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By queenfaithmarie

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"You thought it was over?" -Odell ยฉqueenfaithmarie 2017-2018 *IN THE PROCESS OF BEING EDITED and REWRITTEN.* More

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1.4K 68 14
By queenfaithmarie

| Faith |

I woke up with the sun shining brightly in the bedroom that I now shared with Chris who is now my husband, we married each other a few months after I had our first child. Yes we are still in college, but we had a week left until our graduation. I will finally graduate a author, my book was already in the process of being published. I was so excited for the blessings that was about to come my way.

I stretched a bit and turned on my side, Chris was sleeping peacefully.

I gently traced his facial features with my fingers, just admiring him. He woke up with a slight smile, he gently pulled me closer to him he kissed my lips gently, I snuggled closer to his chest and took in his scent. He held me tightly and I felt myself become sleepy again.

I closed my eyes and he kissed my forehead, we began to fall asleep again. Then we heard a little whine coming from down the hallway. I started to get up but Chris stopped me, "I got her."He got out the bed slipping on his boxers and walked out our room.

I laid in the bed just thinking over my life, I was so thankful to have my life God really spared me. I said a silent prayer and then I slipped on my pink short silky robe and tied it. I slowly sat up in the bed, then I let my feet sink into the plush white carpet. I walked in the bathroom the I began brushing my teeth after that I washed my face. As I was drying my face, I heard Chris walk in the bathroom with our daughter Nova. After the loss of our first child, it took me a while to heal from it. I was so excited to come home after my kidnapping with a new born baby. But when Trell and I fought it caused me to have a miscarriage at two months of pregnancy.

Chris and I became intimate again after he helped me get back to where I needed to be mentally and spiritually and then here comes my sweet baby girl Nova.

"Look princess, who is that?" Chris asked looking at her. Nova squeals and claps her hands. I smiled at her. "Good morning princess!" I said while kissing her chubby cheeks.

She reached for me, I smiled and took her out Chris's hands. Her little hands grabbed my face and she gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Aw you're so sweet." I said to her.

Chris walked over to sink to brush his teeth. "Are you hungry Nova?"I asked her she clapped her hands I smiled she looked exactly like Chris she was his twin.

I walked out the room and downstairs to our large kitchen, I failed to mention that Chris and I moved to a larger home. After my kidnapping he didn't want to stay in the same place, which I understood.

I sat Nova down in her high chair and grabbed her baby food and began feeding her. I poured some Cheerios in front her she had baby food all over her.

Before I cleaned her up I took out my phone and took a picture of her.

Then I heard Chris come downstairs he walked in the kitchen and he seen Nova. "Look at you princess, you got food all on your forehead." He said smiling at her Nova smiled and clapped her hands.

I picked her up to clean her up, "Baby can you give me her baby wipes?" I asked Chris. He nodded and handed me her baby wipes. I walked upstairs to her room which was pink and gold, I sat her on the changing table and began walking to her closet. "Let me dress her!" Chris said I turned around and looked at him. "You dress her like a tomboy." I said. "So, she can't wear those girly clothes all the time." He said.

I sighed, "Alright fine." I said he smiled and went in her closet I walked back to the changing table and changed her diaper. "Daddy thinks he has style, let's pray he doesn't have you wearing mix matched clothes." I said to Nova she smiled and clapped. I turned around and looked at Chris he flipped me off, I chuckled.

"Alright I found it. Now get out so I can surprise you." Chris walking to me while grabbing Nova out my hands. "Ugh whatever Chris!" I said while smirking. "Say bye mommy." Chris said to Nova he started waving and she tried to wave.

I walked out the room rolling my eyes playfully. I walked in my room and began getting dressed in my outfit for the meeting we have at the school it was for graduation.

I got dressed in a regular crop top with some regular blue jeans. I quickly did my hair. As I was putting on my jewelry I heard Chris, "Oh mommy come downstairs." He said in a sing song voice. I got up and walked downstairs to the living room, I seen Chris holding Nova up she was looking at me. I gasped Chris did a good job.

"Aw look at my baby. Let me take a picture." I said I took her picture she looked so cute. "Aye send that to me baby girl." Chris said. I quickly sent it to him and walked up to Nova she reached for me I picked her up and she gently hugged my neck. "Ok baby, I'm about to go get dressed. I'll be right back." He said kissing me. I smiled.

I looked at Nova she looked at me, "Alright lil mama, let's do your hair." I said walking back to her room. I brought her in her bathroom I sat her in her little seat, I grabbed her brush and comb. "How about some music ladybug?" I asked her while looking in the mirror at her she claps her hands and squeals. I giggle at her cuteness and clicked on my music, and Beyoncé's Blue came on, I started singing the song to her while doing her hair. I brushed her soft hair into two neat buns, she looked so cute.

I picked her up and held her close to me, she was my whole world. I thanked God for her everyday, she keeps me going even in my tough times. "You ready baby?" Chris asked me he was standing behind me I turned around and looked at him. He was matching Nova, actually we were all matching each other. "Yeah I'm ready, just let me get my shoes and purse and I'll be ready." I said. He nodded and grabbed Nova out my hands. "Da!" she squealed Chris grinned widely as he walked out the bathroom.

