The Twin Sisters

By ShraddhaBhatia6

109K 4.6K 366

Highest Rank: #74 in Romance This is my second book! Please help me with your love and support, as I had for... More

Character Sketch
Birthday Party
The First Date
Double Trouble
Work Day
Daydreams and Nightmares
Turning Point
The Gift
Guana Islands
Palau Joyo Islands
Lost and Found
The Bracelet and The Diary
Katherine Kapoor
Cross Roads
Wedding Dates
Game On
Second Chance
Bridesmaid dresses
Good Deeds
Kapoor Mansion
The Royal Wedding
Happily Ever After


3.9K 169 16
By ShraddhaBhatia6


Meera started shivering in her sleep, vigorously and Ira started sweating in her own sleep.

Both were sleeping next together, arms tangled together, dreams tangled together..

Last Night

'Meera!' Ira pushed open the giant office's door, through her connections, she managed a private jet and reached Paris in blink of an eye.

'Madame!' The guard was running after her.

'Meera!!!' She yelled loudly in the secluded office and ran deeper.

'Mee--' she called but gasped when she saw her sister in front of her, almost naked! Standing in front of her was a lifeless body.

She didn't blink, she didn't move, she didn't speak. All she did was stare.
Stare at her twin, who stopped in her tracks, mentally cursing herself. She was responsible for this dismantled piece standing in front of her.

Ira took small baby steps in slience and reached in front of her sister.
'Meera...' she lighlty touched her arm and her sister broke down, crying like there is no end.

'I want to die, I want to go to mother. Kill me Ira. Please.' She begged her, clunching her sister closer to herself.

'Shh.. I'm here with you Meera. Everything will be fine.'

'Please, let me die. I can't take this anymore. I can't!' Meera was mentally broken too.

'Meera listen to me! Look at me!' Ira shook her shivering sister.

'I can't! I can't! I can't!'

'Yes you can, you dumbass! I'm here and we are together now! Fuck everyone! It's Ira for Meera and??'


'It's Ira for Meera and ??? Say it!'

'And Meera for Ira..'

Both got up together, deeply terrified from their dream.
Breathing heavily.

"You had it too huh?" Ira asked.

"Mother's funeral?" Meera questioned.

"Yup, the same."

"Yes... only it was me instead of mother..."

There was complete silence in the room for a full minute.

"Let's head towards the palace. My head hurts with this office's stupid smell. What's the time btw?" Ira got up and stretched.

"5 a.m."

"Oh.. Some sleep, breakfast then the instructors ass."


"What what? Our princess training program starts today!"

Meera wasn't smiling, but her eyes relaxed. "You read my messages."

"All of them babe." Ira smiled and tucked her sister's arm. "The palace awaits for the great twins."


"Hi! I'm Princess Tia, here to meet Prince Samar." She was more than excited to give a surprise visit to her brother and the first thing she did was to land in his laboratory.

"Hello, your highness. I'm really sorry but he isn't here." His secretary said with a pained expression.

Tia frowned "What do you mean he isn't here?"

"Ma'am he is missing. We can't track him or Ira Kapoor with whom he went for a party last night."

'That's strange.' She thought.
"You checked his apartment?"

"We did but..." she said and shook her head in denial.

"I know where my brother is then. Thank you." She said and left.

After giving the required directions to her driver, She sank in deep thoughts.
What could be a possible reason for his disappearance.?
One thing she love about Samar is his care for peopld. Several times he kept his interest in a small box and reached out to help others.
'People have their own worries Tia, you can't erase them all. The least you can do is not to bring more.' He always said that and yet he is missing today.
Something terrible happened to him.

"Ma'am? We reached." Her driver called and pulled her back to the current scenario.

She nodded and stepped out of the car, standing silently in front of a small country side cottage.
"You can return." She commanded and moved towards the cottage, the door was open.

