The Shadow Knight

By Speed360

49.7K 1.2K 901

After returning from Ludos Castle and defeating Toffee, Star and Marco are now dealing with new problems such... More

The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
Guess Who's Back?
Thank You
A Day Off?
Long Time No See
Falling Star
Round 2
Twin Shadows Part 1
Future Plans
Twin Shadows Part 3
Star's Training
AN: What Do You Want?
The New Kid
Shady Business
The big 100!
Time to Prepare
Moving On
Where I've Been

Twin Shadows Part 2

1.1K 34 23
By Speed360

The two warriors collided and a a shockwave rumbled the entire building. Windows were blown open and the ground cracked. They glared at each other and backed away. They didn't focus on the damage they did, they only focused on each other.

"Well well Marco, you've seen to have gotten stronger. I must admit I'm impressed." Dusk said to him but he didn't respond and only glared at her. "Now let's see how strong you truly are." and with that, Dusk charged at Marco and jabbed at him multiple times. He managed to avoid the flurry of attacks and countered by swinging downwards. Dusk easily avoided the attack and stood there. Marco was breathing heavily while Dusk said nothing.

"Hmm...not bad Marco, not bad at all. But not good enough!" Dusk yelled as she thrusted in the air. Marco didn't sense what was going on until the last second. He ducked and saw a black line fly over him. Dusk's rapier was glowing at the tip. She smirked underneath her mask.

"So you aren't as slow as I thought. Good, a fight's no fun if it's over fast." Dusk taunted. Marco growled and charged her. She dodged each of his attacks and then grabbed his wrist. She jabbed at him but he grabbed her wrist by dropping his sword and avoided her attack. They stood there for a while before Marco jumped back and pulled out his sword in time to block another thrust. He panted heavily while Dusk just chuckled.

"Dang it, all of that and I'm still on the defensive. What do I do?" Marco wondered. He shook his head. "No. I can't afford to be the safe kid right now. I have to go all out on her!" Marco said as he pulled out another sword. He glared at Dusk who didnt react.

"That's it Marco? Two swords? Come on safe kid,you gotta do better than that!" Dusk yelled as she charged. Marco swung downwards with both swords, creating a smoke screen. He swung through the smokescreen, making Dusk move backwards, but Marco wasn't done yet. He charged through the smokescreen and continued his assault. For the first time ever, Dusk was on the defensive. She had to dodge and block Marco's attacks. Finally she jumped backwards and put some distance between her and Marco.

"Not bad Diaz...not bad at all. But I think it's about time I end this." Dusk told him as she walked slowly towards him. He scooted back a little bit.

How is she not hurt? After all of that she's just walking like it was nothing! Dang it! How do I beat her? Marco thought to himself. He didn't noticed that Dusk had dissappeared and reappeared behind him. He turned at the last second and blocked her attack with the flat of his blade. He was sent sliding back wards and used his sword to stop himself. He growled and pulled out his claymore and swung downwards. Dusk didn't even attempt to move but rather was going for a block with her rapier. This resulted in another huge smokescreen.

"Did I get her?" Marco asked himself. His question would soon be answered however as the tip of a weapon emerged and almost hit his throat. He jumped back just in time to avoid it. When he looked again, Dusk no longer had a rapier. Instead, she had a huge lance in one hand and a shield on the other.

(AN: and yes before you ask, this is a reference to Gallantmon/Dukemon.)

"What? You thought you were the only one who could use Shadow Arms? If that's true, you're even more idiotic then I thought." Dusk told him. Marco couldn't believe his eyes.

How? How could she go from such a small weapon to something like that? That's crazy! Marco thought to himself. But he almost lost his had he not noticed her swing at him at the last second. He stepped back and eyed her. She took a step forward and then was suddenly in his face. He jumped back and avoided as swing. But when he looked at his clothes, there was a large rip across his hoodie where his stomach was at.

"Why are you running Marco? I thought you said you were gonna destroy me?" Dusk taunted. Marco glared and exhaled. He brandished his sword and transformed it into a claymore. He charged her and swung horizontally. She jumped and dodged the attack which cut pillars around him in half.

"What? You thought you could just get a bigger weapon to counter my weapon? Oh Marco, you know that's not how it works." Dusk told him. He glared at her and charged again. He swung in random directions to hit her but she kept dodging and blocking with her shield. He couldn't land a single direct hit. So he swung with a his might and hit her shield and send her flying backwards. They both gasped in suprise when her shield gained a crack in it. When she landed away from him, the shield fell apart.

