Past Memories

By ThatTeenageMess

66K 2.5K 107

"Don't speak of Bradley Isaac the Great." I pulled a disgusted face, "You named it ?" "The initials spell B.I... More

Past Memories//Prologue
One • Square in the Jaw✔️
Bag Full of Pink Substances
Going for the Kill
Smiling Sweetly
Knuckles Turning White
Together, How Sweet
Bradley Isaac the Great
Well, Well, Well
Thinking Too Much About Mason
He Was Going to be the Victim
Well That Was Smart
Do I Make You Nervous?
Past the Goal Line
She's Human
My Luna Will Not Fight
Wave of Pain
That's Rich Coming From an Alpha
Three Days
Is that Jealousy I Hear?
Both in Denial
I Know Exactly What You Mean
Wolf Control
I'll Kiss You
Spirits of the Past
That isn't an Excuse
I Don't Belong to Anyone
Don't Let a Tomboy Drive
Where's Mason?
Reject Me
Don't Stop Him
Becoming Such a Girl
A Gamma to Deal With
A Harder Target to Train With
Already Found a Weakness
Don't Want to Fight Her
You Hate Hybrids
Used To And Still Does
We Don't Get That
Couldn't Take it Anymore
Excidium Control
Latin for the Word...
Watch Him Burn
Would Kill Her
Fists Against the Glass
Limited Time
Only Chance We've Got
Ready to Fight
Hushabye Mountain

That's a Keeper

1.3K 53 2
By ThatTeenageMess

Tomboy of the Pack

Chapter Thirteen

Rae's POV

I woke up, the sun glaring directly in my face. Squinting, I turned around and snuggled deeper into my pillow, the warmth radiating off it. I've never felt a pillow so warm and comfortable in my life... The pillow pulled me in closer. Wait, what?

I opened my eyes, coming face to face with a shirt. Blinking, I looked up to find Mason peacefully sleeping, like it was the best sleep he'd had in ages. I tried squirming out his grip, but it tightened, pulling me impossibly closer to him.

Urgh! Just let me out of the flipping grip Mas!

Huffing, I shoved his chest backwards, making him fall off the bed with a thud.

"What the hell?" His muffled voice came. I looked over the edge to see Mason glaring at me, playfully. Bursting into laughter, a hand gripped onto my arm, pulling me to fall on him. We looked at each other and laughed even harder. I heard a camera go off before looking up to see Leo on my phone, taking a picture.

"HEY!" I yelled, getting off of Mason and running towards my brother. He grinned, sprinting off. I raced after him, leading down into the kitchen were Emerald and Franklin were. The Luna was cooking up something that smelt delicious whist the Alpha was sipping some coffee, looking through pack documents.

Emerald raised an eyebrow at me, looking me up and down. Freezing, I looked down to find myself in a shirt that wasn't mine. Pink flushed my cheeks as I looked up, finding a dreary Mason leaning against the door.

"Why is Rae in your shirt Mason?" Emerald asked. Wait, his shirt?

"We slept together." He spoke, as if it didn't matter to anyone.

"Not like that!" I blurted quickly, looking at Emerald who had a playful smirk written on his face, "He-I- He saved me, and I was thanking him and I fell asleep on the tree with Mason holding me!"

Emerald chuckled, one that almost matched Mason's, "Sure"

"It's true!" I protested.

"Oh yeah, this is true as well." Leo spoke, showing Emerald a picture from my phone. Emerald high fived Leo- I swear she's a teenager in an adult's body.

I snatched my phone, looking at the picture. I was on top of Mason, my hands on his chest as we laughed and looked at each other. Mason's hands were on either of my arms, holding me in place. My cheeks darkened as Mason's presence was felt behind me.

"That's a keeper." He chuckled. I punched his arm, rushing to my room to change. Slipping on some knee length shorts and an England football top wrapping a dark blue jumper around my waist, I put my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my red, non-stud, football trainers before heading back down.

"Here" I said, slinging his shirt at Mason. He caught it with ease before handing it back to me.

"You keep it for next time."

I laughed sarcastically, "There will be no 'next time'" I glared. I ran out to my Audi, grabbing my skateboard on the way. I sat in my car, glaring at the garage door in front of me. We were only just a week in, and I still had six weeks to kill before my parents came home. School finishes in two days and my birthday is in three weeks. Fuck you, seventeen.

I stared at the photo again, sighing. He was a really comfortable pillow... Raven snickered at me.

'You shut the hell up, you wanted to stay there!' I muttered.

'Ah, young love'

'I don't like Mason!' I growled, blocking her out.

A knock on my passenger side window brought me from my thoughts and Mason hopped in the front. Leo slid in the back. "How come you have this car, not your brother?" Mason asked.

