Blood of the Ancient - The He...

By TelferRose

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Logan dreams of becoming a Marshal in the Malikan Army, and when an angry rebellion challenges the ruthless c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Author's note
Blood of the Ancient - update

Chapter 32

98 7 0
By TelferRose

Logan was immediately confronted by an aggressive assault team, hammering down on him with swords and spears. Two lines of riflemen lay frozen dead on the east side of the outer-bailey, adjacent to the hangman's gallows, various limbs and weapons protruding from the icy casing. A trooper was thrust viciously through the air, landing against a rusty, but empty prisoner's cell. A spear-man was held to the spot while Logan exchanged blows with two other master swordsmen. He swung his huge blade in great flowing arcs to block then back up the soldiers he was facing. To the left of the gallows, he briefly spotted Samiel hacking and slicing at a team consisting of four swordsmen. The Marshal gave the impression that he was enjoying the sword exchange, parrying then countering, blocking then side-stepping. It was like sport to him, whilst the troopers grunted and strained to keep pace with him.

Rhea joined Logan, and her advance grabbed the angry attention of the second trooper, who now focused on her. His first attack came from high over his right shoulder, swinging wildly at her neck. With a quick side-step, she used the wakizashi in her left hand to parry the chop, spinning low down and slicing through her opponent's thigh. She stood quickly and turned again to face him, sword en-guard. The trooper hobbled, cursing his terrible judgement of opponent's skill, as he attempted to regain his footing. He lifted his sword in front of his body, holding his ground and inviting Rhea to come forward. He was now giving his adversary a little more respect, and hoped he could surprise her with a sneaky counter-attack. She darted towards him, fast as lightening, blocking his initial faint-strike as he spun away in the opposite direction, circling away from Rhea's attack and swinging his blade with all his strength back around towards her body. He had hoped to cut her in half with the force he generated, and was startled to find she had disappeared. He turned quickly and felt a sharp prod against his belly as she rammed into him then nimbly jumped backwards. He wondered for a split-second why she was lowering her weapon and suddenly turned away, casually walking away and leaving herself open to an attack from behind. As he attempted to step forward, he received his answer.

Rhea heard the man fall to his knees, as she made a rapid observation of the enemies surrounding the outer-bailey, searching for her next target. A new group of excited swordsmen were entertaining Logan, while Samiel had numerous bloodied bodies lying at his feet, as he continued to toy with the troopers that were brave enough to try their luck with him. The trooper that took down one of the first class elite would be remembered fondly in their ranks for a very long time. Target selected, she began to run towards the two men stood waiting near the main gate.

"Rhea stop!" Ezra's sudden outburst made her halt in her tracks, just as a snipers bullet landed inches in front of her position, tearing a great tuft of mud and dirt from the wet ground. She quickly scrabbled her way backwards out of sight of the hidden sniper. She threw an angry stare at the troopers, who were now laughing like hyenas as their plan of luring her into the open had almost worked. She turned to face Ezra, who was bobbing in and out of the shelter, firing a burst into the watchtower that over looked the outer bailey from behind, then ducked back in for cover to avoid the retaliatory round. "Ah sod this!" He shouted, as he swung the M8 in front of his body and quickly released a grenade into the sky behind him at the tower, before quickly returning once again for cover. A bullet exploded nearby, and the sound of the explosion came much later than he had hoped, so he knew the shell must have missed the watchtower. He reloaded and prepared for another shot. "Don't go past that overhang kid." He shouted to Rhea, pointing to the edge of the gate sheltering. She nodded, understanding where the snipers line of sight began.

Logan was using his telekinesis with considerable ease now. Effortlessly halting any trooper that had slipped into a slightly precarious position, and dealing with or releasing him at will. He was able to split his focus and use it to overwhelm the movements of up to three enemies at any one time. Even if they were out of his line of sight, he could still mentally control the body using his senses and feel where to adjust with a push or a pull, maintaining their bound position. His astute awareness was sharper and sensitively faster, somehow becoming more and more acute. He could sense, and to a degree, control the particles and molecules reverberating throughout the atmosphere in which he was located. His gift not only empowered him, it also frightened the hell out of him, worrying that with continued use he might succumb to its evil and possessive embrace. He knew how such a feeling of godliness had already manipulated the mind of a pure man in the past. The ethical and hugely honourable science student that mastered in chemistry and biology, who became one of the most recognised and respected Professors in the Northern Territories. Quinton Crow. He had lost his mind, body and soul in his quest for power and immortality.

Logan suddenly noticed the riflemen organising their lines up on the stone walkway above the main gate, separating the two yards.

