2. Pure Anger

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Hermione's POV

"WHAT?! PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A JOKE!" I screamed, switching my gaze from parent to parent swiftly. The both shook their heads, my mum with tears in her eyes.

"Hermy we wanted to tell you, but we couldn't bring ourselves to hurt you or confuse you. We love you, and after all you been through at that school... We couldn't tell you that you are really a pure blood..." Suddenly my mum gasped and covered her mouth, tears brimming in her eyes as looked up at my father.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, blinking slowly.

"Hermione..." My dad began. "I think we should sit down and tell you the whole story."

I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I was satisfied that I was calm, I sat across from my parents, looking at them expectantly, raising my eyebrows to show them they should continue.

"Your birth mother conceived you whilst loving another pure blood, 18 years ago... For reasons unknown, your biological father died soon after your birth, and whilst you were still very young, the mother put you up for adoption. I never told you this, but years ago, I was very ill, and it led to me being infertile. Your father and I were terribly lonely, so we decided on adoption. We agreed, when you were ready, we'd tell you the truth but not until then." She looked up at my dad and took his hand. He continued.

"She was distraught at the death of your biological father, and saw him every time she looked into your eyes. She left you to us through adoption and we never saw her again. She asked us to called you Mia, or at least nickname you, and so we did, but only as your middle name. She also asked us to tell you that she didn't want to give you up, and every year on your birthday, she would send a letter to us, wishing you a happy birthday and it was filled with apologies and love trying to make you understand. I would show you them, but after we moved, they disappeared. We looked everywhere to find them for you, but they had turned into dust." I stared wide eyed at him, not believing them, yet seeing the undeniable truth in what they were saying.

"What was her name? My birth mother, do I know her?" I whispered.

"Andrea. Andrea Zabini." My mother replied, taking my hand in both of hers.

"Zabini... where have I heard that name?" I pondered to myself, stiffening.

"I'm so sorry Hermione, we didn't mean to hurt you, only to protect you."

"Y-You... kept my own heritage from me." I breathed. "Let me endure all of those endless remarks about me being a MUDBLOOD!" My breath coming faster, my anger rose and my hands started to sting. I clenched my fists and the bulb above our heads smashed. I took no notice.

"You listened to me moan and let me cry myself to sleep every night when I wasn't even the person that I was being bullied for! How can you say you didn't want me to hurt? I could have had a much better life at Hogwarts if I hadn't been constantly bullied! I was ripped to pieces by those names! I HAVE THE SCAR TO PROVE IT!" I screamed, ripping my right pyjama sleeve absent-mindedly and shoving it their faces.

My mother stood up, tears streaming and ran over to me to coax me into her arms, apologising continuously. I ran away with tears in my eyes and changed my outfit magically, transfiguring my pyjamas into decent clothing. I strutted out the door, slamming it behind me- I needed to think.

Blood and waterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz