could only gape.

Heidi was glowing, her skin radiating a soft white aura. Her eyes looked as though they had been dipped in gold, catching eerily in the half light, the strange markings under her eye mimicking the look. Even her wings had a strange shine to them, the whites contrasting with the blacks just as night contrasted with day. The air around her was alive, a collection of firefly glows and blinking sparks zipping around just above her skin. This, Joan realized, was Heidi's complete Godling form. She would have been a mesmerizing, awe inspiring sight if she weren't sniveling and crying at that moment.

Heidi gave another sob, curling up into a ball and staring to her left sightlessly.

"It hurts. I don't want it to happen. I don't want to see." She cried, tears glistening like liquid diamonds as they streamed down her cheeks. Joan, thoroughly alarmed, reached out again, wrapping her arms around the girl and pulling her into a comforting hug.

"It's alright, I'm here." She whispered soothingly, stroking the golden threads that were Heidi's hair. Avander settled down beside them, throwing his arms around them both. They could both feel the power Heidi contained, the immense, unstoppable, unstable force begging to be let loose. It made Joan feel very weak in comparison, as well as very uneasy. Despite that, she did not let Heidi go, rocking her back and forth, whispering tender words into her ears.

"I don't want to see it. Make it stop. It hurts." Heidi begged again and again. Neither Joan nor Avander knew what Heidi meant, or what was wrong with her. They did not have time to ponder upon it however, for minutes after they arrived, low growls and snarls came from under the archways and demons crept out, leering sinisterly.

Avander and Joan leapt to their feet, taking on their fighting stance. The demons spared not a moment in lunging, twelve or thirteen skidding across the smooth floor with more at their heels. Joan conjured her sword and was about to slice a demon in half when it froze in mid leap, hanging in the air suspended by nothing. The rest of the demons too were stuck in the act of doing something, whether it was leaping off the ground or slashing their claws through the air. Joan and Avander stared at each other before turning around.
Heidi was on her feet, the glow still encasing her, eyes flashing with only hints of the great power within her.

"I apologize for worrying you two." She said in a voice wiser than her years, the sound itself ancient and all knowing. "I should have informed you that the initial transformation is always difficult. The rush of power takes a few minutes to get used to, and I see some very unpleasant things..."

She stepped past the immobilized demon, making for the archway in the middle and beckoning them after her. "This way. The sealing must take place in the Sanctuary's inner ward."

Avander and Joan followed after obediently. The Sanctuary was crawling with demons and both were constantly on edge. But in the end, it turned out that Heidi's power was so great, they did not need to fight. They met with three of Satan's inner circle demons, all extremely powerful beings that Avander would have had trouble defeating. But for Heidi, it was simply a matter of clicking her fingers and the demons would be rendered unable to fight. Joan was in awe of her power, but she was also very worried for Heidi. She had become generously silent, looking as though she were in deep thought, purposely moving very slowly.

They maneuvered the twisting corridors that lead them through beautiful natural halls, some with shimmering pools and bursts of vegetation. Yet Joan could not spare a moment to take in their beauty. She had other things on her mind.

In a few minutes, I will perform the sealing. Joan told herself. I will lock Heidi away forever in this place.

Her stomach plummeted, sadness sinking its claws into her heart. At that moment however, the snapping and yapping of demons came from behind them, a whole pack bursting materializing out of nowhere. Heidi took hold of both their hands, unperturbed. Before the demons could reach them, the trio disappeared, reappearing in a great, winding stone corridor. Before them was a door carved into the rock. The demons guarding the door were swept aside with only a blink of Heidi's eye.

"Hurry, this is the inner ward." Heidi urged, or tried to. Her voice came out sad and hollow. Joan reached out to grip her shoulder but she jerked away.

"Quickly." She muttered. "Before there are any more interventions."

The doors swung open as though a gust of wind had forced them to. Bright, blinding light made Joan shield her eyes. Heidi stepped through and disappeared just as Joan felt Avander's hand tugs her along.