"Ezra!" He yelled. "Incoming rifle fire, above the main gate."

Ezra turned and spotted the troops hastily assembling into position on the gate. "Got it kid." He began feeding the chain-belt into the weapon, as it noisily unloaded the high velocity cartridges, round after round into the crumbling stone of the wall, tearing through limbs and shattering bones of the screaming men on top. All ten fell painfully in quick succession, without a single weapon being fired back. Ezra heard a shot from the sniper in the background, as another chunk of wet earth splattered into the air leaving a big pot-hole underneath.

"Mother fucker." He cursed, then swung around again, lining up his M8 with the watchtower behind. The marksman was reloading as the grenade exploded against the structure, sending dust and debris flying out into the air, but the tower still remained. He plunged the remaining shell into the launcher and clunked the barrel shut, taking aim one last time. "Help me out, Lunis..." He saw a sparkle from the snipers telescopic sight through the smoke, before he released his final grenade. He heard the tower crumble and fall before his body was spun around violently from the impacting bullet. He cursed loudly, but took some solace from his new injury as he watched the destroyed tower crash down onto the stone wall below. Smoke and dust and crumbled rock filled the area as a broken rifle clattered down against the rubble, the man in the tower was gone.

"Ezra!" Rhea quickly dispatched her tired opponent and ran to his aid. Helping him roll over and sit up.

"I'm Ok, kid," A wince ran over his craggy face. "Just a scratch." Luckily the bullet had only just grazed his hip. Glistening blood drained from the wound, but with a grunt he was up on his feet. There was some pain from walking, but he decided it was insignificant.

Rhea gave him a triumphant punch in the shoulder. "Good shot Ez." She announced with a smile, then turned to the see the two hyena's at the gate looking much more sheepish than before. Rhea glowered at them and went to go for them.

"Wait," Ezra ordered, grasping her arm to halt her. "Allow me." He limped out from the sheltered gatehouse, watching as Rhea went to assist Logan with the two remaining troopers, then continued along the stony path to the main gate. There was only one other watchtower in the entire complex, and that was on the inside of the inner wall, next to the castle. If a sniper was waiting in that nest, he certainly wouldn't see the big man from there. Ezra halted his unequivocal advance, and lifted the deadly chain-gun to his shoulder, grinning at the petrified troopers as they scrabbled and banged and screamed for the huge wooden gate to be opened. Their short service as Malikan soldiers, he thought, was essentially at the stage of redundancy. The gate shuddered behind them as their internals splattered against the hard wooden surface, covering it in a sloppy red gloss. Ezra lowered the smoking gun in his hand, as Logan slayed the remaining guard with the edge of his great-sword. The man dropped to the floor, his torso almost cut in two.

Samiel was leaning underneath a large split beam from the gallows, which was shielding him from the rain above, planks and boards had splintered and shattered from the battle, leaving it in an inoperable state. He noticed the limp that Ezra's damaged hip was causing him. "I hope you're nicely warmed up for what lies ahead." He gestured at the big man.

Ezra scowled at the ninja. "Barely warmed up, kid," Ezra said, as Logan and Rhea caught up to him. "Even had to let one of 'em get a taste of me just so it felt like a fair fight." He motioned to his bleeding hip.

"Are you Ok, Ezra?" Logan asked with a whisper, out of Samiel's ear shot.

The big man turned to look at him. "I'm hanging in there," He replied with a soft smile. "What with my burning chest, and now with what feels like a broken hip. Anyway, you did good out there, kid. I don't mind admitting it, you ain't half come on." He slapped a big hand onto Logan's shoulder.

Logan grinned at the boss. "Thanks Ezra, although we wouldn't be here if you hadn't taken out all those rifles, not to mention the sniper that almost hit Rhea."

She lowered her head in shame. "I should have known it was a trap."

"Hey," Ezra interjected. "That's why we're a team, we watch each other's backs, right?"

"That's right," Logan nodded in agreement. "We fight as one, besides, how did you somersault over that first trooper?" Rhea smiled at the compliment, so Logan continued. "That was damned awesome Rhea, I'm glad to have you fighting alongside me."

"To be honest," She began. "I'd already jumped before I'd even thought to do it." They all laughed.

"Are you three done buttering each other up in glory yet?" Samiel was stood alongside them now, a look of disgust on his face. He was cleaning his blade, or Rhea's blade, on the uniform of a dead trooper at his feet. There were dozens more, bodies were littered all over the grounds of the outer bailey. Riflemen stood dead, encased in a petrifying wall of ice. Blood and guts were splashed and splattered over everyone and everything, a thin river of red was washing over the ground surface from the fallen rain water. The subdued drizzle from above gave a lame attempt at extinguishing the watchtower fire. As it smoked and smouldered, wispy ghosts disappeared into the sky above. Samiel looked Logan up and down, then continued. "It's time for you to perform your duty."