"Because I'm more awesome" I grinned, pulling out the garage door that Mason had opened on the way. I opened my window, allowing the cool air to hit my skin.

"Are you ready for the bet?" Mason grinned.

"Oh yeah, Alpha" I smirked.

Driving up to school, I pulled my Audi in the regular space, and hopped out. Everyone's eyes scanned over us.

"OH, GET A LIFE!" I yelled, clearly irritated with their staring. Kayla came sauntering over, her shirt too tight and skirt too small, with her group of minions behind her.

"I don't know why Mason came out your car, but leave him alone, he's mine." She snarled. I stuffed my hands in my back pockets, standing on my skateboard and pursed my lips.

"Speaks the one who wants the Luna power." I answer lowly to avoid the hearing of the humans, "Have him, I don't care." I shrugged before pushing my board along the ground.

"I mean it, leave my man alone!" she shouted.

"He's not your man if he's not yours!" I called back, knowing that the werewolves would understand what we are talking about. Kayla screamed. I reached my friends, turning on my skateboard to see Kayla and Mason kissing against someone's car, thankfully, not mine. Rolling my eyes, I logged into my Instagram and looked for Mason's new account.

"You're worried about this aren't you?" Lacey's sly grin mimicked her brothers.

"Yeah, after this morning." I muttered.

"Ooh, what happened this morning." Jace asked.

Leo grabbed my phone from me again, searching through the photos. "I really wish you would stop stealing my phone!" I snapped at him. Leo found the photo he took and showed everyone.

Their eyes widened before smirks and laughter echoed through them.

"Whose shirt is that?" Josh asked.

"Where you two about to make out?" Jace asked.

"What, no!" I growled, punching him.


I wrinkled my nose in disgust as Mason and Kayla groped each other's faces, making cringy noises in our Homeroom.

"Guys, seriously. Get a room!" I snapped, throwing a book towards them. Mason caught it with ease, winking at me. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy somewhere inside, but I pushed it aside, telling myself it was just Raven.

'Hey, it ain't me!' Raven glared at Kayla.

'Nope, definitely not you.' I grinned.

"So, want to come over mine tonight?" Jace asked. "I've got Halo 5, I bet I could beat your ass!"

"Game on, jock." I grinned, fist bumping him.

"Ahem" the teacher coughed, breaking Kayla and Mason apart, "Please avoid sexual content in school"

I stifled a laugh, watching as Mr Rhyoalds awkwardly moved away, sitting behind his desk. Josh was bobbing his head to the beat of music, Lacey was busy texting, Jace was playing some sort of game on his phone, Mason and Kayla was whispering then there's me. Nothing to do.

"So," Lacey started, looking at her phone again before placing it on the table, "Whose shirt was that in the photo?"

"Mason's" I mumbled, my cheeks darkening slightly.

"Ooh..." Lacey grinned.

"Wait." Jace turned to look at me, "You slept with each other!"

"No! Well yes, but it wasn't like that!" I spluttered.

"Well, how do you explain it?" Josh grinned, everyone was amused.

Sighing, I told them about on the way home from school. About how that vampire had come along and about how I woke up in Mason's room, which was a weird feeling. It gave me a sense of security and made me relax more. Then I spoke about that moment in the tree where I fell asleep.

"So Mason undressed you?" Jace asked, a glint in his eyes.

"Shut up." I hissed, punching him hard on the upper arm. He made an 'ow' before smirking.

The 'couple' started to kiss again, and this time, it was irritating me. I picked up my water bottle, unscrewing the lid, walking over and pouring the contents on their heads. Mr Rhyoalds pretended to not see, but made a sigh of relief as if to say 'glad I'm not the only one'.

Kayla screamed, "What the hell!" she hissed, glaring daggers at me.

"I've asked you to stop, Sir's asked you to stop. If you want to fuck each other, please go elsewhere, like the janitor's closet!" I snapped.

Mason smirked, "Is someone jealous because she can't have me to herself?"

"No" I said simply, ignoring the smirk on Mason's face.

"That was a short answer." he raised an eyebrow at me, "What? No sarcastic comment?"

I leaned towards him and to his ear, "Go suck your girlfriend's face somewhere else before I make sure you can't have babies." I growled.

I walked away; irritated with the conversation that wasn't getting anywhere.

"Damn, you're growing some balls, Rae" Josh muttered.

"More than you then." I grinned.

"Hey! That's insulting."

"Then grow a pair."

Jace chuckled, before being kicked, "Ow!"

That's how Jace and Josh got into a shin kicking fight. Rolling my eyes, the bell rang and I headed to my final lesson.


