Stydia one-shots

By stydiaHAShappened

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Title basically says it all. Feel free to leave requests! More

1. And if you die
2. Late
3. Not Jealous
4. A Little Void
5. Little red riding hoodie
6. Coping With Death
7. The Christmas present
Perks of stydia
8. Everything
9. Guess Who's Back
10. The Dinner
11. Stydia texts
12. Sheets
13. Season 6
14. Like That
15. A Living Body
Stydia Sexy Time
17. Season 6
18 .HER
19. The Phone Call
Perks of Stydia pt.2
20. Catdog
21. Fight
22. I got Tagged...again
23. The Sun
24. Season 6 imagine
25. Wedding Ring
26. College
27. Sleeping
28. You Okay?
A "No Clue" one shot
29. He
31. Colleague
Perks of Stydia pt.3
33.Folded Like Fabric
34. Coin
35. Claudia
36. Drunk
Stydia Phones
38. Best Friends Brother
39. Soft
40. Room Mate
41. Tattoo
42. Late
Stydia Phones Pt.2
43. Tattoo pt 2
44.Over Protective
Tattoo pt.3
45. Anchor
Tattoo pt.4
Tatoo pt.5
47. Apartments
Stydia Phones pt.3
51. The Trio
52. Autumn
53. Friends
54. Youtube
Perks of Stydia pt.4
55. Winter
Interrupting Pt.2
57. Coffee
58. Mornings
Interrupting Pt.3
59. Ocean Scene
60. Sweet
61. I'll be back
62.I Love You
63. Just Ask
64. His Room
65. The Bed
66. The Crush
67. Let's Go Swimming
68. I Usually Don't Over Think
69. Saturday Night
70. They talked about everything

16. Stydia as Songs pt. 1

2.9K 69 6
By stydiaHAShappened

[DISCLAIMER: I would just like to point out, these are not at all how I interpret the actual song. This is just me twisting the words around so they apply to a certain Stydia situation. Aka don't get mad at me and comment "actually (artists name) meant that the boy didn't love the girl blah blah blah". Yeah? Yeah.]

Song: Too Good- Conor Maynard Cover
Original songs: Too Good- Drake & Needed Me- Rihanna (starting from "but baby, don't get it twisted")

I don't know how to talk to you...

Things were definitely off balance. Suddenly they were no longer friends, conversations ended as soon as they had begun and the only thing they could really talk about was the supernatural ever since Stiles had started dating Malia. The two often prayed that the pack wouldn't leave them alone together or have them team up on a search. Stiles would awkwardly clear his throat, Lydia shifting in her spot repeatedly to the point where he would ask her politely to stop. The truth was, he made her as uncomfortable as she used to to him.

Because all of a sudden the roles had been reversed and she had fallen for someone out of her league. Silence had become a natural phenomenon between them.

I don't know how to ask you if you're okay.

He knew she was hurt. It was obvious when she seemed a little down at her locker in the mornings. But as soon as he approached she lit up so bright with a smile that hadn't been there two minutes before. Stiles wanted to ask her but before he had the chance, Malia had run up to him and wrapped her arms around his torso in a backwards hug. This often lead to an odd third wheel. The grin he gave her was no longer restricted to her but to this other girl as well

And her smile turned slightly fake as she pretended that she enjoyed the two together (she didn't hate Malia, they were friends. the coyote simply had something she wanted) even though, in honesty, Lydia knew she could do better. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't in the least bit jealous. But she continued the conversation as normal between the two. The bell rang, Malia ran, he looked at Lydia like a stray dog. He never questioned her soft frown.

My friends always feel the need to tell me things.

"She likes you." Isaac had whispered once in class, gesturing to the strawberry blonde half asleep in the back. Stiles looked at her over his shoulder at the mention until they caught eyes and she waved in greeting. It had happened more than once, mostly with Isaac but with the others as well; Kira, Scott, Allison, Liam, even Derek once. Mostly because everyone could sense it, supernatural or not, there was something there.

Kira had elbowed him in the middle of a lacrosse game, after he had finally been put up to play. (It was exciting, no longer sitting on the bench but a snarky coach Finstock had pulled him out when he refused to pass.) The kitsune nodded in the general direction of the bleachers and he looked over his shoulder, Allison and Lydia mid-conversation. At first, Stiles was confused, but upon further inspection he noticed what Kira had. A poster hidden slightly behind Lydia's legs that read his name and jersey number.

