In Love With The Werewolf Pri...

By arabella_tomlinson

257K 9K 1.2K

*THIS BOOKS IS IN SEVERE NEED OF EDITING SO READ AT OWN RISK* Jaxon Michaels, is an 18 year old, shy 5'2 with... More



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By arabella_tomlinson


Our trip in African has been amazing but sadly it was our last day in this beautiful continent meaning we were currently packing our things since we leave tomorrow morning and the kids were devastated since they had made friends with the children of the village near the house.

The month and half we've been here were truly incredible and I can't wait wait to be back here again in the near future.

"What time are we leaving?" I asked as Max came downstairs with another suitcase and he locked at his watch before replying with

"In an hour" and I nodded

"We still need to plan Victoria's birthday party" I mumbled and he nodded

"Her birthday isn't for another 4 weeks love" he replied and I rolled my eyes

"Even so, I want the best for her and I always plan ahead" I replied making him chuckle and pull me into his strong arms before kissing my forehead

"Then we'll plan for her birthday when we returned to the palace" he said and I smiled. We talked for a bit more and maybe kisses every other second before we gathered the children who were whining and complaining about being tired and then we were off to the private holding of the jet where the co-pilot took our suitcases and took them to our respective rooms while the driver that had rode with us took the car back.


I woke up and rushed to the bathroom as vile raised in my throat and hunched over the perciline bowl heaving as Max rubbed my back and whispered soothing words all the while my eyes burned and my throat ached. It's been nearly 3 weeks since we returned from Africa and since we mates and I had a feeling why I had these symptoms but I didn't want to get ahead of myself and then find out that it's nothing more then the flu

"We're going to see the Doctor, Jax, you've been waking up in the middle of the night and throwing up and I'm starting to get worried" he murmured helping me from the floor and over to the sink to brush my teeth be I nodded there's no reason to argue with him and besides I wanted to get my suspicion cleared

"We will in the morning" I mumbled walking back into our room and back in bed with Max nodding as he laid behind me and pulled me into his arms kissing the back of my neck as sleep took over once more.

"Wake up baby" I heard Max murmur as he gently shook me a few hours later and I grumbled and swatted him away which earned a chuckle from him

"Come on love, it's already 3 in the afternoon and you need to get something in your tummy" he said and I whined

"I'm so tired" I mumbled opening my eyes and looking at him to see him with a small smile

"You can come sleep again once you eat and we see the doctor" he said and I sighed nodding my head I sat up yawning.

"Carry me" I mumble and he smiled picking me up and carrying to the bathroom, I was glad that I hadn't one of my morning sickness episodes again, and did my morning routine before following Max out of the room once I had dressed in a pair of sweats and one of Max's t-shirts., but as soon as I stepped foot into the kitchen I ran the other way and into the hall bathroom and threw up what little I had in my stomach after last night and Max was at my side whispering words of comfort

"Shh, it's going to be okay" he whispered rubbing my back and I whimpered

"Hate this" I mumbled as tears filled my eyes one even rolling down my cheeks

"I know but we'll get answers when we visit the doctor why don't you try and get something down?" He said but I shook my head

"I can't, the smell is gross" I grumbled and raised a brow

"Babe it's your favorite. Bacon, eggs and fruit" he said and I gagged just at the mention of the food

"I don't think I can keep it down" I said rinsing my mouth out and accepting the mint gum from Max before exiting the bathroom

"I know it at least try eating the fruit" he said and I sighed nodding there's not use fighting over he'll try to feed me whatever he can think of so I agreed to eat the fruit as long as it want in the kitchen because the smell was overwhelming na do didn't want to get sick again. After finishing, Max and I headed to the pack doctor to see if my suspicions were correct and had Nick and Tony watch the kids while we were gone.

"Your highnesses" the doctor greeted once we entered after getting the come in from the other side

"Hi Dr. Jefferson" we greeted

"What seems to the problem?" He questioned and I told him everything including how we had already mated-which he congratulate us for though the whole palace already knew since they could smell it on us that we had when we got back- up to how I've been waking up in the middle of the night and throwing up my guts

"I can guess what the reason behind it all is but I just want to be sure I don't want to get my hopes up if it's something else" I said and Max looked over with a confused look and Dr. Jefferson nodded already grabbing a plastic cup as well as setting up a few test tubes

"We'll run some tests and if your guess is right" he said and we nodded

"First lets get some blood and then you can go and pee in here" he said and I nodded again holding my arm out so he could draw some blood.