"Samar?" She called but there was no response, she further moved inside the cottage and her childhood memories rushed back.
How their parents made this small secret place so that they can hide from the lime light of the world and be a normal family for once in a while.

"Samar!" She gasped when she saw her brother sleeping on the couch with an empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and a gold bracket in other.

Though he was sleeping but he was tired and in pain.
She rushed towards him and lightly touched his forehead.

"Ira!" He jerked up and his eyes started searching her.

"Brother..." She said in a whisper.

He turned and saw his sister sitting next to him. Within a fraction of second he was hugging her tightly and was crying his eyes out.

"My handsome Prince of France doesn't cry." She said, recalling his words 'My beautiful Princess of France doesn't cry.' Whenever she did.

"I never loved someone as much as I love her." He whispered.


"Ira..." he breathed.

"Shhh...You don't need to be disheartened, brother. You are a terrific person nothing can stop her from falling in love with you."

"My personality does." He hugged her harder.

"That's..... shallow."

"That's her... and that's what makes me love her more."

"Brother look." She pushed him to be face to face. "You looked handsome, hot, girls were crazy for you. Then you changed and became like this. A boring doctor. I don't understand, why?"


"Because....Vivaan was hot and handsome and fell in love. I have seen what looks do to people. I have seen what love does to people, now I understand."

"So, you want Ira to fall for this Samar? Who is not real? Who is someone hiding behind his specs?"

"It is who I'm now."

"No.. you are it not. A boring doctor doesn't ask his sister to bring in leather jackets, or buys cool snickers, or get an sleek Armani stitched!"

"Tia... you are little. You won't understand. I need to return, people would be worried."

"You both are same! When I start talking some senses, you are like, you are small. That's not fair. You have to show Ira what you really are!"

"What do you want me to do? Sleep with women? Wear those swagger clothes? Use those clinched punchlines? Be a bartender instead of a doctor?" He was furious now.

"No.. Just let me bring out Prince Samar from Dr. Samar. Trust me bro, pls!"

"I don't think so--"

"You want Ira to love you, right?"

He hissed. "Yes.."

"Good! Mission Ira's love. Starts from today! Now wipe off your tears we are going shopping!"


"So Ira? How is your photography going on?" The queen asked, just to make a small conversation with the new guest.

"Good, thank you." Her judgemental eyes were annoying her.
'Chillax babe.' She thought.

"Everything well between you and Samar?" The queen asked again.

Ira hissed, 'How did she possibly know that she was with him...? Oh! Samar told her! Bloody hell.'
"It's...Pretty well." She murmered.

Meera took a breathe of relief, she was happy that her sister didn't argue about the attire she picked for her. The queen looked skeptical, but her conversation with Ira was quite normal and marked some progress.

"Howbaboyt you Meera? How is it going with Vivaan and his company? Is he helpful?" The king asked and dhe choked her food.
"Easy!" He said and offered her a glass of juice, while her sister rubbed her back.

"Apologies." Meera said, when she caught her breathe again.
Ira tangled her fingers in her sisters under the table. Giving her courage, just thing Meera needed.
"It's going good, just a week more then I'll start my own business."

"Good." He smiled.

Just then an lady briskly walked towards the king. "Your highness. Your guest have arrived."

"Ah.. then we should welcome them." The king smiled towards the little breakfast party and everyone got up to follow him.

There was a small chopper visible a far, and all four of them waited for it to land.

"Who do you think it is?" Ira asked.

"I have no idea."

"I hate surprises." Ira said and folded her arms.

"Me too." Meera said.

The chopper landed and there was silence all around, and then the door flung open.
"Di!" A figure came running towards the twins.

"Raghav!" Both the twins said in unison and smiled towards each other.

"I missed you so much!" He hugged his sisters tightly.

"It's good to see you champ!" Ira touched his head, ruining his hair.

"Di don't! There are hot girls here, I wanna impress them!"

"Is it? Don't you think we need to concentrate on our studies more then the hot girls here?" Meera asked.

