Looking Out For Mistletoe -Pa...

By CrossedDoor

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(No longer receiving updates, as a revamped version is out, called CURRENT.ly! Head to my profile to check th... More

Revamp is out!
Revamp coming soon!
So this happened...
Would you read the rewrite? THESE ARE THE CHANGES


659 28 2
By CrossedDoor

I don't own the fanart in any way.

I woke up with a cold shiver.
Looking outside, I noticed that the sun was already out, making a pale light come into my bedroom.
I brought the sheets closer to me, trying to get warmer.
Usually, these mornings weren't so bad, I enjoyed them, but not if I woke up dying of cold like I was now.

I tried to go back to sleep, but the light became too much.
With a frustrated roll of eyes and an annoyed grunt, I threw the covers away, so that I could just go and close the dam window.

I felt my feet getting cold from the floor, and all I wanted to do was to just go back to bed again.

I had now reached the curtains, my hand already starting to pull them together, when a glimpse of the outside world grabbed my attention. I pushed the curtain away so that I could look outside, and all that I saw was white.

Pure white covering everything, everywhere. The dark roads where nowhere to be seen, only the knowledge of seeing them everyday reminded me that they were still there.

I hugged my arms as I kept staring out of the window.
There was a pale light, but the sun wasn't visible, and dark clouds rounded the skies, informing that more was to come.

With a jolt, I jumped to my bed, looking for my socks. Dam the sock trolls!
I grabbed them, a pair of dark blue socks with white teeth drawn all across them, and putted them on, before moving to my closet and finding an outfit that would match with the weather.

This looked promising!

I went downstairs when I was ready, the sleepy feeling that I had before now completely gone.

I couldn't believe it! The whole town turned into pure white over night, there had to be something about this on the local news channel.

I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast.
I looked at the clock, expecting it to be really early, since nobody was up yet, but I was presented with the lovely time of 9:37, wich wasn't even that early.

Not feeling like preparing anything in special, I took out a white and blue bowl from the counter and the cerial box, Cookie Screams, from the shelf.

I poured some into the bowl and added some yougurt that I took from the fridge, since the milk was colder and I was feeling too lazy to heat it up now.

After it was done, I turned on the tv, and reduced the volume, so that I wouldn't annoy or wake up anybody.

The news were talking about a couple of kids that found out that their neighbours were their biological parents or something like that, much to my disappointment.

I wanted to know what happened to the weather, but I didn't want to spend half an hour in the kitchen waiting for the news to repeat themselves again at 10 o'clock, so I finished eating my breakfasts quickly, leaving the bowl in the dishwasher.

I'm pretty sure my mom won't mind.

I then grabbed a sticky note that is always in the front of the fridge for some reason and a pen. Maybe the paper will finally have some use!

I left at...9:46, went to Neil's house.

There, now I just had to go get my scarf.

I quietly reached upstairs and my bedroom, grabbing my scarf and tip toeing across the hallway.

They could be there or not, I had no idea. All I saw were the normal closed doors, and I didn't want to find out in my own, or the things with my family, especially my father, could get even more tense.

Once I was near the stairs, I walked down so gracefully that I wouldn't be surprised if someone thought I was slidding down the stairs.

I grabbed my coat and opened the door, getting out.
Seeing as there was much snow, I left the skate at home.

The air was much colder than it was yesterday, wich made me wonder if perhaps I should go get a warmer outfit, but that idea changed as I walked towards Neil's house. Sure, it was early, but he mentioned that his parents would be leaving his house around half past eight and nine o'clock, so I guess it was fine.

Walking along the streets, I couldn't help but notice how much the weather was affecting people. Both dead and alive people.

Some shop owners were happy, others weren't very excited.
As I passed by the local green store, I heard a old man talking to a customer, or maybe even a friend, about how this might continue like this for the next few weeks, and that it wouldn't be good for the business because the trucks with the products wouldn't be able to cross the roads, while the other man just replied with a 'maybe you should just enjoy the snow and take a vacation for some time', to which the man said that was foolish but still very much possible.

I chuckled when I heard this.

The ghosts were stunned by all of the snow as well.
I came across the ghost of a young college student that was hit by a car many years ago, and that I talked to sometimes.

His name was Paul and he was about 7 years older than me. I also heard that he was studying science. Not that any of this mattered now. I would necome of the same age as he was when he died in some years.

"Good morning, Norman! Enjoying the snow?" He greeted as he floated besides me.

"A little, yeah. It is kinda cold. And what about you?" I asked him.

An old lady across the road was looking at me with a weird look, and she shook her head. However, she didn't present any sort of disgust or meaness in her eyes, mainly because she already knows that I am 'that weird kid that talks to ghosts', just like everybody else in this old town.

"Not exactly, I can't feel the cold that much, but it seems like we will have a good Christmas day, wouldn't you say so? If it stays like this, of course."

"Yeah, absolutely. I think it has been some time since we had this much snow at the beginning of December...and it is weird, since global warming is getting higher every year that passes by and all that... I don't know..."

