An Interracial Story: Jungle...

By loveleetee

492K 15.6K 8.7K

Jaida Williams becomes a secretary after graduating from college. But working at Royson & Manning is no walk... More

An Interracial Story: Jungle Fever
Chapter Two: Satisfied
Chapter Three: All you'll ever be..
Chapter Four: Souled
Chapter Five: You're Back?
Chapter Six: Seduction.
Chapter Seven: Last Try
Chapter Nine: Mad BLACK Woman
Chapter Ten: W H O R E
Chapter Eleven: A Great Thing
Chapter Twelve: indecisive
Chapter 13: Give up
Chapter Fourteen: I need you..
Chapter Fifteen: Worth it
Chapter Sixteen: New Chocolate
Untitled Part 18
Chapter 19: Old Me
Chapter 20: The Proposition

Chapter Eight: Life Stresses

23.1K 759 166
By loveleetee


"So, what our deal?" He asked as I shoved a fork full of spagehtti in my mouth. 

"I don't know," I shrugged, "I just honestly need to know that you're done with Bella for good." 

"I am, honestly. Our relationship has manifested into something dark and unpleasant. You really opened my eyes, Jaida. When I wasn't with you, I missed you. Countless amount of times, I'd be with her, holding her, and just imagining in my mind it was you. I know you're probably debating how serious you should take me and this, but I am very serious. I'll prove it to you." He said. 

I nodded, and smiled. "I really hope so, for you and me." 


Kelson and I continued to go on dates after that, just becoming reaquainted in a sense. We didn't do anything more than share light kisses because both of us knew that once we got into the heat of the moment, it would be difficult for either of us to stop. He sent flowers to my office with cute little notes on it, sometimes chocolates, even a diamond necklace. Although I enjoyed all of those things, I made it clear that I didn't want his gifts, money or anything else materialistic. I liked his time, effort, and love. 

It was lunch and Jack had already stepped out to have his lunch. He had been bragging for the last 2 weeks about having sex with Bella. He would say things like,

"No wonder Kelson was so happy, that girl loves to get low, if you know what I mean." He'd say nudging me, in the side. 

He didn't know that they were getting a divorce, I didn't even know if Kelson was aware that Jack was having sex with his soon-to-be ex-wife. But, I didn't want to be the barrer of bad news, and I figured he wouldn't care anyways. 

"Ready to go?" Ayden said, causing me to look up. 

"Yeah." I smiled, grabbing my coat and purse. 

We took the elevator down before getting into his car. 

"Where to, today? I'm really craving some red lobster." I told him. 

"I like whatever you like." He grinned. 

"Right." I said, he agreed with everything that I wanted, and everything that I said. He never argued, or put up much of a fight, if he didn't want to do something, but I did, he'd submit in a second. 

"So, how's Jack and Bella?" He asked.

He knew about the whole entire drama, between Kelson, Bella, Jack and myself. He was comfortable with being my friend, like I said, he never put up much of a fight. I took that as him not being interested, or just his submissive personality. I liked that he wanted me to be happy, but I never liked a guy who just laid down to my every wim.

"I don't know. They deserve each other, Bella is selfish, and she seems to think Jack is going to give her money or something but Jack is pretty cheap when it comes to the women he's involved with."  I explained.

"I know those kind, I'm not like that...not like that at all." He said softly.

"I know you're not." I smiled and touched his hand lightly. 

He started smiling again. We pulled up to Red Lobster and I was too excited, like a kid in a candy store. I ordered popcorn shrimp, fries, and lobster. Ayden just got the same thing as me, down to my pink lemonade. 

"So, how did the date with that girl go?" I asked him.

"It was okay. It wasn't as good as my first date with you." He said. 

I smiled, "Don't live life comparing people to each other, Ayden." 

"I know, but I want a girl that's just like you, you know?" He said softly. 

Our food arrived and I dipped my shrimp in the sauce before eating it. I didn't know what to say, I know the right thing to do is to give the "nice guy"  a chance, and prove that nice guys don't always finish last; But I liked Kelson, and there was nothing I could do to stop that. I didn't want to play his feelings, but he was already caught up.

"I think you should try dating Ashley. She's sweet, she's a dancer, she my cousin so we're like biologically connected." I told him. 

