Soul | Destiel/Sabriel

By milkovich-

17.4K 1.1K 1.1K

"I love you." "I know." More

Special Extra Announcement!


1.7K 73 68
By milkovich-


Dean Winchester absolutely HATED the idea of soulmates. He didn't believe in destiny or fate, he thought you should be able to "create your own destiny."

That's why he dreaded getting up in the moring.

He feared the day a heart would appear on his wrist.


"DEAN! DEAN! WAKE UP!" Dean heard Sam scream. The older teen groaned as his little brother jumped on his stomach.

"It should be against the law for 19 year olds to wake up this early," He muttered, "And since when are you up at 5am?"

"Since we are going to a new school!" Sam shouted.

"Can't you be quiet for at least 5 seconds?" Dean cried.

"Nope!" Sam chuckled and ran downstairs, leaving Dean alone with his thoughts.

Great. A new school, new people, a new chance to meet my soulmate. Just great. Dean sighed and sat up, running a hand through his hair. He got up and picked out his clothes; a black undershirt, plaid over shirt, and jeans. He walked downstairs and pulled on his leather jacket. Sam ran over to him from the dining room with a piece of toast hanging out of his mouth.

"Have a good day at school, boys!" Their father, John, shouted from the kitchen. This was one of the rare times he was home, his job took him all over the place. This was their 7th time this year moving, and it was only September. This was the town they grew up in, the place their mom died. Lawrence, Kansas. Dean bit his lip and forced that thought to the back of his mind.

"Thanks, Dad!" Dean shouted back as he walked out the door. He pulled the keys to his 67' Chevy Impala out of his pocket as he walked. Sam ran up to the car and got in the front seat. Dean slid in the driver's seat next to him and started her up.

"Listen to her purr!" Dean half yelled, half whispered. Sam laughed and shook his head.

"If you two want to get a room, just let me know," He chuckled.

Dean shot him a glare. "Don't listen to him, baby. He doesn't understand us." He whispered to the car. Sam scoffed and rolled his eyes as Dean started to drive.

"Do you think I'll find my soulmate this year, Dean?" Sam asked after a while.

"Sure, Sam," He sighed. Dean didn't understand why Sam took such an interest in the whole "soulmates" thing, but he tried to be as encouraging as he could.

"Look, Dean, I know you hate the idea of soulmates, but... I wanted to thank you for helping me try and find mine," Sam sighed, smiling at his brother. Dean smiled back at him.

"You're welcome, Sammy," Dean ruffled his brother's hair.

"It's Sam," the younger Winchester grumbled. Dean stifled a laugh and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever you say, Sammy," Dean chuckled as they pulled into the parking lot. "Sam, this is your first day of high school. Promise me you will be careful,"

"I swear on my life," Sam promised, a look filled with determination etched on his face. With that, Sam was out of the car at lightning speed and darted up to the school. Dean rolled his eyes and stepped out of the car, trying to look as badass as he could. He closed the door of the Impala and strolled up to the school. As he walked down the halls, girls gasped and stared, even some guys did too. He nodded to the guys and winked at the girls, melting hearts all around.

Dean Winchester was going to rule this school.


Two periods had gone by and Dean didn't make an effort to talk to anyone. He just let them stare in awe at them, not even acknowledging their presence. Until third period. Math. Dean hated math, and he had a feeling he was going to hate the teacher. His name was Mr. Azazel, and his eyes had this yellow tint to them that set Dean on edge.

"Okay, class, we have a new student. Dean Winchester," He announced.

"Hello, Dean." The class greeted. He smirked and waved slightly.

"Dean, is there anything you would like to tell us?" Mr. Azazel asked them.

"Well, I like AC/DC, I hate math, and if you touch my car or hurt my brother, I will track you down and kill you," Dean said simply. Mr. Azazel glared at him for the math comment, while the rest of the room was in tears for laughing so hard.

"Settle down, class," Mr. Azazel yelled, "Dean, why don't you sit next to Charlie?" Mr. Azazel pointed to the red head in the back wearing a world of warcraft shirt.

"Cool," Dean said. He walked to the back and sat on the right of the red head.

"Hey," she greeted.


"So, Winchester, do you like World of Warcraft? Or Doctor Who?" She asked.

"Hell yeah!" Dean replied enthusiastically. She smiled at him.

"Have you met her soulmate yet?" She asked.

Dean shifted uncomfortably at the mention of soulmates. "Uh, nope," He answered quickly.

"Me either," she sighed, "Hey, you should come to Balthazar's party tonight. He has a big bash on the first and last days of school every year. I'm sure he will okay with you coming."

"Okay, yeah. I'll go," Dean shrugged. Dean loved parties, but being in a room with a large amount of people increased his chance of finding his soulmate.

"Boo ya! You'll be a totally awesome person to have there, since, you know, your the new hearthrob and all," she giggled.

"I am?" Dean questioned.

"Uh, yeah. Have you seen the way the girls and guys look at you?" Charlie chuckled.

"Yeah, maybe," Dean sighed.

"Well, the address is 26 Angel Road. The party starts at 7:00. I'll see you there?"

"Yeah," Dean told her as the bell rang.



As Sam walked into English class, the first thing he noticed was the brown-haired-golden-eyed boy sitting at the back of the room. After that, Sam couldn't keep his eyes off of him. Well, until the teacher started talking, that is.

"Good morning, class," the teacher said. Sam thought for a second he recognized that voice.

"Good morning, Mrs. Harvelle," the class spoke in unison. Sam looked down at the lady in shock.

"Ellen?" He asked.

"That's Mrs. Harrelle, to you," she told him with a smile. "As you can see, we have a new student. Everyone welcome Sam Winchester to the class!" Everyone clapped as Sam waved to them, looking down at his shoes in embarrassment.

"H-hi," He stuttered weakly.

"Sam, why don't you go sit next to Gabe? He shouldn't cause you much trouble. Isn't that right, Gabriel?" She looked at the brown haired boy Sam had noticed with a stern look.

"Don't sweat it, teach. He'll be fine," He reassured with an almost devilish smirk. Sam walked to the available seat next to the kid called Gabriel. As he sat down, a bunch of rainbow glitter was poured onto his head. Gabe was laughing hysterically while Sam internally panicked at all the people staring at him. He tried desperately to wipe off the glitter, but he failed.

"Sam, are you okay?" Mrs. Harvelle asked.

"I'm fine," He answered quietly, his cheeks flushing red. He spent the rest of class trying to ignore the glitter and Gabriel's many attempts at conversation.

"Oh, come on, Samsquatch. It was a joke," Gabe sighed. Sam had finally had enough. He slammed his notebook shut and looked Gabe straight in the eyes.

"It's Sam!" He snapped. The bell rang, and Sam got up. He didn't care that he still had glitter in his hair, he didn't care that Gabriel was completely frozen in shock.

He stomped out the door, not even realizing the complete heart inked on his wrist.

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