His Maid ( rewriting )

By GreySkai

194K 6.3K 748


Chapter 1: Mya {Game 1}
Chapter 2: Daddy
Chapter 3: Snapped
Chapter 4: Need her the most
Chapter 5: Mya {Game 3 }
Chapter 6: Legally yours
Chapter 7: Lies and secrets
Chapter 8: wake up call {Game 4}
Chapter 9: Words cut deep {Game 4}
Chapter 10: Wrong brother
Chapter 11: Storm Ahead {part 1}
Chapter 12: Storm Ahead {part 2}
Chapter 13: Young love {Game 4}
Chapter 14: You Forgive ,You Forget but you never let it go
Chapter 15: Day off
Chapter 16: His hormones
Chapter 17: Sick {Game 5}
Chapter 18: Last game
Chapter 19: Gia who?
Chapter 20: Love
Chapter 21: Aftertaste
Chapter 22: Home
Chapter 23: screw men
Chapter 24: Jealous
Chapter 25: 8 months
Chapter 26: I missed you
Chapter 27: Im getting fat
Chapter 28: Asia
Chapter 29: Orphanage
Chapter 30: Papers
Chapter 31: Happy birthday to you
Chapter 32: Family
Chapter 33: Bad dream
Chapter 34: Date?
Chapter 35: I'm so into you
Chapter 36: Sucker punch
Chapter 38: Arrival & baby Ryan Curry
Chapter 39: If you wanted to F*ck-
Chapter 40: Club
Chapter 41 : Never again
Chapter 42: Is mummy dying ?
Chapter 43: How it ends
Chapter 44 : He's not Stephen's , he's mine
Chapter 45: Surprise
Chapter 46: Let's get wasted
Chapter 47: Matthew's bad side
Chapter 48 : Stop
Chapter 49: Always wanted a son
Chapter 50: Bathroom. Now.
Chapter 51: His masterplan
Chapter 52: Good-bye Matthew

Chapter 37: Perfect

1.8K 77 6
By GreySkai


We have been back in America for two weeks now , Matthew and I have been trying to decorate the house but we haven't even reached inside the house yet because we're still trying to finish paint .

We needed help to finish this before the month ends , so I called for help , I called the only people I know I can count on to fly out here and help.

Collin , Blake and Kyrie .

Collin makes a weird sound with his mouth standing next to me facing the house , I roll my eyes looking at him .
"I don't like it," he states low key struggling with the paint bucket in his hand.
I watch the house signing, he had a reason why not to like it because at the moment the house was half painted and had over grown grass , to be honest it looked bad . But! That is the reason we are all here to make it look better and child friendly.

"You should just come live with me,"
He suggest .
At first before I went to Asia I agreed to live with him but that was before I meet Hayden.
"Okay and you explain to Hayden why seven different women leave your room every night , or if he finds a condom on the floor," He laughs turning to me walking backwards towards the house . " hey it's five now," he winks and joins Kyrie by the wall opening the new buckets of paint.

I smile shaking my head at his playboy ways , I won't lie my brother is very good looking, so I understand why a lot of girls want a piece of a law/ medical / I can't remember major SLASH frat boy.

" I got the grass , the softest fake grass ever ," Blake says nodding his head back at the van where Matthew was pulling out the grass .
I laugh thanking him. " how's my little girl? " I ask missing the toddler I hide from people for months.
"She's not so little anymore she's turning five !" He says in disbelief.
"When Hayden comes home I'm having a little house warming party so please bring her," I instruct .

"Of course," he laughs before running off to help the struggling Matthew.

I'm glad everyone likes Matthew because if they didn't this entire house project would be awkward. I pick up the last box of stuff Matthew and I bought for Hayden's room walking in the house .

Surprisingly the money I used to buy Hayden's stuff barely even made a dent in my last payment , speaking about payment I have to get the rest of my money and stuff from Stephen's house.

I'm planning on going during this week with Collin or Blake to get my stuff , thankfully Stephen is suppose to be in Asia for another week , so no complications.

I put the stuff down and began decorating the room .

I decide to do a black and white theme in Hayden's bedroom that would match the furniture that is to be decorated in the house later.

It was so opposite to Elijah's room , Yes I also decorated Elijah's room, it wasn't hard because Elijah already had furniture from the last place he was living in with Matthew but I paint the room a really fun colorful way.

His bedroom is going to be completely different too Hayden's room since Hayden is younger , he'll still be sleeping in a crib but it can turn into a bed if he doesn't like it as a crib.

I finished the bedroom hours later, the other boys left to go back to their hotels to rest. I step back after placing the last toy on top of the Y letters that spelled 'HAYDEN'.

This room was so amazing , I hope Hayden likes it .

"It looks good babe," I smile turning to face Matthew.
"Thanks ," I wrap my arms around his neck .
"We're staying here for the night ,"
" in the paint fumes to die?" I joke .

He smiles before swooping me off my feet walking to the bedroom.

I gasp seeing our bedroom decorated simply yet beautifully , when did he do this ?

Was I so concentrated on Hayden's room that I zoned out on everyone else? Yeah that sounds like me.

"Thank you for doing this babe," I press my lips to his for a quick kiss.

He rest me on the bed reattaching our lips , he climbs on top as the kiss intensified.
He trails the kisses down my neck while unbuttoning my shirt, I moan running my hands through his blonde-ing hair.

I Lean up letting him take my shirt off , he pulls his jersey off quickly before hurriedly leaning down kissing the top of my breast. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me up to clip my bra , tossing it aside before cupping them in his hands.

Finally! I've been waiting to long for sex !, I haven't  puked in two weeks so there's a good chance I won't now , it's finally happening !

As he was taking off my jeans my phone start ringing, I groan picking it up and answering.
"Hello?" I answered a bit annoyed.

Matthew smirks hearing how annoyed I was at the anonymous, he gets off the bed stripping off all his clothes in front of me before climbing back on me.

"Mummy?" I hear the softest horsed voice say.
My heart immediately broke , I sit up making Matthew's kisses on my neck stop , he watched me confused until I put the phone on speaker .

"Hayden? Baby is that you?"
Matthew stares at the phone waiting for a reply , he was sure Hayden was mute which I knew he wasn't, he just doesn't like to talk much.

I can't believe he's talking to me ! I knew he would but it's just amazingly yet heart breaking that his first words to me are when I leave him for two weeks.
"Come mummy ,"

I grab Matthew's arm feeling my emotions run wild , I would of burst out crying from just that line if Matthew wasn't next to me.
"Your coming to me soon baby okay , the house is almost done," I lied feeling terrible for doing so.

The house was 59% done and it won't be done for another week or two and then the adoption agent or whoever will come two/ three days after the house is finished.

"Okay," he whispers even softer than he already was.
I hear rustling on the other line before he whispers a bye and hangs up abruptly as if he was caught .

I sign resting down the phone , I was about to get up before Matthew grabs my arm pulling my back down on the bed.
"Get off me Matthew I have to finish the house," I complain trying to get him off me.
"No , it's 11 p.m. You need to relax,"

Before I can object , he moves down between my legs wrapping his arms around my thighs, pulling me to his face roughly .

Jesus Christ .


This part sucked but it's just a filler to get to the juicy parts which is very soon.

So guys please vote for my story and comment I love comments !

Give me ideas on what you want to happen ! Just comment you lovely readers .

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