Another Pedrad | ✓

By aswordofwords

132K 2.4K 1.7K

What if Tris Prior was dauntless born? What if she was the sister of Uriah and Zeke Pedrad? What if all this... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 7

6.4K 114 155
By aswordofwords

Ok, so I kinda, maybe forgot about this, and I'm really, super, duper sorry about not updating in like forever. I can name excuse, after excuse, but you probably don't want to hear them.

But you know, there still isn't 30 reviews, so it's kinda your fault, but I'm not gonna place blame.

Oh yea, and one more thing I'm just wondering, do I have to do a disclaimer for like every chapter or just like one for the story? 'cause I've seen both, so I'm not really sure what to do.

Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent, duh you already know that, and it's kinda obvious, but I'm just trying to be safe.

Anyways, on with the story.


Tris POV

I wake to a bucket of cold, ice freezing water being splashed on me. The second I feel it, I already know it's none other than my two idiotic brothers.

Drenched, I calmly get out of my bed, look them dead in the eye while they're laughing their sorry asses off. Then scream at the top of my lungs, and tackle them.

They seem me coming just in time and quickly sprint away. I end up chasing them in circles. and Uriah slips on the water I left behind and lands flat on his butt, causing Zeke to land on Uriah's face.

Before I murder them, I take out my phone and take a quick photo, you know, for memories, and payback.

When I'm done, I put my phone away safely, then calmly walk towards the kitchen, right past them. They look at me weirdly, probably surprised that I didn't slaughter them.

I open the cabinet door and start to look for something. They cautiously get up, and start walking towards me. Before they can do anything, I grab two bottles of sticky, expired, honey, and squirt all over their faces.

I grab my phone, we're making so many memories today.


I speed walk towards the cafeteria, one, cause I'm starving. And two, before Zeke and Uriah catch up to me.

Before I walk in, I crash into a wall, I look up and realize the wall is actually a person.

"I am so sorry!" the wall says to me with an apologetic look.

"It's fine", I say getting up, "I'm Tris."

He smiles back at me and says, "pleasure to meet you Tris, I'm Jay."

I smile back at him and take a quick scan. He seems around my age, but he's around maybe 5, 6 feet, taller than me. Duh, I'm the shortest person I know. He has hazel brown hair, that kind of flops over to the side, but in a cute way. He also has big, soft brown eyes that you could just get lost in.

"Hey, um, I'm sorry, but I'm kinda lost." His voice snapping me back to reality, "I was at a party last night, and got pretty drunk."

I laugh and direct him towards the apartment rooms. Jay thanks me, and gives me a quick handshake, winks at me, then hurries off.

What was that all about? I wonder confused when I realize he gave me a slip of paper, during our handshake.

I open it up, and it says "Call me", with a happy face, and his phone number. I shove the paper in my pocket and smile to myself as I walk towards my table.


"Hey what's up Tris", Zeke calls to me, as I sit down. I see Uriah and Zeke, happily eating, their cake, when I realize that I forgot to get food. I groan inwardly, not wanting to get up.

I battle with myself, either to get up, or starve, both are not good options. I'm deep in thought when I have the most brilliant idea, in the history of ideas.

"Hey guys", I say to everyone at our table, "who wants to see a cool trick?"

Everyone instantly agrees, knowing it's going to be cool. Us Pedrad's are known for our infamous pranks, but I'm always the mastermind behind them. I think of the best prank, then Uriah and Zeke carry it out. We have a good system, and it works. I'd be surprised if Uriah and Zeke actually had a good idea, it's never happened, and it probably never will.

I quickly scan the table and see Uriah and Zeke are the only one's who didn't eat their cake yet. Probably trying to savor it, oh well, pity.

"Okay so-", I'm cut off by Four coming over to us and sitting down.

"Hey what's up guys," he asks setting down his plate of food, which included cake, smart choice.

"I was just showing my brothers here a cool trick," I say, eyeing him closely, well, mostly his cake, "Do you want to see it?"

"Ummm, sure" he decides, sounding uncertain.

"Awesome, where were we now, oh right so, I need you three to close your eyes and think of a number between 1 and 100." They all do it, well For a little bit reluctantly.

Now, with all their eyes closed, I quickly snatch the cake off their plates and stuff it in my mouth. Once they realize what's going on, it's too late.

The whole table bursts into laughter, including me, at the three stooges. All of them turn towards me and send me death glares, especially Zeke and Uriah. I laugh nervously before quickly getting up and attempting to run away. Before I can, Four grabs me by the waist and sets me down. Zeke and Uriah tower over me, with the look they always have before they do it.



