I Hate You

Bởi Kellyrages

22K 672 170

Ryan Sitkowski x Reader You're in high school, dealing with your parents split and your friends. You and Ryan... Xem Thêm

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 17
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31

Part 18

615 17 0
Bởi Kellyrages

"I mean, it wasn't horrible, yknow? It's actually a lot easier then I thought it would be," you frown, twirling a piece of hair around your finger. You shuffle the phone against your ear a little, propped up on your bed as you talk to Ashley, waiting for the paint to dry on your toes.

"I still think it's gross... How did it taste?"
You flush. "Salty-ish? I don't know what to compare it too."
"I've heard something about if guys eat a lot of pineapple their, well, yknow, will taste like it."
"Yeah! Okay, I'm dying, I'm so sorry but I have to ask this." Ashley voice is a little nervous, which makes you nervous as well. "But are you disappointed?"
"In what?"
"How.... Yknow, his size?"
You bite your lip, unable to stop the red burning your cheeks despite no one could see you. "Um... No? I mean, he's not huge or anything, but he's not small either..."
You feel so awkward discussing the size of your boyfriends dick.
"So he's like average then?"
"Yeah, I guess."
"I can't believe you gave him a BJ, woman!" Ashley sighs, and you sink a little in your bed. "I mean, I hope he has intentions of returning the favor! Is he a good kisser?"
"Then he should know what to do with his tongue when he gets down there."
"Well I'm just saying!"
"I think you read like way too much romance books," you snort, rubbing your cheeks. "Nothing is like it is in there."
"No, but it has to come from somewhere. Are you going to sleep with him?"
You hesitate, chewing your lip. "I dunno, maybe. Not right now though."
"But it's possible? You know it's supposed to hurt right --- but only if you're not, like, ready enough down there --- plus even when you fool around and your body isn't used to it there's still supposed to be some blood. Has he been down there yet?"
"Ashley! You're way too full of questions!"
"Well it's not like I have a sex life to speak of, I'm living vicariously through you! So you gotta tell me all the details!"
"I think we just need to get you a boyfriend."
"Like I'm going to date any of the immature morons we go to school with," you can practically see her rolling her eyes. "They can't tell one hole from the other."
Oh lord, she was going to be the death of you; had she always been so blunt?
"I'm waiting till college; at least the guys there know what they're doing. Although Ryan did date that one girl forever, so I guess he does too." Ashley muses.
"What girl?" you ask, startled. You'd figured he'd had a girlfriend, but you didn't know who it was or if you even knew her.
"Seriously? It was Allie! She graduated last year, she was on the basketball team with you. Really tall with dark hair?"
Oh, that girl. You'd never liked her, you'd thought she was weird.
But, then again, you'd also been an asshole back then too, she'd probably been a really nice person.
"Oh, her. I never really knew her."
"She was older then us. I'm surprised she dated an underclassmen. He must be pretty good at something then right?" She snickers.
"So what do you think?" your mother asks, holding up two different paint colors
"This beige, or this lighter beige?"
Ryan gives her a blank look; he has no fucking clue, they look the same to him. Why were you taking so long today? He wants to go hang out at his house where no one is asking him what color they should paint their upstairs hallway.
"Uh..... They look the same?"
"Oh, look closer, they're different shades! Come now, Ryan," she clucks, holding them closer to his face. "(Y/N) won't help me at all!"
"Mom, stop badgering Ryan and just pick one." you sigh as you flounce down the stairs, your hair curled and falling down your shoulders just the way Ryan loves it. "They do look the same."
Your mother frowns, looking at the colors again.
Well, they were awful similar.
But still!
"I'll be home by twelve," you tell your mom, hugging her quickly before snagging your jacket. "See you then!"
"You two have a good time," she sighs, watching as the two of you leave the house, Ryan quickly grabbing your hand. You smile up at him as the two of you walk to his car, hands swinging between you.
How cute.
"You wanna swing by the pizza parlor?" Ryan asks, glancing at you. "The guys were meeting there and I was gonna swing by and see them as sec."
"Sure, if you want," you shrug after a moment; you don't want to flat out say no, but if Devin isn't there you feel incredibly awkward. Balz just doesn't like you for some reason and always glares at you, whereas the others seem indifferent to your presence in general.
You suppose they don't expect your relationship to last very long.
"Cool. We can play in the arcade if you want."
Your lips curve. "I hope you don't think you can beat me at air hockey, I'm a badass at that game."
