Blood and water

By KatieCrossland

282K 7.3K 941

It's the summer after the war, and the seventh years are going back to school to repeat their NEWT year. But... More

Blood and water
1. The Past
2. Pure Anger
3. Transformations
4. Family Feuds
5. Head boy
6. Holiday Blues
7. Related sneers
8. Slytherin
9. Piggy-back bonding
10. It's instinctual
11. Secret spiller
13. Heritage
14. Explanations and Outcomes
15. Soul-mates
16. Preparation
Writer's block
17. Dates
18. Fun and Games
19. Draco
20. Three screamed words
21. Initial reactions
22. Girl
23. Trials
24. Dream
25. Make up tasks
26. A Confession
27. The Beginning
28. Rhyme and Reason
29. Working
30. Findings
31. Celebrations
32. Start of a deed
33. Harry
34. A Climax of Sorts
35. Lost
36. Breaking point
37. Knowledgeable Albus
38. Baby
39. Questions and Answers
40. Glimmer of Hope
41. The office at 10:00 (Part One)
42. The office at 10:00 (Part Two)
43. Closing
44. Epilogue

12. Dirty Blood

7.8K 204 69
By KatieCrossland

Hermione's POV

For once in my life, I was truly dreading classes. I walked to potions in silence with Blaise, knowing that slytherins and gryffindors sat apart from each other so I would be stuck with the rest of the slytherins. The worst part, Ginny and Harry would be sat only a few places away.

We walked into the classroom, and immediately, Slughorn stood in front of us. "I will be deciding the seating plan this year, students. No complaints of changes allowed!"

Harry, Ginny, Pansy and Ron

Luna, Hannah, Dean, Neville and Ellie

Olivia, Daphne, Pavati, Seamus and Padma

Malfoy, myself, Astoria, Blaise and Theodore

I grimaced at my brilliant luck. Not only did I have four other slytherins but MALFOY was one of them! I smiled a little at the thought of Blaise though, and went to my seat. Everyone was already there, besides Malfoy and I. Malfoy hadn't turned up. My day was getting better already!

Astoria's POV

Slughorn had out me next to Hermione. I was thrilled. Yeah that sounds weird because I should hate her, but I'm probably the only Slytherin who had never said a word against her. Truthfully, I thought she was gorgeous and had intelligence that I could only wish for. I'm not dumb, but I don't possess the knowledge she does.

"Hey!" I smiled at Blaise and whispered in his ear. "Do you think Hermione hates me? Because I want to talk to her, and get to know her"

"Go ahead, I'm sure she'll be happy for the new friendship" he smiled. He had really changed if he thought that. Oh and his eyes... That chocolate-brown and the flecks of green make me shiver. He's got an amazing body too; I've seen the photos Pansy took while he and Draco were working out. Mm...I mentally shook myself and turned to Hermione.

"Hi" I started with a smile. I saw her eyes widen and I chuckled.

"Hey" she replied softly.

"We haven't met before, or at least not properly- I'm Astoria."

"Oh, nice to meet you, I'm Hermione."

"I know" I winked and she blushed, looking at her feet. Slughorn then ordered silence so I rolled my eyes and got out spare parchment. I charmed a new quill to write my thoughts to her and she did the same.

"Did you want to be a Slytherin?"

"No. It quite surprised me actually."

"Do you know why you became one?"

"Y-no sorry"

"Oh... what's your favourite colour" I ignored her hesitation as I knew she didn't trust me quite yet and sniggered as I asked the question. It was so... First year.

"Funnily enough, green."

"Mines blue."

"A slytherin's favourite colour not being green? Shocking!" She winked and then continued her work.


"That's me"

"You're more Slytherin than you seem!"

When she didn't reply instantly, I knew I'd made a mistake.

"Listen Hermione, I know I wasn't exactly one of the ones that hurt and teased you constantly, but I want you to know that I'm not like that, and I truly want to be friends with you. Forgive me?" I meant every word honestly, and as I was staring down at the page, waiting for her reply, I felt someone hit me. I fell backwards onto Blaise, the person coming with me.

Hermione had tried to hug me and had done it a little too hard for my body and knocked us flying. We both had tears streaming down our faces in laughter. Blaise looked completely shocked, and Slughorn ran over trying to see what had happened. He dismissed us with a scowl and we went off to our next class.

Brilliantly, Hermione and I had every class together except ancient runes, for I had divination. In all of the classes for the next school week we sat next to each other. Astronomy was the the best though. We would speed through the work quickest as possible so we could be dismissed earlier and then hang out at her dorms. The heads dorms were truly gorgeous and I was jealous of Blaise for his luxury. On Friday's lesson of astronomy, we finished the work in the fastest time possible- all correct of course, and sped to her dorm. Then I had an idea.

