2nd chapter: New home weird feelings

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(BEN´s P.O.V) As soon as I got to the new place I had a weird feeling, as if this is the place where I meet my very special person.

 But as soon as I got into the apartmenthousehall(or whatever it´s called :/) Someone crashed into me. ,,Are you blind?", asked someone I don´t even slightly know. ,,S-sorry....", was all I could say after I saw in THIS beautiful face!....Wait? What? WTF Brain?

 I could feel my face turning red as fuck!

 ,,*sigh* Never mind....What´s your name?", he asked. ,,B-BEN, BEN Drowned....and yours?", I asked. ,,I´m Jeff, Jeff the killer....And you were the one I just wanted to get right now (^^)!", he said.

(Jeff´s P.O.V) He. Is. So. Damn. Cute!!! Good thing my bro Lost Silver hacked BEN´s school website, so I managed to get BEN as my roomie! Awesome fucking shit! It feels good to have a new toy! I´m going to play a little bit with him, hehehe~! This is going to be so much fun! But only for me! He also seems to be a little shy. Good for my!

 ,,Ah....I s-see...can you sh-show me our apartment now?", he asked shy looking. ,,Of course, sweetie(;D)", I smirked. ,,S-sweetie?", BEN said blushing. ,,Yep! Follow me!", I said. This is going to be so much fun!

(BEN´s P.O.V) Did....did he just call me ,,Sweetie"? *feels something* Oh shit.... *feels with finger on his usually not beating heart* Fuck!  My heart is beating! *sighs after a while* I´m in love with my roomie!

 But how? I don´t even know him and he lets my lifeless heart beating!

 (Funfact 1: A Creepypasta is dead, but ionly for so long till he/she finds the person who lets his/her heart beating.)  *sigh* I hope  he feels the same for me.

I picked up my things and followed him in his.....äh.....cancel this........our apartment.

That was the second chapter. Hope you enjoyed it and I would be happy if you leave some comments^^ bye^^

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