Monsters Inside Him (Complete...

بواسطة Grey09x

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A (completed) Zayn Malik fanfiction Hannah is a US citizen who attends the University of London and gets the... المزيد

Chapter 1: The Streets
Chapter 2: His
Chapter 3: Forced
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: Never
Chapter 6: Marked
Chapter 7: Violence
Chapter 8: Not Alone
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Overnight
Chapter 11: Fire Escape
Chapter 12: Attack
Chapter 13: Monster
Chapter 14: Prisoner
Chapter 15: "Because I Love You"
Chapter 16: Drunk
Chapter 17: Playing with Fire
Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two
Chapter 19: Trying
Chapter 20: My Match
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding
Chapter 22: Three Strikes
Chapter 23: Expulsion
Chapter 24: Job Search
Chapter 25: Electric
Chapter 26: Waiting
Chapter 28 & 29: Fucking Insanity/Dark Side
Chapter 30: Like a Child
Chapter 31: Safe
Chapter 32: Panic
Chapter 33 & 34: Little Things/Stick To Your Guns
Chapter 35: Worried
Chapter 36: Clubbing
Chapter 37: Comfort
Chapter 38: Stages
Chapter 39: Pleasure
Chapter 40: Reconnection
Chapter 41: Threat
Chapter 42: Danger
Chapter 43: Zayn's POV
Chapter 44: Nightmare
Chapter 45: Zayn's POV {pt. 2}
Chapter 46: Safe
Chapter 47: Zayn's POV (pt.3)
Chapter 48: Over
Chapter 49: Moving on
Chapter 50: Forever
Chapter 51: Back For You
Chapter 52: Cooking
Chapter 53: Good-Bye
Chapter 54: Homecoming {Part 1}
Chapter 55: Homecoming {Part 2}
Chapter 56: Delusional
Chapter 57: Alphabet
Chapter 58: Sick
Chapter 59: Second Guessing
Chapter 60: Epilogue
Authors Note
Contact Me

Chapter 27: Independence

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بواسطة Grey09x

**Warning contains graphic scene**

Chapter 27: Independence

*Claire’s P.O.V*

I watched Zayn carry Hannah out to his car and then set her on her feet. I made sure he didn’t hurt her or anything, but I couldn’t monitor them the whole time. He just helped her into his car and then sped off.

Ever since Hannah came to the UK, I’ve felt protective of her. An American girl in a foreign land, and my best friend. Yeah, it’s my job to look out for her. Despite all of my attempts, somehow Hannah ended up with the most dangerous man in the city.

Of course she would.

I feel incredibly guilty, because this is basically all my fault. Still, I feel proud of Hannah because she’s changed Zayn. Even when things in that odd relationship become, er, violent, I know that she doesn’t play victim and makes sure to leave Zayn as fucked up as she is.

Good for her.

I wish I could be as assertive as she is. But that’s not me. I would never be able to speak to Zayn like Hannah does. I grew up in London, learning to fear One Direction ever since the town became theirs four years ago.

A loud banging on the door brought me away from the window. Tentatively, I opened it up.

“Alright, gorgeous?” Harry fucking Styles was leaning in my doorway, looking me up and down hungrily.

“Oh, hello.” I greeted lamely. I felt my cheeks redden under his intense stare.

“Zayn here? I went round his but he wasn’t there.” Harry asked, sidestepping me and inviting himself in. Nervously, I shut the door and turned to him. It made me feel uncomfortable to have him in my house alone with me, but I figured if Hannah was at one point in a room with ALL of One Direction by herself, I’d be able to handle Harry.

“Umm, he just took Hannah out. I’m, umm, not sure where they went. Sorry.” I shrugged quietly.

“Great. Well, he’s not answering his phone, so…” Harry licked his lips casually and plopped down on my couch. Oh, make yourself at home…

“I can try calling Hannah.” I offer, eager to get him out of my flat. I pull out my cell and dial the familiar number.





“Hey, this is Hannah! I can’t come to the phone right now, so leave a-”. Click. I sighed and slid my phone in my back pocket in disappointment.

“She’s not answering either…” I mutter.

