His Maid ( rewriting )

By GreySkai

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Chapter 1: Mya {Game 1}
Chapter 2: Daddy
Chapter 3: Snapped
Chapter 4: Need her the most
Chapter 5: Mya {Game 3 }
Chapter 6: Legally yours
Chapter 7: Lies and secrets
Chapter 8: wake up call {Game 4}
Chapter 9: Words cut deep {Game 4}
Chapter 10: Wrong brother
Chapter 11: Storm Ahead {part 1}
Chapter 12: Storm Ahead {part 2}
Chapter 13: Young love {Game 4}
Chapter 14: You Forgive ,You Forget but you never let it go
Chapter 15: Day off
Chapter 16: His hormones
Chapter 17: Sick {Game 5}
Chapter 18: Last game
Chapter 19: Gia who?
Chapter 20: Love
Chapter 21: Aftertaste
Chapter 22: Home
Chapter 23: screw men
Chapter 24: Jealous
Chapter 25: 8 months
Chapter 26: I missed you
Chapter 27: Im getting fat
Chapter 28: Asia
Chapter 29: Orphanage
Chapter 30: Papers
Chapter 31: Happy birthday to you
Chapter 32: Family
Chapter 33: Bad dream
Chapter 34: Date?
Chapter 35: I'm so into you
Chapter 36: Sucker punch
Chapter 37: Perfect
Chapter 39: If you wanted to F*ck-
Chapter 40: Club
Chapter 41 : Never again
Chapter 42: Is mummy dying ?
Chapter 43: How it ends
Chapter 44 : He's not Stephen's , he's mine
Chapter 45: Surprise
Chapter 46: Let's get wasted
Chapter 47: Matthew's bad side
Chapter 48 : Stop
Chapter 49: Always wanted a son
Chapter 50: Bathroom. Now.
Chapter 51: His masterplan
Chapter 52: Good-bye Matthew

Chapter 38: Arrival & baby Ryan Curry

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By GreySkai

The house was finally finished , we called the agency two days ago and they are expected to arrive tomorrow . But before they arrive Collin, Blake and I are going over to Stephen's guest house to get the rest of my belongings.

Which Is kind of difficult , the plan is drive to air port , pack everything in two hours then return to the airport and back home before 7 p.m. Keep in mind the plane ride is 4 hours long.

So it's 5 a.m , four hour flight  we'll arrive at 9/ minutes to 10 maybe , have to get everything in three hours time then back at the airport at 2 p.m. And back to Arizona at six/ seven.

"You sure you don't want me to come?" Matthew asks sitting up in bed .
"Yeah babe it's fine , I'll be back soon," I lean down pecking his lips quickly.
Collin hunks his horn once again to hurry me up, I roll my eyes telling Matthew a last goodbye .

"Finally you take so damn long , the plane will leave us," he argues waiting for me to get in before speeding off.

One thing I miss about the perks of working for Stephen was the free and luxurious traveling , no rush , no hassle the plane leaves when we want it too.

"Why'd you bring the dog?" Blake groans moving the dog from his lap.
I smile reaching back to pet Dayah she has gotten so much bigger from when the first time we got her . At first I was planning on sending him Dubai with Sam but then Collin fell in love with her so therefore.

Collin rolls his eyes , Blake and Collin argued the entire way to the airport about the dog , annoying the fuck out of me !
"Can you shut up now?" I ask letting the people take Dayah to the plane.
They glare at each other following me to our plane gate, thank gosh we have no luggage except Dayah if you want to call her 'luggage'.

So getting on the plane was much faster, Collin and I fought for the window seat but of course he won. He sat by the window while i sat next to him and Blake in the row in front.

I yawn resting my head on Collin's lap after we take off, it was pretty early and these days I felt drained every morning.

" hey Mya, do you think your making the best decision?" He asks suddenly.
I turn my head looking up at him confused about what he meant.
" I mean, you always had the dream to go to university and get your degree like me ." He looks down at me seriously before he continues.

"Your adopting a child and you moved even further from the university , you do realize that once Hayden is here your dream is gone,"

I frown registering what he just told me, he had a point and amazing one at that. I did say after Asia I was enrolling myself into university but then I met Hayden and I forgot all about it .

