The Abandoned house(Frerard)

By behindthevampire

6.4K 280 139

Gerard and Mikey are the new kids in town. They meet Ray and tiny mystery boy named Frank. In which Gerard ac... More

40 year old murderer
The House
"What's so funny?"
Frankie poo
Angels in our mouth
A nightmare on elm street
Somebody else
Dating my adopted brother
Talk my ear off
Bells ringing
The place where we first met

Imaginary numbers

390 18 21
By behindthevampire


It's been a couple of months since Frank I started dating.He was the greatest boyfriend I could've asked for, he was always thinking about what I wanted and made every possible attempt to make me as happy as possible but being with him was all I needed. School had also started up again and with our new found friends Mikey decided to come live with us again and go to the same school Ray,Frank and I were attending.We also found out he was flunking every class he had except his bass class. So he decided to quit the music school.We were all halfway through our senior year and starting at a new school my last year wasn't as bad as I thought because I had my boyfriend and best friends there. Some of my teachers are pretty annoying but I have Ray and Mikey in most of my classes to keep me from going insane and Frank was in one of mine.So that meant I have English and science alone.

Ray was a god in math class today. The teacher asked what was a imaginary number was and Ray yelled "how many successful relationships you've had!" The whole class had roared with laughter.Ray got a detention for 'saying inappropriate things in class'. I also got a detention from him because I was late to his class cause  I was busy making out with Frank in the bathrooms.

Frank and Mikey both had music together. They had also gotten in trouble because they were 'using the instruments inappropriately'.They were playing with the drum sticks like they were lightsabers. Our friend group isn't good in keeping out of trouble. But oh well being a teen is about having fun. We all had to stay for 30 minutes after school.

In English classI heard some kids talking about how good Frank was at guitar. Which Ray had done an amazing job in teaching him how to play,now Frank even surpassed him! I also overheard this girl saying how she'll love to have sex with Frank which made me sick to my stomach. I think her name was Clarissa, she was ever at school so I barley knew who she was. She had straight long brown hair and brown eyes and was about my height. But apparently she didn't know who was sitting in the same room as her. Franks boyfriend aka me. I didn't say anything cause frank was gay and she didn't have a chance with him so there was nothing to worry about. Right? So I let it slide and went about the rest of my day.

After school we all met up by the basketball court to get this detention over with. "Is it a rule now that if one of us gets in trouble we all have to get in trouble?" Ray questioned. "We have to stick together man, for better and for worse." I replied. "Besides it makes school bearable if we're all together,we can boycott it." Mikey added.

We got stuck with the oldest teacher there was at the school; Mr.clark. I honestly don't know how he's still working. He can barley see, has Snow White hair and looks like he's about to break his leg with one step.We sat in the corner of the classroom in a square with Ray in front of me,Mikey next to him,and Frank beside me,with me by the wall.

There were 6 other kids scattered around the room I didn't recognize but they looked bored out of their mind.I mean who wouldn't,we had to sit here for 60 minutes doing nothing. Lucky for us we got the one teacher who was the easiest to get away with things.

Mr.Clark gave roll."Sabrina ballord"
Frank iero"
"John smith"
"Ray toro"
"Mikey and Gerard way"
"Clarissa walix"

When he heard the name Clarissa,Ray immediately looked around the room then to Frank. Frank just shrugged. That name sounded familiar where have I heard it before? Just as Mr.clark was about to close the door a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes came rushing through the door struggling to hold her stuff. Oh it's the same girl that said said she wanted to have sex with Frank, my Frank,my boyfriend and now she's here in the same room as us.

This is not good I thought as jealously got a hold of me again.When she caught sight of Frank she immediately waved and smiled making her way to our group. Ray looked a little uncomfortable."Hey Ray are you alright,you look worried?" I tried talking to him. "Yeah I'm good, it's just that's Clarissa. Frank's ex girlfriend. She was crazy obsessed with him until he broke up with her and she's still in denial about the breakup. I looked over at her and She was beautiful,much different than I am. It all made sense now. I thought about Frankie being with her and it was weird imaging frank with a girl.

Frank took a hold of my hand and lightly make circles with his thumb as to indicate that he's still here. As Clarissa wedged in a desk in between Mikey's and Frank's she looked at me up and down then shot a glance at Mikey. I didn't like her already,she looked stuck up and rude. "Hey Frank long time no see hhm?" She directed her attention toward Frank. "Uh yeah how've you been?" He said uninterested And he looked like he was in pain talking to her.

"I'm Fine" she smiled "but I just broke up Logan so I'm single now yay!" She continued. Wouldn't you be sad that you're single? I thought
"And by the way who are your little friends?" she asked looking at Mikey and I once more. "This is Mikey my best friend and Gerard my boyfriend.he waved in my direction. "Oh...well how are you Gerard? I'm Clarissa." She stretched her hand out for a handshake. I was hesitant at first but gave in and gave her my hand. She had a firm grip and slightly squeezed my hand towards letting go like she wanted to hurt me."Likewise"I said back at her not too thrilled.

"Why don't you sit somewhere else Clara?"Ray spat at her. "Ray be nice she seems alright." Mikey said trying to calm him.
"No,you don't understand she's crazy. She's obsessed with Frank.She tried to ruin his life!" Ray confessed.
I looked at Frank and he looked pale and tired,more than usual. I wonder what she did to him. "Stop exaggerating Ray! You're  just jealous that Frank likes me more than you." She taunted at Ray.

"I don't like you anymore Clarissa,that's history. I like Gerard now." Frank said reassuring everyone in the group. "Aww don't be like that Frank you know you still want me." Clarissa insisted. By this point I was beginning to be driven insane with jealously and anger towards this girl. How could she say those things?

I leaned forward and whispered "what did she do when you guys dated?" In Frank's ear. "I'll tell you when we get home baby" he reassured me. Clara heard and flinched at the nickname Frank directed towards me. This has felt like the longest 30 minutes of my life. Wanting nothing more than to get away from this girl. 5,4,3,2,1 I counted the seconds till the teacher dismissed us. "Well I'll see you later Clara." Frank hurriedly said getting up and pulling me towards the door. "See you around baby boy" she said while winking at him then proceeded to flip her hair and walk out  the room.

While walking home Mikey asked the question we were all dying to hear the answer to."so what's the history between you and that girl?"
"Well it started last year when we started dating but she was super controlling and  she wanted to have sex but I wanted to save my first time with someone I love, so I broke up with her. She was in denial for a while and still kept telling people we were dating. Then one day she came over my house and she claimed was pregnant and obviously that wasn't true.She started rumors that I got her pregnant and that I hurt her to keep her quiet about the pregnancy. Then that started a bunch of shit for a couple of months but in the end people found out that she was lying because the bruises she had she did them with makeup and when she went to the doctors they confirmed that she wasn't with child." He explained.

"See I told you guys she was out of her mind!" Ray exclaimed. Mikey and I exchanged glances like wtf. We stayed quiet for a couple seconds just letting the information sink in. How could anyone in their right mind do all of that just to stay with someone? I questioned
"Don't worry Gee,
I don't associate myself with her anymore. She's not going to bother us anymore"Frank said attempting to reassure me. "She's crazy but I have a feeling that's not going to be the last time we see her." I said worryingly as we reached Frank's house and tried to get rid of any thoughts of her that were still in my head.

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