"I'm a rich son of a rich father. What is there for me to worry?" He joked and all three laughed.

"Is it just you or...?" Meera asked.

"Father couldn't make it di. He'll join us next week." He weakly smiled.

"So, big boy came all alone." Ira again destroyed his hairstyle.

"No. It's.."

"Hello sisters." She smirked.

"Veronica." The twins said together.
One clenched her teeth.
The other gasped in worry.


"What the fuck is she doing here?" Ira said pacing back and forth in the room.

"Ira, we dont have time. Lady Martha will be here any moment."

"Veronica is a bitch and you are so chilled out--"

Someone cleared her throat. "I believe we need a lot of mending here. Specially for this mannarless girl."

"And who the Fuck are you?" Ira asked in an annoying tone.

"Lady Martha." Meera bowed and Ira rolled her eyes.

Lady Martha ignored her and clapped her hands twice. Suddenly a team rushed inside the room, with a full new wardrobe and different make up kits and shoes and all the things required.

"Woah! You bought all the boutiques of paris?!" Ira said.

Lady Martha, just like a strict school teacher moved towards her and stopped just few centimeters away. Though she reached only Ira's shoulder but was enough intimidating to send a small shiver down Meera's spine who was standing at a distance.

"Listen to me very carefully once and for all. Nobody talks to me like that. Especially you, I have heard a lot about you, none in a good way. So for the next six weeks I'm going to tame you on my toe nails. One wrong move, and I will make your life a nightmare."
She said and commanded her team to take over, not even waiting for Ira's sassy reply.

"That bitch--"

"Ira.. no." Meera pulled her raging sister back.

"Hello, Lady Marta." The evil voice came in.

"Great! I almost forgot her!" Ira threw her hands in the air in denial.

"Ah.. Lovely Veronica. Please come in. Maybe you can help to teach your sister some manners." Lady Marta said and hugged her, who smirked towards the angry sister.

"It will be an honour, to be of any help. Forgive me Lady Matha, but I took a liberty of choosing dresses for my sister's today." Veronica said and stepped a side for her to see the two dresses.

"Oh.. they are gorgeous. You have a great taste, Ms. Veronica. Unless, like your sister's" she eyed towards them.

Ira took a step forward but Meera pulled her back.

"Everyone, let's start!" Lady Martha clapped her hands and her team pulled in.



"Yes, brother?" She smiled sweetly.

"Please, fasten your seatbelts sir and ma'am. We are about to take off." Their pilot said.

"Sure." She smiled towards him poliety and did the same.
"What you want me to teach you how to fasten your belt?" She raised her eyebrows when she saw her brother stairing at her.

"Tia.." He stressed on her name just like an authoritative, big brother.

"I'll tell you, once we take off."

"What? This isn't fair. You told me you'll tell me once we are on board."

"What do you want me to tell you anyway? And I don't know why is it sooooooo important for you." She shrugged.

"It is important because I left my research report and am flying back to my home in a new changed form. So tell me?" He demanded again and now the plane was in the air.

"Ira is in France. In the palace." Tia declared and Samar felt silent for a moment.

"You waited because...?" He asked timidly.

"You have no where to run now but to face her."

"It's our private jet. I can command him to return back you know?"

"No, it's my private jet. Vivaan gifted me and the pilot is only authorised to take my commands." She winked towards her brother.

"Amazing!" He sighed and waited patiently for his next encounter with the great Ira Kapoor.


After two hours of learning how to greet a royalty like a royalty it was time for them dress up like a royalty and present themselves in front of the king and the queen.

"Don't you think there will be someone hot like me!" Ira sang and was dancing in her robe with her dress in her hands.

Meera chuckled. "Sometimes I don't understand why people think that twins like identical things all the time?"

"Our little bitchy sister can do anything! I don't remember the last time I wore a jeans to cover my legs and look at this."

"Royal things. I guess." Meera joked too.