"I know Collin , but dreams change sometimes, I'm going to be a mom and I'll get a job a proper one that doesn't include sex ," Collin screws his face in disgust most likely imaging Stephen and I. "And plus I can still do it online or night classes maybe,"

Collin nods running his hands through my hair ."Just want to make sure you are making the right choice, "

It was silent for a while till the air hostess passed down the isle with chocolate cake. Collin signs seeing my instant excitement , he mumbles a few profanities but bought it anyway.

" Your like a fucking pregnant woman with cravings,"

I glare at him bouncing my shoulder with his. " shut up , that's not even funny,"
"Happy you know it's not , Hayden is enough so tell Prince Charming wrap it up,"
I laugh rolling my eyes , to late for that speech Collin we did it twice and both times , it was all skin .

"Even though y'all children would have such beautiful eyes ," he signs .

I sit up watching him weirdly , was he imagining our children , I swear he's weird as hell.
"I'm just saying," he chuckles pulling me back to lie down on his lap.

The rest of the plane ride we just spoke about anything and everything , Blake snores were heard 10 minutes into the plane ride . Two hours in I fell asleep and I guess Collin fell asleep after .

*in North Carolina *

"I thought you rented a car Collin." I shout angrily.
"I did its suppose to be here..." He looks at the cars license plates while walking down the car park. "Ah, here it is,"

Blake groans finally walking quickly to the truck dropping Dayah in the back seat. I get in the passengers seat , Collin drives off to Stephen's and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

Minutes after we pull into Stephen's drive way, Collin and Blake gets out before I do, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about being here.

I just felt misplaced like I didn't belong , which I guess is true now that I don't work for Stephen anymore.

"Come on Mya, we don't have all day," Collin says shutting his door.
I took a deep breath before getting out the car, Blake was already walking around back to the guest house leading the way.

On our way around the house I noticed some of the lights in the house were on,
are they back already?

Oh lord please don't be I can't face Stephen or Ayesha today.

I quicken my pace dreading to find out, dragging Collin along entering the guest house using the spare key under the mat. I open the door going in first automatically getting flash backs of everything that happened in this small house.

Rocking Blake's daughter to sleep by the window, watching movies with Riley in the living room, Stephen taking my coffee and sitting at the counter.

I sign showing the boys where I kept the boxes, we started packing the stuff from my room immediately. In two quiet hours we were done with packing , Blake and Collin made trips back and forth to the car.

I took one of the boxes heading to the car , I stop in my tracks by a window that showed in the living room of Stephen's house. There Stephen Ayesha and Riley was, Riley was leaning over a baby swaddled in a blanket while Ayesha was sitting next to them with her phone out taking a picture and Stephen was standing next to the couch smiling down at Riley and the baby.

They looked like the perfect family.

I guess this is why Stephen hasn't tried to call me, he has his family now.

As if he felt me looking , he looks up at me shocked .

He opens his mouth to say something but I look down at the box in my hands , I blink the tears away and speed walk to the truck.
Collin noticed my devastated expression taking the box from my hands. " are you okay,"

I shake my head no ." Stephen saw me ,"
"I thought he was still in Asia ?" Collin says frantic putting the box in the trunk.
"Ayesha had the baby so I guess that's why they're back," I grumbled .

Blake stepped around the truck hearing our conversation.
"You okay?" Asking the same question Collin did earlier.
"Just get the car ready I'm going for the last box ," I tell him walking off quickly back to the guest house.

I pick up the last box , I turn around and standing in the door way was Stephen and his new born baby.
I gulp digging my nails into the box, I took a breath calming myself.
"I'm just picking up the last of my things,"

I step closer trying to find a way to move around but he was blocking the entire door way, maybe I should jump through the window ?

"Her name is Ryan," he says .
I blink at him with an 'okay then' expression.
"Mya I can't leave Ayesha because I can't leave Ryan, if Ayesha didn't get pregnant then I would be with you still," he explains stepping closer .

Well maybe you should keep you penis out of females you claim to have nothing with then.

"Mya, I love you and you know that. But I can't leave my baby girl ,"
He was now close enough for me to see Ryan's face , her grey-ish green eyes looking around wildly.

She was so beautiful, I couldn't help but wish that Ryan was my child and Stephen was with me but she's not and he's not.

"Take care of yourself and the girls ," I tell him forcing a smile of my face.

