Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4

861 13 17
By adoKure

"No need for that dear," Karl protested as he flashed a casual smile. He swiftly bowed his head down out of respect and spoke on, "The pleasure is all mine." He told her when lifting his head back up to look at her. "Laito has told me so much about you I the little time we spent together."

"He has?!" Kyoyo glazed over at the redhead standing beside him with her mouth partly open in shock. Naturally, he glanced away from her with an embarrassing pink tint covering his cheeks.

Karl sighed with displeasure. "Indeed, he has. It's not everyday a young lady like yourself makes one of my sons cry with despair in the middle of the street."

Laito was twitching in rage now. "If you want to keep your tongue, old man. I suggest you shut up before I cut you off."

The raven-haired girl stared at him in awe. "Is that true, Laito?"

He took a glimpse at her and looked away again. "Of course not. I did no such thing."

"In-de-ni-al," Karl said in a singing tone of voice. "I swear. If you keep lying like this, you will only make it complicated on yourself. Is that right, Watanabe-san?"

"Um...yes. I guess," Kyoyo lowly responded and she nodded her head; she looked at the ground while trying to keep her eyes off the man she loves.

"Kyoyo," Laito called.

She immediately looked up at him with a new light in her eye of hope. "Yes, Laito?"

The redhead furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you going to invite us in or not?"

"Oh! Of course! Please, come in." She opened the door wide and stepped aside.

Laito walked in first with his father traveling closely behind him. Karl examined the house as Kyoyo led them further in to the main hall.

"You have a lovely home, Kyoyo." The vampire king commented.

"Thank you, my mom designed and decorated it," she pointed out.

"Speaking of which, where is the lady of the house," he asked.

"My mom? She's... She's in her private room. You see, my mother isn't well and she only has a short time to live."

"Say no more," he commanded. "Lead the way, my dear."

"Oh... okay," she spoke in a confusing manner. The girl swayed up the stairs to her mother's room and the two vampires followed closely behind her.

The moment they arrived to her mother's bedroom door, she knocked on it twice and waited for her to grant entrance. When she finally did, Kyoyo turned the knob and led both of them inside her room. Of course, Chiyo was dumbfounded when she spotted the vampire king standing in front of her.

"Mom, Laito and his father are here," said Kyoyo

"I can see that," her mother clarified. "It's been a long time Karlheinz."

"Yes, it has, Chiyo-san... the last time we met, you didn't look this worn out and awfully pale," He pointed out when walking over to her side of the bed.

"I almost forgot you both met before," Kyoyo stated.

"Yes we have, on several occasions," said her mother. "What brings you here, Karlheinz?"

"I heard from my son that you were poorly ill. So I had to come see you and inspect for myself." Karl explained; he placed both his hand over her petite ones. "How has your condition been, Chiyo-san?

"Well it's –"

"Kyoyo," Laito called out from behind her.

She slightly jumped in surprise, forgetting that he was in the room and turned around to face him. "Yes?"

"Let's talk," he pronounced and left the room quietly.

Kyoyo glanced back at the two adults exchanging words before she followed her ex-boyfriend out of the room. He directed them to her bedroom for some privacy. When they arrived, Laito shut the door closed and locked it behind them.

"Um... before you say anything, there's something I would like to say first," she breathed out.

Laito piercing green eyes darted at her as he leaned back against the doorframe with his arms crossed, waiting for her to speak.

"Well... What is it?"

"First off, I shouldn't have gotten angry with you the way I did last night. I was upset, and you were only trying to help me."

Laito flexed his fingertips as he looked down at his nails. "So why were they said if you didn't mean any of it?"

"Because I was upset, Laito! My mother is dying, my uncle his a killer and I have no idea where aunt disappeared to... A lot of things happened since I came back here... It's really hard for me to swallow down and accept everything that has consumed inside of me at once."

"Is that why you want to go overseas? You want digest everything that has happen by leaving Japan for a while?"

"Yes," she answered sincerely. "Before I met you, I planned to move overseas and study in New York City. However, those plans changed when you came along..." she trailed off while looking into his eyes. "I haven't thought about it ever since. Until my mom mention it to me recently. I thought long and hard about moving to New York, Laito... if losing you was apart of the plan, then I won't go overseas anymore. It isn't worth it."

