Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

Oleh adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1

826 9 13
Oleh adoKure

YOU!" Subaru hissed through his teeth.

Mayu innocently smiled at him and said "before you yell at me, think to yourself, this... Is it even worth it?"

The angered vampire pressed both his hands on each side of her chair and gripped the back until he made a dent on each side. He had a roguish smirk on his face, as he bent down close enough to bite her face off. Out of nowhere he growled at her. It was nothing like she ever seen before.

"Eh... Subaru... you're a little too close and people are watching." She warned, with an awkward chuckle escaping her lips.

He moved his head towards her ear and whispered "Your ass is mine, Fukui."

At that moment, Subaru swept Mayu off the chair and aggressively threw her over his shoulder.

"Eek!" Mayu screeched from the top of her lungs and squirmed around violently. "SUBARU! PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!"

"Tch, shut up! You only made this worse on yourself!"

Karl pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed deeply at the matter, "Oh dear."

Christa scowled her husband for just sitting there. "Karl! Do something! He's your son!"

The vampire king whipped his head around with an bewilder and confused expression. "Sure... HE'S only my son when he does something reckless like this... but any other time, he's yours? Tch, give me a break."

"I have you know, hun... I'm on babysitting duty at the moment." Christa reminded with Apollo rocking safely in her arms.

"And so am I! My dearest granddaughter isn't exactly invisible, darling!" Karl retorted, as he held Luna who was peachfully asleep through the whole ceremony.

Christa smiled down at Apollo who was munching and drooling all over his tiny fist. "Apollo, can you say grandma?" She asked, even though she already knew he couldn't talk.

Apollo took his fist out of his mouth and looked at her from the corner of his piercing eye. A cutesy grin appeared on his face as tried to put a word together for her. "B-Bo... Boo..."

Christa's eyes lid up in amazement. "My goodness! Look, Karl! I think your eldest grandson is trying to say something."

"Is that so?" Karl leaned over her shoulder and examining closely. "What do you think he's trying to say?"

"I don't know," She responded truthfully. A few seconds later she gasped, "Shhh! I think he's trying again."

"B-Bo-Boo... Boob," he blurted out clearly. Suddenly, his hand reached out to touch her bosom.

Christa's eyes widen at the little boy with strawberry blond hair and pink colored eyes that had narrow pupils exactly like his father. She couldn't believe it. "Gosh! The nerve of this little perv!"

"Hahaha," Karl laughed hysterically, as he whipped away the invisible tear from his eye. "Well... Now I see which parent he takes after."

She narrowed her eyes at her husband and huffed. "Why do I even bother with the men in my life?"

"SUBARU! I SAID, PUT ME DOWN!" Mayu screamed.

The second they entered Reiji's studies, Subaru dumped her down on the couch and straddled on top of her. Next, he took out a tube full of purple liquid from the inside of his vest's pocket, with the lid still attached.

Mayu turned her nose up and crossed her arms over her chest, as she looked to her side. "I'm not drinking that. I refuse."

Subaru held the tube in his hand and glanced down at her with a serious face. "Oh, you're drinking it... and I'm gonna finish what you started." Therefore, he popped the lid off the tube and poured every last drop in his mouth.

Of course this made her confused at first, but then it came to her that he was going to force it down her throat one way or another. When she tried to get away again, he roughly gripped her right wrist in his grasp.

"No, Subaru! Why can't you just let me go? I like the way I am," Mayu pleaded. She forcefully jerked her head from side-to-side with her eyes shut tightly.

Because of that, Subaru grabbed her jaw with his free hand in order to hold her head still. She accidentally looked into his eyes, as he leaned in for a kiss. When his mouth finally claimed hers, Mayu automatically gave in and granted him access. She parted her lower lip open, so he was able to dump the fluid inside her mouth. After she swallowed every last drop of the antidote, her arms crossed around Subaru's neck and brought him deeper into their kiss.

Shortly after, he moved away from her gaping mouth and begin to leave a trace of kisses from her jaw line to her breast and down. Subaru's eyes never left hers, as he traveled down her shapely figure and lifted the hem of dress up. Mayu didn't know what to do at the very second, she felt a bit numb and light-headed at the same time. In results of that, all she could do was stare at him. (Smut scene)Suddenly, he positioned his head between her thighs and slid his tongue to where her cervix was located. in the process, that active tongue of his plunged between her folds, over-and-over again, forcing her walls to clamp against it. Next, he injected his fang on her clitoris, and sucked on it with all his might.

