Ordained - Jyler Fan Fiction

By BrendonBySleep

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{COMPLETED - BOOK 1} Everyday seemed like it was repeating itself, the pattern of Tyler's life becoming more... More

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twenty one
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thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


1.3K 51 73
By BrendonBySleep


Jenna's POV

I awoke to two muscular arms wrapped around me, the simplistic yet meaningful design inked into the skin. I had noticed Tyler's tattoos before, but never took much notice to them as he was always wearing a coat. He was wearing a shirt to bed that revealed his arms, the bands around his left arm suiting him in a way I couldn't describe. I let my fingers trace around the lines unnoticed as he slept soundly, his wrist being my favorite. The small dots on the back were interesting, cutting the band short. I finally looked up to his face, slight stubble growing on his cheeks. I brushed my hands through his hair slowly, the action being strange yet enjoyable for me. The sides of his hair were slightly overgrown, sticking out awkwardly, not long enough to join the fluff that was on top of his head.

"You need to cut your hair" I whispered, stroking my thumb over his temples.

"Do I?" His lips formed into a smirk as I flinched, his eyes still closed.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were awake" my cheeks warmed up, I moved my arms to curl up on my chest as he finally opened his eyes.

"Don't apologise" he yawned, stretching his arms up. "We need to go to my parents home to get my car, you could borrow some of my sisters clothes for church"

"Do you mind if I just borrow one of your shirts and I'll just wear my jeans again" I suggested, not really wanting to encounter any awkwardness.

"Sure" he replied, pulling the covers off of him and leaped out to open his closet. It surprised me how fast he could wake up, any normal person would feel groggy once they wake up, but it looked like Tyler was on a mission. He took out a hoodie and pulled it over himself, not bothering to change his shirt underneath. He then sprayed the deodorant that was sitting on top of the drawers, the smell resembling what was infused into the sheets. I just lied in the bed and watched, a little bit confused on what I could do.

"Do you want to have a shower?" He suggested, I nodded as he helped me up, the cold air pricking onto my warm skin. My hair was knotted at the back like it is every single morning, my 'sleepy morning' look not being very attractive, but Tyler didn't seem to care. He passed me a towel, a shirt of his and my jeans from last night that were sitting on the floor, explaining to me that I could use anything in his shower and to treat his house like my home. It was heartwarming to hear him say that, because for a while, I've never really felt like I had a proper home.

As I showered, I could hear Tyler's music playing, muffled through the ensuite walls. It made me smile everytime I could hear a sign of his voice in the melody, his charming vocals singing along quietly. I washed my hair to try and get rid of the knot without the need of a hairbrush, my fingers still struggling to glide through. As I got out, I resorted to tying my wet hair into a bun with the hair tie on my wrist, hoping that I didn't look like a mess. Tyler's shirt seemed to fit nicely, yet was comfortably loose in all the right places. It had that known smell of him, his signature scent marking everything he owned.

As I opened the bathroom door, I couldn't help but giggle to see a dancing figure in front of me, Tyler's cheeks rising to a slight tint of pink once he saw me enter the room.

"You really like your music, don't you?" I chuckled, passing him back the tracksuit pants I had borrowed the night before.

"I couldn't live without it" he smiled, turning his speaker down, "It's what keeps me sane"


"This is my parents house" Tyler pointed out as we sat in the truck he borrowed from his dad. It was at the end of a suburban street, the house seemingly the only one that could fit at the end of the cul de sac. It looked that the stereotypical family home that had been held in a family for years, the warm atmosphere already being introduced as we sat outside. "My family comes to church every Sunday, last week I didn't want to scare you with them, they can be very... overly welcoming" he chuckled.

"It's okay, from what I've heard, they sound great" I smiled, pulling off my seatbelt. We eventually got out of the truck that Tyler parked on the driveway next to his car, the front door opening from someone inside.