"Yeah, I guess. I just always looked at her as a friend." He shrugged as he ate his food.

These conversations were always awkward. My phone buzzed on the table. I looked at it, a text from Kelson. 

When your next break? 

I replied.

2:15 - 2:35. Then I get off at 4. 

Ok. See you then. 

I shrugged and put my phone back down. 

"Your boyfriend?" He asked. 

I shook my head, and ate my food. 

"Can we talk about something different?" I asked. 


The rest of lunch was just so awkward, I couldn't wait to get back to the office, as soon as he dropped me off, I almost hopped out of the car while it was still moving. 

"I'll see you later." I said kindly. 

"Yeah, I'll-I'll call you tonight. After work." He smiled.

I smiled softly, a part of me felt so bad for him. I didn't want to break his heart or hurt his feelings, but I was caught up with someone else right now. I kept it real with him from the jump too, so this shouldn't be much of a surprise to him. 

I went upstairs to my desk and took a seat. Just as I walked in Jack was leaving. 

"Where to today, Jacky?" I smiled as I called him his petname. He hated it, but I have grown to love it.

He playfully glared at me, "Meeting with those corporate cunts." 

I laughed, "Have fun." 

"I'm expecting a call around 3, I need you to make sure you get the message. Alright?" He asked.

"Gotcha, Jacky." I smirked.

"Keep it up, You might just get fired." He smiled.

"You wouldn't want to make that same mistake." I laughed, he saw what happened the last time I got fired, but im sure Jack had it far more put together within this company than Kelson did. 

I sat there bored, I didn't have much to do. I tapped my fingernails on the desk as I played on the computer. As 2pm hit, Kelson came through the door. I smiled widely. 

"Hey baby." He smiled back and kissed me. 

"Hey." I said softly.

"Jack here?" He asked. 

"Nope. He had a meeting with some corporates." I answered.

He looked so handsome in his levi's jeans and black button up. 

"I brought you some chocolate, and a bear for your desk." He said, passing it to me. 

He did this often, or he'd just send it to the office for me. Nameless, of course. 

"Thank you, Lindt, my favourite." I said as I opened the white chocolate bar. He helped me up, and took a seat, then sat me back down on his lap. I fed him a piece of chocolate. 

"How's your day?" I asked. 

"Better now." He said and kissed my shoulder. 

I sighed, "And how's your daughter?" 

"Good, she's not too happy about me being out of the house and does her best to try and keep me there but, I mean, there's nothing I can really do at this point. I'm happy where I'm at." He answered.

I just nodded. I respected that he was still an active part of his daughter's life through this divorce which was bound to get messy, any moment now. I just wanted to be his rock through it all. 

"You wanna go get something to eat later, I can pop some popcorn...we can watch a movie.." I suggested. 

"Sounds good to me." He kissed my shoulder. 

We sat and just talked until I got Jack's phone call. I wrote down the basis of the conversation, then sent it to his e-mail.

"Time to go home." I sighed. 

I put on my jacket and grabbed my bag. We left together, and people stared but I really didn't care. I wasn't ashamed of what I was doing. But, Kelson started to walk up a little faster, but his hand remained clasped on to mine. When we got into the elevator he let out a sigh of relief. 

"What's the problem?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I just don't want to get you fired, and I know how office people can talk." He said. 

I nodded, accepting his explanation. I didn't feel like he was ashamed of me because he didn't walk ahead of me in order to hide that we were together, he held my hand like I was his and I felt safe with that.

We went straight to my place and Kelson took a shower before getting into my bed. I went and took a shower myself before getting in next to him. 

"I'm so tired." I sighed as I laid my head on his chest.  

He kissed my forehead and wrapped an arm around me. We had formed a deeper connection due to the fact that we weren't being intimate. I was always tired, and he always had things on his mind that he wanted to talk about. I liked that we could talk about anything.

"Thought of your next move yet?" I asked him. 

"I'm thinking of just you know, a 9-5." He shrugged.

"That's not you, do something you love. You love business, you never thought of a back up plan?" I asked him. 

"I never though my business, my father's business would fail. It fell apart under the distruction of one single person." He sighed. 

