The Crescent

By smammmers

1.9M 58.9K 4K

I’m a rogue, what can I say? Born into the Crescent Pack, my parents disowned me, convincing the Alpha to ba... More

Chapter 1, Another Day of Hell
Chapter 2, Rogue vs Rogues
Chapter 3, Alpha Cody
Chapter 4, Cake For Breakfast!
Chapter 5, Part of a Pack
Chapter 6, The Happenings of Yellowknife
Chapter 7, The Ginger Wolf With The White Sock
Chapter 8, Deal With The Devil
Chapter 9, Meet The Parents
Chapter 10, The Strange Stench
Chapter 11, Claimed
Chapter 12, Forced Meeting With The Parents
Chapter 13, Another White Wolf
Chapter 15, Halo vs Need For Speed
Chapter 16, Night On The Town
Chapter 17, Kidnapped
Chapter 18, It's War Then!
Chapter 19, Vera vs Dingo
Chapter 20, An Uptight Pack
Chapter 21, Cell Buddies
Chapter 22, Prison Riot
Chapter 23, The Official Meeting
Chapter 24, Coming Home
Chapter 25, Rocky The Flying Squirrel
Chapter 26, Facing Reality
Chapter 27, The Tenacious Beta
Chapter 28, Dead White Wolf
Chapter 29, An Interesting Day
Chapter 30, Day On The Town
Chapter 31, Mates
Chapter 32, Official Luna
Chapter 33, Home Again.....
Chapter 34, Putting On My Game Face
Chapter 35, The War Is On!
Chapter 36, Post War Meetings
Chapter 37, Chasing Gerald
Chapter 38, The Human Colony
Chapter 39, Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 40, Still Alive
Chapter 41, Coming to Terms
Chapter 42, Just a Sip
Sequel and Author's Note

Chapter 14, The Ginger Wolf With The White Sock

40.4K 1.3K 46
By smammmers

Chapter 13

Standing there, my wolf screaming now to run; I didn’t know this man.  His eyes relaxed on my wolf as he seemed to consider how to proceed.

‘Your pack was nothing but lucky for you I do not want you dead just yet; I have a proposition for you’.

Sniffing the air, this guy grinned at me, his sleazy stance making me want to curl up under Charlie so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

Charlie was standing a little in front of me and to the side; his guard up, constantly assessing each wolf around us.

‘Your Dad didn’t even put up a fight as we took his land; killing you Alpha though, well of course he went down fighting he is Alpha after all.  If he had never banished you, you would be dead like the rest such a waste; such a precious wolf you were………’

Growling, the man chuckled, his eyes caressing my white wolf like I was some prize.

‘You kept the pack distracted, your constant culling’s providing me valuable time to surveillance the area; you betrayed your pack, betrayed your own father and Beta; you belong with me in my pack, your hatred could make us a strong force to be reckoned with’.

For some reason this wolf intimidated me; not even my own Alpha could intimidate me, so why this wolf?

What could only be described as cowering on my part had me pretty much standing as close to Charlie as I could; not wanting this guy any closer.  He spoke of my Dad like he was a defenceless Beta but that was far from the truth, he would have fought to save the pack, lunged on his last dying breath, hoping to hit his target.

 ‘You don’t remember do you?  Standing there right now; you can’t even remember my name’.

He was right I didn’t remember, I had some memory of him in my mind but I still didn’t know who he was. 

‘I was surprised to hear that you had been claimed, such a great loss that is; I was hoping you wouldn’t find your mate to make this an easier transition, we’ll just have to break you now I guess’.

Snapping at this guy, he chuckled seeming not even the slightest bit intimidated.

‘Once you mate finds out what you’ve done, he won’t take you back Vera, all you’ll have left is me’.

This was going downhill fast, Cody would probably turn up soon and the whole thing would turn into a blood bath, which was something I didn’t really want to stick around for.

‘Well for future reference, you can call me Seth; I’m sure your mate is on his way, bringing an army to be unleashed on my rogues so I better head off; think of this as returning the favour’.

Turning to walk back to his rogues, Seth shifted as he looked back at me; his eyes piercing my gaze and making me look away as he quickly scurried off, each rogue following in his stride.

The rogues barely took any notice of us after, their scents to seeming to disappear into the mountains; Charlie scanning the area in case any were left behind.

‘Well that was……interesting’

‘Think what you want Charlie, I don’t know who that guy was, he’s a creeper I can tell you that’.

‘Yeah well I hope you got a good cover story, Cody’s not far away and he’s bringing some wolves with him’.

That was just what I needed, an interrogation about something I don’t even remember, just perfect.

‘Did you really betray your pack’?