"You just make sure you take out Hektor, jackass." Ezra growled, pointing an angry finger at Samiel.

"Don't concern yourself with Hektor, Landana," Samiel sneered. "You just make sure you have enough strength left to fight a real warrior. This one won't go down as easily as any of these weak-ass, piss-stained academy cadets strewn all over the bailey," He gestured to the carnage behind. "He's a monster of a man. One who makes even you look like a pussy cat. Warts and all." He motioned to Ezra. The big man didn't react.

"You take out Hektor," Logan began, pointing at Samiel. "And we will kill Axial. We know the drill. How do we get in?" He lifted his hands in a gesture of defeat, looking at the solid, ten foot high door that blocked the way through the stone wall, and into the inner-bailey behind. Once they were through this door, they had complete access to the castle, where they would find President Malik.

Samiel turned towards the gate. "AXIAL! HEKTOR!" He yelled over the wall. There was no reply. Ezra shook his head at the ninja's lame attempts of persuasion. "What's the matter?" Samiel continued, aiming his voice over the barrier. "Are you scared of your little brother?" Axial answered by thumping his giant hammer against the gate. Samiel knew he had got through to him. "Terrified that I'll take another chunk out of your rotting flesh? You're already dead brother, father saw to that. You and Hektor!" Just as he'd hoped, Axial tore off the huge wooden beam from the other side that had been holding the gate shut fast, and launched it away in desperation to get at his pesky brother. The gate burst open and a raging inferno flew out towards them, making them quickly dive for cover. Samiel covered himself in a thick layer of icy moisture as Axial charged through the open archway swinging his mighty piked hammer. Samiel side-stepped the powerful attack that destroyed his protective ice sculpture, and span behind Axial and into the inner-bailey where Hektor awaited.

"What the hell?" Ezra muttered, acknowledging the First Class Marshal for the first time. Axial was a monster in every sense of the word. The huge weapon he carried looked far too heavy for even a great Landana to wield. Not only was he bigger and stronger than Ezra, he was uglier too. The grotesque body underneath his armour was awash with dark red and extremely angry looking lesions. He had welts and pock-marks covering his entire face. He was quite literally the epitome of death, or hell, or both. He snarled at the three figures that stood before him.

"You have precisely one second to turn around and disappear, before I smash your skulls into the ground." His deep, aggressive voice shook their bodies to the core.

Logan took a step forward. "There was a time I would have followed the orders of a first class Marshal without question, full of admiration and respect..."

"I don't care much for your words northerner," Axial interrupted. "You bore me already." He swung his huge hammer over his right shoulder, in preparation to attack.

Logan narrowed his eyes at the hulking beast. "That's exactly why we're going to destroy you. You have no honour. You don't deserve the title of a Marshal."

"Then come and take it from me," He said, laughing loudly. "I certainly give credit to anyone who tries."

Logan immediately lurched forwards, slicing Harmony through the air. Her razor edge clanged against the defending shaft of the hammer as his face simultaneously received the back of Axial's fist, knocking him to the floor like a swatted fly. He pulled the weapon at the centre joint, clicking it apart and splitting it into two pieces. He now wielded the single handed pike in one hand, as he forcefully thrust the heavy hammer through the air at Ezra. The fury the big Landana had initially prepared to unleash from his chaingun, had quickly been neutralized, as the hammer crashed into him, pinning the weapon against his chest with a crack and sending him flying backwards a dozen yards. Ezra gasped in pain as the blow took his breath away, cracking ribs in the process. His gun fell into a muddy crimson puddle as he writhed around in agony. It was the first time Logan had heard him cry out in pain. Axial waved his pike at Rhea, laughing hysterically as she darted towards him. He swung the weapon violently at her neck, which she ducked gracefully then chopped with her wakizashi at his clenched fist that had swung down to knock her lights out. She quickly rolled away from the second pike swing, out of its reach and turned to face him, holding her katana high, and the wakizashi low.