"She called me at three in the morning because she ran out of glitter." Kira mumbled knowingly as Stiles turned his gaze back to the field. He began to overthink as he normally does and realized; Lydia hadn't known he was going to play tonight. Hell, no one had known coach was putting him on the field. She made the poster regardless. And apparently all the others felt it was their civil duty to tell him that she liked him back, to tell him he should just go for it.

Seems like they're just happier than us these days.

There weren't always smiles on faces nor full nights of sleep and maybe the supernatural had forgotten it, but their human friends couldn't take as many blows. After a long day of fighting off whoever the hell had popped up that day, they went their separate ways. All except two. Lydia called his name as he had begun to swing the jeep keys around his finger. He stopped instantly and looked back at her.

"Will you take me home?" She asked and he furrowed his brows. This was not the confident Lydia he knew in front of him. No, this girl swayed slightly, eyes fluttering, face sickly. Catching her right before she fell, Stiles helped her walk to his jeep while whispering soft words and asking her what was wrong, was she okay. She broke, tugging on his flannel as his chest muffled her sobs. Surprised was an understatement because Lydia was never this weak.

Or maybe she was and she never showed it. "I felt them," words shaking as they left her. "I felt them all die. I felt every single one." Stiles gulped, thought about the pile of bodies he'd seen stacked layer upon layer a top the nemeton. "I relived their deaths." She whimpered and began to sob again. He pulled her away from him, lifted up the corner of his shirt to reveal a wound that made Lydia's eyes widen the size of the moon. "They have it easy, huh?" He laughed, referring to their friends.

These days I don't know how to talk to you.

There was no deep, heartfelt "I understand" conversation at school the next day. Not like she had wished.

I don't know how to be there when you need me.

The phone sat intimidatingly on the opposite end of her bed. Tear stained pillow cases and a heart so broken it confused her was all that defined this girl now. Just as she reached for the device, the doorbell rang. Her mood lifted, she bounded downstairs, flung the front door open. And it was almost a dream. Because the person she had wanted to see most was right there waiting for her.
"You forgot your Calc book." Stiles held it out in an offering.

Her hopes came crashing back down from their newly found place in the clouds. She smiled politely, thanked him, tried not to cry when the door clicked closed again. He stood there a moment, staring at the chipped paint, even raised his hand to knock a couple of times. He never did.

It feels like the only time you see me, is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently.

She trudged up the stairs, threw her textbook in a dark corner and curled herself into the chair by her window. And maybe it was something she had finally sensed when she realized she loved him, but the boy was more hurt than he let on. More in love with her than he cared to admit. Emerald eyes seemed glued to his figure as he kicked the tire to the jeep before briefly hopping on one foot. She could faintly hear the groan of frustration, studying the way he let his head come to rest on his vehicle.

He swung the door open so fast she was afraid his arm might rip off and even after he seemed to put his keys in the ignition, he sat. She sensed him. And now she was sure she had never noticed it before. she'd never loved him this much before and now she had begun to see him differently; not as the boy who smiled despite the pain but the boy who faked his way through the pain.

Last night, I think I lost my patience.

He didn't care to drink at the party, no matter how much his girlfriend urged him to. Malia wasn't drunk (only because she couldn't get drunk) but she sure as hell was acting like it. The girl was high off of strobe lights and headache induced music but, the boy was a wallflower. Every tug of the arm, every offering of a red cup only seemed to irritate him. He couldn't help but think that this wasn't how a certain strawberry blonde would've treated him. There was one thing he did accept from Isaac though.

Last night, I got high as the expectations.

Stiles flicked the blunt to the ground, shaking Isaac's curly hair before returning inside to the party. The stress and slight anger from before disappeared but he couldn't seem to rid a piercing thought. Malia. he expected her to be more than she actually was and had gotten way too intoxicated off of what he thought was love. It was quite the opposite. He wasn't trying to say she didn't love him but, had he ever really loved her? Yes, maybe, yet he seemed to recall always constantly comparing her to Lydia.

Last night, I came to a realization. And I hope you can take it.

And unsettling feeling swirled in the pit of his stomach, apologizing as he elbowed his way through the crowd. As he grabbed Malia gently by the arm, he prayed she couldn't smell the weed on his breath. Surprisingly, she didn't. He guided her to a slightly quiet room upstairs and ignored the moans from next door as he made her sit on the bed. She knew something was wrong as soon as he began to pace.