Growling, I snapped at Charlie’s feet making him take a step away from me.  ‘Okay, I’ll stop asking, geez Luna, I didn’t know you were so mysterious woman’!

‘I am not mysterious and I DID NOT betray my pack; they kicked me out okay’!

‘What did you do’?

‘That is none of your business Charlie’!

‘Okay whatever; your rescue team is nearby’.

Hearing a wolf howl close by, I knew it was Cody and his howl wasn’t exactly happy, and that was an understatement. 

‘Vera Thurmont, you are in so much trouble she-wolf!

So Cody was angry at me; that was just what I needed to add to all this.    

‘Are you going to tell him what that wolf Seth was saying’?

Looking over at Charlie, I shook my fury head; keeping all this down low would probably be better in the long run.

‘I’m not telling Cody anything, I’ll leave him to figure it out on his own’.

Just as I finished my little rant, Cody burst through the trees; his black wolf scanning the area faster than I ever could.  His eyes soon enough landing on me as three wolves came to stand next to him; Gerald and two others I didn’t know.

‘I’m glad you’re okay, Vera’.

Taking a few calm steps forward, I stood there waiting for my punishment as Cody began licking my face, making me roll my eyes; instead of sex with wolves it was licking each other’s faces.

‘You know saying hello generally passes as a decent greeting instead of running your massive tongue over my cheek’.

Cody chuckled, not seeming to care what I thought; ‘I guess but this is more fun’.

Boys, what did you do with them these days?

‘So does that mean I’m forgiven’?

‘No, it means you’re grounded and you’re not allowed out for a run until I say so’.

What!  What was I supposed to do all day; the Xbox would eventually bore me, I would have tor resort to telling lame jokes and that was only if someone was with me.

‘But what will I do all day’!

‘You’ll figure something out, you’re Vera; there’ll always be someone around making sure you don’t leave so harass them or something’.

Chuckling Cody knew me too well and I figured he’d rotate my babysitters just to be a pain in the ass so I wouldn’t challenge anyone of his pack.

Walking around to nudge me in the shoulder, back in the direction of his house; my teeth nipped at his ear as Cody stopped pushing for a minute before almost lunging at me and pushing me a few metres away.

‘You’re been difficult Vera, just walk already’.

Fine, if it was so important I headed back to the big bad Alpha’s house, I would do just that.  Turning now to take off in the right direction; Cody was soon passing me, insisting on the leading the way as his posy followed.

‘Was it really necessary to bring your posy’?

‘Yes!  The amount of rogues that were at that spot only minutes ago tells me you were lucky not to have a chunk ripped out of you again’!

He was going to keep rubbing that in wasn’t he?  Looking around at the other wolves, Charlie had fallen in step with Gerald, which made a shiver run down my spine at the thought of that wolf trying to defend me; as far as I was concerned he wanted my blood.  Cody had insisted he was loyal etc, etc but I didn’t believe that for a second.

The darkness around us now made me realise just how fast the day had passed.  Sprinting through the trees, as we got closer to the house a two of the wolves left our trail, probably heading home to wherever home was for them as it was just Cody, Gerald, Charlie and I.

‘Are you going to tell me what happened, Vera’?

Looking at Cody’s wolf travelling in front, we’d been silent for most of the journey with Charlie and Gerald mucking around a little as they followed.

‘Didn’t know I had a choice’

‘You don’t, so why don’t you start now’.

 ‘Some rogues found us and claimed to be all high and mighty and from up north, that’s all; they ran off just before you got there’.

‘Why do I get the feeling Charlie’s version of the story will be different to yours’?

‘Because you are a wise Alpha, young grasshopper and know I am good at deception’.

‘Don’t call me a grasshopper, I am a wolf’!

‘Whatever you say Cody……..’

Arriving back at the house, I found my dress, shifting and getting dressed once again, striding inside to slump down on the couch after my long run.

‘Well I feel better now’.

Charlie looked at me, a little irritated; his eyes looking more tired than before as his head rested on the arm of the lounge.

‘Don’t start Vera’.

Cody ended up bringing over a plate of dinner; curried sausages for both Charlie and I as I scoffed the meal down at my usual pace whilst Charlie sat there, eating like he was already full.

Gerald had wandered off upstairs, probably grabbing his own food before I’d even seen him leave.

‘Your grounding starts right now Vera, no leaving this house unless I say; looks like you’ll be spending more time with your mate than you anticipated’.

Cody smirked, liking the idea that he’d have me in his sights the whole time; I only feared what would come next, whether he would try to take this little mate thing further.

‘You’ll wish you could get away from me after I’m done with you Cody’!

Chuckling he didn’t even seemed fazed by my threat, expecting me to say something offensive.  ‘I’m sure that’s not true, I love every minute I get to spend with you’.