After putting on my shoes and grabbing my purse I began walking downstairs. I heard Chris in the kitchen I walked in and seen him feeding her some fried chicken I cooked last night.

I smiled at them, "Baby can you carry her baby bag and while I carry her?" I asked. "Sure baby girl." He said giving me Nova.

I grabbed my car keys and walked to the front door, I unlocked it and walked to my white Mercedes G-Wagon, Chris surprised on our wedding night, he told me that I wouldn't have to worry about anything financially he said he would take care of everything.

I walked to the back door and opened it, I placed Nova in her car seat and strapped her in I kissed her cheek before closing her door.

I seen Chris walking to the driver side. "Let me drive baby girl." He said walking up to me he smelled so good I licked my lips. "Don't start something you can't finish." He said pulling me close kissing me while grabbing my ass. "Oh, I can most definitely finish." I said kissing his lips one more time before walking around to the passenger side.

I got in the car and Nova was singing something while clapping her hands. "What are you singing mama?" I asked her she smiles and continued singing. Chris got in and started up the car he plugged his phone up to my auxiliary cord he scrolls through his music and turns on Future's Mask Off.

Soon we pulled out our gated driveway. An hour later we were turning in the restaurant where our friends wanted to meet up at.

Chris parked the car next to Aubrey's. He turned the car off and we got out I went to get Nova out I unstrapped her and got her out. Chris got her bag and we both closed our doors, he hit the car alarm.


| Chris |

I was so grateful to have Faith back in my life, when I was looking for her I was stressed I barely ate and I fell into a deep depression. My mama did her best to keep a smile on my face but it didn't fill the emptiness I had in my heart.

The day I finally found Faith, my heart nearly exploded, once we were back into our home she told me everything she went through including her the miscarriage of our child. It broke my heart and angered me that our innocent child lost it's life in the process.

Soon I could see her depression leaving her and so was mine. Once I saw her slowly getting back to herself, I decided to take her on a date where I could propose to her.

January 12th.

"Baby can you just tell me where you are taking me?" Faith asked while gently sitting on my lap kissing my lips softly. I smiled in the kiss "Nah, I can't." I said she folded her arms and poked her bottom lip out and pouted. "Chris!" She whined I began to laugh then I popped her on her ass.

"Stop whining." I said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, "At least tell me what type of outfit I should wear." She said. "Alright, wear something classy." I said.

"Hm okay. I can do that." She said smiling while getting up off my lap. "Wait..where you going?" I said pulling her back. She began giggling I began attacking her neck with kisses, "Stop baby!" She said in between giggles.

I began tickling her she laughed louder. I stopped tickling her and just held her and listened to her soft breathing.

"I love you Faith." I said in her ear. "I love you too, Chris." She said back.

A few hours later I was getting ready for our date, I was fixing my tie. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked good, now I was waiting on Faith to finish getting ready.

I went in the living room to wait on Faith, I sat down on the couch and looked at Instagram timeline.

I heard her heels clicking, I looked up my eyes grew wide. She had on this little black dress that hugged her curves, her long hair was curled down her back. Her heels made that ass sit up and it showed off her strong legs. She looked amazing.

I got up and walked over to her, her perfume was intoxicating to me. She looked up at me and smiled showing off her pearly whites.

"Do you like it baby?" She asked. "Nah, I love it. You look amazing." I said moving my hands to her ass. I gave it a good smack. She gasps I leaned down to kiss her, the kiss became intense.

She pulled away. She wiped her lipstick off my lips. "Now come on, I'm getting hungry." She said while smiling. I smiled at her. "Fat ass!" I said. "You love this fat ass!" She said imitating Nicki Minaj.

Once we were settled in the car, I plugged up my phone and turned on my 90's love song playlist. She and I both had a love for them.

We were both singing to each other, I could listen to her sing all day she had the most beautiful voice ever.

It took us an hour to get where we were going, I finally pulled up to her favorite Italian restaurant. She gasped, "Chris aw you remembered." She said looking at me. "Of course baby girl. I wouldn't forget." I said getting out the car to open her door.

I helped her out the car her perfume hit my nose, I licked my lips. I grabbed her small hand and led her to the restaurant entrance, I opened the door for her she thanked me and walked in my eyes wandered off to her plump ass. I bit my lip and chuckled.

The hostess looked up and smiled. "Hi table for two?" She asked politely. "No reservations for Brown." I said. She nodded and looked down at the names for reservations, "Ah here you are. Follow me please." She said politely to us. We began following her my hand was on Faith's lower back guiding her.

She led us to a secluded area just as I requested. Our table had candles lit, Faith's favorite pink champagne sitting on ice and a vase of pink roses. Which were her favorite, Faith gasped.

"Here's your table, your waiter will be with you shortly. Enjoy." She said we both thanked her.