"Oh yeah?" Ryan shoots you a grin. "Challenge accepted. We'll see how good you are. What's the winner get?"
"What would the winner want?"
"Loser has to get naked."
"Ryan!" You swat at him and he laughs.
"Kidding --- sort of. We'll see." he decides, flicking his blinker as he turns in traffic, his hand slipping over to squeeze your knee. 
You suppose so.
You giggle, letting Devin pull you into his lap, your arm curling around his shoulder. You're actually having a great time, Ricky was starting to talk to you, so maybe he was slowly accepting you, and Balz was off in the arcade with Chris, so it actually wasn't tense.
Ryan grins as he leans onto the table, his palms pressed flat against the marbled surface.
​​​ "Who's next?" he asks, glancing around. "I will own you and all your tokens!"
"You say that but (Y/N) has already beat you twice."
"I'm letting her win, she's my girlfriend."
"Yeah right! You looked ready to cry a few minutes ago when she owned your ass!" Ricky laughs, shaking his head as he reaches for his fries, ignoring the large, heavily meated pizza in the center of the table. "She's better at air hockey then you've ever been!"
Ryan rolls his eyes as you grin, and you tug on his sleeve, getting him to lean down enough where you can kiss him, feeling him smile against your lips.
"Can you guys not do that so close to my face?" Devin whines, leaning back. "You'll give me cooties!"
"You'd like it," you tease, and swiftly press a kiss against his cheek, his face immediately blooming a deep shade of red that makes everyone laugh. "See?"
"Devins first kiss!" Ricky laughs, Ryans hands closing over yours and pulling you to your feet. "How does it feel, man?"
Devin blushes furiously, quickly grabbing a slice of pizza and hastily shoving it into his mouth so he wouldn't have to answer. You grin, leaning into the curve of Ryans arm; you like the fact he doesn't mind how close you and Devin are, that he isn't jealous or anything. You'd come to see Devin as a really close friend and you're not sure what you'd do without him.
You glance at Ryan, your eyes trailing his jawline, finding nothing wrong with him at all. He was such a good person, the best boyfriend (although you've nothing to compare too), and he cared about his friends genuinely. Your mother likes him, your dad doesn't matter, and the two of you seem to get along perfect.
If you were to ever use the word smitten, now would be the time.
It was clear how much you like Ryan, too; if the guys had ever been uncertain before, it was impossible to be now. It was all over your face how much you liked him --- it was in every look, every touch, every giggle. You couldnt deny it even if you wanted too, you were crazy about him. 
But it was clear he felt the same way.
Ricky thinks your both lame asses, getting too swept up in each other. You would crash and burn eventually, hard, and it was going to be a really bad break up. He likes you, he does, but you really were from a different clique and you didn't like much of what Ryan does, and you need more in common then music and hormones to make a relationship work.
He's just patiently waiting for when the first cracks of doom to start showing up. Balz was already working on it, chiseling away at Ryan every chance he got to make him doubt you or just to say some snide remark. It was kind of shitty, Ricky recognizes that, but he also knew Balz was doing it for the band in his own messed up way. Him and Chris were really into it, and although Chris hadn't said anything, he was extremely irritated when Ryan blew off band practice to be with you.
There was going to be a moment when that erupted too.
But in the mean time, Ricky was content to let everyone enjoy themselves, pretend it wouldn't all end in hell fire and damnation.
Plus you were cute, and you always had good vibes when you hung around. So it wasn't like you being around was unpleasant either.
And you had a nice butt in those expensive jeans; he'd caught Devin looking a few times, but Ricky wasn't sure if he was actually admiring your butt or admiring your jeans.
Devin was weird after all.
But anyway ---.
"Keep your damn hands outta my fries!" He gasps, seeing Devin sneaking some when he wasn't looking. "Or that'll be the only kiss you ever get!"
"So what do you think? Up for another round?" you tease, leaning against your side of the air hockey table. "Winner takes all?"
"How about winner takes you?" he chuckles, and you roll your eyes, stepping around to pop some change into the machine.
"You wish! Loser buys popcorn."
"Fine, deal. I'm gonna win this one!" he warns, placing the puck on the table.
Sure he was.
You chuckle, tucking some hair behind your ear before you begin playing. You kick his ass at first, but eventually you do let him win, not wanting to hurt his ego for the long run. He crows in triumph, thrusting his hands in the air when he thinks he's won fair and square.
"Ha! I don't suck at all!"
You chuckle, agreeing and leading him towards the food counter so you can order.