That was cute; what was I saying I didn’t find things cute!  Stupid inner wolf hormones and split personality, I really needed to get that fixed.

‘It’s natural to want to be with your mate, Vera’.

Cody’s voice sunk in my mind; my eyes now staring at him intently.  He obviously knew I was struggling to go against my inner wolf, knowing I had to cave eventually.

‘Whatever you say almighty Alpha’

‘I like it when you call me Alpha, although I know you only use the name to mock me’.

Snickering Charlie wasn’t even paying attention to our silent conversation; his eyes now shut tightly as he finished his meal, leaning back in his seat.

‘Too true Alpha, too true’.

Cody took out all three plates, throwing them in the sink like he always did even though the sink never seemed to fill up.  There must have been some mystery maid I was yet to meet around here, unless Gerald was into doing the dishes.

Coming back Cody stopped at the stairs; his finger gesturing me forward to follow him.

Following Cody’s gesture, I walked up to his side; his hand now slithering around my waist.

‘I think you forgot the no touching rule’.

‘I think you enjoy it too much to care now’.

Choosing not to reply, I sunk into Cody’s arm as he guided us to his room, the feeling of excitement practically evaporating off him.

‘Do you mind if I stay tonight’?

Thinking for a minute, popping this kid’s bubble right now would be so cruel yet so funny but I wasn’t feeling funny right now; I just wanted to sleep.

‘I suppose, don’t get too excited though, if you try anything; I’ll be kicking you out on your ass wolf boy’!

Cody’s eyes lit up as he hurried over to the bed, dumping me on the mattress as he ferreted through his cupboard.

Eyeing him suspiciously, I was interested to know what was so important Cody had picked up the pace to make it happen.

Facing away, still standing in front of his wardrobe, Cody peeled his shirt off; throwing it in the corner as I now realised what he was doing.

The game guy was stripping and changing in front of me, smart but so crude.

My eyes wandering over his muscular spine; the muscles rippled and wrapped around his rib cage like they were permanently in place, meant to be there forever.

His tanned skin, making my mouth water as I tried to force myself to look away to no avail; my inner wolf making me look, wanting to see for herself.

Just as my eyes had finished focusing on his back, Cody now stripped off his shorts; my eyes immediately focusing as I let out a small squeak before looking away ashamed that I had been so perverted.

‘I can smell you from here, Vera’.

Placing my fist against my head; I tried to take deep breaths; ignoring the rest of Cody’s little strip show, wishing I had the self-control not to look in the first place.

Now climbing to my feet; I grabbed a pair of pyjamas I had left at the end of the bed; walking over to the on suite, feeling Cody’s eyes on me as I shut the door, sliding down so I was sitting against it.

‘Stop denying you liked it Vera’.

Blocking Cody’s thoughts from my head; I didn’t want to hear his words on what he thought.  Getting back to my feet as I stared at my small form in the mirror before throwing my pyjamas consisting of some random shorts I found and a spaghetti strap tank top, which made me want to throw up every time I saw it.

Unlocking the door and walking back out; Cody was now lying in bed; the light seeping through the cracks in the board from the moon outside, reflecting off his eyes.

Saying nothing, he pulled down my side of the blankets, now claiming the side closest to the door as his as his patted the mattress eagerly.

‘You know how I’ve wanted to sleep in the same bed as you since meeting you’?

I was going to assume every day as I threw my dress in the corner, now slowly walking over to the bed waiting for Cody to jump me or something.

‘I won’t bite Vera’.

Yeah right, that was the understatement of the century; he already had the hypocrite!

Sitting down and sliding under the covers; I slithered down to rest my head on the pillow, facing away from Cody, not wanting to see the lust in his eyes.

His hands slowly trailing around my waist; I was soon enough pulled to his form; the arch of my back fitting perfectly against his chest, what a cliché.

Hearing him suck in a breath, his head going to lean against mine, his body relaxed; hands tightly grasped around me.

 ‘You smell so nice Vera; if only you would accept that we are mates’.

Sighing as my body seemed to slump against Cody’s I could just make out the shape of the moon between the cracks in the board.

‘I saw a white wolf today’.

Cody stayed silent; not expecting me to want to talk to him, since he was half asleep already.

‘She was from the Crescent Pack but I couldn’t talk to her, she ran off as soon as we heard the Rogues coming’.

Cody’s hand went up to my face, his fingers running through the ends of my hair.  ‘Maybe tomorrow I’ll see if I can find her back for you; but for now it’s time to sleep’.

My eyes feeling a new sense of moisture hit them, I shut them tightly; waiting for sleep to take over.

‘Thank you Cody’.

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