"OH!" She gasped, with her back arched forward against his face. Her parted mouth formed into the shape of an "o", as sparks of pleasure bursted through her quivering body. (End of smut) "Ooo! Subaru! How I love you," she cried out with everthing she had.

He didn't say another word to her because his mouth and fangs were too preoccupied somewhere else.

At the after party, the guest were patiently waiting in the ball room for the brides and grooms to appear, as planned. There was tons of food prepared and ready on the serving tables and people had already made their plates and took their seat at an arranged table picked out for them. Everybody thought Reiji did a wonderful job at coordinating the wedding.

"Well... this night has been... eventful, so far." Reina pointed out with her hand pressed against her small baby bump.

Aiko shifted her golden eyes down to Reina's swallowing tummy in shock. "Woah! Reina, you're getting big! It almost looks like you're about to pop in any day now."

The brunette gazed at her in fear. "Don't say that! It hasn't been that long... and beside, I still have along way to go."

"I see. How did your parents take it when they found out?" Aiko asked.

"At first, not so good... But then they met Shu and fell in love with him." The smile that was once on Reina's face turned into a frown. "I don't know how I'm going to break it to them that Shu is a vampire. On top of that, I'm expecting this baby in a few months."

Can I give you a suggestion?"

Reina nodded,"sure."

"My suggestion would be not tell them."

She flickered her eyes at her "Why not?"

"Because... your parents aren't like Yui's and Kyoyo's parents... They won't take the news lightly," Aiko clarified.

Reina became sad after hearing her say that. "So what would be a good time to tell them?"

"Never... but don't feel too bad. You're not alone in this one," the redhead reminded.

"What about your parents, Aiko? Have you ever thought about telling them?"

Aiko swiftly moved her head from side to side. "No. And I'm not planning too. My parents are vampire hunters, remember?"

The brunette bobbed her head slowly in agreement."Oh yeah! That's right... you and Mayu come from generations of legendary vampire hunters."

"Yup! But, I'm the first one to fail them."Aiko sighed depressingly. "Actually... Mayu originally did. However, she has always been different from our relatives."

Reins took a deep breath and glanced up at the ceiling. "I wonder how they'd take it if you told them that you're dating a vampire."

"I'm not going to... and I think you shouldn't either," Aiko warned with a look that said she was grim.

Suddenly, cheers filled through out the room as the brides and grooms made their grand entrance.

Reina cheerfully clapped for her friends as they entered. "They look so happy. I can't wait for Shu and I to get married."

Aiko propped her elbow against the table and laid her chin against the palm of her hand. "Mm, I can. Reiji isn't going anywhere no time soon."

While Reina watched Ayato guide Yui to the dance floor for a slow dance, someone tall blocked her view completely. She slowly glance up at the person standing in her way, and come to figure out, it was Yuma.

"Oh! Hey, Yuma. It's been awhile." She greeted.

"Yes it has... too long." He agreed, and then held out his hand to her. "May I have this dance?"

"Of course." she responded with wide green eyes, before taking his hand and sauntered to the dance floor.

He placed his hand against the middle part of her back and held her other hand out, as he led her around the dance floor.

"You look beautiful tonight." he complimented.

Hearing his comment, made her cheeks redden. "Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself. I never thought I'd ever see you in a tuxedo."

Yuma snorted. "Well don't get used to it... I have no intentions on saying dressed like this." He proclaimed with a hidden smirk.

"Even though I truly love Shu, Yuma still makes me blush for some odd reason." She mused to herself.

"Are you thinking about me?" Yuma playfully teased. Afterwards, He bend down and mumbled, " you're not having second thoughts about choosing Shu over me, right?"

Reins flickered her gaze on him. "What! No!"

He laughed at her facial expression and grinned proudly. "Gotcha! You never been good at lying. You're much to pure for that."

The brunette flustered. "I'm not pure! I have you know, I'm well over experienced in the sexual department now."

