Going Up - Now On Amazon

By Xebbex

12.8M 216K 27.2K

Sarah Jenkins is desperate to escape her tragic childhood. At 18 she runs from her abusive father finding wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Authors Note
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four - Nick POV
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four - Part One.
Chapter Thirty Four - Part Two
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven - Nick POV
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty - Nick POV
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three + Epilogue
Sequel Update
Going up on AMAZON!!!
Vote For Letting Go Please!!
Letting Go made the TOP TEN of So You Think You Can Write!!
Going Back! - New Book in the series.

Chapter Twenty Seven

243K 4.5K 356
By Xebbex

The next day the lawyer came by and went through the contract with me. I felt a lot more comfortable with the entire thing once he went through it with me. Explaining the seclusion clause didn’t mean I was trapped inside a building 24/7, I could still go out and visit friends. It still took me almost 2 weeks to sign it. My money was beginning to run short again and I the time had come to make a decision.

When I finally called DJ he seemed genuinely happy to hear from me.

“Sarah! I was hoping we’d hear from you”

“Oh, yeah. I just had a lot of thinking to do” I replied honestly.

“Did you make a decision?” He asked, his voice confident, like he already knew the answer.

“I signed it DJ. When do we start?” I replied, trying to match his confidence, but I failed to hit the mark. I sounded more like an over excited school girl.

“Well, we have an apartment all set up for you, I was kind of running on the idea you’d say yes. If you’d like we can move you in there this week”

I frowned, wishing I didn’t have to leave here. It had been amazing living somewhere that felt like a home rather than a house. The idea of moving was the only thing that had been stopping me from signing earlier, if I’d have told Janie that though she would have told me not to be ridiculous. So I’d channelled her, and then forced myself to sign it.

“Oh okay, that soon?” I questioned

“The sooner you can start focusing on solely on your music the better Sarah.” DJ answered without skipping a beat.

He was right. Just like I’d decided to focus on me, I had to focus on music and being here, even though Nick wasn’t here, I was distracted by him at every turn. Especially when I sat on my bed and my thoughts would slowly but surely gravitate to the night we’d made love together here.

DJ and I agreed that I would wait until the others returned from work, then I’d have one of them bring me to meet him at the apartment complex at 7pm. We hung up the call a little while after and I walked into my room and began to clean and pack up my bedroom. Once all my clothing was packed into the tatty suitcase I checked under the bed to make sure I hadn’t dropped any paper or rubbish down there. Aimlessly I threw my hand around under the bed searching, something cold and brushed against the warmth of my wrist. I brought my hand back and grabbed the item with my hand then pulled it out. It was a silver watch, one that I hadn’t seen before and I wondered where it had come from. I turned it over and noticed an inscription.

Dear Nick,

So long &Thanks for all the fish



So it was Nick’s watch. He must have dropped it when he’d been here last.

I smiled at the inscription, who ever had given it to him had a sense of humour and good taste in literature. I’d read the Ultimate hitchhikers guide to the galaxy in high school, its satirical humour had struck a chord with me. Still a small part of me felt a little guilty that some other woman felt close enough to farewell Nick with such a luxurious gift, and such a cheeky goodbye.

Nick hadn’t noticed the watch missing yet, or if he had, he hadn’t asked about it. Although I’d seen him wearing three different watches in the time I’d known him so it wasn’t surprising that he hadn’t realised yet.

I couldn’t give the watch to Janie to give back. It would pose too many questions that I didn’t want to answer just yet. I couldn’t call Nick. I’d deleted his number and showing up in person would be awkward and pose the same questions handing the watch other to Janie would. I sighed deeply. I missed Nick. I hadn’t seen him for almost two and a half weeks; I hadn’t heard his voice since he’d called after the meeting with DJ. This watch was the only thing of him I held right now, so perhaps against my better judgement I packed it in to my suitcase.

Later that night when the others returned I explained that I’d signed the contract. They were all excited and happy for me, but sad to be losing me as a roommate. Of course we all promised to keep in touch and hang out. We promised to Skype when they went to Hawaii in a week and a half. I couldn’t help but think that once I was out of the picture they’d all just forget about me though.

“Shall we go?” Janie exclaimed as she poked her head through my bedroom door. I picked up my tatty suitcase and nodded. I was about as ready as I was going to get. I walked down the hallway and out of the house behind Janie. Josh and Marc stood by the car waiting.

“Are you all coming?” I said with a smile

“Of course, we want to make sure they’re giving you the best of the best. Considering they are stealing you from us” Joshua laughed opening the car door for me.

