we quit this story :( sorry p...

By JashCash

13.9K 272 84

Jeff is someone who plays with you for his own amusement, but this time his toy is diffrent. BEN does make Je... More

BEN x Jeff Just a game or serious?
2nd chapter: New home weird feelings
4th chapter 1/?: School time -.-
4thchapter 2/?: another school chapter -.-
Shit we messed up (short A/N)
5th chapter: Le sexytime :D well almost
6th chapter I'm sorry peoplez

3rd chapter: A game

1.4K 39 13
By JashCash

(Three weeks later BEN´s P.O.V) 

Now three weeks are over, and Jeff just came ,,closer" to me. That means that he sometimes put his arm on my shoulder while watching TV or hugs me from time to time. I know that isn´t what normal friends do. Even I´m not so naiv! But these feelings I have are.....they are......not normal! How is that even possible? I don´t get it -.-"!

(Jeff´s P.O.V)

I love these holidays^^! OK! In the next 3 days I´m going to tease him so much that he can´t think of anything else but me! Then I will take the chance and play my favorite game! Death, how much I love playing!  (back to the now)

 We were sitting on the couch and playing Dead space 2. I could can see how much BEN hate this game. I was busy thinking about how to play with BEN and how to make him mine.

 After awhile I noticed that BEN´s in game character wasn´t moving anymore. Then I felt something fell on my shoulder. I looked to my right and saw BEN sleeping o my shoulder. Death, he´s so damn adorable! I can´t take it anymore! I have to kiss him! Or at least take a photo. I put my handy out of my pocket and took a photo of BEN.

 That one is definitely going to be my wallpaper.

 Hmmm....... should I tease him now? Yeah, good idea, I even can tell him that it was just a dream.

  So I laid him on hos back and got on top of him. He woke up and blushed hard. ,,J-jeff?", he asked. ,,Hey there, sweetie!", I said making him blush harder. Now I was ready to tease him. I started to kiss him passionately and kissed my way down to his neck. He hold my chest tight and moaned my name.

 ,,J-jeff!", he moaned, getting hard. I slowly lick his neck and got up to his ear and whispered in it. ,,You want me, right? You want me in you, right? I want you too, BEN! But it´s a pity that this is only just a dream (Luv that song)!", I said. I could see how disappointed he was. Sweet. I told him to sleep and brought him into bed.

(BEN´s actually dream)

 ,,Hu? Where am I?", I asked. Then I saw someone. Smile.jpg? What is HE doing here? ,,BEN, you have to go out of this Jeffs way. He just want you as his toy! Don´t be as naiv as you actually are!", he said a little angry. ,,He....plays with....me?", I asked sadly. ,,I´m afraid, but yes, he sees you as a toy. And.....", he said but someone interrupted him. ,,But BEN! You can make HIM that he really feels something for you, BEN!", Grinny said appearing and interrupting Smile. ,,Would you mind, cat?", Smile said angry.

 ,,Nah! I don´t mind :D!", Grinny said with a troll-face. ,,*groant* You!....*sighs* BEN, you have to wake up now -.-!", Smile said and I woke up.

(End of dream BEN´s P.O.V)

 I woke up crying.

 Does Jeff really just sees me as a toy? If yes, why? *sighs* I think I just should forget about it....

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