I pulled out Faith's chair she walked over to me and kissed me softly. "Thank you baby, this is beautiful." She said. "You're welcome baby, you deserve it." I said she smiled and sat down. I gently pushed her chair in and I sat down in mine, she was looking down at her menu even the simplest things she did she was still gorgeous.

Her warm brown eyes stared at me, "What?" I asked. She smiled at me. "I'm just wondering how did I get so blessed with a wonderful man."  She said. I blushed a bit she giggled. "Aw baby, I should be asking how did I get so blessed with a beautiful woman?" I asked she blushes and sips her champagne.

The waiter came and took our orders, after we gave our orders. We sat there and talked about almost everything, after a few minutes our orders came.

"Mm this is so good." She said licking her lips while chewing her pasta. She looks at my plate, she reached over and took a piece of my steak off my plate. "That's good too." She smiled. "Greedy ass!" I said. She rolls her eyes playfully.

When were done eating, the waiter came with our dessert it was her favorite. "Oo you're bringing out all my favorites can this night get any better?" She asked. "It's about to." I said. She looked at me in confusion. I got up from my seat and walked over to her then I got down on one knee. She dropped her spoon and gasped. "Oh shit!" She said while covering her mouth.

I grabbed her left hand gently. "Baby, I've been wanting to do this since we were younger. I knew you were going to be my wife and I know you will be the mother of my child. You are the woman I prayed for, you're such a blessing to me God really made us for each other. I'm so in love with you, and what happened with you only made our love stronger. So Faith, will you make me the happiest man on the earth by marrying me?" I asked her looking in her eyes which were filled with tears as she cried.

She nodded yes, a tear slid down my face and I slid the beautiful ring on her finger.

She leaned down and kissed me passionately while holding my face. She pulled away, and looked at me. I wiped her tears, "I love you so much Chris!" She said kissing me again. I chuckled, "I love you too baby." I said to her.

She looks at her unfinished dessert and champagne then she smirks. "Hm baby how about we takes this dessert and champagne home and finish it there?" I said.

I knew where she was going with it. "Sure we can." I said to her.

When we finally got home, we made love to till the sun came up.

•flashback over •

I looked at her as she held Nova and made her laugh. Seeing them two happy made my heart melt, I had my own family now.

"Oh my gosh is that my best friends?!" Destiny said loudly across the way. She waved us over we walked to the table and Destiny got up and gave us a hug.

She grabbed Nova out of Faith's arms and she kissed all over Nova's chubby cheeks. "Aw you're such a sweet baby." She said to Nova. Nova just cuddled on her, she was a sweet baby. The waitress came and took Faith and I's order.

Destiny sat down next to Faith with Nova still laying on her. Aubrey and Micheal made room for me I sat down. "So how's life Chris?" Aubrey asked.

"Man life is so great, I'm so blessed and grateful." I said to him he nodded and looked over at Faith as she grabbed Nova while smiling.

"Your family is beautiful Chris. I can't wait for mine." Micheal said. "Thank you, aw you and Destiny are next." I said to Micheal, Destiny looks over at us and then smiles.

"We just might be." He said with a smirk. Aubrey nodded and looked over at his long time crush Zora walking in and towards our table. "Hi everyone." She said to us. We all spoke to her and called the waiter to bring a extra chair, she sat next to Aubrey. Destiny raised an eyebrow at them.

"So how old is she Faith?" Zora asked about Nova.

"She's two." Faith said grabbing Nova from Destiny as she started to get fussy.

"Aw, she's beautiful." Zora said to Faith. "Thank you." Faith said while gently rubbing Nova's back.

"So Chris how is your internship going at the psychologist's office?" Destiny asked me. I sipped my drink and looked at her. "It's very interesting,just to hear these people's problems and how their mind operates is so amazing." I said to her she nods. 

We began to eat our food, we had great conversation as well. It was great catching up with them again.

We were finally done eating, and now were all in the parking lot just talking about our next meet up. Faith was at Destiny's car talking, I turned my attention back to Aubrey and Micheal as we talked.

"So we need to go out and get drinks, I know you need a little break Chris." Aubrey said to me.

"Or go to a strip club." Micheal said causing us to laugh. "Nah, Faith is enough for me." I said they began to laugh. "Ah this nigga is really a family man now." Aubrey said. "What y'all laughing at?" Faith asked coming up behind me, I turned around. "Oh nothing baby, you ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, Nova is getting a bit fussy, you know how she gets." Faith said to me, I nodded. We said our goodbyes and made our way to the car.

Faith placed Nova in  her car seat, then strapped her in, she got in on the passenger side. I started up the car and we pulled off.

Dsvn played softly in the car. I grabbed Faith's hand gently and kissed it, "I love you baby girl." I said to her she blushes. "I love you too." She said kissing my cheek softly.

The rest of our day was good, and we enjoyed ourselves. Nothing could go wrong or so we thought.


Hey y'all here is Chapter 1, wow it's over 3,000 words. But this was just a little introduction of Faith and Chris's life together. Let me know what y'all think. Don't forget to vote and comment.


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