He grinned at her, whilst walking backwards a few yards. "Interesting," He growled, picking up the hammer from the ground where Ezra had previously lay. "I'm going to have some fun with you girl." He charged at her with a roar, winding the hammer above his head. Rhea backed up, continuously adjusting her defensive stance in an attempt at pre-empting the oncoming blows. When he was in range, he thrust the pike low at her belly, causing her to parry with the smaller blade, and simultaneously swung the hammer at her face. The first heavy swing took the blocking katana from her grip, the second swing was about to remove her head, but missed. Or hit? Axial spun in a circle with the momentum generated by the force of the blow, he turned to see Rhea standing with her eyes closed, paralysed in the same position with an arm up protecting her face. He realised with sudden confusion that he was no longer holding the hammer. He searched frantically, somewhat surprised, to find it suspended in mid-air, held in place by the mind of Logan. He was on his feet, left hand stretched out at arm's length, shaking as he barely caught the hammer in time before the blow struck Rhea's head. He swung his arm to the side, flinging the free-hanging weapon out of the castle grounds with ease.

"Nobody..." Logan began, walking angrily towards Axial with Harmony above his head, tip pointing towards the Marshal, he continued his sentence. "...ATTACKS MY GIRL!" It was now his turn to charge, bounding past Rhea as he swung his weapon in fast arcs, cursing at the Marshal as he swung a barrage of meaty blows onto the bigger man. His shortened pike blocked and parried diligently as the sword attacks came at him, blow after powerful blow. Axial finally gave ground and took a step back to compose himself as Logan continued his assault, grunting with every strike. Rhea had collected her katana and was now alongside Logan, waiting for an opening to present itself so she could end the Marshal's life. Axial snorted for breath, with the effort of keeping up with Logan's attacks. He was unable to action a counter blow of his own, as Logan was too fast. When he could defend no more, and noticed that Rhea was prowling for a death strike, he quickly lifted a blanket-wave of heat in front of his body to momentarily stun the attackers. His plan had worked, Logan and Rhea halted to defend themselves against the intense heat. Axial grinned as he began to incinerate the duo with a giant flame-thrower.

"NO!" Ezra screamed, as he ran at full speed, stampeding into the back of the Marshal. Logan automatically twisted sideways and dived over Rhea in an attempt to protect her, catching the scorching flame against the side of his face and body. He screamed in agony as he began to pyrolyse inside of the furnace. Suddenly, his entire strength, and emotional life energy began to explode out of his body like fireworks in every direction.

Ezra grappled roughly with Axial as he noticed the eruption of water and ice from the seat of the fire, which was dousing the flames. A thunderous bolt of lightning suddenly burst out into the sky from Logan's chest, as the duo emerged from the smoke and dust. Their charred clothing was soaked, but they had survived the cowardly execution attempt. Rhea quickly checked herself over, feeling barely any pain. A little burnt hair seemed to be the majority of her damage. Logan began running towards Axial and Ezra with rage boiling through his blood, wondering if he had the Goddess to thank for opening up his new elemental powers. He knew they would have burned to death otherwise.

The two titans swung around each other violently, kicking, punching, a sharp knee, an angry elbow. Teeth were knocked out, a nose was broken, but ultimately Axial had the upper hand over Ezra as he still held onto his pike weapon. As Logan made up the distance to the battle, he knew it was too late. He saw Ezra fall to the floor on the other side of Axial, the pike having been thrust deep into his guts and fracturing the lower section of his spine. Logan angrily held Axial's gargantuan frame firmly in place with his powerful mind, and swung Harmony with everything he had left. He felt the Marshal's pathetic attempt to pull himself free from his binding. The rage, the terror, the love, the side of his face that was now missing, the death of Jax, the death of his father, Oscar and the millions of others who had been sacrificed or murdered by Malik, and every other inch of bone and muscle in his trembling body, contributed to the swing that cut Axial down. His disgustingly knotted upper body rolled down the remainder of his momentarily standing legs, landing heavily on the wet floor with a splash and a thud. He thrust his huge blade into the ground and quickly dropped to Ezra's side, noticing the growing pool of blood that he lay in.

"Ezra..." He said, trying to help him get comfortable. The big man grimaced as Logan placed his hand underneath his pummelled head.

"Don't move me kid..." Ezra struggled with the words, his eyes were scrunched tightly. "...I think I might be...beat...this time." His bloodshot eyes opened very slowly into tired, narrow slits. Revealing his true condition. This time it was fatal. Logan put a hand against the hole in the big man's belly, sticky blood poured out with every breath he took.

"It's just a scratch Ez..." Logan tried tenderly to ease his worries, a tear running down his face.

Ezra's famous toothy, albeit with less teeth, gargoyle smile beamed across his face. "Ha!" He lifted a heavy hand, and placed it behind Logan's head, pulling him closer. "Thanks kid...but listen to me..." He looked to the side and saw Rhea approaching at full tilt. "Look after her...for me."

Logan nodded. "You know I will."

"" He gently growled.

"You have my word Ezra. I promise I'll take care of Rhea." He said, looking directly into his watery, pleading eyes.

