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It's 2018, and the World Cup is just around the corner. With retirements and new faces, the team has to find... More



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The party had already begun two hours ago, as Sam was taking the first shot of the evening. Ever since, her teammates decided that it was a great opportunity to celebrate the two first games, and their qualification. Mark Parsons was out, as well as Dawn and Abby, which left the girls without any problem. 

Kelley -  as usual - was the drunkest. She really wasn't good with alcohol, and didn't want to be - which was an other problem. So whenever she wasn't looking, Allie would quickly check on her, sipping her own glass. She was hanging out with Tobin, Julie, Christen, Alyssa and Michelle, and they were making sure nobody would throw up or something. Actually, they agreed on doing a party on their own later, because they were the oldest. Kelley wasn't included, of course, and maybe Allie would have to put her in bed quite soon. 

But drunk Kelley wasn't the main problem for Allie to deal with. The day after tomorrow, they had the wedding. The famous wedding. And Allie still didn't know how to act towards the brunette. She knew she couldn't forget her. She really was in love this time, and there never was a way out of this. 

After ten minutes, drunk Kelley almost bumped into her ex-girlfriend, who just quickly turned around. Kelley wrapped her arms around the blonde's neck, and Allie suddenly felt uncomfortable. She put her hands on Kelley's hips anyway, so that she could easily push her away in case of she had a bad idea. But she didn't try to kiss her. Instead, she just buried her face on Allie's neck. 

Her warm breath against Allie's neck brought back a lot of memories, that made Allie shiver. 

"Can you take me home ?" Kelley asked, trying not to talk nonsense. 

"Kelley" Allie sighed. 

As the brunette wasn't moving, she tried to escape her embrace. But that only made Kelley holding her closer. 

"Forget it. I'll go back to drunk-dancing" the freckled girl let out. "Drunk-dancing is my thing, Allie. I have a special talent." 

"Bab-" Allie began, but froze. Baby. That was how she used to call her. Kelley also noticed, because she stopped hugging her and looked at her in the eyes. "I mean, Kelley, if you really don't feel well, come back to me and I'll walk you to your room." 

"You were about to call me Baby" the brunette said, ignoring the rest of the sentence. 

"I was, but-" 

A big smile lightened Kelley's face. Allie got lost in her eyes and cuteness, before pulling it together. 

"Never mind" Allie whispered, rolling her eyes. 

Kelley nodded, and ran back to Moe and Lindsey. 


Cari didn't like parties. 

She really enjoyed it for like two seconds, before being bored already. So she decided to grab a bottle on her own and offered Stephanie to come with her. The brunette of course accepted - alcohol here. They walked for ten minutes, drank the whole bottle in ten minutes, an then got back to the party. 

As they were laughing and walking like shit, they passed the hotel's main door, just to walk next to the pool where the party was. They avoided it, of course. They were walking arm in arm, laughing their asses off. 

Until Cari lifted her head and saw Moe, arms crossed against her chest, angrily glaring at Stephanie. 

"Hey, Moe" Stephanie let out, and Moe immediately knew by the sound of her voice that the two girls were drunk. 

"Why don't you go back to Kristie, uhn ?" Moe coldly said. 

Stephanie smiled at Cari, and walked toward the party. Cari wasn't feeling very well, and didn't know where the North was. She had trouble focusing on something more than two seconds, and didn't know how she would handle a conversation with angry Bean. 

The middy was frowning a bit. 

"So, you and Steph ?" she asked, a hence of reproach on her voice. 

Stephanie McCaffrey ? That made Cari laugh. That just wasn't possible. Steph wanted to drink, and so did Cari. That was it. Why is she even mad at me ? As Cari was still laughing loudly, loosing her balance from time to time, Moe didn't move a bit. 

"Seriously ? McCaffrey and I ?" Cari exclaimed. "That's ridiculous !"

"You looked close" Moe pointed out. 

"Everyone is close while drunk !" the defender argued, raising her hands up in the air. 

"So you guys just fucked behind a tree, and now pretend that nothing happened ? That's practical. Casual."

