Only Cry Silent Tears

By chocolatevelvet

112K 5.8K 578

Bullied and Abused On the mental and the physical Told only to cry Silent Tears Never being able to let it... More

Short Introduction: Monica
Days Like This
Another Normal Miserable Day
Someones in Trouble
What Did I Get Myself Into?
Because She's a Nobody
How Dare You?
The Blind Side
Honesty Hour
Between Me & U
Back to Square One
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Keep it on the Down Low
The Janitor's Closet
I Got to Have all Your LOVE
Something has to Change
Secrets Out
I Told Him
Monday's Might Actually Be From Hell
I'm in LOVE!
Im back baby!
Figuring Things Out
Baby Blue Dress
I Do This For Ava
Chance to Be Honest
You Have To Tell Him

It's Here to Stay!

4.3K 188 22
By chocolatevelvet


This is a really long update (for me) because I thought you all  deserved it. Ive been slacking on my writing here. I cant say it'll happen often but enjoy it while its here. Also thanks everyone for the comments and kind words. I love that yall are loving this. And my apologies for calling Rodney, Rick in the last chapter.  I fixed it so there should be no confusion.




I really didn't know what to say.  I looked at Monica for an answer but she said nothing.

"Yeah Christian why can't she?" Kayla asked.

"Because we got a boys night out and, I thought he was asking one of yall out tomorrow night." I said. Kayla looked at me for a second then shrugged her shoulders.

"Christian I can chill with yall all the time." He said looking at me crazy then back to Monica. "So Monica, can we chill tonight?" Tray asked again. I really regret walking him over here. I should have known something was up. But, he asked if I could walk over there with him and to sneak a glance at Monica in those jeans that were fitting her so tight I went. Big Mistake. Monica looked over at me then back to Tray with her eyebrows raised. She looked different to me today. Yeah she had on tight jeans that showed off her figure but I'm not talking about that. I was talking about her faces and just the way in which she carried herself. She had a new found confidence to her. She looked Tray up and down. He was a part of my crew but he never really said anything when Omar and everyone else would pick on her. Still he never spoke up when anyone was bullying her. I didn't either so, I'm no better.

"No, I'm really busy, I can't." Monica said. I was happy as hell. Tray looked defeated but then smiled. I almost lost it when Tray picked her hand up kissing it.

"alright Ma, another time then." Tray smiled and we walked away. My blood was boiling and through my brown skin you could see my red.

"Yo, I'm... Christian she is fine as hell." Tray said as we walked back to our table.

"You just trying fuck Tray. That's not fair to her. You ain't notice her before today. As soon as she put some tight jeans on she fine as hell. Miss me with that bruh." I said. Tray stopped and looked up to the sky rubbing his chin hair like he was thinking.

"Naw, it's not even like that." He said. I rolled my eyes not wanting to hear anything else he said. In a way he was better then me, making it known in front of everyone that he was feeling her and here I was too afraid of what my friends might say. I wanted so badly to say she was off limits but, I couldn't do that, not yet at least. We sat back down at the lunch table. Jessica came over with her arms folded sitting right next to me. Her eye looked a little swollen but I wasn't going to say anything.

"Can you believe that bitch!" She said. I didn't know who exactly but I was pretty sure she was taking about Monica. "She punches me in my eye and I get fucking detention this shit is unreal." She snapped, everybody laughed.

"So she beat your ass?" Tray asked laughing.

"No, she didn't do shit." She rolled her eyes and looked at me. "You coming over tonight?" She asked.

"Naw I don't think so." I said. "Me in the niggas chilling tonight."

"So how about before that?" She asked running her hands on the top of my pants. I pushed her hand away, she knew just what she was doing.

"Can't, got tutoring." I said.

"With that bitch Christian? Come on boo, I do some amazing things you can't look up in to damn text books." She said sitting on my lap.

"So my father could flip? Naw, I'll pass." I said and the bell rang. I was so fucking glad I was saved by the bell. Because I could feel Monica burning a hole through my face and the way she was talking had me considering her offer.

I went to my remaining classes not really paying too much attention to any of them. I was too deep in thought. About Monica, Jessica, the rest of the crew but most importantly Tray. He's not the type to just step off and give up. I know he going to continue to try to get at her. I would hope that she wouldn't do me wrong, or would she? I have to stop thinking like this. Why couldn't he want Jessica? Kill two birds with one stone for me, get her and him off my worry list.

Despite that issue I went through the rest of my day fine. I saw Monica waiting by the bus stop alone. I didn't know were Kayla was but I was damn sure happy she was there. I honked my horn she looked at the car walking over to me and leaned up against my car.

"What?' She asked. "Don't you have practice?"

