No More Dreams (BTS ff)

By zombiecupycakes

111K 3.5K 1.5K

BTS is a very powerful gang of seoul. One of the most feared ones. Suddenly Mara finds herself caught up with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

4.6K 164 42
By zombiecupycakes

Waking up with a groan I quickly realized that I was in my bed and still in my ripped and bloodied dress. I stretched and quickly changed my clothes into a large t-shirt and some shorts.Slowly making my way down the large staircase, I found my way to the modern marble kitchen. I grabbed a bagel and some cream cheese and sat down at the island in the middle of the kitchen. I sat there with my eyes closed thankful for the food.

"Good to see you're alive." I jumped at the voice and almost fell off the little stool I was on.

"My God, give a little warning before you come scaring me like that." I growled out and saw that it was Suga standing in the entrance of the room.

"Why don't you follow me up to Monster's office. Everyone else is already there."

My body stiffened a little at his words but I slowly followed him to the large oak doors of the office. I stepped in to see all the guys scattered around the room before I was bombarded by a large body. I groaned as V squeezed the life out of me.

"I'm so sorry I let them get you." He whispered, "I got there too late and couldn't do anything."

"It's ok." I chuckled and patted his back a little. He reluctantly peeled himself off me as someone cleared their throat. My eyes snapped up to Monster to see him sitting behind his desk just like the first time I saw him.

"Please sit. We need to talk about something." His low voice filled the room, and I slowly followed his command sitting in the chair in front of his desk. My eyes shifted down towards my lap as I waited for him to say something.

"Why do you have that tattoo?" He asked the question I had been dreading ever since Jin pointed it out last night. I took a breath but the words got caught in my throat and swallowed away. "It's not on your wrist like it usually is. Is this just a coincidence, or are you really one of them?" Was that sadness I heard in his voice?

"Was," I choked out. "I was one of them, in fact I was the leader." I looked up at the end and saw Monster's jaw drop.

"You're joking." He started to laugh but it sounded forced. "You're only 19 and you're a girl."

I glared at him with his ending statement, "I was their leader by the time I was 16, and no one ever knew I was a girl but the gang."

Monster slammed his fist down on the desk. "You have to be lying, how did someone so young  get into this type of life?"

I went on to tell him the story of how it all happened. I could see the pity on their faces but ignored it.

"I still don't believe you." Monster said, everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

"Who would make up a story like that?" JHope asked, He had sat in a chair close to mine and put an arm around my shoulder to comfort me.

"Show me the scar."

"Excuse me?" I was shocked by his command. But I saw the pleading in his eyes so I slowly stood up. I lift my shirt up a little and the bottom of my shorts to show off the eye scar on the top of my thigh.Everyone had gathered around me to see it and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. i quickly wiped it away before I thought anyone could notice although I'm sure at least one of them did.

"So you actually wiped them out?" Monster whispered. I nodded in response and saw a smile spread across his face. "Thank you. I have a similar story to you and I started this to wipe them out, but before I had enough people they were already gone." I felt his strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight hug. I felt the tears well up into my eyes and couldn't help but cry into his chest. My hands gripped the fabric of his shirt until my knuckles were white and I felt him rub my back to comfort me.

When the tears stopped I pulled back and smiled up at Monster. "I'm sorry to hear that you had a similar experience." I whispered and was met with a large smile. It was beautiful and genuine, accompanied by a little dimple.

"I actually have something to show you." Monster grabbed my wrist and started to pull me out of the room. All the other guys followed as I was pulled to the basement.

"Mara!" i was met with the screams of Eric. He was tied to a chair in the center of a room and looked pretty crazed. "Mara, I love you so much. Take me and let's get out of here. We can live together. I can bring you happiness."

I walked closer to him and saw that he was being completely serious. "You blew that chance when you were watching me for Got7." I growled in anger. The man that I had let into my house multiple times, that listened to all my worries, helped me when I was sick or sad, Heck sometimes slept in the same bed as me, was not the guy I thought he was. "You can rot in Hell for all I care." I felt the tears well up in my eyes but refused to let them fall.

"Don't say that Mara. I know you feel the same way. Remember how I used to listen to you all the time. Remember when I would hold you when you cried. Don't tell me you never felt anything. I held myself back from you, but looking at where we are now, I wish I hadn't. I should have taken you when I could, I should have made all of those dreams I had about you a reality." I saw his eyes filled with lust as he went on and on and I felt my stomach twist.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?" Monster growled and pulled me back away from Eric slightly. Eric was still muttering about all the things he wanted to do with me and I felt like I was going to throw up. "Do you want us to get rid of him?" Monster whispered in my ear.

"Do whatever you want to him." I said no emotion in my voice.

"Jimin, Jungkook  you heard her."

I saw the two men walk up to Eric stretching a bit as they did."You got any information about Got7?" Jungkook growled down at him. Eric stopped his disgusting rambling and looked up.

"They're not going to stop." He whispered. "They'll find her again, and this time it won't be so pretty." Eric started laughing by the end.

"Is that all you want to tell us?" Jimin questioned and Eric just nodded still chuckling to himself. "Ok Jungkook, you start it off. I want to finish off this douche bag."

Jungkook immediately slammed his fist in Eric's nose. A crack split through the quiet room and echoed, causing my stomach to turn even more. Jungkooks hand made it's way around Eric's throat squeezing just enough to block the airway but still let a tiny bit of air through. His right fist kept flying into Eric's face and sometimes stomach. The metallic stench of blood filled the air and my stomach was doing back flips. Suddenly Jungkook stopped and Jimin stepped up. Jimin instantly kicked the chair and Eric fell back, his head connecting harshly with the floor. Screams filled the air and I couldn't take anymore. Ripping myself out of Monster's grip I ran up the stairs and right out the front door, Gasping in the fresh air. I leaned over and my hands found my knees as I felt like my breakfast was going to come up. Luckily I was able to hold it back.