The inner ward was different from the rest of the Sanctuary. Like a ballroom from a fairy tale, it screamed grandeur. It was brightly lit, the white-golden glow contrasting sharply with the blue hue of the rest of the building. It burst forward from the stalactites above, each poking out from the darkness of the high ceiling. The walls were patterned with gems and crystals. In the middle of the inner ward was a great big, rippling pool throwing off multicolored hues with each ripple, rainbow colors zigzagging and spiraling and reflecting through the crystals in the walls. Sparkling water streamed down from a ledge far above, thundering off into the pool with a surprisingly low whisper. Slabs of stones carved with runes stood in a circle around the pool, their shadows shifting and changing as though alive. Joan could feel the strangeness of the air, the otherworldly power with it's gentle hum speaking of great secrets forever lost.

Heidi had taken her seat at the stone perch upon the edge of the pool, crossing her legs as though she was about to meditate.

"The time has come." She announced, her voice echoing in the cavern. "You must perform the sealing."

Avander and Joan looked at one another and Joan saw her sorrow reflected into his gaze. This was the end of their journey. They would never see Heidi again.

Joan could feel the sinking feeling in her stomach grow with each, excruciating second. A part of her refused to believe that Heidi would not return to Hale Manor with her. It was as much Heidi's home as it was hers. The tide of feelings threatened to overwhelm her and Joan had to fight for control. But she could not ignore the desperate cry of her heart. She did not want to say goodbye to Heidi.

"Please Joan, there is no time." Heidi called softly, as though she had read Joan's mind. There was great pain in her eyes, but alongside that, Joan realized there was something else - guilt and dread. For some strange reason, Joan felt Heidi was hiding something.

"We have forty five minutes left to us, but we must not waste this opportunity. Please Joan, I know there are many unsaid things but you must seal me away now."

Joan knew Heidi was right. Now was not the time for emotions to get in the way. They had a mission to complete.

Heidi did not have to help Joan. Her Guide powers whispered to her, calling on her ability to seal away the Godling. Joan closed her eyes, the energy rushing through her veins as she began carving blue symbols into the air with her finger. All the strange, crisscrossing shapes divided into equal rows and columns. As her hair began to dance behind her, Joan waved a hand at the symbols, shooing them away. The columns and rows broke up into a single, snaking chain that wrapped itself around Heidi. The symbols were branded into her skin, glowing softly. The other girl however did not react, her eyes remained closed.

Joan's form began to light up faintly, sparks zipping across her skin. She began to mummer to herself in an unknown language, symbols appearing across her arms and face as well. Joan raised her hands in Heidi's direction and began to pour and push her energy into the palm of her hands, feeling the skin heat up. When the time was right and she had sufficient power, she would release it and complete the sealing. Joan knew she had to be very precise with her timing; this was a one time chance after all. A moment before or after could prove disastrous.

Behind her, from beyond the doors the sound of scuffling filtered through, accompanied by a chorus of wild howls and the scrape of claws. Avander reacted at once, barricading the door with his body just as something heavy rammed into it from the other side.

Neither Joan nor Heidi noticed this. Both of them had gone into a trance like state, faces thrown into dancing shadows as sparks flew by. Joan chanted on, conjuring more symbols from thin air and pressing them into Heidi's skin. No one noticed the shadow appear on the wall, nor did anyone see it slither down, zigzagging across the floor towards Joan. The shadow rose, a slender hand extending and buzzing with dark hued energy. It was the sudden burst of familiarity following the manifestation that alerted Avander. But by the time the warning had left his mouth it was too late.

Light flashed, blinking off and on as it tore past Joan. The flash whistled and disappeared, just as Joan's eyes snapped open . She gasped in pain at the sudden burst of red that clouded her vision. Pain with all its force hit her, ramming into her again and again. But nothing was as excruciating as the feeling of her own energy barreling out of her, exploding in the inner ward like a display of fireworks. She screamed in agony, her whole body crying out alongside. Brilliant burst of light escaped into the air around her and Joan tried desperately to call them back, waving her hands wildly.

It was then that she placed the source of the red color seeping into her vision. Her arms were gone, cut clean off up to the elbows. . As the pain in her body exploded again, Joan felt the world shudder and spin, her own insides swirling around inside her uncomfortably. With a wave of nausea coupled with unimaginable pain, she felt her grip on reality slip. As she pitched backwards, screaming the air out of her lungs, Satan's deranged laughter went on and on, cold, malicious and victorious.


Yes, yes I know, I've been incredibly slow with updates. The good news however is that when I'll update next, it will be the last. Yes readers, I have completed WHMH (In draft form mind.) So grab your popcorn and tissue boxes and everything else you may need. Hoping to hear from all of you in the last few chapters!

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