Cari frowned. 

"What ? Of course not !" she exclaimed, really not understanding why Moe was acting like a bitch at the moment. She doesn't seem to be drunk. Why is she mad at me ? I didn't do anything wrong, did I ? Cari shook her head, which caused her to loose her balance once again. Moe glared at her more intensively. "Stephanie is with Kristie !" 

"Sure" Moe said, rolling her eyes. 

She turned her back on Cari, who really wasn't feeling well. She tried to tell Moe, but before the middy turned around, she already was on her knees, puking her whole meal. Moe rushed to hold her hair and caress her back, which made Cari shiver. Ugh, that's disgusting. Now I'm sure she won't like me : I just puked everywhere. Yay. Seduction game : lame. Once she finally felt empty, she got up again. 

Moe wasn't angry anymore : all Cari saw in her eyes was fear and concern. But Cari didn't want to look at her again. She was ashamed. She undertook to run in the opposite direction, but tripped and almost fell. 

"Cari" Moe called, but the brunette was still walking the best she could. She just wanted to go to her room and lock herself in it. "Cari, it's okay ! Wait !" 

She didn't have much trouble catching up with her. When she saw tears (drunk-tears) on Cari's face, her smile softened. She gave her a chewing-gum, before allowing her to wrap an arm around her shoulders so that she could walk better. 

"Here, I've got you." 

Cari stopped walking, as Moe was looking at her, surprised. When Cari looked down at her lips, her own mouth slightly open, Moe knew it was trouble. She knew she shouldn't have looked back, and just kept on walking. Instead, her hand slipped on the back of Cari's neck, while the brunette was just still staring at Moe's lips. Thoughts were running in Cari's mind. Holy shit. Stop staring. You can't just... kiss her. She's your teammate. And your friend. Yeah, friends don't kiss each other ! Even when they're drunk ! What do I do now ? And why is her hand on my back ? Cari bit her lower lip, while her arm just slipped from Moe's shoulders to her hips. They were now perfectly face to face. 

No, Cari. That's a terrible idea

Ignoring her thoughts, and feeling Moe getting closer, she just closed her eyes. She then waited two seconds, before Moe softly pressed her lips on Cari's. They remained in that position for several seconds, before Cari moved her lips. Oh my gosh. She's so soft. And beautiful... Am I really kissing her ? Well, technically, she was the one-. She was caught off guard by Moe, who just put her free hand on Cari's cheeks, caressing them slowly. 

Cari knew she was blushing even harder than she usually did. When Moe released her grip a little bit, and just leaned away, she didn't dare to open her eyes. 


Moe's voice brought her back to reality. They caught eyes, and Cari just looked down. Moe removed her hands from Cari, and just took a step backwards. I told you it was a really bad idea. Now you two can't even look at each other

"S-sorry" Cari stammered, before biting her lips. Not helping.  

Moe only shook her head. She seemed as confused as Cari was, and the brunette was hoping it was for the same reasons than hers. 

"It was mistake, I, uhm-well" Moe started. 

"Yeah" Cari said very slowly. 

Moe frowned. "Do you want me to walk you back to your room ? I mean, I don't think you can find it on your own." 

"Yeah, please" Cari said shyly. 

That was how they ended up in Cari's room. When Moe helped her putting her pyjamas on, trying not to check her out too much as she was half-naked in front of her, she noticed a few bruises on Cari's stomach. She frowned, but didn't ask anything. Cari puked again in the toilets, and Moe just couldn't leave her alone now. 

She sent a text to Sonnett to tell her that she had to sleep in Lindsey's and her room, before going under the covers, cuddling against Cari's back. She kissed her neck softly, before listening to her calming breath, as she already was asleep. 

Hey guys
So I'm writing the following chapters (from part 26, the girls are in a different camp) and I wanted to know a few things. I really count on you to tell me what you think.

Do you think is should talk more about the characters I created ?

And maybe just tell me what you like/don't like in the storyline please, so I can see what you might wanna read or not.

Peace out people, last update for a while because I've got a lot going on right now.

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