The Shadow Knight

By Speed360

49.7K 1.2K 901

After returning from Ludos Castle and defeating Toffee, Star and Marco are now dealing with new problems such... More

The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
Guess Who's Back?
Thank You
A Day Off?
Long Time No See
Falling Star
Round 2
Twin Shadows Part 2
Future Plans
Twin Shadows Part 3
Star's Training
AN: What Do You Want?
The New Kid
Shady Business
The big 100!
Time to Prepare
Moving On
Where I've Been

Twin Shadows Part 1

1.1K 42 33
By Speed360

It was a bright, sunny day as usual. The temperature was fine, the wind blew gently. It was a perfect day outside. Too bad Marco Diaz was going to spend it fighting for his life...

Diaz Residence...

Marco woke up to the familiar smell of bacon and eggs and pancakes. His stomach growled loudly, telling him that food was the number one priority right now. So he got out of bed and went downstairs to eat. But when he arrived downstairs, he didn't expect what he saw. Sitting at the table was his Mom and Dad, Star, PH, and-

"Angel?" Marco questioned silently. She was sitting next to Star smiling and laughing. They didn't notice him yet so Marco came up with a plan. He silently crawled back upstairs and went into a portal. The portal appeared behind Angel, who was giggling along with Star and PH.

Girl talk I suppose. Marco thought. But when he looked up, he almost screamed and fell backwards into the portal. He stayed in the darkness and caught his breath again. He didn't want to, but he went back out again and saw it. Today, Angel decided to wear her skirt to the breakfast. And when Marco look up, he saw Angel's...well, let's just say, it had a cute bear face on it. Needless to say, the darkness around him turned a little bit red. But he was going to continue with his plan. So he slowly rose up out of his portal. He stuck out his hands and poked Angel in the side.

Now fellas, here's a little tip of advice. Don't. Scare. Angel. Or else things will get very awkward very fast. Marco found this out first hand when Angel grabbed his hands as soon as he poked her. He meant to poke her and dip but she was fast enough to grab his hands. And with him falling back wards into his portal, she came with him. And when they got out'll just have to see.

Oww...well that didn't go according to pl- Marco was thinking until he opened his eyes. He was laying on his back and looked up. Angel was on her butt and her legs were open a little bit. But a little bit is enough to see it all.

"Oww...huh? Marco? What's going on here? Why am I on the ground? And, what's with that look on your fa-" Angel didn't even finish her sentence as she looked down. She was seeing what Marco saw and yelped as she closed her legs and stood up. Marco stood up quickly with her.

"Angel! I am so sorry! I didn't mean to look! I mean, it's not as if I was looking in the first place but-"

"!" Angel said as her hand glowed white. "JERK!!" And the last thing Marco remembered before passing out was Angel's open palm connecting to his cheek.

Minutes later...

Marco sat on a chair and winced as Star put an ice pack to his cheek. While it did numb the pain, it still stung a lot. Angel sat away from him while PH was laughing her head off. After a few minutes of awkward silence and laughter, he decided to try and break the ice.

"Ahem. So uh, what brings you here Angel?" Marco asked. She glared at him before turning to Star and answering.

"I'm here because Star told me what happened on the phone a week ago.  And I've decided that I'm gonna help you fight Dusk." Angel told him.

"Uh, Angel? I don't think you should-"

"Same goes for me! I'm not gonna let earthturd take all the glory! Besides, she still needs to pay for hurting Star." PH chimed in.


"Dusk is gonna be in for it now! With the four of us, there's no way she could-"

"Guys! In going alone!" Marco yelled. The girls stared at him in disbelief.

"What? But why? We all need to be there to support each other." Angel reasoned.

"Sorry girls, but not this time. This is something that I have to do alone. And I don't want you girls getting hurt. This is between me and Dusk." Marco told them.

"But Marco-!"

"No Star! I've made my choice. Don't get involved." Marco said.

"Sorry Marco, but we are getting involved. And you can't stop us-" No sooner than the words leave Star's mouth did Marco vanish, when he reappeared again he chopped everyone's neck. They all crumbled to their knees and fainted. All except Star, who could do nothing but watch as Marco left out the front door.

"Marco..." Star uttered before finally succuming to sleep.

The Cathedral...

Marco appeared in front of a broken down building with stain glass windows around it. The Cathedral was abandoned and falling apart slowly. Marco walked towards the door with anxiety and each step was on wobbling legs. But at the last step before the door, he steeled himself. He was ready, and he was not going to let his friends down. And most certainly is not going to let Jenna down. He would avenge her and make Dusk pay.

He opened the doors slowly and walked in. The Cathedral still had seats everywhere and an old, rusty, statue. He walked towards the staute at the end of the walkway. No sign of Dusk. Did he get here too late? But as he wondered this, a small purple orb floated right in front of him. He glanced at the strange orb. Then, it began to glow and his eyes widened as he jumped away from it in time to see it explode. When the dust cleared away it revealed Dusk. She already had her rapier out.

"Well well well. Look who decided not to chicken out." Dusk taunted.

"I'm not afraid of you anymore Dusk. I'm gonna beat you and get revenge for Jenna." Marco told her.

"Why would you want revenge for that wench? She's just another high school girl who thought she could do whatever she wanted. And now she's paid the price. Hmph, you should be thanking me. I-!" Dusk couldn't finish her sentence because she had to dodge a black wave of energy sent her way. Marco's sword emitted a black aura from it's previous attack.

"Thank you? Thank you!? I'm not gonna thank you! I'm gonna destroy you!" Marco yelled as he charged Dusk. She got into a ready stance and chuckled.

"Then give it your best shot you moron." Dusk responded as she charged towards him. Their blades clashed and it shook the entire building. This was the beginning of Dusk's and Marco's fateful battle...

Anddddd cliffhanger! Marco and Dusk clash one more time to end this feud between them. If you're excited, be sure to Vote and comment who do you think is gonna win! And also, comment down what do you think might happen during the fight as well. Until next time, see ya!


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