Punch, Cut, Kiss

By kdwood

488K 11.5K 1.9K

His fist came down hard on my cheek. I knew there was going to be a large bruise there in a few minutes. It... More

Punch, Cut, Kiss Chapter 1...
PCK Chapter 2
PCK 3...
PCK 4! :DD
PCK 5 ;)))
PCK Chapter 6 Part 1
PCK Chapter Six Part II
PCK Chapter 6 Part 3! :D
PCK Chapter 7!!! :P
PCK Chapter 8 :P
PCK Chapter 9! ^.^
PCK Chapter 10
PCK Chapter 11
Chapter 12
PCK Chapter 13. :)
PCK Chapter 14!
PCK Chapter 15
PCK Chapter 16
PCK Chapter 16 Part II
PCK Chapter 17
PCK Chapter 18
PCK Chapter 19
PCK Chapter 20
PCK Chapter 21
PCK Chapter 22
PCK Chapter 23
PCK Chapter 24
PCK Chapter 25
PCK Chapter 26, yo!
PCK Chapter 27
PCK Chapter 28 Part I
Chapter 28 Part II
PCK Chapter 30!!!!
PCK Chap 31. c:
PCK Epilogue
Author's Note.
Update: Some of Your Questions Answered

PCK Chapter 29

8.1K 278 79
By kdwood

I sat with my back arched. My cheek was pressed against the table, and my face was turned away from the boys. They slowly ate in silence. None of us had uttered a word since we left the hospital.

I lifted my head up and glanced at the two men sitting in front of me. I opened my mouth. With a frustrated sigh, I let my head fall, hitting the table with my forehead.

I heard someone sigh. The table shifted as someone put their weight on it. Soon after, I felt a tug on my sleeve. I shook my head. I didn’t feel like moving.

“Come on,” he whispered in my ear. His lips barely brushed against my skin.

I stayed where I was. I didn’t have the energy or strength to move.

I felt a hand reach for mine. It found my fingers and laced them together, tugging gently to get me up.

I still didn’t budge. I was a rock. I could not move.

“Kye!” Nick yelled, wrapping his arms around my waist and flipping my body over his shoulder. He carried me to the door. I didn’t even struggle.

He walked. I wasn’t sure where we were going, but soon, the concrete turned to grass under his feet.


“Hush,” he said. His voice was loud compared to meek whisper.

After a few more steps, he let my body slid down his until my feet were touching the ground.  He wrapped his arms around me and rocked back and forth. I didn’t know whether to hug him back or talk to him or just stand there.

He sighed and let go of me. I guess I chose to just stand there. He backed up. If I reached my hand out, I couldn’t even brush the fabric of his shirt.

“Who are you?” he asked me, looking intently into my eyes.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

He took a step closer and picked up my hair between two of his fingers. “It’s not full of life. It’s dull and flat.” He dropped my hair and placed his hands on my cheeks. His thumbs touched under my eyes. “You can see how tired you are. You’ve lost the spark in your eyes.” A finger trailed down to my lips. His eyes followed. “They’re dry, chapped. Always slanted down,” his eyes found mine again. “You haven’t smiled in so long; not a real one at least.”

He backed up again. He looked tired as well.  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, taking a step towards him.

He held up his hands, it was a defensive stance. He was trying to keep me away. “No, Kyler. This isn’t you. The girl I fell in love with, this isn’t her. She could get through anything. Her head was always held high, no matter what. The girl I fell in love with could find a good thing out of any situation. I mean, sure she cried. Sure she felt terrible some days, but she never let anything, anyone knock her down and keep her there.”

The girl he fell in love with. Was that me? Was I really that girl?

He was right. When my mother died, I tried to stick it out for my dad. When he started drinking, I told myself it would get better. When he started hitting, I found Max.

I sat down on the grass and pulled my knees to my chest. “What can I do?” I whispered to myself.

A blurry image kneeled in front of me. I didn’t even notice the tears streaming down my face. Lips touched my forehead. “Be you,” he said.

As soon as the words were uttered, the wheels in my head started spinning. I could get him help. I could go to AA meetings with him. We could start going to church. If he didn’t want help, I could always go to the police.

“I’ve got to go back to the hospital,” I said, getting to my feet. I didn’t wait for Nick to say anything. I just ran. I found my way back to the road and my feet took me from there.

I ran into something hard. “I’m so sorry!” I apologized. It was the nurse from the hospital. The mother to the little boy. “Oh, it’s you,” I said, a small smile slipping onto my face.

“Hello, dear,” she said back.

“Uh, I need some help.” I paused. I wasn’t sure what I needed, but I knew it would be from here.

She gave me a knowing smile. “The hospital isn’t far. Just go straight and turn at the next block. You’ll see it before you get there. Someone will be in the lobby to show you where your father is.” She gave me a wink and a warm smile.

I nodded. Was that what I needed? She turned around and continued on her way. I did the same.

I tore through people and puddles trying to make my way to the building. It felt like I’d been running for ages. Max and I would have to start jogging in the summer. My lungs were on fire.

“Whoa, whoa, hold up,” someone said as soon as my foot had hit the mat in front of the sliding glass door. “You look like a zombie,” the little boy said.

“Can you hel-“

“Of course I can,” he stopped me. He grabbed my hand and tugged me toward a door. “But first, go clean yourself up. Sheesh does this look like a graveyard to you?” he asked, shaking his head.

I nodded and walked through the bathroom door. I stopped when I saw my reflection in the mirror. I did look awful. My skin was colorless. My eyes were dark and lifeless. My hair was a dull shade of brown and in tangles. I looked ridiculous in Nick’s shirt. My cheeks were sunken in. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I opened them and got to work. I couldn’t let my dad see me in this mess.

First, I had to fix this shirt. I unbuttoned the last few buttons and tied them. Now instead of looking like I’d borrowed someone else’s shirt, it just looked like I had a bad 60s stylist.

I turned on the water in the sink and shoved my hands under. I filled up my cupped hands with water and splashed it one my face. I got a few paper towels and patted my face dry.  Next, I shoved my head under the faucet. I washed it with a little hand soap and combed my fingers through it.

“Um, here,” someone said, pulling on the end of my shirt.

I looked down and there was a little girl standing there. She was holding a hair bow out to me with a look on her face like she was watching a crazy person. She kind of was.

I smiled down at her. “Thanks.”

Quickly I threw my hair into a side pony tail. “Do I look okay?” I asked her.

She put her hand on her chin. “Um,” she said after looking from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. “You look better. I mean, I would go with you to buy some ice cream, but I probably wouldn’t sit with you.”

I laughed. It was real. It was my real laugh.

Um, this isn't the whole chapter. I have another part to it, but I forgot what it was about, but.. yeah. This is what I had. I know. It's uber short. V.V I'm sorry. I'm just having trouble finding the inspiration to write right now. :/ I sincerely apologize to all you guys who like this story because it's become really bad.  I'm lame. D:

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