Chris watches, sitting at the table with his friends. It was obvious you'd let Ryan win, and you didn't seem to mind his bragging either as you wait in line. You just smile at him and agree, letting him think he'd just won the best air hockey game of his life.
"She's manipulating the shit out of him," Balz grumbles, sinking lower in the booth. "Look how stupid he's being."
"She's being nice, and he's happy. How is that bad?" Devin sighs; Balz was so not fun to be around anymore. 
"You're just saying that because you're under her spell!"
"She's not a witch," Chris frowns. "And you're pissing him off, Balz. Stop being an ass around her before ---."
"Before she turns him against me? UsThe band? Soon he's going to be spending all his time with her and there won't be time for music!"
"Stop sounding like a jealous ex girlfriend," Ricky snaps. "It's annoying."
"You guys just don't see it," Balz mutters, shaking his head. "It's going to end badly!"
"We know it is, Balz. But it's not our place to get involved, all that's gonna happen is you're gonna piss him off and even if they break up he'll blame you," Chris finally says, scowling. "So unless you wanna fuck up what's left of your friendship with him, shut the fuck up already and stop acting like a bitch. Let him be happy while he can! He's been better playing since he started with her anyway, he's got his vibe back. And she'll leave him at the end of the year to go to college anyway."
You were college bound, that was obvious, and Ryan definitely wasn't.
So the relationship would inevitably end for one reason or another, because he definitely couldn't date you if you live a thousand miles away. Or he could try but it wouldn't work, they never did.
"You're too hard on her, she's a good person," Devin fidgets after a moment. "She doesn't hang out with her old friends anymore anyway, just that blonde girl."
"Ashley," Chris supplies. "But she's always reading. I don't think she even knows how to talk to people."
"She works in the library third block," Devin adds. "So she probably never does; no one ever goes to the library unless they have too."
"Except Vinny, but he's a nerd."
"Too bad his dad is an asshole and wouldn't let him come tonight," Balz props his chin on his hand, watching as Ryan slips his hand into your back pocket, saying something softly in your ear that makes you straighten and blush. Gross. "Mr. Mauro is a dickhead, he failed me in math last year."
"Probably because you never turned in any homework, I had it too, remember?"
"I turned in plenty! It just wasn't when he wanted it!"
"So how's the guitar coming?" you ask, absently eating some popcorn as Ryan fools around with the claw machine.
"Ah, it's coming. I still need like four hundred more, plus shipping," he shrugs. "It feels like it's taking forever but it is what it is."
"I don't get why it's so expensive."
"It's a high dollar instrument, that's why."
You glance around the arcade, seeing it full of people and their kids, others like you playing the other games. The place was full like it always was, and you couldn't remember the last time you'd actually been in and not just gone through the drive through.
You'd been missing out.
You blink in surprise as Ryan suddenly drops a stuffed green dragon into the slot, grinning when he leans down.
Did he seriously just win something from a claw machine!? Those things were totally rigged!
"Here," he hands it to you, and your eyes flick down the blue spikes running down its back. "Can't say I never won you something."
You chuckle, holding the dragon to your chest as you kiss his cheek. 
"I think you've won more then you know, Ryan."
Ashley: he won you a dragon!?
You: he totes won me a dragon!
Ashley: he's a keeper! Jump that booty!

You roll your eyes, leaning back in the seat of Ryans car as you wait for him to stop yakking to his friends. You'd already been waiting ten minutes, you were starting to get impatient and it wasn't like he wouldn't see them at school pretty soon.
You're tempted to call him despite he's eight feet away but you don't want to be a butt.
Or do you!?
You're so bored.

Ashley: soooo? Was he sweet tonight?
You: completely! I rlly wanna buy him his guitar 4 Christmas but it's crazy high 
Ashley: like how high?
You: like over a grand high 
Ashley: way 2 high! Whoa! He better grovel for that !
You: for real! Dad's already grouch ing about my bill
Ashley: like he can tlk! He totally ditched ur dinner together! Have u tlkd 2 him since?
You: nope n mom isn't making me either 
Ashley: good 4 her! Your dad's a dick, sorry not sorry 

You snort.

You: no I know he is. But it's whatever. If I did that he'd seriously have something to bitch about then
Ashley: and take away your card! 

Er, true. And you rather did need your credit card.
What if you just gave Ryan the money to finish paying for it? Then it wouldn't really be a surprise, but it was the thought that counts! Maybe a gift card or something? 
You could do a gift card.
Did Devin know how much he had saved up?
You want to do something nice for him.
When was his birthday?


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