"Alright you can go and pee" he said and I nodded. I returned once I was done and gave it to the doctor who took the blood and pee samples out of the room leaving Max and I alone

"Care to tell me what you think the problem is?" He questioned

"It's just a suspicion Max but I think I-"I was cut off by the doctor walking in a few minutes later and I bit my lip waiting for him to say the answer

"Congratulations are in order" he said making Max do a double take

"Say what now?" He asked as I felt tears in my eyes while I rested a hand on my belly

"Congratulation your highness, you're going to be a dad"

"I-Im going to be a dad?" He asked to be sure and when he got a nod from the doctor did he jump up and picked me as he laughed tears of pure happiness in his eyes and I couldn't help but laugh too as tears ran down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his neck

"We're having a baby" he whispered looking down at me when he set me on my feet and I nodded

"A baby" I agreed and I was glad that I had a feeling that I was expecting because I had similar symptoms when was pregnant with both Jackson and Victoria but I didn't know if it was true so I was thrilled to know that I was right.

"How far along am I?" I asked after we finished rejoicing in the news of expecting our first child together

"We can do an ultrasound to check but I can estimate that you're about 6 weeks now since I'm thinking you conceived whiled you were in your trip" he said and we nodded so he patted the bed and had me lay down on it while he got the machine set up

"Alright lift up your shirt and as you know this will be cold" he said and I nodded and prepared myself for the coldness of the gel


"Oh" he said with a surprised look and we looked at the screen with furrowed brows

"It seems you're expecting twins" he said and I nearly chocked whole Max's eyes were wide

"Come again?" I asked is shock

"Yeah see here?" He said as he showed us a view of two blobs on the screen and we nodded

"Here's baby number one you can see its head and body and over here is baby number two and you can its side profile" he said showing us each twin

"Twins" I whispered shocked and Max was sitting beside me with a look of utter shock and happiness

"I can't believe it" he murmured making the doctor and I chuckle at his comment

"You're in for a long ride, Prince Max" Dr. Jefferson said and he nodded

"How many copies would you like?" He asked after he was done with Max and I answering with '7' one for each family member including uncle Ricker and Andy

"We should announce it to the family" I said as we walked back to our headquarters and he nodded

"But first lets get you fed then you an rest" he said and I nodded.


(Victoria's party decoration)

Th following week the palace was in a frenzy in setting up for Victoria's party. Everyone we're extremely protective with me once we had told them about my pregnancy and they had refused to let me do any of the work which led me to sitting on one of the chairs with a pout while I watched them set up the hello kitty decorations up for the party that was happening in less than 5 hours.

"Don't pout it makes you look weird" a familiar voice said making me look up and grin when I saw Andy standing there with his mate and Kenzie beside them with her mate, Kyle

"Well tell them to let me help" I huffed and he shook his head

"No can do kiddo, you know how it was when you were pregnant dad wouldn't let you lift a finger during this type of things" he said making me grumble and sink into my seat more which in result had them chuckling

"I still can't believe you're having twins" Elena said and they nodded

"Same it was a shock to everyone when we told them the news" I said and she nodded

"I bet. Is Max being good to you?" Kenzie asked and I nodded

"He's great not just with me but with the kids. You should see him with them, he loves them as they were his. He plays with them and everything. You won't even begin to understand how much that man has changed since we got together" I said with a smile that they copied

"We heard he got the kids each a pet" Kyle said and I nodded

"Yeah he got Victoria a kitten, Shane a puppy and Jackson a gecko" I said shuddering which caused my friends to laugh they knew I hated any type of reptile

(Jackson's gecko)

"Damn, I wonder what he'll get the twins when they are older" Andy said just as Jackson came over with his gecko perched on his shoulder. Even though I dislike reptiles I have to admit the black leaped gecko is adorable but that's as far as I'll go.

"Hi uncle Andy aunty Lena and aunty Kenzie" he greeted with a confused face at Kyle because he's never seem him around us when we were back at the pack house

"Baby this is Kyle, aunty Kenzie's mate can you say hi to him?" I asked and Jack smiled and gave Kyle a small wave that Kyle returned

"That's a cool pet you got there buddy what's its name?" Andy asks

"Spots" Jack replied

"Nice name" Kyle commented making the 6 year old beam

"Thanks" and then he was off to find his little friends to play

"Take Spots back inside before you go play Jackson" I yelled after him

"Kay mama" he yelled back before he was running back inside an hopefully to his room to place the small gecko in its cage before going to play

(Shane's puppy)