I cut my eyes at him. "Don't even." 

"What? You want me to lie, after you left shit fell to pieces. It wasn't until then did everything go wrong." He said, looking at me. 

"You always say that shit! I didn't do this to you, Kelson. You did this to you. I'm not going to discuss this ever again. I'm done taking the brunt for something you caused. You can blame it on me to make yourself feel better, but know that it wasn't my fault." I told him and turned my back to him. 


"I'm sorry, Jaida." I said and kissed her cheek.

I pulled her back against my chest. "I'm sorry." 

She sighed and nodded. I didn't mean to blame her, but to me, it was partially her fault. It's not that I didn't forgive her or was trying to hold it against her, but she played an equal part in my family business' destruction. 

"I'm thinking..maybe I can talk to Jack, get the company back..Would you come back and work for me?" I asked her. 

She didn't respond..before shaking her head no.

"Why not?" I scrunched up my face.

"Bad timing..bad everything. You need to think of getting yourself together before you try to make 'us' work or work together. Business and pleasure is a nasty mix, Kelson. " She told me. 

"That's what they say, but we can make it work. Once my divorce is finalized, everything will fall into place, I'll get my business back and everything will be the way it should be." I told her. 

She nodded, "I hope so." 

I looked at the cieling and allowed my tiredness to consume me. 

The next morning, I had to get up to meet with Bella, her lawyer as well as mine. I put on my suit, I had a small closet formed in Jaida's apartment. I finished getting cleaned up before heading to the office, I kissed Jaida's sleeping lips before leaving. 

"He's having an affair." Bella yelled.

"As are you." I said not even denying it. 

"Yeah, well I don't want any of your whores around our daughter, so I want full custody, no visitation." She demanded. 

I shook my head, this is what she did, her lowblows to get to me; She definetly wasn't the same woman I initially had married. 

"That's not happening." My lawyer interjected. 

"If the environment is unsafe and an bad influences then maybe she shouldn't be exposed to that." Her lawyer argued. 

"But, I'm not around multiple women. I'm around one consistant person, who I personally believe LaLa will enjoy being around. But, if she doesn't want her around my significant other for the time being, I'm fine with her staying away from my daughter." I replied. 

"That's not enough! Also, I want 75% of everything." She added.

"Fuck no. You didn't even help build the business." I spat back. 

"I need to take care of our daughter..I want 10k a month and I want the house." 

"Have the house.. I don't have 10 grand to give." I told her. 

"Well, I have bills to pay, you can't give me the house and not give me money to pay the bills." She argued.

Clearly, she had thought this one through because I truly wanted to give her the house just so all the shit could get cut off. In that case, I'd take my daughter and keep her far away from Bella. 

"See, that's it. You want our daughter to have no lights, no food, nothing. You selfish bastard." She began crying. 

"Quite the class act, Bella." I said dryly. 

"That's enough, clearly, she's broken up about this divorce, give her a minute." Her lawyer said to me.

"Hmph, I'll give her a minute alright..lemme guess, you're fucking her too?" I asked him. 

He looked up and hesitated, that told me all I needed to know. 

"Have a good day, sir." I got up and left. 

No matter how much Bella put me through, I couldn't deny that I loved her. It hurt me to know that she truly didn't care about me, the way she threw herself around, at least I had the decensy to commit to one person and not give myself to anyone willing. That's blatant disrespect in my eyes. 

I got outside and called Jaida. 

"How'd it go? "She asked. 

Her soft sultry voice began to turn me on as well as comfort me. 

"The regular." I sighed. 

She sighed back, "It'll be alright, baby. Don't stress too much. You're just going to raise your blood pressure and it's honestly not even worth it. Everything's going to be alright, babe." 

"I hope you're right..but I'm about to come home." I told her. 

"Okay." She said and hung up. 

Her home was my home. Home to me was wherever she was, whether it was a hotel room, my condo, or her house. She always made me feel comfortable, like I could be myself, but I feared that she would be dragged into something a lot bigger than she could handle, especially at this age. 

Sorry for the delayed update, 
I've had writer's block...womp.
It happens.. 
But I just wanted to at least give you guys a little update, 
It may not be the best, but it'll get better once my brain starts working lol

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