He shifts the baby in one hand , sending me on edge for a second as he reach in his back pocket taking out a black long velvet box putting it out for me to take. I hesitate for a second but I take it resting it on top my other box , he steps out my way allowing me to pass.

"thank you for being there for the years that I needed you, and I'm sorry about everything Mya I really am,"

I stop not turning back to watch him , fuck Stephen your killing me ! Why did you have to fuck everything up , I would be with you right now if you didn't. He's making this harder than it has to be , I hear the baby fuss a bit and I turn to face them.

"Your holding her head to low and your standing to close to the AC She's feeling cold," I tell him without realizing .

He stares at me for a few seconds before raising her head and moving from the AC. He opens his mouth to say something but closes it finding no words.


I exit the guest house quickly not wanting to see Stephen and the baby from another woman any longer .

I speed walk to the truck jumping in the back seat putting the box next to me.
Collin and Blake looks at me with a worried expression, I send them a reassuring smile .

Collin drives out the drive way and away from the house, Dayah jumps on my laps curling into a ball. I sign resting my head back on the seat calming my emotions.

my phone starts ringing and I immediately recognized the song that I put for the one and only Veronica.

I smile pressing answer , the sound of screaming pours through making me sign from happiness hearing my very loud friend.


Blake decided to drive the truck all the way back to Arizona which would take a few days while Collin and I took the plane back. Blake apparently liked driving and he wanted to pass and see his daughter , so he agreed to instead of paying to ship all the boxes .

Collin, Matthew and I were waiting in the kitchen overly excited .
The agency called and said he's arriving earlier than planned so now, we're waiting for Hayden to arrive , he was finally going to be here with me - his mother.

Also he'll have somewhat of a family which is Matthew and Elijah, whenever Elijah comes back to America though.

"You should call them to see where they are," Collin says getting impatient.
"They'll be here , just wait," he huffs jumping on the sofa.
Collin's impatience makes me nervous and worried , I lean on the counter running my hand through my hair.
Matthew leans down next to me pecking my check quickly , I send a smile his way before looking back through the open blinds .

I see a car light as someone drives up the drive way. Matthew looks at me wide eyed , then Collin looks back at us before moving off the couch rushing to the door.

I follow behind him quickly, he opens the front door stepping out , I step out next to him and Matthew stands behind me in the door way.

An Asian lady steps out the mini van in a all black uniform , she sends us a smile before walking around to the other side of the car sliding open the door. She looks at something for a while before turning to us , I look at her confused .

"He's asleep , he hasn't been sleeping a lot so I don't want to wake him," she informs.
"I'll get him ," Collin stares excitedly running to the car.

I follow him quickly , it's not that I don't trust Collin to not drop Hayden , it's just that I don't trust him to not drop him .

Collin awes seeing the sleeping child, he unbuckles the car seat quietly and carefully taking his limp body out and into his arms. I reach up touching Hayden's head that was resting on Collin's shoulder, I close the door for Collin and watch him walk into the house.

I turn to the lady smiling at her .
"If anything call the agency, but he's an amazing child you'll love him," she compliments .

I already love him miss , no need to tell me that.

"Thank you ,"

She nods before going back in her car, I don't wait for her to leave and run back into the house. I shut the front door , going upstairs to Hayden's room , he was in sleeping soundly in the crib being stared at by Collin and Matthew.

I joined them standing by the crib, Matthew reach over rubbing my shoulder.
"Let him sleep guys," Matthew says kicking us out the room shutting the door quietly .

"I'm going to crash on the couch ," Collin says going down the stairs.

Matthew lefts me off my feet going to our bedroom resting me on the bed, I smile up at him wrapping my arms around his neck.

He likes lifting me I see.

"Celebration time my love?"
I nod pulling him down to my lips hungrily.


I heard loud crying , almost screaming from Hayden's room.

I jump out my sleep pulling the covers off me running to Hayden's room.
When I opened the door Hayden was standing in the crib, tears streaming down his face.

But when he sees me his face went from fear to happiness , he grins opening his arms for me.
"Mummy," he says loud enough for me to hear.

I was seriously missing the sweet side of Stephen , don't worry that isn't the end of his sweetness . 😉

There is one more chapter before theirs a semi major time skip , just to warn you there will be a lot of time skips coming down to the ending of this story just so you know exactly how Mya & Stephen turns out.

Thank you guys for reading, please vote and comment!

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