Contracted Killer ( Ja'far X...

By ESKT_26

77.9K 3.1K 1.8K

Ja'far from Magi As a skilled mercenary you were contracted to infiltrate and kill the adviser of Sindria, Ja... More

The Contract
A New Country
Warm Welcome
A Place Among the Ranks
A Drink
Blood Thirst
Just Visiting
Reunions Redux


4.8K 214 125
By ESKT_26

'Where is Ja'far anyway?!'

You brought up your sword to par with Alibaba's and barely held your own, he was determined to get his revenge on your deeds.

"Looks like Ja'far won't be here to stop anything now." The metal grinded together sending sparks out, Alibaba grit his teeth as he pushed further.

"I've heard your words... Now let me speak mine." Before you felt your sword break, you broke the parry and jumped back further into the alley. "Revenge doesn't satisfy you."

"But your death will." His eyes gleamed with anger as he raised his large sword.

'I won't be able to last another hit from that and if I hurt him some questions that might cause suspicious will arise.' You looked around frantically but to no avail, and being close to the wall, your movement was limited.

You waited for Alibaba to get close before jumping over his swing and drawing three daggers you had on you. 'Sub Zero should be closing in if that guy wasn't lying.'

"Alibaba! Stop messing around! We need to get out of here!" You yelled throwing the knives to him.

"Not yet!" The blonde lazily cut through it with Amon's sword, his walk emotionless and his eyes locked on you.

You furrowed your brows in irritation before clicking your tongue. 'He really has his heart set on this doesn't he?'

You looked up again and almost yelped in surprise. 'What?!'

Lined up on the roof were members of Sub Zero looking down on you, it was too late.

Alibaba was to busy to notice the rock hurdling directly towards his head, the moment it hit him he was out cold and his djinn went back to its normal form rendering his defenseless. 'How could I have been so careless?!' You gritted your teeth as the group closed in on you.

A buff raider casually slugged Alibaba over his shoulder as another muscular man wearing leather armor jumped down do his side.

A man you recognized all too well... Kartos.

Name meaning god of strength and power, his hair darker then night and green eyes that pierced the thickest of personalities, a man who was meant to be feared... But also, a man who had a interesting crush on you.

It all started when he was contracted to kill you.

He couldn't.

You seemed to innocent, his employer didn't give him much information on you other than what you looked like and where you might be. Kartos then shadowed you and found himself liking things about you, like how you would brush your hair back or they way you carried yourself. And being the merc you were, you quickly noticed him lurking and confronted him with your sword, almost killing him.

That didn't make him give up though.

He told you how he was supposed to murder you and report back to his client but awkwardly found that he couldn't.

You both went after his employer and killed him in cold blood.

Kartos admired your skill and wanted to recruit you for Sub Zero, which you accepted wanting to know more about him.

You had a few good years staying in Sub Zero, stealing and accepting contracts to make a living.

The male then finally worked up the courage to ask you out and you laughed in his face saying that you would never want anything like that. Thinking back on it now, it must have hurt him...

Shortly after, you abruptly quit Sub Zero and went off-grid spending your days working in Balbadd making a name for yourself.

"Oh (Y/N)... What a surprise seeing you here." Kartos stated smiling thugly. "I've been looking for you." He then added in a more serious tone.

"So I've heard." You retorted cautiously, making sure to keep each member with in view.

"It would be nice to have you back in Zero... Don't you miss it?" He then asked while raising his arms in question.

"Forgot it even existed." You glared back at him while gripping your sword, something was off about him.

"What's the matter?" He taunted as the group behind him laughed. "Didn't think I'd recognize you?"

"That guy on your men's shoulder... Let him go, he has nothing do with this-"

"What is he to you?" Kartos asked suddenly sounding a bit angry while walking up to you.

"Nothing, I just need to make sure I he gets back safely..." You then took a small step backwards as the he flashed you a bitter look.

"So just like what I was to you?" He snapped while grabbing your shoulders harshly.