"You ok?" I jumped a little at the voice behind me and turned to see JHope. I nodded as he stepped closer to me. "What happened, was it the blood or the fact that it was Eric?"

"I think the fact that it was Eric and it brought up some memories I didn't want." JHope nodded in understanding and slipped his arm around my waist slightly tugging  me back towards the front door. "Let's go and lay down, you're not looking too good."I followed him as he led me towards the living room. As I entered I saw Monster looking at us with a small frown on his face.

"Are you ok?" Monster asked worry laced in his deep voice. I nodded and sat down on the long red couch. I sat down and Jhope sat down next to me laying back and pulling me into his chest slightly. I don't know why I didn't push away but I just let it happen. "Do you need any water?" Monster questioned as he lifted up my legs and placed them on his lap as he sat down on the couch as close to me as possible, One of his hands landing on my hips as the other remained on my calf.

"No, I think I may just take a nap. I don't feel too well." I said weakly.

"Whats wrong?" JHope's chest vibrated under my head as he asked this.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I feel sick and my shoulder kind of hurts." 

"The one that got shot?" Monster stiffened a little. I nodded and he started yelling for Jin. Jin quickly walked in from the kitchen with his eyebrows raised in questioning. "Check her shoulder please." Monster commanded. Jin quickly walked over and started to lift my shirt up but I stopped him.

"I can't just undress when there are men in the room." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't mind." Both Monster and JHope said at the same time and my jaw dropped.

"I don't have a bra on." I whispered so only Jin could hear hoping he would understand why I couldn't take the shirt off.

"It's nothing I've never seen before, trust me Mara. You know what I do at Tryptich." I glared at him and he sighed. "Fine fine, I'll just lift up the back."

I nodded and sat up, shivering a little bit as the cold air touched the bare skin on my back. Jin looked at the bandage and saw that the center of it was looking slightly brown. He pulled it back to see that the area was swollen and discolored. I took a sharp intake of breath as pain shot through me when he touched it a little bit. My stomach flipped and I once again almost lost my breakfast. I quickly stood up and ran to the bathroom releasing my insides into the toilet bowl.

"Shit." Jin whispered and placed his hand to my now sweating forehead. "One of you go get the First aid kit quickly." He yelled at the men that had followed and quick footsteps headed away from the bathroom. I pushed my head into Jin's cold hand as my body felt like it was on fire. "Ok Mara you're wound is infected and you have a fever. I'm going to have to take the stitches out and clean the wound and then stitch you back up. It'll probably hurt like a bitch, so bite on this." He shoved a towel at my mouth and I held it in my mouth weakly.

Monster returned with the first aid kit and kneeled on the ground next to me, JHope on the other side and Jin behind me. jin quickly pulled on fresh gloves and snipped the stitches slowly pulling them out. My eyes rolled back in my head as a scream found its way out of my mouth. Jin gently pushed me down towards the floor so I was laying down. "You guys need to hold her down, she's moving too much." Hands wrapped around my arms restraining me.

"What the fuck is this?" Jin whispered as he was cleaning out the wound. I sighed in relief when he stopped working on me for a minute. Sadly he began digging around with tweezers causing me to groan as I couldn't scream anymore. I felt the tweezers leave me and the sound of Jin placing something down onto the counter. He quickly stitched me up and covered it up with a clean white bandage.

"All done" Jin said patting my lower back and pulling my shirt down. I was helped up into a sitting position by JHope and Monster and I leaned against the wall, My eyes closed and trying to morph into the wall as the coolness of it felt good on my feverish skin. "hey guys come look at this." Jin said holding up a little square shaped thing.

"What is that?" JHope asked.

"Is that a fucking chip?" Monster growled out. He reached out and grabbed it quickly shoving it under the sink to clean it from the blood. When he pulled it out clean he squinted at it and his eyes then quickly widened in realization. "I think it's a tracking chip."

"A tracking chip?" JHope whispered out and my eyes snapped open when I realized what they were saying.

"What do you mean tracking chip? Whose is it?" I said and crawled over ignoring the screaming pain in my shoulder.

"There's only one way to figure it out. I may be able to look into it and see if there's anything on it. If I had to guess it's probably Got7, they probably had a feeling you would run." Monster growled. I felt the air leave my lungs. I just want to live a semi normal life, I thought to myself.

"This can't be good, but I'm gonna go take a nap on the couch." I stood up and started walking out the living room to be met with a JHope walking by me. I looked at him to see him smiling down at me.

"Everything will be ok." He reassured me and pulled me into his chest as we reached the couch. I tried to take a nap but I was never met with sleep as my thoughts began getting to me. 

Got7 has a fucking tracker on me and Eric said they weren't done with me. This can't be good.


Wow that was a longer chapter than I thought it would be, it was really just supposed to be a filler and I didn't plan on the tracker part but as I was writing it kind of just came out.

Anyways I think the next chapter might be a filler as well and then I think I got plans.

2 updates in one day woot woot. Only because I literally had nothing to do all day and I don't really have much to do tomorrow so I may write another chapter tomorrow.

 I did not read over this chapter well because I'm a lazy fuck and it's 1:30 in the morning so sorry if there's any mistakes.

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