“Well, if he’s with Han then he’ll be back. Mind if I chill here?” He wasn’t really asking, he was staying whether or not I wanted him to.

“Well, I need to go to class soon…” I informed him nervously, shuffling my feet around.

“Eh, you can miss class today and hang out with me, love.” He propped his feet up on my sofa and rested his head back on the cushion. I watched as he fiddled with his curls before looking back up at me.

“Well, I really shouldn’t-”

“You’re skipping class, Claire.”

I knew that if Hannah were in this position, she wouldn’t put up with this shit. She definitely wouldn’t. I could just imagine what she would say before storming off.

I wish I could be like that, but I have been living in fear for so long that it goes against my nature completely.

“Oh, ok. I guess…” I submitted, inwardly cursing myself for being so weak.

“Come sit with me.” He patted the sliver of space next to him. I waltzed over, but sat on the chair nearby, not on the couch. I didn’t feel comfortable cozying up with him. He looked at me with narrowed eyes for a moment, making my heart race, before flicking on the TV and settling in.

We spent like two hours watching whatever was on TV. A football match of some sort. Harry didn’t seem too interested in the game- clearly not a fan of either team, watching only because there was nothing else on.

I didn’t pay attention to the game at all. I pretended to, but I couldn’t help but watch Harry in the corner of my eye. His presence made me nervous.

I remembered that one night where I pretended to be drunk and let him take advantage of me. He treated it like a routine- not acting mean, but not quite kind either. The sex wasn’t too rough, but it was mostly to please him. There was none of the foreplay women liked.

It was all about pleasing him- because the world revolves around One Direction.

“You look deep in thought.” Harry chuckled. I glanced up at him nervously, unaware until that moment that the game had ended, the TV was off and he had been watching me.

“uh, yeah.” I replied. Smooth, Claire. Real smooth. He flashed me a reassuring smile before standing up from the couch.

“You got any good beers here?” He asked rhetorically, wandering into the kitchen to see for himself. I followed him in, stopping in the doorway to give him space.

“Shit,” he cursed, “all you got’s a bunch of chick drinks.” He slammed the fridge shut, making me jump.

“Well, we are… you know… chicks…” I reminded him awkwardly. He shook his head and began poking around in the cabinets, searching for a snack.

“I’m just gonna… I have to grab something…” I muttered, backing up slowly before heading to my bedroom. I walked over to my bed and sat down on the edge.

Breathe. He isn’t here to hurt you.

Breathe. Zayn and Hannah will be back soon.

Breathe. He’s just being friendly.

“You know, I don’t usually like double dipping.” Harry’s raspy voice startled me. I looked up to find him just stepping into my bedroom. Quickly, I stood up so that his height didn’t completely dwarf me.

Standing barely helped. His intimidating frame stepped closer. Kicking the door shut, he took the last step so that he was right in front of me.

“But, I figure it’d be ok to make you the exception.” He shrugged, reaching his fingers up to run along my cheekbone. My heart started beating out of my chest. He wants to seduce me. He wants to have sex with me. He’s gonna fuck me again.

I laughed nervously and tried to think of what Hannah would do- kick him in the balls and walk out casually- no, that wouldn’t do.

“Well, I really should, er, go grocery shopping.” I muttered lamely. Grocery shopping? What the fuck is wrong with me? Why couldn’t I have come up with a better excuse? Honestly…

I tried to play off my awkward excuse and walk past him, but he caught my arm and forcefully pushed me back, sending me into a painful collision with my back and the wall.

“I don’t think so, love.” He growled at me. I gulped as he began to make his way towards me. My hands trembled as I debated just giving in. No, Hannah’s right. Just because he’s a part of the most dangerous gang in London, actually in Britain, doesn’t mean he can just get sex from random chicks whenever the fuck he pleases.

“Harry, I gotta go.” I said a little loudly, my voice shaking in fear as he continued to waltz towards me. His emerald eyes narrowed.

“Didn’t you just hear what the fuck I said?” He asked me, tilting his head to the side. His voice was calm, but anger etched into his composure. I felt my heart stop, like literally stop as he pressed his body flush against mine.