"Naw, not today. Where you going?"

"To get Ava then, kill some time so I can come see you." She smiled. Damn I love that smile. I wish I could see it more often but I go my own damn problems that I'm dealing with.

"Well, get in, I'll drive you."

She got in and I started to drive. The ride was shot by car so we got to the school in no time. I parked the car in the front of the school and looked at monica. She looked at the clock in my car and tried to put her hair behind her ear but it just went right back how it was before. I laughed and continued to look at her.

"She going to be out in like 5minutes." She said nervously. I know she remember what I said about introducing Ava to me as her boyfriend but I was going to respect her wishes and keep quiet until I mentioned to my friends that we were a couple. Who knew how long that would be? I looked over at her again and she was twirling her thumbs around each other. "I tried to take the longer way. I was hoping we could talk about what happened today." I said not being able. To hold it in any longer.

"I knew there was a reason to your quietness." She laughed which normally I would be happy about because she never laughs but, I didn't find nothing funny this time.

"What?" I said curious to what she was talking about. I wanted to talk about Tray and how I didn't know the stunt he was going to pull and I was sorry for that. I hope that's what she meant by her statement.

"You were quiet the whole way here. And you were mad zoned out in our science class today. I noticed." She said turning her attention to me and away from the building. I looked out the window not knowing that she paid any attention to that. I was just in deep thought about how I wanted this relationship to play out. There was no doubt that I wanted to be with Monica but I didn't just want to come out and say HEY, yall leave her alone she's' my girl now! My friends would roast me from here to oblivion. I wasn't going to lie to her and I didn't want to put us both in that situation because she's a sensitive soul. I want her to stay that way.

"Naw, I was just doing a lot of thinking today.

"Ok, you want to talk about it?" She said resting her hand on my knee. I scratched the back of my head searching for a simpler, less offensive way to come out and say what I was thinking but I couldn't find one so I just said it how it came to my mind.

"I, I think you should go back to your old look." I said. She turned her nose up are scrunched up her brows as soon as I said that. It was the response I was expecting. But, the plan was simole, if she wen back to dressing down no one would suspect anything about the two of us and everything would go back to the way it was. Tray would leave her alone and I could handle the rest of the crew. I wasn't sure how I would get rid of Jessica thought. She was a hoe, plain and simple and she saw me being popular as she had to have me and she wouldn't stop unless something else was distracting her. I looked up at Monica and she was opening her mouth to probably let me have it. I just sat back in my seat and listened.

"What, so because other people notice me it's a problem now? Christian, please." she rolled her eyes after looking at me in disbelief. "Get over yourself! For the first time in a very long time I feel good about myself. You want to take that from me already? It's only been a day." She said softening her voice and looking out the window. Maybe she was about to cry, maybe she was annoyed by my statement. I wasn't sure.

"Look, I'm just saying. What are you changing for anyway?" I asked.

"Because, I like my new look Christian! You like it, well at least you said you did. I don't care about what no one else thinks baby I did it for myself." I said looking at the building avoiding looking at her. I couldn't stand to see her hurt. Especially when I caused the pain but, I was confused. I didn't know how to be popular and be down for my girl. I just couldn't figure out how to do both.

"Monica," I started, but noticed Ava walked out the school.

"We can continue this conversation when we get to your house." She said getting out the car hugging Ava. They got in the car and we were on our way to my house. We didn't talk much but Ava went on and on talking about her day. I knew she could tell it was something wrong but she kept on going. We pulled up to my house, my mom, Destiny and my dad were home.

"Hey, dumb ass." My father joked but Monica didn't giggle and laugh this time. She just stood there waiting to get to studying I guess. She spoke to everyone but it was dry and not her normal happy self.

"Christian what the hell did you do to her!" Destiny asked. My mom shot Destiny a quick look then shook her head.

"Yall go on upstairs and talk." She said shooing us away.

"Hey little one what's your name?" She smiled talking to Ava. Ava looked at Monica and she nodded and smiled letting her know it was ok to talk to her.

"Ava." She said shyly.

"Come on Ms. Ava, you want some cake?" My mom asked Ava turned to Monica waiting for an answer. Monica gave her the ok then we made our way to my room as Ava scurried off with my mother.

"Dumb ass always fucking up." I heard my father say as I was walking down the hallway. I let it go closing my bedroom door.

"What was up with you and Tray?" I said.

"What the fuck was up with Jessica, on your lap?" She shot back. "I didn't say anything because I trust you. I was hoping that you'd do the same but that proved very different when I saw your face after he asked me out." She snapped I know she was getting fed up.

"Well, now he thinks he could have you! You should've said you have a man!" I snapped back.