Ezra closed his eyes again and relaxed his head back against Logan's hand. "Good. One other thing kid," He opened one eye. "If you let my death be for nothing..." He winced at a sudden painful tug from his gut, then continued. "...then I'm gonna haunt your punk ass." He offered a playful wink with the opened eye, then allowed it to close.

"EZRA!" Rhea landed on the floor next to him, hugging him as tears flowed from her eyes. "We'll get you out here Ezra, just hold on, Ok?" Logan moved to the side, allowing her to take his closer position.

"You got it, kid." He smiled at her, his weary face full of admiration. "Come here..." He reached out to her, eyes still closed. Rhea leant in towards him, so he could whisper into her ear. "You gotta know...just how damned proud I am...of you." His dark eyes cracked open slightly, showing the faintest glimmer of his deep affection for the girl. "I still remember...the day your ma and pa..." He struggled with an appropriate word. "...passed away. Since that day, I have...done my best, Rhea. As a father to you. And let me...tell you, I have always loved you like my...own daughter." His eyes shimmered and twitched, a bead of moisture dropped, and ran down his ragged face. Rhea fell on top of him, sinking her tearful face into his neck. "Logan," Ezra said, looking up at him. "Call Will, tell him to come get me..." He tapped his waistcoat pocket, revealing the location of the radio.

Logan nodded, bending down to retrieve the object from his pocket before taking a few steps away. "Will, are you there?" His words were soft and gentle. There was a brief pause before he received a reply.

"Logan? Where's Ezra?" Willard replied, sounding a little confused.

"Ezra needs you to come and get him. He can't make it back without help."

"Shit! Is he Ok?" Willard asked, over the radios wavelength.

Logan wasn't sure how to respond, but he desperately hoped Willard would be able to carry the great Landana back down to the van. "He can't walk. Go up the stairs, behind the waterfall to the next set of steps. He'll be waiting for you at the top." He released the talk button, deciding that was enough.

"On my way now, Logan."

When Logan turned around, he knew Ezra had gone. His eyes had rolled to the side, showing mostly white. He was at peace now. Rhea sobbed over his battered body, clutching him tightly against her in an effort to hold onto his life. Logan gently placed a hand on her shoulder, attempting to comfort the girl. But he knew it was in vain.

As he turned his partially burnt face, gazing towards the open archway to the inner bailey, he saw Samiel, standing there. Watching him intently, with arms crossed. When their eyes met, he could see the ninja gesturing for him to follow, then he spun around and returned to his yard. Logan took in a deep breath, gripping the metallic band on his left wrist and vigorously ran his finger and thumb over it. He walked over to the sword that was sunk deep into the blood soaked ground, and drew her out slowly, wiping the mud and grime onto the legs of Axial. Looking back at Rhea, he was pleased with the new promise he had made to protect her. It was something he would undertake passionately. But right now, she needed a moment alone, to mourn for her surrogate father.

After fixing Harmony onto his back, he went for the inner-bailey. Knowing what herculean task awaited him in there. His black boots crunched against the gravel as he walked through the opening and into the castle yard beyond. He stood still, marvelling at the grandiose, if slightly pretentious looking castle that surrounded him. To his left were a number of stone buildings that ran alongside the outer wall and up to the castle itself. They had the appearance of outhouse storage rooms. Perhaps they were a winery, or a pantry, or even a buttery. On the opposite side was a small but splendid looking chapel. A crescent moon was carved onto the surface at the top of the old wooden door, a pointed spire sat on its roof supporting a carved figure of Lunis. Behind the chapel was an empty watchtower.

The huge castle stood ominously in front of him. He wondered by which of the many stained glass windows that President Malik was observing from. Cowering behind his four-foot thick walls. How many more soldiers or troopers would he have to clear before making his acquaintance, he wondered to himself.

The ninja suddenly brought him back down to Eridanus. "You know why you're here don't you?" He asked, circling Logan with his katana drawn.

Logan nodded. "Yeah, I guess I do."

"It's nothing personal Logan. You all have to die."

"Tell me something first though, Samiel." He began.

The ninja halted his advance. "Go on."

"Back at Kastor, how did you know I was there?" He asked.

"The cog," He replied. "She informed me that she had finally located you."

Logan was confused. "Finally located me? But, why did you kill the soldiers and save me?"

The ninja grinned at him through narrowed eyes. "You are the only one that could help me defeat my brothers. I couldn't do it alone. So I gave you a chance to escape, and uncover your heritage. That's the only reason you have lived until now."

"And at the prison?"

"And at the prison, what?" Samiel asked.

"You knew I was there."

