Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2

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By adoKure

What are you doing here?" Yui repeated in disbelief. She furrowed her eyebrows and squint her eyes at him, which made him smile at her from head to toe. Shortly after, the blond shook her head and closed her eyes tightly. "I must be delusional... T-That's it! My father would never show up announce especially on my wedding day." She breathed out.

Seiji Komori caring smile turned into a frown. "What are you talking about?" He paused when picking up his feet to move towards her. "Yui, this is your father speaking. Who else in god's name would I be?" He questioned as he reached out to touch her shoulder.

Yui sharply opened her eyes again and glared at his hand before shoving it away. "DON'T TOUCH ME! There is NO GOD! And YOU most certainly are not my father!" She snapped furiously, letting her tears fun down her face now.

The elder man standing before her lowered his gaze to the ground. "I know you're probably angry with me and maybe I shouldn't have come but-"

"Who invited you?" Mayu interrupted as she licked her lips in a hungry manner.

Seiji shuttered and fell back hard against the marble floor on his rump.

"Yeah! How did you find out?" Kyoyo curiously added, glaring down at him suspiciously.

The bride dabbed her tears away with a handkerchief under her eyes. "Mayu...Kyoyo! When did you guys get back?"

"I smelled him," Mayu bluntly answered, never taking her eyes off the man beneath her.

"And I followed her here to make sure that she doesn't cause anymore trouble." Kyoyo explained, remembering all the trouble her pink-headed friend caused while she and Reina was gone.

The newbie vampire dramatically laughed at this with her palm several inches apart from her mouth. "As if you could stop me!" She pointed out and scowled at her from the corner of her eye.

Seiji stood up from the ground and dusted off his shirt and trousers. "Kyoyo-san and Mayu-san, you ladies look well." He casually said with his arms crossed behind his back now. "I take it, none of you were informed about me coming here either?" He exhaustively sighed.

Yui spoke out sarcastically, "Adopted daughter goes into a state of shock... What was your clue?" She questioned, arched a scoped brow.

"You're angered with me."

"You said that already." She rashly pointed out.

When Seiji realized that he was being cut off once more he took another risk by stepping towards his daughter and pressed the palm of his hand against a flustered cheek. This time she didn't shove his hand nor move away.

"I had no idea that I was sending you here to live with vampires. When I got a call receiving information about your real parents, I put my feelings to the side and decided to let you go live here -only because I thought it would be best for you. Sadly, I lived everyday in regret wishing I never done that. After awhile, I knew that I didn't deserve you or your forgiveness."

Right then and there, Seiji eyes swelled up with tears. "Look at you... you look really beautiful." He commented with a watery smile.

Suddenly a fist came clashing against the side of Seiji's face and knocked him back down on the ground. A furious redhead winded his shoulder and put his fists back up in position, as he prepared to knock the old man out again. "Keep your filthy paws off Yours Truly's property!"

"AYATO!" Yui shouted before she kneels down to help her father back up. "I am not your property! Why did you do that?"

The groom blinked at her three times with a gaped mouth. "WHY? He had his disgusting hands all over you, that's why!" Afterwards, Ayato clicked his tongue when turning away from her. "We haven't even married and already you're in the arms of another man! What a disgrace."

"He is my father, you idiot!" She loudly retorted.

"Ayato wiped his head around with wide eyes. "Your father?"

"Yes." Seiji confirmed as he rubbed his irritated red cheek. "You must be the lucky guy that's marrying my Yui. It's nice to meet you," he greeted with a extended hand out to his future son-in-law.

The redhead scowled at his hand before making direct eye contact with him. "This is the bastard that made breastless cry." He decided to play it cool and cleared his throat. "Tch! Your Yui? I clearly must've knocked out every sense in your body if you still think that she belongs to you."

"Ayato," Yui called out once more, but this time in a lower tone.

Seiji put on another smile on that didn't reach his face. "Well he's not completely wrong." Her father admitted before gazing at his daughter. "I lost all rights to you over a year ago and I can never get that back now."

Ayato chuckled. "I'm glad you came back to your senses. No hard feelings though, if it wasn't for you sending her off the way you did. I wouldn't have gotten to officially meet the love of my life... As a matter of fact, I should be thanking you." He proudly admitted. Ayato was well aware how exquisitely beautiful Yui looked in her wedding gown. He made a note to peel off every piece of layer of clothing off her body and screw her damn brains out after the day was up.

"Ayato, why are you staring at me like that?" She asked with a flushed cheeks.

"Ay, old man!" The groom shouted out directly at Seiji, which gave him a fright. "I don't know who or how you found out about our wedding ceremony but I'd like to request something of you."

"Sure... anything," Seiji responded with the bow of his head.

"I want you to walk my bride down the aisle," he declared with a pause in his voice. "Our wedding day would be incomplete if you didn't... and I refuse to hear her cry anymore because her father wasn't here to give her away to the groom. That's my only requested."

The bride to be eyeballs slightly widen when she heard that. "Oh my god! He heard me cry earlier? Wait to go Yui." She thought with a frown forming on her lips.