Jace opened the door to the front of his two story house, while we piled in. Along with me, Lacey, Josh, Alexis, Jayni and Benji were here. Ellis and Yhana were going to come later on in the evening, after they had finished their homework. Their house was quite modern with white and black walls, a large open plan living room, dining room and kitchen and marble kitchen flooring and sides. The walls by the stairs were covered in photos of younger Jace's and his family.

"Okay, Ella?" Jace asked his sister. She had curly ginger hair that was covered by a grey beanie as she sat there, her fingers zipping over her phone, ignoring him but casually waved towards us. Jace shrugged. The lounge had a big flat screen TV and three large sofas, all white with black cushions. The floor was white wood with a huge black rug and on top of that was a glass table with wood around the edges.

"Jacy!" we all looked to find the little five year old, his shaggy, curly brown hair in small spikes along with his green eyes that brightened as Jace picked him up and swung him around. Lucas.

"Hey little bro." Jace grinned, ruffling his hair.

"Hey your girlfriends are back!" his small voice muttered. "That's bad having two women Jacy"

I suppressed a laugh as Jace went red, "No, you know Rae and Lacey are just friends."

"Okay, but save some for everyone else." his bright eyes brightened as he grinned at his older brother.

"Heh" Jace looked away and towards us, putting down his brother.

"What do you teach him?" I asked, chuckling.

"Too much." Jace sighed, running a hand through his hair as Lucas ran off elsewhere.

"Sorry I'm late!" came a voice from behind us. Spinning around, I saw a grinning Mason.

"Had enough on lipstick on your face? Or did she suck that off you too?" I asked, rolling my eyes at him. Mason just smirked, swinging an arm around my shoulders, "Don't touch me after you've touched the walking STD." Laughter erupted around us.

"Nope, she went off with that Steven guy." Mason shrugged as we walked down to the basement, his arm still on my shoulder. It was quite a large one with an air hockey table, foosball and a giant flat screen TV, surrounded by games and a black four seated sofa. We slumped down, Mason and Lacey on either side of me whilst Jace started up Halo 5.

"Place your bets people, Rae or Jace?" Josh grinned. Alexis, Jayni and Benji put their bets on Jace while Mason, Lacey and Josh put me. "Let the games begin!"

"Don't forget about that Instagram bet." Mason whispered into my ear.

"Post your picture now, we'll check it after these games." I grinned his way.


"Yes!" I yelled, on the edge of my seat as I took in front of Jace in Need for Speed.

"Fuck!" Mason snapped, trying to get in front of Lacey who was on the fourth controller. Snickering, she kept moving in front of him, always catching him out.

"I win!" I clapped Jace on the back, making him crash. Lace and Mason managed to get in front of him and finish second and third.

"Cheat!" Jace yelled.

"Na ah."

"Ah ha"

"Na ah"

"Ah ha."

"Na ah."

"You guys are so childish." Yhana snickered, tapping away at her phone.

"Na ah!" We chuckled.

Alexis, Jayni and Benji had left a while ago just as Yhana came down. Ellis was sleeping over her mate's that she found only yesterday when she went to the mall with Yhana- God knows what they could be doing right now.

"Well," Mason started, dropping the controller and handing me my phone. "Time to check."

I inhaled sharply, taking the phone from his grasp. I logged into Instagram, searching in 'MasonFord'. It came up with 17k followers.

"Ha!" I grinned, showing him his profile.

"Hang on" he smirked, posting another photo. I looked at it, eyes widening. It was a photo of him without a shirt on, looking in the mirror with his messy hair and... eight pack?! I refreshed the screen, watching the followers go up and the likes. 21k, 24k...

Over ten thousand likes had been on his one photo, girls saying inappropriate comments that I will never get out of my brain.

27k, 29k, 34k... Shit. My heart felt like it was about to burst- I never lost a bet! How can someone get that many followers so quickly?

"FUCK!" I snapped, my eyes widening as I looked at Mason who had a sly smirk on his face.

"What happened?" Lacey asked, taking my phone out my frozen hand. "Oh, sugar buns." She said, a small chuckle leaving her.

Mason went to grab me, but I rolled over the top of the sofa, sprinting off. I traced the footsteps up the stairs, listening to the thuds of Mason's behind.

"Rae. This was a bet, we shook on it!" Mason's voice was filled with amusement. My heart raced as I reached the top of the stairs, looking for anywhere to go. My car keys were still in the basement so my car was a no go. I rushed into the kitchen, around the island, watching Mason's grinning face.

I went to go left but quickly turned right and left again, making him lose track. I rushed up the second flight of stairs, hiding in a bedroom. Lucas looked up sleepily from his bed.

"Rae?" He mumbled, his hair sticking up wildly. His room was a baby blue colour with a small oak bed, walldrope and chest of drawers. He had a small rug with road patterns on it and a pile of cars in one corner.

I put my finger to my mouth, before whispering in his ear. A small smile went on his face before he walked out the room.