I chuckled softly, as Josh took my suitcase, then I hopped into the car. Josh packed my suitcase into the boot and then the four of us left. As we got to the address DJ had given me, my stomach dropped. Nick’s apartment building was a five minute walk away. I could see the lights on his penthouse suite glowing in the slowly darkening night sky.

“You alright?” Janie asked as Marc pulled into a car park and switched the car off.

I shot my eyes away from the sky, away from Nick’s building and back towards her.

“Oh yeah, fine. Just going to have to get used to inner city living I guess”

“You’ll be right, sounds like the record company people are going to have you pretty snowed under” Marc injected.

“As long as they don’t monopolise all her time, I don’t care” Janie added.

The four of us exited the car, and Josh insisted on carrying my suitcase. We walked across the pavement to the lobby doors of the apartment. The doorman opened the doors, wishing us a goodnight as we walked in. He was an older guy, at least 60 and his smile was welcoming and homely. I just prayed that the rest of the apartment replicated that feeling. As soon as we walked in, DJ stood in the lobby holding a bag and several large books.

“Sarah, welcome” He exclaimed, balancing the books and the bag in one hand, outstretching the other. Instantly I reached forward to shake it then introduced the others.

“Dj, these are my friends. Janie, Marc and Josh. Guys this is DJ.”

“So DJ. I hear you’re a pretty spectacular record company executive.  I don’t care about all that though. I only care that you treat Sarah with respect and don’t screw her over.” Josh exclaimed, his voice was low and serious and I almost called him out on his outburst, but before I could DJ laughed and shook his hand.

“Relax, I have a lot of faith in Sarah and I plan to take good care of her. I’m under strict instructions in fact. Aside from my executive role, I also double as a manager, so I will be supporting Sarah in any way possible. I promise”

Josh nodded then stepped back. I frowned, wondering whose strict instructions DJ was under. Were they Nick’s instructions? What had he said?

God I hoped I wouldn’t be able to see Nick’s suite from my new apartment. They were so incredibly close that with binoculars I could probably see in to Nick’s lounge.

Urgh! Enough. Wipe him from your thoughts for five minutes would you!

“Shall we head up?” I suggested, keen to start moving, to distract my brain.

“Good idea, follow me.”

The four of us walked behind DJ to the elevators. The doors pinged open instantly and we walked inside. I laughed to myself about the amount of times I’d been inside Elevators in the last month, considering how much I’d previously hated the things. Now they reminded me of Nick, now I love them because they reminded me of that very first day.

Stop it!


The buzzer in the elevator rang out and thankfully interrupted my never ending thoughts of Nick. Floor twenty. Fuck.

“The top floor?” I gulped “I don’t mind a lower floor”

“The penthouse suite has an inbuilt music studio, instruments, microphones and recording equipment. It’s the only one in the building that isn’t currently tenanted. We’d like you to have 24/7 access to this equipment to help with the development process. Our way of doing things is different to most record companies Sarah, but we really do just want the best for you”

I nodded, unable to speak, unable to explain that the only reason the penthouse suite bothered me was because I would be able to look out my window and see Nick’s balcony and living room window.

DJ unlocked the penthouse suite door and ushered us inside

“Take a look around. I’m just going to set up a few things at the table”

I walked in first, the air in my lungs dissipated as I gasped heartily. The walls were a soft light cream colour and the wooden floors were beautiful and polished. The kitchen was all decked out with everything I’d need. Even a brand new espresso machine sat atop the bench, beckoning me. The living room was fully furnished with fancy and what I presumed expensive sofas and coffee tables.

I walked to the balcony window and sighed. I could see Nick’s apartment.

I would just have to live with my blinds closed, at least until the separation from him didn’t hurt anymore.

“This place is amazing” Janie exclaimed pulling me in to the master bedroom. “Look! You have a walk in wardrobe Sarah!” She giggled walking inside a ridiculously sized closet.

“It's unfortunate I only own enough clothes to fill a smidgen of it then huh” I replied with a melancholic smile

“Oh cheer up! You’ve just signed a 2 million dollar deal. You’re living rent free in the middle of LA and well, all things going well in a years’ time you’ll be a superstar. Clothes are the very least of your problems!” Janie exclaimed walking out of the wardrobe and over to my equally ridiculously sized super king sized bed. She flopped on to it and sighed heartily “Remind me to come for a sleep over with chocolate and DVD’s one night, this bed is amahhhh-zing!”

She was right. I had no right complaining about anything, least of all the fact I could see Nicks apartment, not that she knew I was really forlorn about that and not about the wardrobe. Nick had made this all possible, and I was behaving like a spoilt brat because if I squinted I could probably make out his shadow if he stood on the balcony.

