Male! Marinette x Adrien (Sti...

By Goat_Kiddie911

119K 2.6K 3.1K

Title says it all, I hopes. From sleepovers to reverse umbrellas to the ever cliche tutoring scene, these are... More

Um, Acknowledgments, I Guess? How the Story Came to Be. You Can Just Skip This.
Chat-purr 1-'Cuz Why Not?
Chatpurr 2- Like a Girl
A/N Ah ha ha... sorry.
Chatpurr 4- Repaying the Favor
Chatpurr 5- Delirious
Chatpurr 6- I'll Teach You
Chatpurr 7- The Smoothest Marin
Chatpurr 8- How Life Could Be

Chatpurr 3- Two of a kind

11.4K 294 239
By Goat_Kiddie911

Unn... *Rubs eyes* 1:20 AM over here... AHAHAHA. Who am I kidding? I stay up 'til past that even on school days! Every day! But I gotta say, I am truly, truly TRULY sorry. I said that I'd update over the summer,  AND IT'S BEEN 3 MONTHS. I am a pathetic excuse for a wannabe fanfiction writer. I hope you'll accept my apology. Please note that this is a raw, unedited piece of shizazzle, right out of the machine. Also, there's a fighting 'action' scene at the end and I... just can't. XD

When Adrien woke up, there was something warm at his back. Like a sunbeam... he let out a small, contented purr... wait. Adrien's eyes snapped open wide. As painful as it was to realise, sunbeams weren't tangible. And whatever was behind him definitely was. He lurched upright, and saw Marin curled up peacefully beside him, still sleeping. He smiled softly.

'He must be having a good dream,' Adrien thought, amused. Marin looked younger when he was sleeping. There were usually so many lines in his face. Whether it was shock, or concern, or happiness, or whatever emotion he was feeling at the time, each one told a different story. And when he slept, it was as if those stories were wiped away, a period of rest before new ones could take their place. Maybe that was everyone though.

There was a silence in the Dupain-Cheng's house, but not the echoey, hollow quiet that infected the Agreste household. More like... like the calm silence on winter mornings when the snow blankets everything, but it's nice and warm inside. Urgh. Plagg was right; he was sappy.

He spared a glance at the clock. It was 7:20...

"AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Adrien screamed, "GET UP!!! WE ONLY HAVE 10 MINUTES TO GET READY AND BE AT SCHOOL!" Marin and Alyn jumped to there feet and ran off in different directions, but Nino stayed asleep. Adrien ran to the bed and kicked him off, reveling for a moment in the justice being served.

"Dude, what the cra-"


[Timeskip brought to you by Dammit! I'm gonna have to change some events around...]

By some miracle, they made it to the classroom with 3 seconds to spare, earning a sharp glance from the teacher, but no strict words. As the lesson wore on, Marin's mind couldn't help wandering back to last night. He and Adrien had actually slept back to back. It was so warm... A different kind of warmth from, like, a heated room. There was just something different... [Insert other word]... he should definitely have sleepovers more oft-

"Marin Dupain-cheng!" the teacher snapped sternly, to the tittering laughs of his classmates, "Do I need to call your parents?"

"N-no ma'am," Marin hastily replied. The last time his parents had gotten involved in his school affairs, he had gotten grounded for having too many tardies. Since then, Marin had made sure to be the exemplary student- except when he was thinking about Adrien. Which, admittedly,

was often, but he still got good grades!

'Focus, Marin. You can think about Adrien all you want AFTER school.'

The rest of the day passed by agonizingly slow, every passing minute spent on the prevention of Adrien in his thoughts killing a bit more of Marin's soul. FINALLY, the bell rang, and the students flowed out of the classroom like water. Marin hopped over the desks and out the door before the teacher could give a "Hmph" of disapproval.

'School's finally over!' He hummed happily, going through all of his mental snapshots of Adrien and imagining him in of some Marin's latest designs for cardigan sweaters.

*Whomp!* Marin very suddenly crashed into a very hard muscular mass garbed in designer clothing that reeked of axe.

"Well, well," Chael sneered, "If it isn't the little girly boy. Goin' home to bake some cupcakes for your boyfriend? Or maybe you'll knit a few quilts? Ha!" Marin sighed inwardly.

"Don't you have anything better to do than to stand around waiting for people to come by just so you can insult them?"

"Yep! I can stand around waiting for people to come by just so I can beat them up!" Ladybug's fast reflexes kicked in, and Marin sidestepped the fist that came whistling by his face with ease. He dodged the next few kicks with just as little difficulty, a small triumphant grin on his face.

"GGGGGGRRRRR!" Chael growled, "Stop dodging like a wimp!"

"All right then," Marin said cheerily, hardly out of breath, "Your wish-"

BAM! A fist connected with Chael's face, "Is my command. I think you'll regret it though!" A sweep kick threw him flat onto his back, and he laid on the ground, stunned.

'Another boring day,' Adrien sighed, staring out the window. There was the supermarket. There was the outlet mall. There was the boutique. There was Chael punching Marin. Wait, what!?

"Hey! Stop the car!" Adrien shouted, throwing the door open and leaping out before the car even came to a full stop.

"Adrien! What are you-" Nathalie cried before the door shutting on itself cut her off with a click.

Marin dodged yet another punch from Chael, diving under his arm to punch him in the stomach. But as he dove, a whistling sound above caught his attention. It had been a fakeout. Chael had taken the punch so that he could get a clear shot at Marin's back.

'What!? I didn't think he was smart enough to do that,' his eyes widened as the fist came swinging downward.

"Hey Chael, whatcha doin'?" Adrien said as he shoulder-barreled into Chael, throwing him against the wall of the pawn shop behind. Marin gaped in shock.

"Marin! Are you okay?"

"Yeah! Thanks for the save!" he replied, still high on adrenaline. A half unconscious Chael staggered upright as they talked, picking up a rock and preparing to bring it down on Marin's head. Instead, Marin's knuckles connected with Chael's face, and the rock fell onto his own head, finally knocking him out cold. Without missing a beat, Marin held out his hand to Adrien.

"We make a pretty good team, huh?" they laughed together as they fist-bumped over Chael's motionless body.

'Hey...' Adrien thought, 'That might have been the first time that we actually spoke normally...'

Ey, don't worry, don't worry. They decided to drive Chael to the local hospital later. He's fine! Just... be cool, be cool.

Btw, did you guys see the Rio to Tokyo Olympics transition ceremony? OMB. I really can't wait. Abe turning into Mario was too hilarious. But even though I love manga/anime, I have to admit that those scenes were kind of epically cringey (I feel like I speeled those wrong lol). I know the first half of the chapter sounds drastically different from the second. I got some editors, and they did and AMAZING job! But then they skipped town. Dunno where they are. Haven't heard from them. It's a mystery! But if you go back to the old chapters in a few days, you'll see little improvements here and there. See ya!

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