"The cog told me she was leading you there, and needed a favour, or a cell key, should we call it."

Logan looked to the floor, trying to make sense of the story that was unfolding in his jumbled head. "She planned it all along." He shook his head at his realisation. "How can she speak with my mind? How can she even see where I am?"

"Enough Logan," Samiel cut him off. "This chronology of yours will be completely irrelevant in a few minutes anyway." He spun his weapon through the air in a wide arc, his body shape lowering into a classic Marshals attack stance. "I will cut you down where you stand, whether you draw your sword or not!" He then bolted towards Logan, a fierce look on his face.

"TELL ME!" Logan screamed in anger, as he thrust a halting palm at the rapidly approaching Samiel. He tried desperately, but was unable to bind him permanently to the spot, the ninja still progressed, although through an obvious resistance. Samiel roared as Logan drew Harmony, swinging her with both hands towards the sky, blocking Samiel's strike. Their eyes met, on either side of their scraping blades.

"She could never see you," The ninja thrust himself backwards a few yards, clear of a sudden counter. "The gene-tracer implant only allows her to speak with that particular blood specimen. In this particular case, you."

"Gene-tracer?" Logan wondered to himself, as Samiel came back at him, slowed down once again as he tried to move through the treacle-like telekinesis. His attacking blows felt no gentler though, and Logan had to work hard to parry them all. As their blades clanged and clattered, he thrust out with a kick, hoping it would enable him a quick breather. Samiel easily side-stepped his poor effort and forced his own boot into the ribs of Logan, propelling him backwards. Suddenly, as his momentum was about to dump him on his back, Logan flipped effortlessly in mid-air, seemingly controlling the air molecules around him, and landing gently on his feet several yards from the ninja.

Samiel narrowed his resentful eyes in disbelief. "She was right," He began. "She said you were advancing quickly," He sighed. "But even you, a mixed creation, a half-breed, must surely understand that this planet and everybody on it must be destroyed!" He grit his teeth in anger, lifting his sword once again. "I am a God Logan, and this world is beyond castigation. Your every breath defiles this atmosphere!" He charged again. This time, Logan threw his mind power with everything he had. Samiel halted momentarily, but continued to fight his way through, like a deep sea diver trying to run along a sea-bed.

"You are no god Samiel!" Logan shouted in reply, his voice straining with the effort of sustaining such restraint on the ninja. "And it isn't up to you who lives or dies!" He heaved his sword upwards as Samiel broke through the barrier, beginning another barrage of heavy sword exchanges. The ninja was clearly going for it now, and Logan struggled to keep up, breathing heavily as his exhausted, aching body desperately searched for a higher concentration of oxygen. For a while though, he gave as good as he got, and had even begun to force Samiel backwards. Out of respect, it appeared, neither of the combatants had resorted to using any elemental attacks. Perhaps the victor of such a high octane bout would feel less worthy for ending it quickly. This was a titanic sword fight after all, between two powerful half-Eshiea'n warriors. Or perhaps, and more likely, the exchange of blows from both men was so fast and furious that neither of them had a decent chance or opportunity to unleash their magic's.

The men eventually broke apart, circling each other cautiously like a hunter and his prey, as they both took a moment to catch their breath.

"It is entirely up to me to end your lives, Logan," Samiel finally responded to Logan's previous outburst. "No one else can do it."

"So what are you gonna do when everyone is dead?" Logan asked. "Huh? What then? You've deluded yourself Samiel, your plan has no happy ending for anyone."

The ninja smiled. "That's exactly my plan Logan," He nodded along with his own revelation. "The entire population of this world is an abomination of nature. We don't deserve to be here. We don't deserve to be given this opportunity. The likes of you and I, we are the most disgusting transmutation of them all!" He spat his final sentence. "We are monsters!"

"There are other ways Samiel." He searched for any sign of empathy or humility from the ninja.

