Lovely Nightmare

By donotlookatme

456 12 1


Lovely Nightmare
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Part 1

24 1 0
By donotlookatme

I'm stare at my reflection in the mirror. I look awfully tired, I haven't been able to sleep in the past few days. Ever since the event with that crazy lady occur, I have been having these nighmares. They take place in different areas but they are all the same, in where I get chased by Locke. I don't know why it's by him, I never really interacted with him, never had him face to face. Yet, in the dreams, after he catches me, I can clearly see all the details that make up his face. And I gotta say, he is the most gorgeous guy ever. If he wasn't so busy chasing me to kill me, which is what I think the reason he chases me for, I would probably be excited about it. But no, instead I'm terrified because it is always the same in the dreams with him, with blood and dirt everywhere.

Anyways, I snap out of my thoughts and check the time in my alram clock, It reads 4:37a.m. Great. I see out the window and see that it's still dark out there. I try to go back to sleep, it's Saturday and Jackson told me he was going to give me a tour of the town, so I guess I should get as much sleep as I can. 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up again, but this time it's 9:16a.m. Oh well, I guess I should get up already. I head to the bathroom, do my business and then go downstairs to eat breakfast. I walk into the kitchen to see my mother making herself some oatmeal. I go to the refrigerator to get some juice and then to get a banana. Just then Lina walks in still in her pajamas and being the person she is, yawns as loud as she can as in to tell is she is still sleepy.

"Why good morning beautiful ladies? Isn't such a pretty day outside?"

My mom, to busy looking at something in her phone to pay attention , just hums and keep on going with her business. I look at my sister kind of curious as to why she is in such a good mood

"What's up with you Lina?"

"Nothing, why the question?"

She says while trying to act normal, which she sucks at by the way. Now this had got me really curious.

"You know," I say really slowly, "trying to hide what you're excited about makes you look stupid." This makes her jaw drop.

"Well excuse me for being such a happy person this morning, and why would you think I'm excited about something? Huh?"

Knowing how my sister is she's never happy in the mornings, she's never like this unless she wants something. And this finally catches my mom's attention.

"Your sister is right. You're not like this unless you want something, so what do you want?"

Sheepishly she she sits next mom and asks, "Well you see, we are attending a new school, and in new schools you tend to make new friends, and these new friends i made asked out to a party. And i would really hate to disappoint them if i don't go, so can i go?"

I just roll my eyes at this, I doubt my mom will say yes because last time she did Lina got so wasted that the parents of the party thrower had the cops bring her home, and the neighbors saw from their front yard. My mom was embarrassed for weeks.

"Now why should I let you go this time? Did you oh so easily forget what happened last time? Would like for me to remind you?" She said with a stern face. "Uhhh, no I'm good but please mom, this time i won't make the same mistake. Manny is going to be there, you know Manny, the very good and responsible brother of Leo. Ill stay at his side being good and talking to friends."

Hearing Manny's name had my mom thinking because we knew that Manny and Leo are good guys especially since Sherryl knows them well. "Ok, you can go but if I hear anything about you doing the wrong things, that will be the last time you see the outside world, you understand me young lady?"

This had Lina jump up from her seat and start dancing around the table. " abd you have to take Toby with you because i know she will keep a good eye on you."

We both turn to look at her like if she was crazy.

"What the hell mom really? You know I hate parties. Why would you make me go?

"Yeah mom, Toby will just suck the fun out of the party."

Just then I hear a car honk and know right away that it's Jackson.

"Well i have to go so I'll see you guys later. And I'm not going to the stupid party." Abd as I reach the door i hear Lina shout.

"Wait, where and with who are you going? And yes you are going since its my only way to be able to go."

"Bye Lina."

I close the door and run towards Jackson's car.

I know for sure that going to this party will suck for me no matter what. I just hope no problems appear and I survive and be able to gwt home safely with, a mostly likely to get drunk, Lina.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ For those who are still waiting for an update to this story even though it has been over a year now, God Bless You. I've had a weird year that I've been trying to survive, but I'm back now. So if you still want to keep on read this story I will try to keep on updating it, and I'm sorry that I took so long to update and still am sorry if the story sucks. I will try my best to the impossible to keep on updating and to make the sorry as likeable as possible.


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