"Hah! I shattered her shield!" Marco yelled in triumph. Dusk just looked to where her shield used to be and looked at Marco. She raised her hands and began to clap.

"Well done Marco, you actually did something. I'm impressed. But unfortunately, I've grown tired of this game so I think I'm gonna end it now." Dusk told him. She put away her lance and raised her hand. Marco switched to his sword and prepared himself. But what he couldn't prepare himself for was a hand on his face. He was thrown in the air suddenly and without warning. He couldn't react fast enough to block the attack. He was hit in the back into the ground and created a crater. She landed next to him as he laid on the floor, his mouth agape. She put his foot on him and created black chains around his ankles and wrists, but he didn't even struggle.

"It's been fun Marco Diaz, but it's over." Dusk said as she raised her finger. A black circle appeared around him and she walked away. And when she was a certain distance away, she snapped her fingers.

"Star..." was Marco's last words as a purple laser shot from under him, covering his entire body. And when the light died down and Dusk walked over to Marco, his body was scorched. She walked back over to him and put her head to his chest.

There was no pulse. No air coming out his mouth or nostrils. And no power coming from inside him. He was truly finished.

"Aww. It actually killed you? And here I was hoping to have some more fun! Oh well, I got the job done and that's all that matters. Now to take his power." Dusk said as she placed her hand on his chest. She lifted her arm and plunged her hand straight through his chest. There was no blood however as a dark circle appeared where her hand went through him. She then pulled her hand out and with it, a black orb with a red node inside it. She smirked as she yanked as hard as she could to take the orb. However, the orb did not move an inch. Instead, black chains appeared around it and held it in place.

"Huh? Hmm, maybe I need a little more UMPH!" she exclaimed as she yanked harder. But still the orb did not move. "What's going on? I thought the orb could be yanked out of the holder was dead!"

"Then there's where your problem is..." Marco growled as he grabbed Dusk's wrist and opened his eyes. One eye was red and one was brown. "I'm. Not. Dead!" he yelled as he pushed her away from him as he stood shakily up.

"! That should've killed you! You were dead!" Dusk exclaimed.

"I was actually, until you touched me. When you touched my orb with your power, it have some sort of jolt and brung me back. Thanks for that by the way." Marco said as he gained a black aura.

"Heh. Hehehe. HAHAHAHA! So you gained a little power, whatever! You're still the same one trick pony that I'm gonna turn into glue!" she yelled as has charged him again. Marco stood there and didn't seem fazed in the slightest. He just held out his hand and closed his eyes. Suddenly, a black pole appeared in his hand.

"Really Marco? A stick? Is that the best you got?" Dusk taunted, but Marco sient respond. Instead, he just pointed it a her. She just dodged to the side and aimed her rapier at his throat. But before she could even touch him...

"Gotcha." He told her. She suddenly drew back and protected her face with her arm. A smokescreen appeared and she jumped away. When she looked at her arm, the armour protecting it was gone and it was covered in scratches. Marco observed the arm and tried to find any significant spots on it, but nothing came up. Dusk looked away from her hand and saw what had injured it. Marco's pole all of a sudden had a black blade on the end of it that pointed outwards.

"A scythe? When did you-?" But Dusk's question was answered by a scythe flying towards her face. She deflected it away but the force was so strong, it sent her flying backwards. She got up and growled.

"Come on Dusk. You're not out of juice yet are ya?" Marco taunted. She fell for it and charged again. The scythe blade flew towards her but she dodged it. She thrusted her sword at his neck but it stopped before it reached him. She had no choice but to stop cause if she moved forward anymore, she would lose her head. Literally. So with no other choice she backed away. He could hear her panting inside the armour.

"You seem pretty tired in that armour. Why don't you take it off so you can cool down?" Marco taunted.

"Don't taunt me Diaz! You may have took me by surprise, but I'm still gonna kill you!" Dusk yelled as she charged forward again. But Marco easily sidestepped and kicked her in the stomach, stunning her for a few seconds.

"Take this!" he yelled as he kicked her face and sent her flying towards the wall. She crashed into the wall and stayed there. Marco took his staff and pointed it towards Dusk. A black ball of energy formed at the tip. He pulled back with all his might and, as hard as he could, threw the black ball at Dusk. The ball connected with her armour and dissappeared.

"Is...that all?" Dusk asked a second too early as she suddenly combusted with
dark energy. She fell to one knee and and looked at Marco. He stood there in front of her.

"Now then, let's see who is under this mask shall we?" he said as he grabbed the front of her helmet and pulled it off. "I don't know who or why you made our lives a living hell, but I'm gonna-!" and then he stopped talking. He dropped the part of the helmet he was holding. Dusk's armour fell away completely and showed the tan girl wearing a blue jacket over a green shirt with a darker green shirt. And the helmet she was once wearing was now replaced with...

Her signature green beanie.

"'re not-you can't be! How is...why are you...what!?" Marco cried as he stumbled backwards. There, in place of Dusk, the terroriser of his friends and murderer of Jenna...

"What's wrong Diaz? You look like you've seen a ghost?" was Jenna herself.

"Jenna!? But how are you alive!? Dusk murdered you! We saw your dead body! Wait, maybe this is a trick?" Marco tried to reason.

"Oh? Well, is this a trick Diaz?" Jenna said as she moved with inhuman speeds towards him. He was in too much shock and couldn't move out of the way as Jenna appeared in front of him...

...and kissed him. He was so startled by the kids and couldn't pull away. But as he gazed into her dark purple eyes, he started to feel lustful towards her. But as he started to move his hands...


A black hand formed and pushed towards Jenna. A loud clang was heard as the hand colided with the tip of her sword. It pushed her away and she chuckled a bit.

"Aww, and I was having fun!" she complained. Marco shook his head and focused.

"What...what happened?" Marco asked. The black creature he summoned against Angel was on his back.

Jenna used her lust powers. his shadow explained.

"Lust powers?" Marco asked.

Yeah. Every shadowknight has a specific emotion their powers run off of. Yours is anger obviously and Jenna's is-

"Lust. Lust for you Diaz. It's a shame that you had to be a shadowknight too, but oh well! I'll just find another boy." Jenna said so casually. Marco growled and pulled out his staff and transformed it into a scythe. Jenna strutted towards him and swayed her hips from side to side. Marco flinched and looked away from her hips to her eyes. But the purple hue of her eyes almost hypnotized him. But as soon as she swung the hand blocked her attack and Marco swung after it. She backed away quickly and jabbed at him from a distance. Marco knew what was coming and used his shadow as a shield and blocked the jabs.

"I've learned from my mistakes Jenna. Have you?" Marco asked. Jenna smirked and charged him again. But she jumped at the last second and swiped at him. He ducked at the last second but his shadow got cut in half and disappeared. The surge of power he had was suddenly gone and staggered him. Jenna was quick to notice this and charged again and got close to him.

"Say goodbye Marco!" she yelled as she thrusted at him. But A black hand appeared and stopped the blade. The shadow was back and socked Jenna in the face and sent her flying backwards. She landed on her back and was still for a few seconds before she picked herself up.

"Geez, you don't go down easily do you?" Marco asked as he breathed heavily in and out.

"Course not. I'm not gonna go down until you're dead Marco. And I think it's time for me to get serious. I'm gonna make you wish you were dead!" Jenna yelled as her shadow extended. This shadow however was purple and rose from behind her. It walked next to her and transformed into a purple ball. The ball floated there until it cracked open to reveal the armour that Jenna was wearing. It stood next to her with a rapier just like Jenna.

"Well if you're starting to get serious, then I should too." Marco closed his eyes and grabbed the space above his heart and focused. Suddenly, the sounds of chains braking could be heard and he suddenly emitted a large black aura around him. When he opened his eyes, they were black and red instead of red and white. He had black marks on his arms and face almost like blood veins. The two shadow knights stared each other down and focused. Then, without warning, they charged at each other with the intent to end this fight once and for all.

Meanwhile at the Dias resdidence...

"Ugh..." Star groaned as she woke up on the floor. She looked around in confusion. What happened? Last thing I remember was Marco walking out the door ready to-Suddenly, Star gasped. She remembered Marco went to fight Dusk by himself. She saw Angel snoring next to her and tried to wake her up but to no avail. Star sat there not knowing what to do. She thought about what Marco would do and got up. She ran to her room and grabbed her wand. She ran outside and used her wand to show her where the cathedral was. She jumped and used her wand again to soar through the sky towards it.

"Don't worry Marco, I won't let you bear this burden alone. We're gonna beat Dusk this time, together."

And with that, this chapter that shouldn't have taken as long as it should have come to an end! Seriously I'm sorry for the long wait guys, I hope this chapter makes up for it. If you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter, be sure to Vote, Follow me if you aren't already, and share with your friends! But until next time guys, I'll see you later!

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