“Of course, you’re welcome anytime. Maybe after Hawaii, we can have a luau here, since I’m not going anymore?” I suggested

“Ooh, I like the way you think Sarah Roxy. I really do”

The last room I looked at was the music room. It was breath taking.

I picked up a guitar and let my fingers run over the strings. I hadn’t touched one since I’d left school.

I pulled the cord up and plugged it in to the amp then turned it on. In a world of my own I began playing the solo from November rain. I’d taught it to myself at school during lunch times rather than sit alone in the cafeteria. I smiled,  and placed the guitar back down. I turned the amp back off and walked out of the room and back down to the kitchen where everyone else stood, looking at me, mouths open. Even DJ looked shocked.

“You never said you could play?” He exclaimed

“I can’t really, and to be honest I’m pretty rusty” I grumbled, twisting my hand

“That wasn’t rusty, but I implore you to continue developing that too regardless. Now that I know you can play lead guitar, we’ll be utilising the skill” Dj said walking back to the table.

“You keep surprising me” Josh exclaimed “I’ve been playing the guitar since high school and I’ve never once taught myself how to play a Slash solo.”

“Uh, thanks” I replied, as I tried to take the compliment gracefully.

“Alright, so we’ve got a few things to go through. Your friends are welcome to stay of course” DJ said, shuffling papers.

“Actually we better get back, we’ve all got work tomorrow” Marc exclaimed glancing at his watch.

“Yeah, thanks for coming guys, and the ride Marc. I’ll call you guys tomorrow after work okay?” I replied as a small pit of sadness formed in my stomach. Soon I would be here all alone. Like I had been at the seedy place I’d first lived in in Compton. The only difference was this place was worth more than the entire motel put together and I wasn’t sure the difference in décor made any difference to the feelings I had when I’d been living there.

Once they had left, DJ went through a few things. He gave me a couple of confidence books to start to read. He then gave me a “goodie” bag full of vouchers and gift certificates to use for shopping until the advance money came through. He left around 9pm.

Once he was gone and I was alone I couldn’t help but walk out on to my balcony and look across at Nick’s apartment. I was standing there less than ten minutes when I noticed a shadow walk out on to the balcony. The glowing lights from his living room surrounded him like a full body halo. I smiled and frowned simultaneously. I lifted my hand and waved, feeling like a complete goon.

He waved back and then a few seconds later my phone began to ring.

I contemplated pretending it wasn’t in my pocket and just walking inside. It was probably what I should have done. Instead I pulled it out and answered the call.

“So, penthouse suite huh, someone is sure going up” Nick teased playfully.

“Well, I spent a night in yours and just had to get one for myself” I replied in an over-exaggerated posh spinster voice

There was silence for a minute, and then I heard Nick sigh

“I was really happy when DJ called and said you’d signed and that you were moving in tonight” He exclaimed, his voice reverting back to a semi-professional level.

“It took me a while to decide. I know I made the right choice, I just don’t want to lose my friends… as well as…” I stopped myself before I said it, before I said what we were both thinking. Before I said 'You'.

“The media has died down, I guess when I didn’t say anything, they got bored of camping outside.” Nick said, changing the subject completely

“That’s good, I’m so glad." I replied honestly "Have you found a replacement for me?”

“As a filer, yes. Alex has been working after school for the past week. We’ve keep the fact we’re siblings on the down low and she’s doing work experience for school according to Julie. Her parents and I get on extremely well. Sarah, thank you for pushing me to call, I hate to think how long I would have waited. How long I would have blamed myself, how much more time I would have wasted” He sounded genuinely happy, and it made me smile.

Alex was the perfect replacement; she had a head on her shoulders that was wise far beyond her years and a brother that had sacrificed his youth to make something of himself for her. It made perfect sense that she be brought into the business Nick had started for her, even if for now it was as a filer.

“That’s perfect, I am so happy for you both”

 We were silent again for a minute or two, and I could hear his breathing through the phone, he sounded so close than I could touch him, of course, a vast deep dark space of air stood between us. I thought about mentioning the watch, inviting him over to get it, and maybe a coffee.

But my conscious got the better of me, the part that knew I had to work on me for a while, and I shut the idea down.

“I, uh, I better go to bed. Maybe we can chat again soon?” I suggested.

“I’d like that" Nick replied softly

“Bye Nick”

“Bye Sar”

I hung up then walked back inside. I smiled dreamily, satisfied by my small fix of Nick. Even though I still ached for him and for the ecstasy his touch brought, just speaking with him gave me a buzz that warmed me enough to forget I was alone.


There ya go. Next chapter will be a NICK POV. :)

Hope you like this chapter. It's actually a bit longer than normal cos I couldn't figure out where to finish it :P

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