"You... You hurt me (Y/N)." His grip loosened as he let his head hang down. "I gave you everything."

"After all this time... You still-"

"Yes." He hand made his way up to your cheek as his slender fingers wiped some of the blood off. "I won't give up on you..."

Your eyes widened in surprise. 'No way... It's been three years since I left his gang...'

"Come back to me (Y/N)... I'll make it worthwhile..." The male then whispered into your ear huskily.

"I'm flattered but... I need to get out here." You then used the butt of your sword to jab him in his stomach stunning him for a moment as you charged for the other raider with your glowing sword.

Being slowed down by the weight on his shoulder, he groaned in pain as you sliced through him effortlessly.

Alibaba landed unconsciously in your arms and you set him down on the ground slowly. 'This is a problem...'

The other bandits stood there in shock unable to comprehend what you had just done.

"I knew boss was crazy trying to go after the (Y/N)!"

"W-What power."

"If you're gonna be like that again..." Kartos then slowly drew his curved blade and took sloppy steps forward. "Show me you haven't gotten weak."

"Look boss I hate to be the voice of reason here but-"

"Shut up!" He ordered loudly. "This is between me and (Y/N)..."

"But sir- She just killed one of our good men!"

"He was weak." Kartos responded briskly while pointing his sword at you. "Weakness is an infection... Better to cut it off than let it spread."

"What are we fighting for?" You sharpened your (E/C) gaze and placed one foot in front of the other.

"You're freedom." He answered darkly. "You see... I don't plan on letting you disappear on me this time..."

'Oh really?'

"I won't fight for something I already have..." You paused to put your sword back in its sheath. "I have no intention of fighting you today."

"There you go ignoring me again!" He shouted while slashing angrily through the air. "Maybe this will get your attention!" Kartos then ran straight towards Alibaba, sword in hand.

'Shit!' You quickly drew your blade and clashed swords with him before he could get close to the blonde.

"Wake up Alibaba!" You shouted to him while you pushed against Kortos' brute force, but with him having a curved edge, it was difficult.

You gritted your teeth as your blade slowly moved down making you lose dominance. Knowing this would not go in your favor, you catapulted yourself behind him and swung your sword around for another hit.

Seeing through your actions, Kartos quickly turned and met your attack with his own, knocking you away.

You slid across the ground raising dust and dirt before standing up again to wipe blood off your lip. 'Looks like I'll need it!'

You then activated your sword skill and attacked once more, this time with an obvious power increase.

"You should be proud, I haven't put forth this much effort in a while." You taunted as you repeatedly clashed swords with the other male.

"You looked to be struggling right when we got here with that other male." He responded while raising a brow.

"That's because I didn't have to worry about this-" You abruptly pulled out another knife and sliced him across the chest.

Kartos then pulled back as you swung your blade playfully through the air.

"It won't be long now..." You told yourself in a hushed tone while the strong male zeroed in for another attack.

Then out of nowhere, a flash of red wire.

"The one time I trust you to go out alone you trigger a gang?" Ja'far sighed as he chocked the life out a raider standing by. "You're a handful (Y/N)."

"Who's this?!" Kartos paused mid-swing to eye the silver-haired male.

"Someone I knew would come check on me." You let a small grin rest on your face as Ja'far sighed again in disappointment.

"Don't tell me he's- ... Your boyfriend..." Kartos growled as he clenched his sword.

"(Y-Y/N) and I have no such relations!" Ja'far stuttered and moved over to your side. "Except for wanting you gone."

"Don't slow me down." You told the silver-haired male jokingly while raising your sword.

"And I'll ask the same of you..." He responded cheekily.

"Let's take him down!" You replied enthusiastically with the advisor rallied at your side.

"Sub Zero Division Wolf leader, Kartos!" Ja'far then pointed his weapon at the male across from him. "Don't expect to make it out of this alive."

'It's kind of a sad though... I'm killing people I would have been proud to scheme with just a few years ago...'

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