Future What Now? (Leonard Sna...

By Spn-Flash-Imagine

12.6K 560 162

It took me weeks to plan this bank robbery, and of course with my luck, some guy in a leather jacket had to m... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Six

1.2K 58 16
By Spn-Flash-Imagine

I stepped out of the black suv I was in and reached through the passenger window, paying the driver. "Are you sure this is where you want to be dropped off?" the driver asked

"Yeah." I nodded "A warehouse party is going on later tonight, I have to help set up." I lied. Man this concussion is affecting my lying damn. The driver looked at me concerned until I smiled and stepped away from the vehicle. "Thanks for the ride." I smiled and the driver sped away. I turned away and walked towards the warehouse. "Leonard?" I walked in through an open door, it was 7:30 pm on the dot. "Snart?" I walked further into the warehouse. It was dark, the only light was coming from the small windows that lined the top of the walls. 

"You came." Leonard walked into view.

"I had to thank you." I walked towards him. I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off before I could even say anything

"I didn't steal it." He stated and I chuckled, looking towards the ground, I tucked some hair behind my ear.

"I wasn't going to ask that." I pursed my lips

"Yeah you were." He smirked.

"Yeah. Yeah I was." I looked back up at him

"So how are you feeling?" He asked stepping closer. He reached forward and rested his left hand on my cheek and with the other hand lifted the white bandage that was wrapped around my head.

"No lie, I had to take an uber out here, he was concerned for my safety." I chuckled slightly and he inspected my stitches

"I shouldn't have invited you here." He sighed

"It's just a small concussion." I shrugged and he set the bandage back over my stitches. He removed his hands from my cheek and forehead

"Small concussion. Really (Y/n)?" He raised a brow. "Concussions are serious how did you even get Dr. Snow to let you leave Starlabs alone?" He asked concern filling his voice as he ran his hands over his face.

"I told her I had to go to the washroom." I said and he tilted his head confused. "I went to the washroom at home then called an uber afterwards." I shrugged

"You escaped Starlabs." He smirked

"You proud?" I chuckled and he smirked. "I will need a ride back to Starlabs after if that is possible. I forgot the pain meds Caitlin told me to take." I said sheepishly. My phone began to vibrate in my pocket for the umpteenth time. I rolled my eyes and pulled it out of my pocket. Caitlins face flashed across the screen and I sighed, I swiped the screen to answer the phone. "One second." I whispered to Leonard.

"(Y/n) where are you?" Caitlin asked quickly

"I'm with Leonard." I stated

"You left to go see a criminal? (Y/n) You have a concussion! You're injured!" She urged

"I know." I sighed "I had to see him."

"Come back to Starlabs, bring him. Barry is saying that he won't take him to Iron Heights, just get back here." Caitlin sighed

"Caitlin I'm fine." I stated

"You aren't fine." She sighed "I'll get the med bed ready." She said quietly.

"I'm okay." I sighed

"No (Y/n). You have a concussion how you even got to wherever you are without getting sick is beyond me." She stated

"I'll be there soon." I said.

"I know." She stated. I heard her sigh and the line went dead.

"I think you're in trouble." Leonard stated

"How'd you know?" I chuckled before a gust of wind swirled through the warehouse and most knocked me over. Leonard quickly caught me before I fell forward.

"I'm taking (Y/n) to StarLabs, meet us there." Barry told Leonard. Leonard nodded and I stepped out of Leonards arms. Barry picked me up in his arms and ran back to Starlabs. As soon as we got there he placed me down on the med bed, I quickly rolled off of it and grabbed the trash can that sat beside the bed. I threw up everything and anything that was in my system. I laid my arms on the rim of the trash can and leaned forward closing my head.

"I could've just called an uber." I mumbled. I felt someone pull my hair back and put it in a hair tie.

"Want to get up onto the bed?" Caitlin asked from behind me. "We can hook you up to the IV. Help you with the nausea." She offered. I nodded slowly and began to lift myself off the trash can. My arms shook as I pushed myself up. Caitlin helped me stand up, when I took a step to get closer to the med bed, my legs gave out and I fell forward onto the bed. Barry rushed over and helped me onto the bed again. Caitlin instructed Barry and Cisco to leave the room so she could help me change into a medical gown. I got changed as fast as I could, which was not fast at all. My vision began to blur before Caitlin called the guys back into the cortex. Caitlin hooked me up to an IV and called Barry and Cisco back in, but instead of two bodies walking into the room there were three. I closed my eyes thinking I was just imagining a third person and laid my head back on the pillow.

"I'm going to go talk to them." Caitlin pulled the covers up and over me

"Why is she just showing symptoms now? She was fine before she left." I heard Barry ask

"The symptoms of a concussion may begin immediately, or they may not develop for hours, days, weeks, or even months following the injury. For (Y/n) they didn't kick in until you ran her here. The pressure on her head from you running her here could have kick started the symptoms." Caitlin answered

"So this is your fault." I heard Leonards voice.

"We didn't know this was going to happen." Barry stated

"I could've driven her here, but no, you just have to be the hero eh." I opened my eyes and saw Leonard poking Barry in the chest. "Well not any more." Leonard stated

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked

"I don't need you being her prince in a crimson spandex suit okay. She doesn't need you running across the city to pick her up for a ride. I'm going to deal with the Rogues, once they're gone, you are too. She doesn't need you to put her into anymore danger." Leonard seethed

"I put her in danger?" Barry gave a humourless laugh "The reason she has a concussion is because of you, she was at that bank because of you, the Rogues are after her bec-"

"Because of me!" Leonard practically shouted. "I get it alright! Everything that's happened to her in the past months has happened because of me. I'm trying to fix this!" Leonard urged

"Well you're doing a bang up job at fixing this." Barry hissed

"I just want to be with her. You have no idea what I've seen, what I know. I love her." Leonard stated as he pointed at me. He saw that I was awake and dropped his arm and stared at me sadly. 

"We're her friends, we aren't just going to abandon her." Cisco stated

"Just stop arguing." I said from my spot on the med bed. Everyone turned their heads to look at me "I need all of you in my life. So just stop." I said a bit louder. I closed my eyes and moved my hands up to my head, being careful about the IV.

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