16. Preparation

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Draco's POV

Wow. So this week had been positive. I made sure to let my veela and as cringey as it sounds, my heart lead the way when with Hermione and she seemed to be starting to grow more comfortable near me. I hope soon she can trust me not to hurt her, after all slytherins are all about self preservation, and when I hurt her, it hurts me- and it's incredibly painful.

I flopped on the bed and sighed. It was Friday night. This whole week I'd attempted to win her over. I just... I feel this overwhelming love for her- it's so different to the hate I felt before, almost like the hate turned into love so it's just crazy. I had walked her to and from classes and sat next to her in the great hall, and bid her goodnight like a gentleman should. The difference with Mia was, I knew I didn't need sex or anything more from her because the love she made me feel was so incredible in itself. Those green-brown eyes that twinkled in the sun, and the soft, tame blonde-brown curls falling smoothly and caressing the sides of her face. She herself were a sight to see and I hoped I would be able to see her every day for the rest of my life.

It hadn't reached Christmas yet, so I still had more than 6 months left for her to accept me as a mate and do the bonding ritual. I knew I was going to have to work because of the shit I'd caused in her life and I accepted the fact that Mia was not an "easy" to "get on" and I admired her all the more.

Boy am I whipped.

Hermione's POV

I woke up. It was 11. Jeez I'd slept in a little late. I could hear Astoria's muffled chatter from here. Expecting it to be only the girls in the common room, I pulled my hair away from my face and stretched then walked out of my room, blessing merlin I'd worn trackies and a top (with a bra) to bed. It wouldn't have taken long to change, but I figured the girls had already seen my bed head and more (come on, we're girls who cares) so I went to the common room, yawning.

I knew I'd put a thin clingy top on, but the look on Draco's face said it hadn't gone unnoticed. Hmm. Looks like even I can be thought of as attractive then. I internally laughed at this... what codswallop.

He recovered and I sat next to him. As he brought his hand up to put his arm around me, his arm brushed the revealed skin on my hip between my top and trackies and I shivered. My hip tingled where he touched and a little spark shot through my body from it. I blushed as he paused, apparently feeling it too and I looked up at him from below my eyelashes. The moment was interrupted.

"Hey you tooooooo. Hermioneeeee? Aren't you gonna say good morning or what?" Astoria sang from on top of Blaise.

Wait... on top of blaise? I did a double take and laughed. Bless them. They really were a cute couple.

"You excited for later then girls?" Blaise asked, and winked at me. I winked back and he chuckled. I nodded and Astoria replied yes, but a little too sarcastically for Blaise's taste apparently as his expression fell. But she hugged him and he automatically relaxed. I then became aware of Draco's arm around my waist. I could feel the lean toned muscle beneath and quivered slightly. I saw him look questioningly at me and when I shook my head he smirked and I turned away blushing a little. He bent down into my ear and whispered.

"You look so beautiful when you blush"

I stared at him in shock. Never had I been beautiful to anyone. I hoped with Ron, and Viktor had said it once but with sarcasm when I snorted. They were both sweet but had no idea how to treat a lady. As for Draco, I'd always been filth to him. He asked me what was wrong and I shook my head. "You are very beautiful Mia, don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." He whispered a little later, probably after seeing my brows furrowed. Indeed Draco had been a complete gentleman the past few days. I was more than willing to give him a chance after all he was keeping his word about making it up to me and I was beginning to trust him. I smiled a little brightly at him and he stared for a while and then kissed me on the forehead, a notion I wasn't expecting. I relaxed in his arms and drifted back to sleep, feeling safe. I awoke violently later to Astoria and Ginny shaking me, but knew I'd had a smile on my face whilst dreaming about a gorgeous figure with blonde hair and blue-grey eyes.

"HERMIONEEE WAKE UP" They shouted.

"UGH I'm up! WHAT?!" I shrieked in reply.

"It is 3:30! You only have an hour and a half to get ready, you're still in pyjamas with bed head and unbrushed teeth!" Ginny squealed, heaving me up and dragging me to our room. Astoria followed and squirted water over my face whilst I shrieked at them to stop.

"Sorry, we had to wake you up somehow! Get in the shower. Now!" Astoria replied.

I ran off and within ten minutes was being dressed into a silver dress that hung on my curves a little too much for my liking. Ginny did my makeup whilst Astoria did my hair, using some potion to tame it and make it into simple ringlets that tumbled down my face. I wore flats and felt like a barbie doll, but without the perfectness. When I looked in the mirror though, I didn't see Hermione Granger though. I saw new and improved Mia Zabini. I loved it- it was too much for school, but I... Looked kinda hot! Which for a "know it all mudblood" is a look that is hard to achieve.

I spun around as directed and then looked at the two girls in front of me. They looked equally stunning. Astoria's dark brown hair plaited and leading into a bun with wispy curls framing her face, and a sleek white dress that too made her figure look perfect. Ginny had her firey hair in a exquisite up-do and had on a deep red-purple dress with shapes cut out on the hips to show her flawless skin. It had a slight v-neck and made her look to die for. I grinned as tears threatened to escape at my gorgeous best friends. I hugged them and we sat, awaiting the boys arrival an giggling in hushed tones for what was to come.

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