3. Transformations

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Hermione's POV

I need to think. Think.

So, I've got a whole past that I don't know about. Two mothers, two fathers, one dead, possibly siblings, and a family name. Zabini. Why can't I shake the feeling of knowing that name? What is it about the name Zabini that rings bells?

"First things first, I'm going to find out everything I possibly can about my birth mother... Contact her if I can. I'll owl Harry and Ginny about it and tell them of the news." I muttered as I sat down on a swing seat in the deserted park a couple of streets from my house, and swung gently on it. I bit my lip as a sudden thought hit me. "I can't tell them her name... I need to find this out for myself just in case we know that family. What if- god forbid, it's a dark family or a well known slytherin family? No, I have to do this myself."

My thoughts began to wonder about my parents... The adoptive ones. I traced the scar on my arm and knew that I loved them. I'm not ashamed of my past, or of them, I just wish people didn't treat me differently because of it. I decided I'd go back and apologise for my violent outbursts and tell them I loved them, but for now... I needed change.

I suddenly felt the urge to make myself different in certain ways. I walked into the town centre and stared at the many shops in my eye line. Dentists, a doctors surgery, supermarkets, clothes shops, (I made a mental note to go in those after) a bank, hairdressers, opticians and so much more. I walked into the bank, drawing out enough money for what I wanted to do, and strode into the hairdressers, talking to the receptionists. Within 10 minutes, I had wet hair and the hairdresser- Emily I think her name is, was pasting on colour.

"Gosh, your hair is so thick, I wish mine was like this!" She gasped, picking up handfuls of my hair and sifting through it with her fingers.

"Oh no you don't, it's hell with all the curls!" I replied, smirking at my untameable hair.

"I'd rather that than short fine hair that falls out because it's so weak... I'm sure I'm going to go bald soon!" She laughed, and I laughed with her, while she dipped the brush into the white goo.

"So, do you want more than one highlight? Do you want it cut? I could straighten it for you if you like? But if you prefer I could sort out the curls?" She questioned in one breath.

"The works would be great, thanks" I grinned.

After an endless amount of talking, painting, (or whatever they do with hair dye) cutting, straightening and finally curling, we were done. She uncovered the mirror (she had covered it up so I would be surprised) and I gasped at the refection. All through my hair I had blonde, light brown and almost white streaks. The new colours brought out a shining green in my once hazel eyes and I blushed, seeing what a difference it made. I didn't think I was pretty, but this was definitely an improvement.

"Oh wow, you look stunning! What's next on your list then miss.I'm-changing-into-a-goddess?" She winked, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh.

"New clothes I suppose" I winked back, giggling as a man walked past the shop window and wolf-whistled.

Emily pushed me out of the shop, laughing as she did so, and shouted obviously into the centre. "New meat boys, check out this stunner!" All of the shoppers turned to face me, and I turned a deep shade of pink at the attention. This was going to be a brilliant new me.

After hours of clothes shopping, and about 7 full bags, I returned home. I dumped the bags just inside the house and ran to my parents, apologising profusely for my outbursts. They immediately forgave me and apologised for the secrecy. All was well in the Granger household.

"Herms, what have you done to your hair?" My mum suddenly said. I bit my lip in waiting for her reaction.

"IT'S GORGEOUS! Really brings out the green in your eyes!"

I laughed and thanked her. "Hermione, with your permission, we will tell your real mother you know about her through letter. I assume you want to know more about her?" She began uncertainly, and I nodded slowly. With that, we sat down and wrote her a letter.

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