Can't Say - Jung Hoseok

By park_pabo

132K 7.5K 6.9K

"you're not going to tell her, it's something you shouldn't say. it's something you shouldn't even think twic... More

part zero - preview
part one - introductions
part two - the destroyer of geometry
part three - parenting class
part five - a secret admirer
part six - the librarian
part seven - the three dollar bet
part eight - friendship
part nine - bad things
part ten - a date with a friend(s)
part eleven - heart beat beat beat
part twelve - company
part thirteen - make it up to him
part fourteen - nothing to fear, nothing to hide
part fifteen - daydream daydream
part sixteen - new parents
part seventeen - where does the pain go once the rain stops
part eighteen - regret
part nineteen - boundaries
part twenty - the punch of a lifetime
part twenty one - the comfort of a nurse bed
part twenty two - the universe picks favorites
part twenty three - bright lights
part twenty four - a true friend's heartache
part twenty five - a sister's suspicion
part twenty six - a word of advice
part twenty seven - a false identity
part twenty eight - stay by my side
part twenty nine - another incident
part thirty - heal
part thirty one - together forever
part thirty two - a happy ending
part forever - epilogue
10k + #9

part four - flower boys

4.4K 234 130
By park_pabo

stepping into the one and only jeon jungkook's house, your nose was greeted by the outdoorsy pine scent roaming from the inside of the house. taking off your shoes, along with the other boys, you walked into his living room and dove straight onto the couch.

everyone had time to stop by each other's house and change into their house clothes, or more comfortable clothing besides their school uniform.

"someone's in love with your couch." jimin laughed, sitting on top of you. you can feel like big booty on your legs and managed to kick him off of you.

"no, she's loves me more!" taehyung grunted, jumping into the spot next to you and basically cuddling you to death.

"can you guys learn to not touch each other?" jungkook laughed, walking down the steps in his house. his house had two floors and a pool, jungkook's parents weren't that rich, but enough to be considered somewhat wealthy.

"i would but (your name's) so squishy!" taehyung chuckled, pinching your cheeks.

you smacked his giant hands away from you, "quit pinching my cheeks, tae."

"aish, you're always rejecting me!" taehyung pouted, turning his back towards you and crossing his arms.

you rolled your eyes smirking, you loved that taehyung always acted like this whenever he didn't get things he wanted. he was literally a man child. well, almost a man, he's only nineteen.

"fuck you guys," jimin growled, taking a water bottle from the refrigerator, treating the place as if he's lived here before. jungkook only spared him a glance and went towards you and taehyung, sitting across you guys.

"what did we do?" you asked.

"i don't know, just felt like saying it." jimin sat next to jungkook, turning on his phone.

"you're weird, jimin." taehyung pointed out, his arms still crossed.

"says the alien."

rolling your eyes once again, you looked over at jimin. you couldn't help but stare at him, he was just so handsome and was smooth as fuck. something about the way he smiled, talked, and liked all of it.

of course you knew it wasn't love, after all, being the realist you are, love at first sight wasn't something you've really believed in. you sighed, thinking about all the things that happened today.

you remembered how mr. kim namjoon broke his compass and cursed on the first day, how you and the boys all ate lunch together, gathering glares from the girls and boys that didn't like you, and not to mention having the sassiest last period teacher, mr. kim seokjin.

but then you remembered another small fact.

i'm parenting partners with jung hoseok. you remembered in your mind, finding yourself unknowingly smiling to yourself remembering how nice he was to you.

although you truly did like jimin, hoseok caught your attention. you suddenly came up with the vision of you two dating, and shaking your heard to it. jimin was the one you wanted.

"hello? (your name)?"

you looked over at a worried taehyung, "are you alright? we've been calling your name."

"oh, sorry.." you blinked a few times, your eyes moving towards jungkook and jimin.

jungkook was already out of his seat, grabbing the tv remote, jimin however was still on his phone laughing at something and biting his lip.

"psst, (your name)," taehyung turned to face you, your faces just inches away from each other. "how much you wanna bet jimin's getting nudes right now?"

you pulled another one of your signature stank faces and pushed his face back lightly, "um, none!"

"but look," taehyung nudged his head towards jimin's direction.

jimin was sitting on the sofa with his phone just above his stomach, his arm was against the arm rest on the sofa, stroking his hair as he kept scrolling through something on his phone.

"taehyung.." you said a bit more seriously, taehyung always knew you were serious if you said his whole name instead of tae.

"oh right, sorry," taehyung's hand formed a zipper as he imaginarily zipped his mouth shut.

to be honest, he could never see what you saw in jimin. to taehyung, he was just another douche that wanted to get in your pants. he doesn't even understand why he's changed so much and how jungkook ended up that way too.

"alright guys," jungkook looked over at his tv as he had netflix on the screen. "what do you wanna watch?"

your eyes scanned jungkook as he was standing, he was a tall kid. he wore a slightly oversized white shirt and joggers, dressing comfortably in his own home. you thought the outfit on him made him looked hot, but you had no romantic intentions with the boy. jungkook was just simply good looking. it's no wonder girls chase him around so much.

"porn." taehyung looked at jimin's direction. "jimin would like porn."