"Stupid, Fucking--"


"Fine! Getting ready for my Prince charming!" She pouted and turned.

"Oh.. I wonder how Prince Samar is doing." She said.

And a ping of guilt hit Ira instantly. "Yeah.. I wonder that too." She whispered and quickly moved in.

After a few hours both the sisters were ready to present themselves in front of the king and the queen.

"Ready?" Meera asked.

"Ready!" Ira noded cheerfully.

Both stepped out of their room, in a slow elegant pace as taught and stopped in front of grand descending stairs.
Gazing towards the their own one person who was sending them chills.

'Samar! What?? How..?' Ira thought when she saw a transformed Samar standing in front of her.
'He look completely different! Rather hot! And why the hell Veronica is clinging on to him, and he is not prostesting even! What the freaking hell is going on here?'
Ira tried all the possibilities, but none of them fit in the current situation.

Vivaan's eyes were fix on Meera. Not leaving once, which made her even more scared. 'What are the possibilities of me doing something wrong again?' She thought and as they moved closer to the little party she could clearly see his eyes. They were red and puffed, full of pain, or anger.
'Ther is something bad that happened with him, or something bad that is going to happen with me!' She thought.


Samar could feel a tiny pain hit deep in his chest.
'She looks insanely gorgeous.' He thought and couldn't contain his feelings, but then a small arm grabbed his arm and made him flinch, and recalled the reason and his purpose.

"Come on Samar! She is my sister. Don't you think I know her?"

"This is highly unnecessary..."

"I heard your conversation with Tia. I'm sorry I have no place of say here. But if you love Ira then you will agree to it. Tia does."

He just sighed and Veronica touched his arm lightly showing her compassion for him.

Now he stood here, pretending that he is more inclined towards her than Ira.

For the first time, Vivaan thought the Meera looked beautiful.

'Nayesha, was unable to carry the dress.' He thought and his mind dragged him back to today's afternoon.

Vivaan was engrossed in his reports today when the door knocked.
"May I come in Mr. Vivaan?" A voice entered his ear and he knew who it was.

"What do you want?" He snapped angrily.

"I guess you know what I want." She said and moved towards him.

"What do you want, Nayesha? Wasn't it enough to ruin my life years ago?"
He angrily got up.

"" She encircled her one arm around his neck and pulled him closer with the other hand. "I regret that day till today, and now we are back in each others life. Nothing can tear us apart, and your sweet Meera stand no chance in front of me. I know that, you know that." She said in a sexy tone an gave a small peck on his lips.
"See you soon, Mr. Vivaan" she said and left the stone turned Vivaan there.


When the sisters stood in front the king and queen, it was time to demonstrate their first lesson.

Ira started feeling some itch on her neck and had an urge to scratch it off, but preferred to maintain her calm for her sister's sake. "My lady, it's an honour to meet you." She bent down to great the queen and then saw her arms turning red.

"Like wise Ms. Ira." The queen bent with utter courtesy.

"Your highness." Meera said and bent to greet them.


Her dress tore apart, from neck to end of her spine.

"No...!" She gasped and froze.

"Oh mon Dieu! Venir vite! La dame a besoin d'aide! (Oh god! Come quickly! The lady needs help!)"  The king called and a small team of ladies came in to help her.

Ira was unaware about the situation, she was paralyzed herself.
All she felt was her burning skin and her inability to even move.

'Rashes! It's sandal wood! Veronica sprinkled sandal wood perfume.' She thought angrily looking towards her evil sister.

'You did this!' Ira wanted to yell on her sister but couldn't.

She was allergetic to sandal wood and Veronica knew about this.
She added this sandal wood in her dress and tore Meera's.
Ira knew it was her.

'Let me be fine bitch. Your dead then.' Ira thought for the last time and fell on the ground.

Sorry for late update, but I'm quite busy.
But I Promise to write as much as I can!
As quickly as possible!

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