4thchapter 2/?: another school chapter -.-

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Jash: I HATE schoolchapters!

Cash: Me too -.-......

Jash: Just....

Both: ENJOY!!!!!!

(BEN's P.O.V)

I'm so nervous!

I can barely think!

Ok, BEN! Don't worry! They will accept you!........hopefully......

,,So you're the new student.....uhm....BEN?", the teacher mentioned.

,,Uhm...y-yes....I´m BEN.....BEN Drowned......and....uhm.....", I wanted to start with introducing myself, but got cut off by a weird looking pink girl with flat long pink hair that suddenly is like a pink puffball.

,,You´re BEN Drowned, you´re an electronic ghost coming from a haunted copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask! You´re most likely gay, you love horror games and horror movies and practically everything that has to do with horror! You don´t have any favourite songs, your favourite movie is ,,The parfume: The story of a murderer". And that what even surprises me, is that you have to share an appartment with Jeff! Wich confuses me slightly because he never let someone be his roommate and refuses to get one and he everytime made it to not have a roommate!.....Oh, and you are shy and doubt that we will accept you!", the girl said.

Well.....she guessed very well....except of the fact that I´m not gay...I´m bi. But why the hell did she now all that? I must´ve looked pretty confused, ´cause the teacher gigled a little and then explained to me.

,,That´s Pinkamena Diana Pie. She´s very random don´t mind her. But I would be a little careful around her. She knows the secrets of everyone! Even if you might never met her.....weird I now....", The teacher said.

,,Well....actually no.....I mean.....same with me......where should I sit?", I said shy.

Then the teacher said that I could sit next to Pinkamena since she is like me with the randomeness and that stuff.

The rest of the lesson was rather boring than sticking your head into a green ballon. It was so boring that I could hear some students snoring? Wow, I know math isn´t the most intresting thing in the world, but I didn´t know it could be so boring that you can fall asleep by it?

Didn't knew that that was possible? Well, whatever.

I didn't listen anyways. But I have that weird feeling that I'm getting watched? I looked around me to find nothing out of the ordinatary. That´s. Freaking. Me. Out! I HATE that feeling! Well, in 5 minutes is break! FINALLY! It´s boring in here!

(Timeskip of 5 minutes......WORTH IT!)

,,Hey BEN! Did ya find any friends now?", Jeff came up to me. ,,Well, actually, yes! Pinkamena Diana Pie! She´s just as random as I am sometimes!", I responsed. He seemed surprised by my answer. ,,Pinkamena? Wow! Jackpot! I heard she makes the best cupcakes in the whole universe!", he said which made me chuckle.

,,Well, she IS from the CP Cupcakes! So that DOES make sense, Jeff!", I said chuckling.

,,Yeah. you´re probably right.......Hey! Wanna go on a killing trip and eat ice cream after eat with me?", He asked me. Ice cream? WHERE?



Jash: Short, but something!

Cash: Hope ya enjoyed!

Jash: Don´t forget to read through the other stories if you want!

Cash: Maybe vote, maybe comment if ya want.

Jash: Or follow! It would be nice!

Cash: And C u_

Jash: WAIT!!!!

Cash: What?

Jash: You see guys, I was sick we had writer block and we were WAY to lazy to make this chapter any longer! But we hope instantly that you can forgive us! It´s not easy to write so many stories you know! After all! We are working on at least 13 diffrent stories(He died or did he" doesn´t count cuz it´s complete)! You see? And those other stories are a little bit easier to write cuz we don´t have to think too much! It´s like flying in our faces and the opposite is with this story. We still hope you can forgive us! Hope ya enjoyed, leave a comment or a vote to tell us how and that you liked it, or maybe even follow cuz if we get 50 follower we´ll make a special^^! So, don´t miss it! I´m out!


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