"Tyler!" A boy came running out and tackled Tyler side on, almost causing him to fall over.

"Hey Jay" he laughed, going into a brotherly hug. I knew immediately that it was his younger brother, even though he looked like a giant. "This is Jenna. Jenna, this is my brother Jay"

"Hi" I smiled, suddenly being engulfed into a friendly hug. Jay was a very joyful teen, but I hadn't seemed to see him at the youth group before.

"You're the girl who goes to youth with Tyler right?" He asked, I nodded, shoving my fingers into my back pockets. "I used to go to youth, but I have basketball practice on Friday nights now" he sighed, seemingly disappointed at the change.

"Which is probably for the best" Tyler chuckled, poking at Jays side, "he always was a nuisance, and probably would of scared you away the first night you came"

"No I wouldn't!" Jay protested, soon being interrupted by someone else in the front doorway.

"Tyler?" A woman's voice called, all of us eventually moving over to the front porch where a middle aged woman was standing. "Oh, hello" she smiled as she saw me.

"Hello, I'm Jenna" I introduced myself, following Tyler up the porch stairs.

"I've heard a lot about you" she smirked, Tyler's stance going nervous. "I'm Kelly, Tyler's mom. My husband is inside making waffles, would you like to join?"

"I'd love to"


I had now officially met Tyler's mom and dad, and one of his siblings. Jay seemed very energetic, and was very interested in what I had to say. The resemblance between him and Tyler wasn't very visually noticeable, as Jay was a very stocked individual, and Tyler was lanky, yet somehow slightly muscular. But as soon as Jay opened his mouth, you knew straight away that they were related.

His parents were extremely nice to me, Kelly and Chris saying I was welcome over any time. They told me I was yet to meet Zack and Madison, and was surprised I had befriended Tatum already. "She's a lovely girl" they boasted, "you two would get along really well"

We eventually parted to drive in different cars, soon meeting up at the church I had been visiting with Tyler for a while now. He repeatedly told me to tell him whenever I felt uncomfortable, it was obvious he was worried that I would get overwhelmed. As we reached the building, I was introduced to Madison, who was glued onto a young man named Will. Madison was similar to Tatum, immediately making me smile as we conversed. Tatum and Zack arrived last, Tatum's smile brightening as we made eye contact.

Tyler didn't leave my side the entire morning, which was comforting, his presence seemed to make me feel safe and guarded. I insisted that we sat with his family this time, Madison offering us a seat next to her. As the service went through, I could see Tyler in the corner of my eye looking over to me at different moments, checking my body language as it was clear he was nervous about my comfort. I was fine, and genuinely enjoyed meeting everyone, but I think Tyler was just worried of my thoughts.

As the pastor finished one of his enjoyable speeches, he went on to display a video on the projector, explaining all different events that were happening soon. As I watched, I could feel Tyler's eyes on me, my lips desperately trying to hide a smile. Before I knew it, I felt his large hands grasp mine softly, the warmth inviting itself into my senses. I didn't allow my face to look over at him, but just smiled as I let the butterflies in my stomach overtake me, Tyler eventually relaxing as he watched the screen.

I could feel my teeth clenching onto my cheek as I felt his thumb stroke across my skin, the feeling I felt was something I couldn't put into words. It sent shivers down my spine, filled me with so much joy, yet made me so nervous I could explode.

As the video ended, I rested my head on his shoulder, feeling him tense and then relax from my touch. He then leaned his head against mine, squeezing my fingers lightly.


I fell asleep really early today and woke up at midnight, so I decided to finish this chapter :)

Here, it's technically Monday, so I'm low key freaking out because I'm seeing Melanie tomorrow. I'm getting up at like 4am to get the train and line up with my friends, one of them being dunhere who is amazing and you should really check out her works. She's an amazing person and I would consider her being one of my closest friends.

I hope everyone is well and Thankyou all so much for the comments and love, it really makes my day.

~ Viella

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