"It would be my honor," Seiji said with acceptance. "That is... if you're okay with that Yui?"

Yui snapped back into reality when she heard her father say these words that filled her heart with joy. "I would love that." She accepted with a cheerful smile.

"Yay!" Kyoyo exclaimed in excitement while Mayu stood beside her best friend and clapped her hands in a petty fashion.

Izumi giggled in amusement as her fiance pushed his way through a gigantic door that lead outside through the Sakamaki's estate. Nearly a dozen or more vehicles were parked outside around the terrace and it seemed like more were arriving by the second. This made Kanato stop in track regarding everything around him when gripping onto his woman's hand.

"Kanato, why did you stop?" She curiously asked him.

He looked over at her in wonderment. "Exactly how many people did you invite to our wedding Izumi?"

She tapped her finger against her chin and narrowed her eyes upwards at the sky in her thoughts. "Ah, I say about a little over a hundred or more...I think."

The groom gaped at her in awestruck. He couldn't believe what his ears overheard. "A-A-A HUNDRED? YOU THINK?! I don't even know that many people! Is that even including my brother and Yui's guest as well?"

Izumi exhaled. "I'm afraid not," she admitted. "Look, this wasn't my doing -it was my mother and father's. I had no control over who they invited to come."

Kanato huffed. "Like hell you didn't! My brother Reiji was in charge of the invitations."

"They got in contact with him through me and made arrangements. Why are you so mad?"

"I'm not mad," he told her defenselessly. "I'm j-just shocked that's all... Here we are trying to elope, when hundreds of guest arrived here today to see you get married. I never felt so selfish in my life."

"And that you are, indeed."

Kanato frowned at her with annoyances. "I didn't say you could agree with me Izumi."

"That wasn't me," she pointed out.

"If it wasn't you then who was it?"

"I'm afraid the answer you are looking for is me," said a troublesome voice that Kanato thought he wouldn't hear again until after him and Izumi were officially married. He immediately wiped his head around in rage. "Azusa! You have a lot of nerve showing yourself to me at a time like this!"

Azusa jumped out from behind one of the bushes with Kanato's teddy bear dangling from his fist. "Actually I think I made perfect timing."

Kanato glared down at his what his rival was holding and gasped when he realized who it was. "Teddy! How the hell did he end up in your possession?"



Azusa playful smirked at Kanato. However, this smirk didn't exactly reach his eyes neither. "Simple, you dropped him on your way out here. How careless of you." He lifted Kanato's stuffed animal to his face and whispered in his furry ear "This isn't the first time, right Teddy?"

"Don't talk to him! How dare you talk to him so formally! I will make you pay," The purple-headed vampire threaten in anger.

Azusa shapely narrowed his lavender color eyes at him. "Honestly, shouldn't I be the one making you pay? You did try to elope with my first and only love!"

"Please Azusa, enough is enough!" Izumi yelled to him with sadness in her eyes. "You will always be one of my closest friends. Why can't you open your heart and accept that I'm happy?"

At this, he lowered his gazed and shrugged his shoulders. "Because... I opened my heart once, and I don't think I can open it again -not for you, him or anybody else."

"Oh Azusa," she said with disappointment.

"Why are you upset? He clearly doesn't care about anybody feelings but his own," Kanato snapped.

"You should talk Kanato," Azusa retorted with a trembling tone. "Izumi's friends and family came to see her get married and here you are trying to elope with her. How selfish can you be?"

"Shut up and stop pestering me!" He demanded. "It's annoying."

"My apologizes, but I won't stop until you give me what I want," he proclaimed before looking directly into Kanato's big purple eyes."

"And what is that?" Kanato questioned with a blank expression.

"I think you and I both know what I want... Now give me Izumi and I will kindly hand back over your teddy bear. I'm sure he misses you." Azusa said as he brushed his nose against his brown soft fur.

Kanato eye twitched for a second before he pulled himself back together "You drive a hard bargain. I'll give you that, Azusa. How about this... I keep Izumi, you hand teddy back over to me and you'll just be glad that you got to attend this wedding while your head is still intact to your body. There, everybody wins! Problem solved."

All of a sudden, Azusa dropped to his knees bursting out into a fit of laughter that sounded creepy in away.

Kanato and Izumi stared down at him unfazed by his outburst and behavior.

"You still don't get it, do you? Azusa asked coldly. "Allow me to show you!" He suddenly took out a pocket knife from the inside of his blazer and sliced teddy's head clear off his body. Cotton fell everywhere along with the stuff animal's head and eye patch.

"Oh no," Izumi gaped in shock with her hands covering her mouth.

Kanato mouth nearly dropped to the ground before him. "H-How-How could you! You'll pay for that!" He quickly ran over to him with his fist flying in the air. Yet, that all came to a end when Ruki appeared and seized Kanato's fist with his hand blocking his target.

"Enough," Ruki demanded.

"Move aside," Kanato yelled in rage.

"No. This rivalry between the Mukamis and the Sakamakis has to end. Therefore, I apologize on behalf of my younger brother. He caused you and Izumi enough trouble. In return, I will punish him for that later." Ruki spoke sincerely as he bowed his head down.