"Hermione?" she looked up from the hot chocolate she had been drinking and murmured a reply. "How about we play a little prank on Draco and Blaise?" I asked. I saw the evil look in her eye and knew the answer would be yes. She was more Slytherin than anyone knew. I winked and she followed.

We entered the boy's bathrooms and charmed the taps to spray water at all angles, making a sort of muggle sprinkler as Hermione put it. We got drenched in the process of checking they worked, but it was worth it. We then charmed the toilet so that whatever is 'put in it' will be thrown right back. This prank, we refused to try! We then transfigured a belt of Draco's into a snake and put it into his bed. Giggling, we finally put sticky substances in both of the boy's underwear. Laughing in hysterics when we found some of the designs on the boxers.

"By the way Mia, happy birthday for tomorrow!" I screamed, jumping on her in excitement. "We're going to Hogsmeade to celebrate, right?" She nodded. "Do you want to stay over tonight? I spoke to Ginny this morning and she said she'd like to get to know you better. Then we can go to Hogsmeade together in the morning?" she asked, and I grinned and replied. "Sure thing! I'll go grab some stuff and be right back. We wouldn't want to miss those boy's faces in the morning anyway!" I winked, and went on my way.

Pansy was in our dorm, lying on her bed and twiddling her wand in the air. "What's up Pans?" I asked, jumping onto her bed and making her bounce up and down. "I don't understand. Why have you become so close with the mudblood so suddenly? She's filth!" I slapped Pansy's arm. "Hermione is brilliant. Don't you trust me Pans? She would never hurt anyone! Everyone says I'm a good judge of character. What is it about Mia that makes her filth to you?!"


"PANSY. SHE MAY NOT BE FROM A PURE FAMILY, BUT SHE IS PURE OF HEART. SHE'S FOUGHT FOR GOOD EVER SINCE SHE FOUND OUT WHO SHE IS. SURELY SHE DESERVES RESPECT FOR THAT! Please. Give her a chance. She truly is amazing and she's probably purer than all of us put together." I was pleading now. Pansy was like a sister to me, but I wouldn't lose Hermione because of her prejudice. I was tearing up now. Couldn't she see the truth in what I was saying?

"She's a mudblood Astoria. Always has been, always will be." With that, she left. I sat down fast, the air flying out of my lungs. I wouldn't lose Hermione. She needed a friend in Slytherin to survive. Pansy could piss off and until she smelt the flowers, she was no longer a friend of mine. I wiped away an angry tear and did what I came for. Not knowing the mess I'd be welcomed back to.

Hermione's POV

Humming to myself, I quickly tidied my bedroom and replicated the bed for Astoria so she'd be comfortable. Malfoy and Blaise strode in.

"Expecting someone Granger? Who is it, Weasley and Potter come for a girly sleepover?" Malfoy smirked. Blaise just stared at me, apologising with his eyes. I didn't let him bother me.

"If you must know ferret, Ron and I aren't on speaking terms, and Astoria is in fact coming over for what you call a girly sleepover. Don't expect to be invited into our naked pillow fights if you treat me like shit." I replied smugly, knowing there wouldn't be naked pillow fights.

"Astoria? Are you girls friends now?" Blaise grinned at me, and I grinned back, nodding. Malfoy simply looked at him in fury and Blaise stared back blankly at him.

"Astoria hanging out with this filth? I don't think so. Blaise lets go find her and talk sense into her." I rolled my eyes at his petty insult and watched as Blaise sighed and waved, following Malfoy. Poor him.

I made her bed quickly, knowing she'd be back soon with or without Blaise and Malfoy. I heard the knock on the portrait hole, and answered it, not finding Astoria, but Pansy. She had tear tracks and her wand out. Before I could react, she flung me into the wall with a shout of "STUPEFY!"

My breath left my lungs in a whoosh as I flattened against a bookcase, already feeling the bruises on my body and the wetness of blood in my hair. She paced up and down beside me.


"Pansy... I-I'm not... a mudblood-d" I stuttered. I could feel the blood slowly dripping down my head.

"Yes you are! What makes you think you're not, huh!" Then something made her stop dead. She walked up slowly, wide eyed and pushed my hair back from my face. "You... Your blood- it looks exactly like mine! How is that possible? IT'S NO DIRTIER THAN MINE."

"I'm not a mudblood! Even if I was, I would still have the same blood as you!"

"What do you mean you're not a mudblood?"

"Ask Blaise" I muttered. "Can you heal me if you're done being angry?"

"Oh-uh yeah sure, I guess." She muttered a few healing spells and apologised, before leaving quickly to sort out her thoughts and probably to yell at Blaise. I collapsed on the floor and closed my eyes, waiting for Astoria to come back. Maybe she'd heal me a little better. I was dreading the shit storm that was going to arrive as soon as she reached Blaise.

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