4th chapter 1/?: School time -.-

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(Time wrap to: first day of school) (BEN´s P.O.V)

It was 5:40 where I woke up. It´s the first day at school and, I seriously don´t know a fuck why, but Iactually want to go! LIke I said I don´t know a flying fuck why? Anyway, I got myself ready for school and made breakfast.

 This day is going to be great!

(Jeff´s P.O.V)

Uhhh....*yawn* What time is it? *looks at clock* Oh, it´s just 6:20.....*realization in 3....2....1....* Wait, what? Fuck! I have to make myself ready for school! I don´t even have time! (Funfact 2: Jeff and BEN aregoing to Creepypasta-High which begins at 7:00 am.) As soon as I was finished with changing clothes and shit, I ran down to the living room and saw BEN chilling on the couch and eating pancakes.

,,DUDE!!! WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU LAZYING (word:/?) ON THE FRICKIN´COUCH? LOOK ON THE TIME!!!", I yelled at him. He was scared that I was behind him. Then he suddenly smiled very bright. ,,Oh, don´t worry about THAT, Jeff!", he said relaxed. ,,Would you mind to tell me why are you so relaxed? If you didn´t  notice? It´s 6:43! We have to go to school!", I yelled again. ,,Yeah, I noticed! And if you didn´t notice! I´m an electronic ghost! I can WARP myself to school through the damn electronic! Oh, and I can take you with me! So relax! Eat your damn pancakes and calm your tits down!", he said. Damn! He´s cheeky! Another thing what I like on my new toy! And....wait...what? DID HE SAID HE MADE PANCAKES?!? WHERE?

(At school)

(BEN´s P.O.V)

 So I warped me and Jeff to school and slowly walked into it. Jeff told me not to worry and hugged me as a friend. I went into my classroom and everyone was looking at me.

,,Oh, you must be the new student I heard from!", the teacher said.

Jash: so this is the fourth chapter.....the first part of the fourth chapter!

Cash: hope you enjoyed now bye!

we quit this story :( sorry people!Where stories live. Discover now