"Well, I used to be afraid of catastrophes that could cause death, but it turns out that death isn't that bad after all!" He concluded.

I laughed at the ghost.
"I guess so. Bye!"

I passed the ghost and kept going my way.

Neil's house wasn't very far from mine, but it also wasn't particularly close either. But I didn't mind to have to walk there.

I had passed the busiest part of the street. Now I just had to walk some more.

The view was very different, now that everything was covered in snow. It was like the town was a completely new place. Everything was worth watching again.

I finally reached his house, and knocked on the door. To my surprise, Mitch was the one that opened the door.

"Oh. Hey there." He said as he opened the door, leaning against the door frame.

"Hum, hi! We haven't seen eachother for a while. Is, huh... Neil home?" I casually asked, with a small smile.

He looked at me from head to toe and waited a second before responding, making me feel slightly embaressed. Was there something on my outfit that had a problem? Was my hair more messy than usual? There wasn't much I could do to it anyway.

"Yeah, he is."

He turned around, and shouted to inside the house.
"Hey Neil! Norman's here!"

There was an awkward silence...a torturous awkward one. I tried to seem distracted by looking around, but I could still feel his eyes on me. It wasn't exacly intimidating, it was just... awkward.
And usually I have to look down at people, since I'm just too tall for the people of this town, so having someone as tall as me making simple conversations awkward wasn't exacly fun.

"A lot of snow, huh?" Mitch asked.

"Yeah, everybody seems pretty happy about it...Can I come in, by the way?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

I finally came in, Neil appearing at the door right after.

"Norman! Glad you could make it!" He greeted.

I smiled, walking along as he made his way upstairs to his room.
"Yeah, and I guess it was a nice surprise to see all the snow."

As we reached his room, I sat in his chair, while he sat on his bed.

"I can't believe it! A whole weekend filled with snow!"

"By the way, what time is it?" I asked.

"It's about 10:04, why?"

"Do you mind if I turn the tv on?"

"No, sure, go ahead."

I turned on the tv, putting on the news channel.

"Are you waiting for something? " Neil asked.

"I wanna know why do we have all of this snow." I answered, looking at the tv.

"Yeah, that would be cool. Mitch was upset because he couldn't go on his date, since the roads are blocked." He explained, also looking at the tv.

"It really could have been just my mistake, but...I think your brother was checking me out..."

Neil snapped his head at me.
"Why would you say that?"

"Because he didn't quit staring at me, he looked me head to toe, he had this thoughtful look, and he was making a seemingly normal conversation the most awkward that it could get."

"Dude. He has a boyfriend. Why would he be checking you out? Besides, you are like 5 or 6 years younger, just like me, wouldn't you think he would thought that that was weird?" He defended his brother.

I looked at him.
"...I just said he looked like it, not that he was doing it."I replied.

Still no sign of the news.
We ended up playing turns in a videogame in Neil's phone.
We spent about 10 minutes on the job, before we got bored. I didn't want to change the channel, even though the news were the most boring that they could get.
How could somebody possibly care that the time that grass took to grow had decrease in about two seconds per month in the last year?

"Wait, the news are here."

We watched the news closely.

"...a big cloud seems to have made its way to Blithe Hollow, making the entire town covered in snow. The cloud is still hovering above the area, and it's possible that it will keep that way for another three to four weeks. Cautions are advised, so it is possible that the roads will be shut if the weather keeps like this."

"Gee, another three weeks of cold? I hope I don't catch a cold, really." Neil said, already hugging his own arms.

"Well, at least there is snow for us to use as we please." I said.

"Wait a minute...if the roads are locked, then-"

"...then we won't have school!" I exclaimed, cutting him off.

"Yes! The whole December to ourselves!" Neil replied. "We just need to see if the school is closed on Monday!"

"Wait" I thought for a moment.

If I won't have classes, then that means that I could be able to go to Oregon!

"Oh my god!" I said aloud, throwing my hands to my head.

"What? What is it? Spill it out!"

"There is more time! Time enough!" I smiled in desbelief.

"You are not making any sense." Neil stated.

"I - I'm sorry, but I gotta go!" I said, as I rushed out of his room.

"But you just got here!" Neil shouted from inside his room.

I flew down the stairs, walking up to the door.
I opened the door, still hearing Neil shout.

"Norman! Wait!"

"I'm sorry!" I shouted back, running out and closing the door.

I had to get home. This was just too important to skip now. I had to go talk to my parents!

As soon as I was outside in the street, I started to run, which wasn't exacly a good idea, since the floor was slippery.

I ran along the street, ignoring the looks that everybody seemed to be giving me.

A ghost lady stood by me for a few seconds.

"Hey, Norman! What are-"

"Not now please." I interrupted her, leaving her behind.
I don't have time for ghosts right now.

The wind was cold, and having it hitting my face wasn't very good, because my ears were getting colder and colder, but I was happy that I remembered to bring the scarf.

I ran home quickly, and I had to plan a way to tell them what I needed, but it sure wasn't going to be easy.