"I'm too good to you." He concluded, "I'm way too good to you. You take my love for granted. I just don't understand it."
This confused her. Malia furrowed her brows though she partially knew what was going on. Stiles sighed and sat next to her, politely trying to explain how they weren't actually a couple, how they never really were a couple. He went on about love and how he cared for her when she hadn't him and how he thought it had been progress when really it wasn't. Maybe he had settled, desperate for someone to care for him yet blind to the one who really had. She slapped him. Not even a normal slap, a supernatural one and hard at that.

I don't know how to talk to you.

She had been hoping to avoid him that night but the heavens thought differently because as soon as she stepped into that party, the boy had descended the staircase. Their eyes immediately met, there was no hesitation, as though he had already known she was there. Quick to ignore him, Lydia left Allison and Scott at the doorway and  got lost in the crowd.

I just know I found myself getting lost with you.

She was in a dreamlike state, blocking out the way he shouted her name over the music in desperate need to get to her. Memories came flooding back, too overwhelming. They seemed to always be together, hurt together, in trouble together, hell even here he had found her. The tug on her wrist made her whip around and give him the dirtiest looks.

Lately you just make me work too hard for you.

He was anything but innocent, disregarding the way she looked at him sometimes, the extra touches she knew he loved after a long day of battling beasts. She had cared for him and he hadn't noticed.

You got me on flights overseas, and I still can't get across to you.

Maybe she was dumb or maybe she was imagining it but she could've sworn he was flirting back, Malia or no Malia. But every time she got too close, too touchy, extra lovey, he'd push her away with subtle emphasis on the word "friends" that was never really subtle at all.

And last night, I think I lost my patience

He stared at her with wide eyes causing her features to soften. She hadn't meant to glare at him...kind of... Stiles still had a grip on her when she relaxed. But she didn't budge when he attempted to move her in the direction of the stairs. No. Lydia was tired of trying to get him to love her back, this was no different.

Last night, I got high as the expectations.

He dropped her wrist, realizing. How stupid was she to think he'd come running after her like he always had. How dumb for her to expect he'd keep his hold on her.

Last night, I came to a realization.

She loved him, heart broken when his eyes avoided her, and now she was one hundred percent sure that she was completely in love with him. So, she grabbed his wrist as he had hers earlier. It took him by surprise, this girl guiding him upstairs to the same room he's just been in but this time, he sat on the bed. And she paced.

And I hope you can take it.

She didn't want him to run away when she told him.
"I love you."
"I broke up with–" they spoke at the same time, Stiles' sentence longer but cut off at her words. He stood. Damn was he always that tall?

But baby, don't get it twisted

She started to make a list in her head: if they were going to be a thing, he wasn't allowed to confuse her with Malia. She wasn't a coyote, she couldn't control her powers, she wasn't strong. She felt a hand on her waist.

You were just another player on the hit list.

He wasn't allowed to be another guy to use her and break her heart. Too many times she had fallen in love only to be discarded.

Tryna fix your inner issues with a bad bitch

He debated telling her that the only reason he even dated Malia was to try and get over Lydia. And later, Lydia would accept that. For now, he held her.

Didn't they tell you that I was a savage

Maybe he had imagined it. But then she said it again and his heart swelled and shook his ribcage like a wild animal. She wasn't afraid to say it either, didn't try to hide the smirk on her face when a blush crept across his cheeks.

Fuck ya white horse and ya carriage

For the longest time, she had tried to keep him off of the pedestal she had put him on. She looked at him like a dream and hated herself for the weird feeling in her chest every time she saw him down the hall. Screw looking at him like he was a god because he wasn't perfect and neither was she. But that was okay.

Bet you never could imagine

He couldn't believe it. He didn't believe her.

Never told you you could have it

Because no one ever in his life had told him he was worthy of her.

You needed me.

He said it back as soon as she tugged him down to her height, pressed her lips to his and there was no hesitation in Stiles kissing her back. The boy stole oxygen from her lungs but she didn't mind.

Oh, you needed me.

But really, they needed each other.
Authors note:

THIS LITERALLY TOOK ACTUAL FOREVER. So a while back when I asked y'all for songs, this is what it was for!!! This'll be a new "series" that I do in my one shots so if you want me to do a specific song, let me know.
Comment, read, enjoy!

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