Samiel narrowed his eyes, the soul of malevolence once again taking over his energised body. "This is the only way Logan." He lifted his razor-sharp sword high above his head. "It's time to say goodbye." This time, he flung several accompanying shards of ice through the air with the speed of a bullet, then charged at Logan. The defending man quickly swept the shards aside, and went to fire a bolt of lightning at the ninja, but was too slow, or the ninja too fast. Either way, Samiel's katana was pounding down on him relentlessly. Hammering deadly blows against his sword in an attempt to break through his guard. In desperation, Logan hopelessly tried to push Samiel away with his mind, stumbling backwards with the over-powering ninja completely unburdened by his forces. He eventually tripped over with the speed of his own retreat, landing painfully against the sharp stone steps leading up to the great-hall of the castle. His sword clattered out of his grasp as he landed on his back with a crunch. Samiel swung his katana high above his head in one smooth motion, as he prepared to end Logan's life with a follow-up death blow to the sound of a distant crackle. The rounds that had been fired, burst through his body in several places at once. He exhaled forcefully as his very breath was dragged out from his body. His weapon dropped from his grip as he fell forwards, landing heavily on top of his exhausted opponent. After a brief moment of rest, Logan gently rolled the ninja onto his back. Blood drained from every orifice that had been created by the chain-gun that Rhea was holding, in the distance. The burst had emptied the last of its belt ammunition. His breaths were shallow, and his chest barely rose as he tried to inhale. Logan looked at the man in his arms and couldn't help but feel some pity for him, he gently pulled the remainder of the mask from his face, allowing him to breathe easier.

"It didn't have to end this way Samiel." Logan said softly.

The ninja rolled his head to look up at Logan. His sparkling blue eyes appeared full of life, but it took a while before he even attempted to speak. "This was always...going to be the end Logan," He hid any signs of pain or that any fear of death was consuming his body. "There was no other option, I could not...go on this mutilated body."

"You were infected with AnoniemX?" Logan asked.

Samiel tried to nod. "Before I was even born," His face twisted with the memories. "Maybe you could accept it within your body, but I couldn't."

Logan thought of the experiment that he had been involved with himself. He had also been infected, just like Samiel. "If I was the one they were looking for, why did he dump me in Kastor?"

"The moron thought you were just...another failure."

"Another failure?" He asked.

"There have been thousands...before you Logan. He has searched madly...for the surviving child of Uscarix, for a long time."

"But why?" Logan asked, somewhat confused.

Samiel coughed as he tried to laugh. "Isn't it obvious? He wanted...your super-cells to play with."

"But he had you, and your brothers?"

Samiel shook his head. "Axial and Hektor's cells weren't pure enough. And I declined his further invitations...when I learned the truth of my own...Eshiea'n introduction." He gently shook his head. "I guess you received a dose of my cells...that I donated to my father, back when I believed that his work help people."

"I'm sorry you had to go through..."

"...Do not..." Samiel interrupted. "...pity me. I do not need or want your sympathy."

Logan nodded a gesture of understanding. "What do you want me to do Samiel?"

"Nothing," He smiled. "Just let me die. But before I go, know this..." Blood burst from his mouth as he suddenly coughed in a fit of violence. Logan thought he was about to die, but he gathered his steely composure to continue. "Blythe didn't know, she never knew the truth. Crow tricked her into believing his get what he needed. He poisoned...her memories. I know you will hate her...but, I know she never meant to hurt you." Logan felt a stab of pain in his heart, as he remembered the bond they had formed in such a short amount of time. "You must understand...he used her, and made her use you. She really believes she is the forgotten child of Jaered. She truly believes she was the one that got away...when everyone else perished."

"What about Raygar?" Logan asked bluntly.

"Ah, the shadow...bodyguard. That one works for TIA."


"He's their latest...field spy Logan. Working personally...for the President himself."

Logan closed his eyes in disbelief, if Samiel was right, then it meant that every move they made had been reported back here to President Malik. He felt like an utter fool. "Does Blythe know?" He asked, Samiel didn't respond, when Logan looked back at the ninja, he realised that he was dead. He sighed heavily, feeling the weight of such a deceitful world on his shoulders, then rolled the heavy corpse onto the steps, grabbing Rhea's sword as he stood. He looked to her as she approached, offering the weapon that was in his hand.

"I got your sword back." He said, smiling. The returning smile suddenly disappeared from Rhea's terrified face.

"Logan look out!" She pointed beyond him, towards the great-hall entrance behind. He quickly lofted the sword through the air at her, and grabbed Harmony as he spun to face whatever danger she had spotted. The man now standing in front of him, wore the most exotic looking body armour Logan had ever seen. From head to toe, his charcoal coloured covering shimmered with a dark green. The plating had a dull look to it, but at the same time it was beautifully polished and appeared to fit the man underneath perfectly, giving him the appearance of a futuristic mechanoid as he strolled gracefully along the stone steps. He unsheathed the magnificently curving blade from a scabbard that hung from his waist belt, and briefly held it in front of his body, grabbing Logan's confused attention as he proceeded to place it on the stone steps on which he was stood.

"As a gesture of respect Logan," The exotic man began. "I stand before you, unarmed." The greatsword in Logan's hands remained in a defensive position. He did not know or trust this man, and was unwilling to offer him an unarmed opportunity to strike.