"okay first of all," jimin squinted his eyes and tilted his head, "they don't have porn on netflix, and second of all, i don't want it!"

"sure sure." taehyung wrapped his arms around you, giving you another bear like hug whilst looking up at the screen.

jimin only glared at the two of you, as if his face was the definition of jealousy. yes, jimin liked you, yes, he wanted you all to himself. but for how long exactly? and for what reason?

"hands off my girl, taetae." jimin said taehyung's nickname in the sassiest way possible.

"your girl?" taehyung's brows furrowed.

"guys can we not fight please?" you said looking at the two idiots. "if you keep going back and forth at each other then i'm going home."

"fine with me." jungkook said, trying to ease the tension going on with his two hyungs. "(your name) shouldn't even be stressed out by the two of you, didn't you remember all that bull that happened today?"

you knew that jungkook was talking about the way yuri and her girlfriends were treating you today. they made their horrible remarks at you and hated you for something you didn't even do.

well, atleast you and your friends only knew that you didn't do it.


after grabbing your car keys and entering your car, you looked at the clock inside of your vehicle and realized that you were approximately thirty minutes early for work.

you grinned and thanked yourself in your mind for being so diligent with your time management.

you had left jungkook's house an hour ago, you went to your home and quickly dressed into your work clothes. you tied your hair into a high pony and drove off to work.

the first thing you were greeted by when entering your workplace was the lovely scent of flowers. all kinds of flowers were grown at your place of work, carnelians, blue belles, and even the classic kind, roses.

you smiled happily as you entered the shop, to be greeted by one of the workers there.

"look who's early today." the worker smiled.

"it's only about five minutes early, traffic wasn't that harsh today." you smiled checking in.

one of the things that you appreciated about your place of work was that they had no idea what your school life was like. they had no idea that you were hated and that half of the school thought that you were a so called "bitch."

but aside from that, you went behind the counter and placed your hand on your hip and looked up at the worker next to you.

"how many customers were there today?"

"the average amount we normally get, but we still made a lot of money." he looked down at the cash register infront of him and sighed, "it's kinda tiring waiting for customers to be honest."

"oh please," you smirked, "you know the only reason why we get customers is because you're the face of the store."

you grinned at the flower boy infront of you.

"that's not true." hongbin smiled bitterly, shaking his head at the idea.

"hongbin-ah," your words turned softer after that, "i don't know why you think of yourself like that. girls practically squeal when you recommend them anything. hell, you call sell them dead roses and they'd buy that shit."

hongbin once again shook his head and sighed, "i'm heading to the back to water the flowers."

you simply nodded as you watched the tall boy find his way into the back of the store.

the flower shop you worked at surprisingly paid amazingly, in fact, ever since hongbin started working at the place, sales have been going up.

you pitied hongbin though, that customers would only come in because he was visually attractive to the human eye.

but then again, you thanked him for working so hard.

if only people got to see my true colors thought to yourself internally and closed your eyes as your elbow touched the counter infront of you.

suddenly, your ears heard the sound of a bell lingering inside of the shop.

a customer has arrived.

"hello, welcome to tullie's!" you put on a smile and welcomed the customer. to be honest you didn't like the name of the store that much, knowing it was a play on words with the flower "tulips."

"wah, this place is so pretty!" the customer gasped, his mouth gaping wide open as he observed all the different variations of flowers infront of him.

"is there anything that i can help you with?" you approached the customer and watched as he turned around, your eyes started blinking rapidly after. "hoseok?"

"oh! (your name)," hoseok's expression suddenly became very positive, causing you to tilt your head at the cutie, "i didn't know you worked here!"

"well yeah..i do," you still weren't able to digest the fact that your new friend and so called "husband" for parenting class was here. "what're you doing here anyways?"

hoseok's face became slightly red, his foot shaking a bit as his cheeks puffed for a while, "actually..."

your face just screamed confused.

"i needed flowers, yeah." hoseok's embarrassed self turned more confident now that he had found an excuse.

"well duh, i know that." you couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous answer.

"ah..." hoseok scratched the back of his ear.

"what kind?" you asked trying to avoid the awkward tension.

way to go (your name), it's day one and your partner probably thinks that you're rude. you screamed internally at yourself.

hoseok looked around, his mouth forming an "o" shape. he suddenly looked down at you and smiled so easily, causing your heart to slightly race. "do you carry coral colored roses here?"

"coral colored roses?" you mumbled and thought to yourself for a while. "ah! yes we do, i'll grab them and wrap them up for you!"

you went straight towards the coral roses at the back of the store, where you saw hongbin watering the flowers. after a minute of being distracted by his untimely beauty, you quickly went back to hoseok and were with him at the checkout.

"that'll be fourteen dollars and ninety two cents." hoseok took out his wallet and gave you the appropriate amount of cash.

"i'm probably gonna sound very nosy, and i know we just met but-" you awkwardly looked up at the boy infront of you who was subtly grinning as he was paying attention to your question, "who are these flowers for?"

hoseok just smiled, his eyes closing along with them as tilted his head cutely, "a girl!"


forgive me if this chapter was filler and just fluff, but it was good fluff right ( ^) ??

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