“Yes, but I need to run out. Sorry.” I said bravely. I gave myself a mental pat on the back. Good for you, Claire. You sounded somewhat confident-ish.

He raised his eyebrows at me.

“Listen, Claire. Zayn might be turned on by that independence bullocks, but I’m not. You’ve already fucking disrespected me enough, so drop the attitude before I get angry.” He threatened, his gravely, mad voice whispering in my ear. I could feel his lips on the tip of my ear.

“Please, Harry. Just-” I whimpered. He cut me off by crashing his lips onto mine roughly. I felt his teeth graze my bottom lip before his tongue forcefully entered my mouth. I placed my hands on his hard chest and tried to push, but it didn’t work.

Instead, it made him angry.

Breaking away from the kiss, Harry grabbed my wrists roughly and threw me onto my bed. I let out a small cry and pushed myself up against the headboard, trying to get as far away from Harry as possible. He tugged me harshly by my ankle until I was underneath him. No matter how hard I kicked and clawed myself away from him, he was always able to keep me under control.

“Claire. Enough. You’re wearing my patience very thin.” He hissed, leaning down over me. I whimpered as I felt his tongue travel down my neck. Thinking back to that time, all those months ago, when I willingly let Harry fuck me, I remember getting the love bite. I remember the cold stares I received for two weeks after that. I remember being so lonely. I remember no one, male or female, having the guts to talk to me except for Hannah who was too innocently stupid to know otherwise.

Thinking quickly, and irrationally, I kneed him in his junk- something that always seems to work for Hannah. I thought I had hit him pretty hard in the jewels, but apparently not. He didn’t even flinch.

Did this kid have balls of steel or something?!

In movies, things happen in slow motion. A car accident. Falling in love. Being in a physical fight. I’ve never experienced that- I never really had an experience worthy of being in slow motion.

Until now.

Harry’s arm raised over his head, his palm drawn back. I watched in horror as his hand came around and collided with my cheek. Again and again. Three times he hit me.

It wasn’t just a bitch slap or anything either. It was a forceful hit. Times three.

I could feel a coppery taste in my mouth- blood?- and tears in my eyes. How could Hannah do this? How could Hannah be as brave and mouthy as she is, fully knowing the pain she’ll have to feel afterwards.

That was the first time I had been hit by anyone. In my life.

My Mum never even spanked me as a child. I had never been one for confrontations and I grew up with two younger brothers who would never hit me.

“You’ve fucking asked for it!” Harry shouted as he pulled off of me. I wasn’t about to sigh in relief though, I knew I just made things a whole lot worse.

Suddenly, I was on the floor again. I let out a cry, hoping the neighbors would hear me.

Harry was there instantaneously, kicking me in my back and my thighs a few times before crouching down next to me.

“Claire, you should know better than to disrespect me like that. When I want something- I get it, and it isn’t your place to tell me no.” He whispered menacingly. His hand yanked my hair, pulling me off of the ground as he stood.

I screamed again.

No one came running to my rescue.

“I guess I’ll just have to teach you a lesson…” He decided. He slammed me up against the wall. His hands let go of my hair. One moved to secure my waist while the other held me against the wall by my throat.

“It’s like you don’t even fucking know who I am, or what I’m capable of.” He tightened his grip on my throat, blocking my airway so that I couldn’t answer. The tears rolled down my stinging cheeks in a never ending flow.

Kudos to Hannah for being able to survive this kind of brutality and maintain her independence. I guess it was stupid of me to try to stand up for myself like she can.

Harry released my throat and let me fall to the floor briefly, before yanking me back up roughly by my upper arms. His fingers dug into my sensitive flesh.

“It’s ok to flirt, but when I tell you to do something, you do it. When I want something, you give it. Got it?” I nodded, unable to form words as he threw me back onto the bed. Leaning over me, he ripped off my shirt, my most expensive shirt, and threw the shreds on the floor. He pressed down on me and connected our lips roughly, my wrists hostage in his oddly large hands.

My jeans were pulled off without the kiss being broken. And then my bra.

He had to pull away to remove his own garments. Even his boxers found their way to the floor. My knickers were next.