"Hey little guy." Mason's voice spoke, "Have you seen Rae?"

"I think she went in the bathroom." He mumbled.

I heard their footsteps descending before I bolted out Lucas' room and down the stairs. "RAE!"

My waist was pulled back, my back making contact with the wall as I stared at the amusement in Mason's eyes. His hands went beside my shoulders, trapping me. Gulping, I licked my lips, watching as Mason's eyes darkened at this.

"I thought we made a deal?" he whispered, his warm breath against my lips. They hovered above mine, his eyes watching me as my breathing hitched. I've never kissed anyone before and now my first kiss will be with the school's 'jock'; the Jerk of the Century. The urge to kiss him was pulling me for some reason, but I held back, my body pushing itself further against the wall. I expect he could hear my heart beat going a mile a minute. "Hold on to that feeling." He whispered before backing off.

I was frozen. What just happened? Mason looked at me, a grin making its way on his face. My eyes were widened and my hand rotating the bracelets on my wrist. A finger clicked in front of my face. Startled, I looked up to see Lacey looking at me with a small grin on her face.

"I thought you never lost bets?"

Shrugging, we went back down to the basement to where everyone was. Mason and Josh were playing Call of Duty again, shouting and yelling at each other. Boys. I slumped down on the single sofa, staring at the wall in front of me.


No answer. 'You can't not fucking answer when you almost made me want to kiss Mason!' I snapped at her.

'It wasn't my fault!'

'Oh no, it was the air!' I growled sarcastically.

'It wasn't. Just something made me want him closer. Made me jealous in the Homeroom.' She huffed.

Sighing, I left her with her thoughts. I didn't get it. Yeah, maybe Mason and I were closer when we were younger, according to my flashbacks, but whatever happened to us made us fall apart, what that was, I will never know.

"Hey Rae?" I looked up to see Jace staring at me, "You know we have football tryouts tomorrow?"

"We do?"

"Yeah, Couch told me told me after school."

"Cool. Looks like I'm buying new football boots." I grinned.


"Let's play Never Have I Ever." Josh suggested.

It was around ten at night, Yhana had gone and we had spent the evening playing on the Xbox.

"Sure." Mason mumbled, sitting up from the ground and onto the sofa next to me.

"Okay, Jace, got beers?"

"Yup, my Dad always has some." He grinned.

"I don't drink beer." I muttered. My Dad was one of the teens. He made Leo and I try beer when I was fourteen! Even when I was younger, I'm sure I vaguely remember Leo having a beer for Christmas when he was ten.

"Be a woman for once." Lace snickered.

"Fine." I spoke.

"Here we go!" Jace's voice echoed before he came through with two boxes of beer.

"I'm not planning on a lot." I said, grabbing one.

"Yeah but with the innocence you have, you'll drink the most." Mason smirked, reaching forwards.

I punched him for that comment.


We've been at this game for an hour, most of us are on our third bottle, except Mason and Jace who are on their second because they've done a lot of things we've said.

"N-Never have I ever, hit someone in the face." Josh slurred slightly, taking a gulp. I didn't. Josh raised an eyebrow, "Who have you hit in the face?"

"Jace, five times last term." I smirked his way.

He reached up to his cheek, "That flipping hurt!" We laughed.

"Okay, never have I ever had sex with a virgin." I rolled my eyes at Mason's comment before taking a sip. My nose wrinkled at the taste- I need to get used to that.

"Never have I ever skinny dipped." Lacey chuckled. I took a drink.

"Want to change that?" Mason asked us. None of the boys took a drink.

"NO!" I gasped, punching him harder than before.

"Ow, fuck. You would always win a fight wouldn't you?" Mason grimaced.

"Never have I ever kissed someone" Leo sighed, joining me and Lacey for a long sip.

"Yeah, Rae's lips won't be so innocent soon." I spat my drink out and coughed up at Mason's comment, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Hey! Watch the electrical equipment please!" Jace exclaimed like he was completely oblivious to Mason's words. Mason smirked as he took a sip from his drink, watching me.

"Never have I ever worn special clothes to cover a hickey." Mason spoke, taking a drink.

"Oh, we know." Lacey muttered, swallowing some beer. The Jerk just chuckled. One time two years ago he wore a vest. But we all noticed the huge red mark on his neck. Luckily, he had it with a human, so he didn't get marked and it only lasted a few days. I was still in shock from his comment, I mean, who says that! My mind was becoming hazy with all the drinks, even if werewolves have a high tolerance to alcohol.

"Hey Jace." Josh hiccupped. "Are these beers made for werewolves?"

"Yup." Jace burped. Grinning, I burped louder. Mason's eyes widened as he watched me laugh.

"Definitely not a girl." Leo mumbled.

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