"You don't say," he asked sarcastically. "Well you did get knocked up," he paused and looked down at her stomach. "That thing poking out is living proof of that."

Reina switched her eyes in another direction. "You've noticed how big I've got in the pass month, huh?"

"Tch! Of course, you don't look half too bad," he commented and observed thoroughly. "That's probably the reason why you look extremely beautiful tonight. I couldn't keep my eyes off you since you arrived earlier."

The brunette lowered her gaze to the ground nowand blushed even harder. "Stop! You're going too fa-"

Her words were cut short when Yuma brushed his lips over her forehead. They lingered there for only a minute before he pulled away and stared deeply into her eyes. "I already know what you're going to say, so there's no need to scold me. I only meant that you were glowing... Overall, I'm generally happy for you." He confirmed with a warm, sincere smile that almost looked rather heart breaking. "Thanks for the dance." He placed a warm kiss on her knuckles and walked away before she could catch him at his worse.

"Yuma..." she murmured out with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Lord, how I love a man in a suit." Aiko playfully teased, as she pressed one palm on the Reiji's back "Dance with me, darling?" She commanded in a seductive voice.

He smirked to himself, as he closed his little black book, and then turned around to face his woman directly. "Is that all you want, milady?"

Aiko huffed. "I hate when you call me that. I makes me feel old."

He put his book away in his pocket and yanked her in his grasp by the waist. "That's odd. I thought you were very fond with me calling you Milady by now."

She nibbled on her bottom lip and stared up at him with disapproval. "Well... you thought wrong. I hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it!"

Once he knew that she was finished getting snappy with him, he spun her around, as they danced and forced her back into his embrace. "I'm sorry you feel that way. How should I make it up to you?"

"Ummm... A kiss would be nice." she sweetly admitted and bit down on her lip harder.

Reiji thought she looked adorable when she acted in that matter. Her face was flushed and her golden eyes show him a innocence that he rearly saw on a regular basis. To him, her actions only meant one thing... she was intoxicated with alcohol in her system, and now she's horny.

"Shall we go somewhere more private, Aiko?" He offered after taking off his glasses and pushing them down inside his blazer's pocket.

Aiko mischievously grinned at him. "I thought you'd never ask." She hiccupped. "Who needs dancing, anyway?

Reiji held out his arm to her and Aiko took it without a question. "Most certainly not you, obviously. I can't allow you to embarrass yourself on the dancefloor in front of all these guest, including me," he explained.

Aiko giggled. "Are you stating that I'm a horrible dancer?"

He led her towards the exit in attempt to get out of the ballroom quickly and avoided her question.

Meanwhile, at a table somewhere nearby, Kou sat on the chair looking bored as ever. He twirled his finger in a glass full of red wine with his palm pressed against his cheek. The blond pop idol wanted to be happy, but somehow his heart was feeling congested and it wouldn't allow him to feel any other way but sad.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes," Kiko commented, as she took a seat beside him.

He lifted his head and flickered his eyelids at her. "What? I don't understand what you mean."

She sighed when rolling her eyes in his direction. "It means you're easy on the eye."

He narrowed his eyes at her from the side. "Are you implying that I look handsome?"

"Yes Kou."

"Why didn't you just say that then?" he questioned her, kind of aggressively.

She didn't have an answer for his question, so she shrugged instead. "It may be easy for you to come out with a simple statement, but when I start to fancy someone, even a little, I don't approach the situation easily." She explained, then glanced down at her lap.

"Fancy... Approach... Situation?" He raised a bow at her. "You're not making any sense, M Neko-chan."

She furiously scowled at him and grip the fork in her grasp until her knuckles turned white. "How dare you call me by that name, especially that nickname you gave to Yui?"

"Um... how did you know that?"

"Kyoyo told me all about how you used to call Yui that! She also told me that you dated Mayu and later on, you showed interest in her," she added on. "You get around pretty fast. Don't you think?"

"Listen here, Kiko-chan. Whatever I do with my private life is none of your concern," he retorted back, then looked away.

"If you keep this up, you'd never find a girl that'll love you for the phenomenal vampire and pop star you truly are... You can't even see what's right in front of you," she reminded with a solemn expression.

