121K 3K 914

It's 2018, and the World Cup is just around the corner. With retirements and new faces, the team has to find... More



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Of course I gotta be stuck with her. Out of all the people in this room, Mark made me pair up with that bitch

Mal was pretty mad. Of course she used to be the baby of the team and stuff. But now that she was a grown-up and was done with calculus homework, she didn't want to be the girl that just accepted to be disrespected. Because yes, even though Sydney was arguing about it, Mal still thought Jenko was a bitch. Her tattoos and stylish clothes couldn't completely hide the douche bag she was. 

The brunette reluctantly walked toward her, dragging her feet. When the tall goalkeeper - she was one head taller than Mal - looked down at her, she smirked and just rolled her eyes at the head coach. He must've seen the tension between them, and thought that making them pair up would be a good way to get to know each other better. But either of Mal and Jenko wanted to know the other better. 

The blonde just chuckled. 

"So, Royalty, what do you want us to do today ?" Jenko asked sarcastically. 

Mal glared at her. Great, she already found an annoying nickname. This is gonna be a fucking long day.

"How about we wait for Mark to disappear and then just... go to our respective rooms and spend the day with loneliness ?" Mal proposed, a forced smile on her lips. Her remark made Jenko giggle, and the slightly oldest girl found it surprising : at least one of the sound that was coming out of the goalkeeper's mouth was bearable. 

"As much as I like this plan, I don't think it'll work out" the blonde let out in a voice that reflected her boredom. 

They knew half of the girls already left to do their activities. Each pair had a rented car. Mal was really jealous of all her friends, because they got cool people as a partner. The goalkeeper looked at her, desperate. Her face was like the forever bitch face. No wonder why she is Solo's successor. Allie's got some competition. Mal was so absorbed in her critical thoughts that she almost didn't hear Jenko speak again. 

Her voice was husky, and very deep. 

"What about coffee ? There's a Starbucks right around the corner" she suggested. 

Mal couldn't tell if the girl was really trying to find something to do in order to occupy them, or just to break her boredom. Mal shrugged, and followed the keeper outside. It was a sunny day in East America, and September was flying too quickly. Mal was obviously very happy about the qualifiers games, but she wanted to play with Washington Spirit again. She really started to enjoy the NWSL atmosphere, and playing against her own teammates. But now, they had a break, and then it'd be the end of the season already. 

They entered the Starbucks, that was half-empty. When she saw the waiter standing behind the desk, Mal immediately knew he was an asshole. I mean, who would wear a t-shirt that say 'Virility is here'? That's like, ridiculous. Jenko, who followed Mal's look, started to laugh silently. She walked toward the guy with confidence, and Mal had no choice but follow her. She didn't want to seem like a little girl or something. 

Jenko raised her eyebrow, as the man was clearly checking both girls out. Of course he's obvious as fuck. It'd have been to easy if he wasn't.  

"Holà, gringas ! Muchas caliente !" the dude exclaimed, trying to show them how muscular he was by bombing his chest. "What would your beautiful asses want today ?" 

Does he think girls are still sex toys ? Mal asked herself, as Jenko was laughing her ass off. She put both her elbows on the desk, and glared at the guy. If glares could kill, he'd have been dead six times already. But the guy didn't look away. Mal was convinced that he was trying to prove that he was superior or something. 

But the goalkeeper wasn't impressed, her resting bitch face still on. 

"Do you really think that kind of approach works with girls ?" she sarcastically asked, raising her eyebrows once again. 

"Of course" the guy said. "Girls are just like boys : they want to bang someone, and then just forget about that night to bang someone else. You seem to be the type, at least" he went on, then looking at Mal. 

"I am" Jenko let out shamelessly. 

Mal frowned. She was ? She tried to hide her confusion when Jenko looked at her, smirking. She then looked back at the guy, and said : 

"So, how many girls did you get on your bed this week with that little technique of yours ?"  

The guy seemed confused, but too proud to admit it. He just faced the two girls with confidence, and raised his chin. 

"Two" he proudly said, bombing his chest. "But it's only Wednesday." 

"That's lame" Jenko laughed, looking at Mal. The forward was deadly silent for a moment now, and the goalkeeper was quite impressed at how not so annoying she was when her mouth was shut. She then looked a the guy again. "I had five." The guy's eyes went wide, and the blonde just took a step back. "But like you said, it's only Wednesday." 

A speechless dude was now standing in front of them. Mal couldn't help but laugh at how awkward the situation was for him : a girl was able to get more girls into her own bed than he did. Jenko's laugh briefly joined hers, but she immediately regained control. When she looked a the guy again, despising eyes on, her smile had totally disappeared. 

She snapped her fingers right in front of his eyes. "Now get me two cappuccinos with sugar, cream and extra-vanilla in one of them, gringo" she ordered. 

The guy immediately disappeared into the kitchen. Mal looked at Jenko, rather confused and surprised. 

"How did you know I wanted extra-vanilla ?" she asked, frowning. 

"That's what you always take" Jenko said, before adding : "You always take forever to have your coffee, so I'm always annoyed when I have to wait. Don't think I'm spying on you or something. I bet the whole team know about your weird tastes." 

"That's not weird !" Mal exclaimed. 

"Whatever, Royalty."    

I freaking hate her, but she's funny. And her ass is great. Mal frowned : why would she even think about a girl's ass when she wasn't even interested the slightest ? She rolled her eyes at Jenko, and grabbed her cappuccino. 


Moe was walking back and forth in front of Lindsey. 

"What if she doesn't like it?" she asked out loud, more for herself than for her best friend. 

"Trust me, she will love it !" Lindsey said for the hundredth time, rolling her eyes out of boredom. "Why do you even care that much ? She'll let you know if she doesn't like it, and then you can just change it." 

Moe shook her head. 

She looked down at the dress that was on the bed. It was a cocktail dress, a beautiful shape that would be perfect for her. The red was so intense that it was brightening the whole room. Moe was totally freaked out. Is that even something you give to your friend ? She nervously scratches her neck. 

"Does she even wear dresses ?" she asked. 

"Of course she does !" Lindsey exclaimed, not even looking up. "Remember when she wore that blue dress for graduation ?" 

"She hated it" Moe muttered. "I've never seen her with a dress. Oh my gosh she'll hate it, and then she'll hate me, and-" 

"Morgan" Lindsey stopped her, looking up from her book. "This book is so freaking good, so why don't you just wrap this dress in a cool paper and just chill ? This is just a little gift. You've already gave her bunch of stuff." 

Moe nodded, quietly staring at the dress. Yes, but this time, I really like her more than I like a friend, the middy thought, and her nervousness grew bigger in her stomach. "But-"

"Wrap this thing and shut up" Lindsey yelled. 

With that said, she got back to her book, and Moe sat down next to the dress. Will Cari like it ?   

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