Kanato brought his trembling fist down to his side and sighed tiredly. "Fine! Just make sure you keep him away from me. Come on Izumi, we made a commitment and I need to make sure that we see it through." He bent down to pick up all the parts that belonged to teddy and stood back up again.

"Wait! We aren't eloping anymore," she asked.

"No we aren't. I don't want us to disappoint your family." He explained before taking her by the wrist and led her back inside the mansion.

Once they were gone and out of sight, Azusa asked "Why did you do that?"

Ruki didn't answer.

So he stepped in front of his elder brother path with a serious scowl that didn't leave his face. "ANSWER ME! Why would you choose his side over mine?"

"It's over now." Ruki said under his breath.

In rage, Azusa begin to beat on his brother's chest while still managing to hold the knife in his grip without wounding himself and Ruki. "I hate you," He cried out and sobbed. "You had no right to do that!"

Ruki pulled Azusa into his embrace forcing him to drop the pocket knife on the stone cold floor. "I know, Azusa... I know." He murmured against his shoulder

Shortly after Kanato and Izumi arrived back to the location where their ceremony was held and the wedding started to take off originally as planned. Yui held on to her father's arm, and slowly, but steadily made her way down the aisle. But, Izumi wasn't far behind, she also held onto her father arm with little strength and happily smiled at everybody that was there. Yui heard whispers about the room, which made her look around for only a few seconds. However, someone caught her attention in front of the room, so gazed straight ahead at man before her.

Ayato stood there with a grin on his face, as she walked down the aisle. Looking at him made her want to cry once more, and she was on the verge of doing just that. But no, she refused to cry. Not in front of Ayato or anybody else for that matter. This was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, so she wouldn't let a single tear fall.

Izumi gazed straight ahead at Kanato as he stood in place with a nervous expression on his face. He tried his best to hide the fact he was scared as shit and covered it up with a small smile that was quite convincing. Izumi didn't know what to think when she saw him standing there. All the pain and trouble she caused them in the long months they been together came back to mind. She was very fortune to have him in her life. It started out as a crush and now they were to be husband and wife.

As Yui neared the end of the aisle, her father let's go, turned to get a good look at her and gave her a kiss on her cheek before merely walking away. Izumi's father repeated the same thing, but only just, he kissed her on the hand instead, then took a seat.

The twins held their brides hands with reassurance. So the pastor (who was also a vampire) begin to speak off the top of his head. Neither of the grooms were barely listening to what he had to say. While their brides to be pay enough attention and acknowledged that he was there.

After everything was said and done, the pastor announced "May I have the rings." In which they slipped on each others ring. The final words were spoken "You both may now kiss your brides."

"You don't have to tell me twice," Ayato said, pulling Yui by her arm against his chest. He cuffed his hand against her cheek while the other one wrapped around her small body frame. His lips against hers was very passionate and overwhelming. He grip was so tight and firm that there was noway she was getting out of that one.

Kanato bashfully blushed at his bride and debated if his he should make the first move or not. Izumi on the other hand became impatient in the matter of seconds and wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing his lips against hers. This kissed might have looked forced, but it was heartfelt and irresistible. Kanato slowly wrapped his arms around his wife soon after.

"MAYU! Shouted a loud voice from the entryway. "Where the fuck are you! "Everybody including the brides and grooms turned around to face the entrance where they spotted a furious Subaru Sakamaki with his tux tone and all out of place. He also had deep red marks around his neck and wrists which indicated that someone tied him up and tortured him.

Mayu turned her head away from the entrance and pretended not to be seen in the crowd.

"Subaru! You got a lot of never appearing late and interrupting our ceremony like this," Ayato yelled.

"Yeah! What is the meaning of this," questioned Kanato.

"I'll explain everything later, but right now I need to know where she is," he responded with determination.

Ayato narrowed his eyes over at Mayu who smirked back at him before he reverted his eyes back to Subaru. "No, tell us now and be done with it."

Subaru whole face redden like a bright tomato, then he shamefully covered the lower half of his face with his hand. "S-She sedu...me... an...tie..m...up" He muffled lowly behind his hand.

Kanato quirked an eyebrow "What was that? I don't think our ears heard you correctly."

The youngest Sakamaki glared at his brother impatiently. "I SAID she seduced me, wrapped a chain around my neck and tied my wrists and ankles together! There, I said it."

"This is not the time to be kinky and live out every fantasy you ever had." Kanato stated.

Laito giggled with his arm wrapped around his girl shoulder. "This wedding was better than I thought it would be."

Kyoyo rolled her eyes.

"How come you haven't tried that on me yet," Ayato whispered inside Yui's ear.

The blond lightly patted him on the cheek and walked away.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

Mayu couldn't hold it back anymore, so she snorted with laughter and wiped her invisible tears away. "I'm sorry but Subaru face was priceless earlier!"

"Oh dear," Christa sighed and shook her head.

The moment Mayu blinked and opened her eyes again Subaru was already standing in front of her, scowling deeply.

She nervously looked up at him and said. "Hi babe."

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