"Oh so who was I supposed to say my man was? I was fine sitting alone with Kayla, you brought him over there. Don't blame me for your slip up. I'm tired of always doing what someone else wants, the new look is here to stay, like it or not!" I rubbed the top of my head.

"Monica, I don't want to fight with you ok."

"So don't because you will lose every time. I don't like Tray. He only sees the new look, baby you were feeling me before the change up so, just look at me and say baby love the new look and leave it." She said walked over to me and kissed my lips. I can't stay mad at her. "It's ok to be jealous but, Christian it was nobody's fault but yours."

"I know baby, I know, this is just hard you know." I said thinking back to what I was planning on saying in the car. We were ok for now. She was holding up with this secret thing way better than me. I don't know how long I can hold this up. I should just say fuck it and make us open.



I was kind of surprised Christian and I actually got some studying done today.

"Monica, you sure you have to go home?" He asked as me, him and Ava walked to his car.

"Yes, I have Ava and have, things to do. Go have fun with your boys. We can see each other tomorrow, if you aren't busy?" I said. It's crazy how willing he is to drop his plans for me. I smiled as we got in his car. I thought him being but jealous and protective was kind of cute. I was sure he didn't like me stepping out of my shell. Maybe I took too much of a leap. But he going to get used to it, like I said.

"Monica, is Christian your boyfriend? Ava asked as we got to the car. Christian and I looked at each other then back to her. Wasn't sure what to say we just decided it was best not to lie.

"Yeah." And with that said we got in the car. He kissed me and I smiled. I never knew I would like kissing so much. I love being with him. We could sit there and talk about nothing and I would be happy. Just being in the same room with him makes my heart warm. I stepped out the car when we were three blocked from my house and took a deep breath. Holding Ava's hand, I made sure to put away Christian chain before walking the few blocks to the house. Ava and I both agreed that after last night she comes with me. When I get home, she gets home. I even got Christian to send Destiny to the store for a new lock. I said I broke mine. He still doesn't know about Rodney, I just told him that I lost my room key and broke it in the process of getting into my room. He believed it so I got a new lock. I didn't like lying to him but I couldn't tell him the truth.

I walked in and Rodney sitting on the couch. "Where the hell were you!" He yelled.

"Ava go to your room." I said waiting for her to be safe until I spoke.

"I was in the park with Ava. It's getting warm outside and unlike me I want her to have social life." I said. He got up like he was going to hit me. I started to back up against the wall.

"Who the hell you getting smart with!" He yelled.

"No, no, uncle not you. It's just I'm 16 and people would start to think something if I never go out." I said. He nodded then looked me up and down.

"And your clothing?"

"I found it from the bottom of my closet. I was having a hard time finding some clothes that fit." I simply said. He walked closer.

"Oh ok. Did you wear it for me?" He asked. I didn't want to answer that and if I said the truth I would get hit. So I said nothing at all.

"Bitch I'm talking to you!" He yelled, putting his hand up to slap me.

"Yes...yes!" I said. He put his hand down and laughed.

"Good girl, now take it off." He said. I looked down telling myself not to cry. I slowly started to strip. Until I was down to my bra and panties. My ribs were still a little sore but I didn't dare say anything in fear of him hitting me. He put his hand up and started to play with my breast. "You know Monica; You're really starting to pick up weight." He laughed. I put my head down really feeling sick. He took another hand sliding it inside my panties. I flinched causing him to get angry. "Spread them." He demanded and I did.

"Ouch." I jumped, still in pain from what happened yesterday. I still had a pad on but he didn't seem to mind.

"Oh Monica it hurts? I didn't mean to hurt you. You have to understand how upset you made me." He said. I put my head down not saying a word. He meant to hurt me! He bit my clitoris for god's sake. "I'm falling in love with you." He said. I wanted to vomit all over him for saying such a stupid thing but I just stepped away from him.

"Yes it's still sore down there uncle Rodney I'm not feeling so well from what you did." I said he sighed kissing me I almost threw up but I held it in.

"Ok go." He said having mercy on me. I thanked god, because this had been the first time in a long time that he had mercy on me. I stopped by the bathroom first throwing up. Rodney really makes my fucking stomach turn. I washed up and went back to my room. The bite was starting to heal so I took off the pad and just threw on some regular pajamas. I brought Ava into my room until I installed her new lock. As we both laid in the bed falling asleep, I was thinking about how my life was playing out. My uncles in love with me, ew! I punched Jessica, yay, about fucking time. I stood up to Omar, go me! I got some new found attention, hey now. And I may or may not be in love with a guy I can only be with privately. Wait! Did I just say love? Is it love that I'm feeling or is it too early to tell.

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