Breakfast ends quickly after that with Zeke and Shauna leaving because of some, business they needed to take care of. With Uriah and Marlene leaving right after them using the same excuse.

Lynn decided to go and pull some pranks with Lauren who decided that she had nothing better to do, and went with her. Leaving just me and Four, by ourselves, completely alone.

I start to get up, but knowing I'll be guilty about ditching Four and leaving him alone. It's not like he has any friends says my stupid nice side. What if he wants to be alone, you wouldn't want to ruin his alone time my selfish side answers back. Why don't you just ask him, he'll probably say no anyways, that ways it won't be your fault, and no feelings will be hurt, my common sense tells me.

I take a deep breath and turn towards Four, "Hey, so do you maybe want to join me in my workout, and practice fighting or something? It's totally okay if you don't want to, totally get it."

Instead, he smiles and says, "What, I would love to, just let me go grab some stuff." He says before taking off. Drat, I think to myself, that didn't work.

A few minutes later he comes sprinting back at the speed of light with a bag in hand, which seemed pretty heavy, and doesn't even look tired.

We walk to the training room together in an awkward silence. "So, how do you like dauntless?" I say trying to start a conversation.

"It's better than my old faction." He states simply with a shrug.

"Hey, you were from abnegation weren't you?" I ask the thought suddenly coming to mind.

He looks as if he has mixed emotions before finally nodding.

"What was your name again, I can't remember it right now........ Tom or something?" I ask him confused.

"Oh, umm...well, oh look, we're here! I'll go set up a punching bag!" He says nervously before quickly rushing away.

Well, that was odd, he was obviously trying to avoid the question, I wonder what's so secretive about his name, I mean it's just a name.

I start walking after him, deciding to drop the subject.

Once I arrive, he already has two punching bags set up ready to go. I walk over to one and punch at it, well attempt to, I was never really much of a fighter, but punching stuff really helped take my mind off things.

I'm in the middle of ranting about school when I hear a few snickers behind me. I turn around and see a group of five stupid assholes laughing at my inability to punch a bag. When they see me stare at them, they at least had the dignity to turn around and act like nothing happened. But their laughter was still crystal clear through their muffling.

But that doesn't mean I wasn't still infuriated. I glance down at my punching bag and imagine their stupid, jerk faces on the punching bag before taking a punch. The punching bag swings to the side, but not enough to stop them.

Then before my next punch, I take a quick scan of the bag. I do some calculations, then determine my victory. I ready my hand and punch it right on the sweet spot.

The punching bag jerks to the side violently almost doing a 360, before the chain loosens, and the bag comes falling to the ground, landing with a nice, satisfying splat.

I hear gasps behind me, and oh, no laughter? Huh, that's funny, I smirk turning around to face the "mean girls" and smirk. "Who's laughing now?" I scream across the room to them.

When suddenly I feel a hand rest on my shoulder, I take my arm and elbow the sucker hard. Being the older, protective brother he is, Zeke made me learn self-defense, in case I get attacked. I didn't really get why it was so important, I mean, it's not like Zeke doesn't constantly watch over every second of my life.

I turn around and see Four on the ground clutching his stomach, I forgot he was even here. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry," I say rushing next to him, biting my tongue to hold back my laughter.

"Don't worry about it, I guess it was my fault for trying to speak with you" struggling to get up.

"Oh c'mon, it can't hurt that bad," I say helping him up.

"Umm, have you ever tried elbowing yourself, it really does!" He replies in mock and partly real pain.

I laugh, "How 'bout some ice-cream to heal your 'wound'?" I suggest to him.

"That sounds great, but you're paying since you're the one who almost took my life away," He tells me, determined to be cheap.

"Deal", I say holding my hand for him to shake, he accepts it, and when our hands connect, I swear that I can feel sparks. I quickly ignore it and say, "But since I'm paying, I get to choose the place."

"Ugh, fine, Ms.Bossy-Pants" He whines like a child, causing me to laugh more, "So where are we going?"

"Oh, I know this great place called 'Ice-Cream Dauntless", I reply smiling at the memories I have of going to the store with my family, and all of laughing and just having fun.

"I Scream Dauntless? Seriously?" He asks me, rolling his eyes.

"Yea, once you get past the name, it's a great place. No kidding, pinky promise." I say, locking pinkies with him.

We both grab our stuff and head towards "Ice-Cream Dauntless" laughing and telling each other jokes.


Yay, 1.7k words, my goal is to have every chapter have at least 1k words, starting now. The chapters before don't count.

Don't forget my awesome readers, follow and vote and all the great stuff. And don't forget to leave your awesome reviews, I love 'em so much.

Stay awesome.  

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