"Who are you?" Logan demanded. The man lifted his hands to his smooth helmet, and lifted it from his head. Long dark hair dropped down, bouncing onto his shoulders and continued further down. He placed the helmet under an arm.

"My name is Lance Malik. I am the Captain of the Paladin House Guard." His brown eyes landed on Logan, fixing on his scowl.

"The President's son." Rhea announced, matter-of-fact.

Lance smiled. "At least you know who I am, girl."

"Your family name doesn't have to end here Lance," Logan threatened. "I only want your father."

Lance sniggered to himself as he walked along the step. "Logan, I lowered my weapon out of respect. Don't make me regret my judgement." Logan sneered at the man as Rhea appeared by his side. Lance continued. "First of all, this charade ends here," He stopped and pointed an armoured finger at Logan. "Now, I'm prepared to offer you a deal."

"I'm not here to make deals Lance," He growled. "I'm here to send your father to hell." He lifted Harmony to attack.

Lance sighed. "A pity..." As he signalled with his hand, six airborne Paladins similar to him in appearance suddenly dropped from the sky above, aiming their laser-targeting assault rifles at them.

"Logan..." Rhea whimpered.

"Like I said before," Lance interrupted, echoing his previous statement. "This charade is over. Drop your weapons now, or you will both die where you stand. The choice is yours Logan, I care not which you choose." Logan took a quick step towards Lance, whose guard reacted hastily to his sudden movement. A gun barrel was pressed against the back of Rhea's neck, and the guard violently yanked at her hair.

Rhea cried out. "Logan!"

He spun quickly, throwing his hand out in front of his body, ready to thrust the Paladin Guard into the distance. When he saw the rifle held against her neck, he lowered his attack. The look in her beautifully worried eyes made the decision for him, as the memory of his recent promise to Ezra came flooding back into his senses. And as strong as his hatred and anger wanted him to attack, his heart wasn't prepared to lose her just yet. "Alright, alright!" He quickly lowered Harmony to his side. "Don't hurt her," He turned back to the Captain. "You say the choice is mine?"

Lance shrugged an armoured shoulder at his question, as more Malikan riflemen flooded out from the great-hall, completely surrounding them. "Sure," Lance replied. "I'm a man of my word."

"I doubt that..." Rhea whispered.

Logan quickly thought out a plan in his mind. The only thing that really mattered was protecting Rhea. "Okay," Logan nodded, observing all of the rifles trained on them. "Then this is my choice." He cast a glance at Rhea before continuing. "You let her walk away unharmed..."

"Logan?" She asked, with a stunned look on her face, wondering about the choice he was making.

He continued. "Let her go, and I shall surrender."

"Logan no!" Rhea screamed. "I'm not leaving here without you!" Rhea attempted to chastise him.

"Interesting." Lance thought aloud, crossing his arms.

"It's either that," Logan paused to look at Rhea, a look of sadness in his eyes. "Or every one of us will die here today."

She suddenly understood what he meant, from the look in his eye. She knew he could destroy all of them with his powers, but there was no way he would be able to stop every bullet that was fired. Not from such close range. It meant that both of them would probably die. Rhea nodded slowly. After all, she desperately wanted to see Logan again after this ordeal was over. She pulled herself free from the Paladin's grip, and grabbed Logan's hand, squeezing it tightly. "Ok," She said to him, reluctantly. "But make sure you come back to me." She looked deep into his soft eyes, barely aware of the painful, seared flesh on one side of his face.

He gave her a nod. "I promise I'll come back to you Rhea," He caught the tear that was falling down her face, wiping it away with a gentle fingertip before he continued. "No matter what happens, I will find you." He placed a tender goodbye kiss on her lips, hoping it would stay there till he saw her again. He glanced over her shoulder, at the Paladin Guard that was behind. "Let her through." He demanded. The guards awaited their orders from Lance, before parting slightly at his command. She spun around and began walking, pausing briefly when she was clear of the guards to take one last look at Logan, he hadn't taken his eyes off her. She was unable to speak for fear of losing her self-control, so she acknowledged the man she loved with a nod. He returned the sentiment with a gentle smile, watching as she vacated the castle grounds with haste, and desperately hoping that Willard would still be at the bottom of the tower. He turned to focus his attention back on Lance, relaxing Harmony in his grip. "Alright Lance," Logan said. "I'm all yours."

A victorious smirk covered the face of the Malikan Heir, who motioned for his Paladin Guard to move in. Logan's sword was snatched from his grasp, but before he even had a chance to protest, the butt of an assault rifle was smashed into the back of his skull.

As the looming darkness engulfed his wilting senses, he was vaguely aware of the hands that caught his tumbling body.

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