"Phenomenal... what's in front of me?" He glared at her from the corner of his eye. "It seems like you have a way with words, but they're really starting to bug me." He paused in the middle of his statement. "You want to know what truly bugs me the most about you?"

She stared at him blankly. "What?"

"How you treat Kyoyo... You know she's going through a hard time and you take advantage of the situation. You even try to make yourself seem better than she is, because you're older. Not to mention, you'll hit on anyone she's interested in, just because she had her eyes on him first... If you were my family I would've dispose of you along time ago. I value my brothers more than anything, unlike you."

Kiko picked up his glass off the table and threw red wine in his face. Shortly after, she stood up and tried to leave the scene, but Kou was to fast for her. He wrenched her back to him and held her wrist in a tight grip. The intimidating look on his face startled Kiko.

"Do you still want me to see what's right in front of me," he harshly questioned, while he had a tight hold on her wrist.

"Let go of me Kou, before I scream." She demanded in a tone that was hoarse.

"Scream if you like. I don't care," he clarified. His eyes darkened as he took her in, the twitch of his lip "Heed my words... You mustn't forget this... I'm a vampire, and I'll find you wherever you are if you do anything to hurt Kyoyo in America." One of his blue eye turned red shortly after his threat.

Kiko finally got herself out of his grasp and made a run for it.

"Bye-bye, M Neko-chan! Lets chat again sometime!" He shouted cheerfully, while waving his hand in the air. The second Kiko was out of sight, Kou cheerful expression formed into a bitter one. Afterwards, he shoved his hands inside his pockets and stalked bursted out the door.

Kyoyo couldn't believe what she just witnessed from across the room. As she was dancing with Laito on the dance floor she noticed that Kiko and Kou were having what it looks like from where she was standing a friendly conversation. But then, their conversation made a turn for the worse and Kiko threw wine on Kou. When she tried walk away Kou grabbed her. In results, she became conflicted between the two.

Love-kitten," Laito called out.

She blinked up at him. "Yes?"

"Do you love me?" He asked her.

Kyoyo was taken aback by what asked. "Of course I do! What kind of question is that?"

Laito almost smile because of her outburst. "So you're aware that I don't normally get jealous, and I only get jealous when it comes to you, correct?"

She closed her eyes with a sigh and said "Yes, I am aware that you only get jealous when it comes to me."

"Good... then let me elaborate something to you," he paused. "Stop dazing passionately at Kou! You're happiness is right here dammit!

Kyoyo's mouth dropped on the floor. "WHAT! What makes you think I was passionately dazing at Kou?"

"Because... You've been staring at him since we started dancing."

"Only because I was curiously about what Kou and Kiko discussing," she sincerely retorted.

The redhead bitterly laughed at what she said, but it quickly came to an end when his eyes met hers ones again. "I'm sorry. I missed the part where that was your problem, love-kitten."

"It-It... It's not." she said under her breath.

She had no choice but to agree with what he said. Kou and Kiko weren't her problem anymore. Besides, working out her relationship with Laito was morr important and far too precious to let fall apart. Before Kyoyo left to go to school overseas, she wanted to reassure Laito of their relationship will remain strong. It wasn't too long ago when he was ready to break up because she was leaving. Now he agreed to wait for her and work out it out somehow.

She naturally tilted her chin up and he looked lustily at her lips. The green orbs looked at her lovingly. He cupped her face with both hands and said "I love you."

"I love you too," she responded truthfully with all her heart.

A little smile spread across his face and he smashed his lips onto hers, as he gave her an open mouth kiss in front of tons of guest.

"Laito, wait" she managed to muffle out between his lips.

"Shh, I don't want this moment to end yet," he smoothly pointed out against her mouth.

She didn't argue back that time.

"Where are you taking me?" Aiko giggled, as she kept playfully poking Reiji's shoulder.

"To my studies to teach you another lesson," he answered with a sly smirk.

They arrived to his studies seconds later, and when he touched the knob to open the door, he immediately felt a presence inside, so he paused. "No... it can't be." He said before turning the knob and pushing the door open. "SUBARU! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?"

He leapt off Mayu on the desk and covered himself up with his private parts with his dress shirt.

"Hey, there sis," Mayu greeted awkwardly and laughed at Subaru.

Aiko narrowed her eyes at Mayu, "hey sis, your in my spot."

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