6th chapter I'm sorry peoplez

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Cash: so prepare yourself! ENJOY!

(BEN´S P.O.V.)

What was that? Who called in a moment like this?

,, Uhm...who was that?", I asked him confused.

,, A bastard that had to ruin my mood!", he shouted angrily.

Phew. Means he's not gonna do it now...Good for me...

(Grinny's pov)

Damn, that was funny to troll him.

He was about to fuck BEN,  huh?

Guess I saved BEN'S ass! LOL!

Damn, I'm such a troll! LOL OMFG!

(Jeff's P.O.V)

That bastard! Had to ruin everything!

I threw BEN out of my room and let him alone for the time being.

If it weren't for Grinny I would have had BEN there! Moaning with flushed cheeks under me and screaming my name while I forcefully thrust myself into him and-......


Now, what to do? I'm bored but not in the mood to actually do anything.

Le time skip-Le next morning

( Jeff's P.O.V )

I woke up to a delicious smell and wondered "Wtf is going on?"

Then I walked into the kitchen and saw where that smell came from.

BEN was cooking pancakes without a shirt.

Wait....need to process that...


Cooking pancakes.

In my kitchen.

Half naked....

Fucking half naked!

As soon as my brain finally took in the information BEN noticed me and looked at me weird.

,, You're drooling, Jeff. Close your mouth you'll ruin the floor", BEN said.

(Cash: That's  his only problem?)

,, Uhm,  yeah, right. Ahem.... are those pancakes for me?", I asked pointing to the pancakes.

,, No, these are for Santa Claus! What did you think?", BEN said as he gave me the "r u kidding me?"-look.

,,OK, OK! Sorry! Mind putting on some clothes? Like a shirt? Or I will fucking attack you!", I smirked.

BEN had a disturbed look on his face. He once snipped with his fingers and green pixels appeared on his chest part and a green shirt appeared when said green pixels disappeared. How´d he do that?


,,Better.", I smiled and stole some pancakes that he had now put on one big plate.

,,You could at least have asked for it.", BEN rolled his eyes.

I simply said nope and ate the pancakes.

As we both were sitting at the table, BEN avoided looking me into my eyes or at my face for that matter. So, I decided to tease him a little.

I saw a bit of pancake syrup on his left cheek and thought, that´s my chance. I leaned in and slowly licked it away making BEN blush in shock.

,,W-what was THAT for?", he asked holding his cheek where I licked him.

,,You had some syrup on your cheek, so I licked it away.", I asnwered casually.

,,You know if you just had told me I could have washed it away!", he said a bit disturbed.


After breakfast he ran into his room and got his things. So did I and we went to school.

 Jash: so people...here´s the thing! this is the very LAST chapter! we will NOT and I repeat NOT write on this one anymore! we don´t have any flipping ideas anym,ore! so I´m VERY VERY sorry....but it is like this.....it has to be said.....this story....will be thrown into the trash..... Q_Q one of our oldest fanfics and....yeah....it´s a bit hard for me to not do this one anymore....but you know.....the other stories are more important.....i´m sorry ._.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2014 ⏰

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