43. Closing

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Hermione's POV

It was a night of both celebration and loss. It took a long time for Harry to explain what had happened for me to have come back from the dead. Draco hadn't been happy that Harry pried into his dreams, but once he realised it had saved my life, he was overcome with gratitude.

Ginny was recovering slowly, but it would take time for her to be okay again and to try again. But she would be alright and she would have me.

Draco's father's funeral was a solemn event. Draco refused to stay for very long, but I managed to convince him to go for a little while. He wanted closure after all, and this was the best way. As the coffin lid closed, he threw the paper that had had the riddle on it and set it on fire on Lucius' chest.

However, one good thing did come from the funeral; I was able to meet Narcissa properly as his mate, and she accepted me for who I was. She was also already friends with Andrea, meaning she was more inclined to treat me as her own.

The first night with Draco was incredible. After him learning how much he really did love me, the passion was tenfold, not to mention the veela connection. The next day, we went into Borgin and Burkes and he bought me a promise ring. I didn't want to get married yet, we had so much more to do as a couple, but I knew who I wanted to spend my life with and so a promise was good enough.

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