"What type of puppy did Max get Shane?" Elena questioned and before I could reply I saw the puppy running this way with Shane chasing after him

"Awe that's so cute" Kenzie cooed as the small dog hid under my chair and Shane pouted

"Mama Stormy doesn't want to take a bath" he mumbled

"You already gave him a bath love he doesn't need another one" I replied and his pout deepened

"But he smelly" he whined

"He's not smelly buba but I know a little boy who is" I teased and he blushed

"Mama" he grumbled earning chuckles from my friends making the 8 year old turn and notice them for the first time

"Uncle Andy" he screeched before tackling Andy in a bear hug around his legs

"Hiya champ" Andy chuckled picking him up placing a kiss to his temple

"Hi" Shane said waving at the others who did the same

"Go tell daddy to give you a bath" I said once Andy set Shane back on the ground

"Okay mommy" and then he was gone. I leaned over and grabbed the blue eyed pit bull puppy from under the chair and laid him in my lap and he closed his eyes and was out like a light

"I can't believe you have a pit bull puppy" Kenzie cooed as she petted the tiny head

"Trust me I can either. We had gone to the shelter and had the kids pick the pet they wanted and hence why each child has a pet of their own" I said and they nodded

"Must be cool having so much money that you can get anything you want" Kyle said and I furrowed my brows

"Just because we're royalty doesn't mean anything,Kyle. We try as best as we can to not spoil the kids and yes we may give them something they want but we always come to a compromise that they agree on. We don't want our kids to grow up spoiled like some one I know" I said to him and he looked away knowing that I was taking about him. He always flaunted his money left and right always showing off that he was rich and had girls throwing themselves at him because of it and now I hope he's not the same now that he's with Kenzie because she doesn't deserve a mate like him.

( Victoria's kitten)

"Hey sorry for keeping you waiting" Max said as he came over and sat beside me with Victoria on his lap who had her kitten, Mittens, on her lap

"Oh my gosh she's so cute" Elena cooed looking at the black and golden brown tiny kitten who was currently sleeping in her owners arms

"Tanks" Victoria said as she laid her head on Max's shoulder

"Tired love bug?" I asked and she nodded

"You can nap love we'll wake you when the party starts" I said and she nodded closing her eyes and cuddling her little against her chest as she fell asleep.

"Did you give Shane his bath?" I asked and Max nodded

"Yeah he's all dressed and all" he answered and I nodded. We caught up with my friends before we headed inside and placed Victoria in her bed with her kitten beside her on her little pillow before going to our room to rest.


"Happy birthday baby girl" Max and I said once Victoria had blown her candles out with the help of her older brothers making her beam

"Thanks mama ,daddy" she said with a wide smile, her front tooth missing as it had fallen out just a few days after we got back from our trip

"Here" her brothers said as each handed a pink wrapped box with a red bow in the corner. We raised a brow at them not knowing that they had gotten her a gift

"A dolly" she gasped opening Shane's gift first and sure enough there was an adorable baby doll in a box and Shane grinned

"Tank yew big brother" Vicky said as she gave her oldest brother a kiss on the cheek making him smile then she opened Jackson's gift not and she once again gasped at the box of Barbie dolls with multiple clothes piled beside it and gave him a kiss I the cheek too. For the next few minutes she spent opening gift after gift form her little friends before she grew tired and the party was about over so Max carried her to her bedroom and got her dress for bed much like I did the boys after we thanked everyone for coming to the party.

"Happy birthday princess" I murmured kissing her forehead

"We love you baby girl" Max whispered kissing her forehead too befor we left and turned the light off on the way out.

"I can't believe my baby girl is already 4" I mumbled still in denial. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was holding her in my arms for the first time when she was born

"I know but it's bund to happen whether we're ready or not" Max said and I nodded because he was right. No matter how much I wish they stay little for ever it's not going to happen. They're going to grow and eventually have a family of their own.

"Come lets get some sleep" he murmured kissing my temple and I sighed following him to the bathroom to brush our teeth and then back to our room to change from our party clothes to our pajamas.

"Night, love you" he whispered softly after placing a kiss on my neck, hand rubbing my bump that had magically grown after we found out

"We love you too" I stated back and felt him smile. We may have started our relationship in the wrong foot 9 months ago but I was glad that we made it work and now we're having two babies together that is a symbol of our love and commitment to each other. I can't wait to see where our lives takes us from here on out all I know is that it's going to be filled with joy, happiness and love because I have my family and thats what matters the most.




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