As I entered my street, and I could see my house, I started to give in to my lack of oxygen, but at least I didn't stop walking.
Once I reached the gate, I already had the keys in my hand.

I opened the door and got in within a second.

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted, as I entered the kitchen.

They obviously were there, standing, and looking at me with worried faces.

I tried to get some air first.

"What's wrong? I thought you were at Neil's house..." Mom said.

Still bended down on my knees, I finally gathered enough air, but I still had to take breaths between my words.

"The snow...they say...there could be...no school...for the month!" I blurted out.

"The snow is that bad? It probably will be gone by tomorrow... " My mom said

"No, no it won't. The news channel...they say it will be like this...for another three weeks or so. Wich means that the school will be closed, and by the time the snow calms down, we are already in winter break." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, you get a whole month of doing nothing, congrats." Courtney rolled her eyes, and just when I heard her voice that I noticed that she was by the window.

"No, it's not that" I gave it a pause before continuing, preparing myself for what was coming "...is just that now there could be enough time for us to go to Gravity Falls."

A wave of pure silence fell upon the kitchen. All I could hear was the clock ticking and the refrigerator running.

I saw my mom lower her head, and heard my dad sigh.

"Son, we discussed this. Nobody is going to Gravity Falls!" He responded with an annoyed look.

"Wha-Why?! There is time now! We could go for a week, or even just a day would be enough!" It left me angry. I found a solution! Why doesn't he agree?!

"It wouldn't be bad, Perry. Just let him have his way." Mom was on my side this time.

"We have jobs, we can't just leave like that!" My father started. My ears started to burn.

"But you know that he really wants to go!" Mom added. I really have to thank her later.

"The only place we are going to is California, okay?!" He shouted.

"You know, I could go with him, we would go just the two of us-" my mom started.

"NO, you won't!" My father replied.

That was it.
My mother, already in the process of replying, didn't notice my angry look.

"For once in your life, WILL YOU EVER DO ME A FAVOR!" I screamed.

Everything fell quiet again, just not as much as before.
My mother was speechless


My father stood up, pointing a finger at me.


"NORMAN!" My mom shouted.

"I HATE YOU! I HATE THIS TOWN, I HATE THIS PEOPLE!" Tears fell down my eyes.

"ARE YOU DONE SHOUTING!" Courtney yelled over our argument.

"URGH, YOU MAKE ME SICK! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO WITH ME, THEN FINE, I'LL GO ALONE!" I screamed, before leaving the kitchen.

"HEY! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!" My father came after me, but I just stormed up the stairs and into my room, closing the door as hard as I could, and locking it.




"FINE! YOU ARE GROUNDED! AND YOU BETTER NOT LEAVE YOUR ROOM!" I heard him leave my door, but it didn't made anything better.

I was more than angry, I was furious.

How can he say those things?! My own father?! Can't he face reality?! I'm so tired of this bullshit! Of this fucking town, of this people! Nobody understands me! Nobody!

I paced around the room, trying to calm myself but to no avail. My breathing was irregular, my fists were hanging at my side, my ears were red as blood, and my mind was screaming at me.

I let out an angry groan, grabbing my head.

Why?! Why does he insists on acting like this?! Isn't he suposed to help me through difficult times instead of making them worse?! Shouldn't he be trying to make me feel comfortable about myself and happy about this place?!

This was suffocating me. It was like I was being drowned in this air.

I heard a knock on the door.
"Norman, open the door, please."

It was my mom.
I took a step towards the door, unlocking it and opening it suddenly.
"What?" I angrily snapped.

"Are you okay? I know your father can be harsh..." she looked at my red face filled with tears.

I turned my back to her and went and sat in my bed, bringing my knees to my chest, hugging my freakishly tall and skinny legs, and looking at the matress.

My mom gave me a sad, small smile and closed the door behind her after she entered, coming to sit besides me.

She placed a hand on my shoulder in an act of consolation.

"I'm sorry for yelling." I said, sniffing from the crying, and looking at her throught the corner of my eyes.

"It's okay, people get angry. But you shouldn't let your father get to you that easly."

"Easly? It is unbearable to just seat and hear him say those things!"

"I know, I know." She said with another sad smile.

"What you were saying is true?" I asked, still not moving from my position. "About going there with me."

My mom sighed.
"I obviously prefer if we all would go" she said, and I looked back at the matress.

"But if your father doesn't realise how much this is important, then yes, I wouldn't mind to go with you, and see this Gravity Falls that you and your uncle mentioned." She smiled.

I smiled and looked at her again.
"Thank you, mom. Really. I really appreciated that you stood by me."

My mom hugged me.
"Honey, that's what family is for. We will always stand by you. Even your father." She said, rubbing my back.

It was hard to believe it after all of this events, but if my mom thinks so, then I should trust her.

"Dead or alive." She added, and I laughed.

"Right. I really hope that we don't have school for the month."

"Let's hope that it happens." She said.

Vote, comment, and next chapter will be more interesting! Gravity Falls is coming.

Also, can we make this up to 5 votes before next chapter? :P

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