Kneeling beside me, Harry yanked my head up again so that I was eye level with his, er, gentleman part. I cringed and tried to pull away, but that only made him yank harder.

“Suck.” He demanded roughly.

“Harry, I-”

“SUCK!” He interrupted my begging by pushing my face against his dick. Unwillingly, I let it in my mouth. Harry had to guide my movements, pulling my head back and forth with his hands as he made a strange moaning sound above me. His hard dick was pushed further down my throat until I couldn’t breathe and an animalistic gagging sound came from my mouth.

I guess he decided that was enough because he pushed me down and climbed on top. Looking down at me for a second before crashing out lips together, Harry adjusted so that he was comfortable.

Without any more foreplay, he shoved himself inside of me. I let out a whimper of pain, but it was muffled against his lips. My body heaved up and down in sobs, but he paid no notice. He broke our lips apart as he began to thrust, again, again, again, again, again, and again.

Profanities slipped from his lips as he enjoyed the feeling of me tightening around his cock. I wasn’t even wet and he didn’t use any lube. My vagina felt like it was literally on fire. This was more painful than the beating.

“Say my name.” He demanded. I refused to do it. I couldn’t. My teeth were pressed down so harshly on my bottom lip that it drew blood. I could taste salty tears as they dripped on my lips.

“Say my name or I’ll pull out right now, spank you like a fucking 6 year old, and start this process all over again.”

“Harry!” I rushed out, my teeth releasing my lip letting blood trickle out. He groaned in pleasure and thrusted some more.



His cum exploded inside of me. The thrusting continued for a little while as he panted and cursed above me.

The thrusting finally began to slow. I closed my eyes as he pulled out, panting from the movement of his hips. I felt his presence leave my bed. Moments later, a zipper was heard.

“Get up.” He demanded roughly. I opened my eyes timidly to find him fully clothed, hovering over where I lay on the bed. I tried to get out of bed, not willing to defy him again. It worked- I learned my lesson.

I couldn’t muster the force to push myself up. My body was in too much pain, my arms were shaking weakly.

“I SAID GET UP!” He roared.

“I can’t.” I pleaded, afraid of what he will do. He rolled his eyes and grabbed me, throwing me into the corner of the room.

“Oh for God’s sake.”

Harry came over to me. I pulled my feet in, tucking my knees under my chin and tried my best to prevent any of my vital organs from getting damaged as he kicked me again. Crouching down, I was met eye to eye with the devil.

“Are you going to disobey me again?” He asked me. I shook my head quickly. I heard an evil chuckle before the mop of curls pressed against my cheek as his teeth made contact with the skin on my neck. It was a quick, sharp pain, and it was over quickly. I squeezed my eyes shut knowing that the hickey was the least of my worries at this point.

Harry pushed himself away from me and allowed his height to loom over me.

“See you Claire,” he said casually. I whimpered a little, at the sudden change in his tone and aura. I watched him walk to the door in my room, pausing in the door way to look over his shoulder.

“Hate to break it to you doll, but I won’t be coming back for thirds.” He winked. I suppressed the urge to vomit, at least in front of him, and remain unresponsive.

“Oh by the way, no need in telling Zayn I was looking for him. I’ll head over to his apartment and wait there. Bound to run in to him eventually.” Harry trailed off, speaking more to himself as he left the room, closing my door behind him. I waited quietly until I heard my front door slam shut before I burst out into sobs.

It must’ve been an hour later when I heard my door open again. Glancing up in fear Harry had come back, I was relieved to find the outline of a woman. Hannah.

“Claire?” She gasped. I could only look at her. What must be going through her mind? What must my best friend think of me?

“Holy shit, what happened?” She rushed over to me, crouching next to me. She waited to touch me, obviously afraid of my fragile state. I hated letting people see me cry. I just hated it. It was weakness and I could never do it. I guess it’s a little late now.

“Hann-ann-annah,” I sobbed, unable to even form her name.

“Claire-bear, what happened?” she asked again, rubbing my back soothingly.

“H-h-harry.” I whispered. I instantly saw the blood drain from her face and her hands turn into fists. I’m guessing she knew full well what I was going to say next.

“He raped me, Hannah.”

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