"In that case, you should go," he declared. "If leaving me is all you're worried about, then please... don't let me stop you from doing what you think is best. I was doing fine before I met you and I'll definitely do fine without you."

"Why are you being so hasty about this? You're acting like nothing ever hurts or bothers you! It's not normal."

"News flash, Kyoyo. I'm not human or normal. I'm a vampire. We're only allow to feel so little... Now, it's clear to me that I don't deserve any bit of feeling I have. Lets face it. I did a lot of horrible things in the past, things that should've made you hate me from the start. So in return, it's time for me to do the right thing and let you go overseas."

Laito's eyes widen when he felt two arms wrapped around the left side of his waist. He gaze down at her in awestruck. With everything he had, he tried really hard not to push her away from him. It was bad enough that he was letting her go, even thought he didn't really want her to leave him alone. However, it was the right thing to do.

Kyoyo let her tears fall as she sobbed into his shirt. "I love you, Laito. You're better than what you give yourself credit for. Every time I see you, my heart aches and then I forget everything that ever bothered me. I know this sounds really cheesy coming from me, but...you're my knight and shining armor...my hero. I never expected to meet such a beautiful creature as yourself nor do I want to because I already have you. Far as I know, you're irreplaceable and too damn good to let go."

After she finished pouring out her heart to him, his arms hooked around her back and he position his chin on the top of her head. "Persuading me with words, I see..." While picking his head up, he gripped her jaw with his thumb and forefinger and lifted her face to meet his eyes. "Has anybody ever told you that actions speak louder than words?"

"B-But, I meant every word-"

The redhead placed his index finger over her mouth. "Shh, let me finish... Your statement might have been cheesy, but I can tell when someone is being sincere or bullshitting around with me. Sometimes actions don't always speak louder than words. You have to hear that person completely, in order to understand where they're coming from... I should've listened to you yesterday, love-kitten. Instead, I let my feelings get in the way and I'm sorry."

"Did-did you just call me love-kitten?"

Laito didn't responded. He just bent down and kissed her impassionedly. The redhead kissed her like it was the last time he'll ever kiss again. Kyoyo held her arms around his neck as her lips moved against his. Her head started to swirl with emotion. She suddenly felt dizzy and her vision started to blur with tears that refuse to stop falling on command.

The second her eyelids drooped close, Laito had already picked her up and carried her over to the bed. He lays her down nice and easy on the bed before crawling in between her legs.

"Laito, I don't think we should have sex with both our parents in the other room." She warned him out of breath.

"Who said we were gonna have sex," he questioned; leaning in, his lips pressed against her jaw. "I think our sexy time deserves a better name than just sex. Making love is a better term for us." He flickered his tongue out to taste the skin of her neck and punctured his sharp fangs deep inside her flesh.

"Mm, yummy."

His action made Kyoyo gasped in irresistible pain. "Oh hell! You know how much I hate this!"

"Where is it," Kanato asked himself as he searched around his private room for a small box. He threw all his stuff animals on the floor along with his pillows, blankets and sheets. Yet, he still couldn't find it anywhere.

"Tch, you're hopeless," said a deep sarcastic voice near the doorway.

Kanato whipped his head around to glare directly at Ayato; he leaned against the doorframe with an amusing expression on his face.

"I don't have time to play games with you! I got more important things to worry about!" He retorted. The light purple-haired vampire turned away and continued to search recklessly. He carelessly ripped his room apart and made a huge mess of it.

The redhead sighed and shook his head at him. "Forget what I said. You're worse than hopeless. You're pitiful. More importantly, I can't believe we came from the same womb."

"Can it, Ayato! Your minor insults are not making things any better for me! Izumi will be here in 5 minutes and I need to find a small box before she gets here!"

"You mean this," Ayato questioned as he lifted a small jewelry box out of his pocket. "Do you understand why I call you pitiful now?"

Kanato did a double take while gaping at his brother in shock. Suddenly, he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders and prepared to go on a rampage. "Oi, that's mine! Give it here," He said rushing over to his side and tried to take back.

Ayato lifted the box higher over his head. "I believe the magical word was please." He said, grinning smugly.

Kanato desperately jumped up and down trying to grab for it. "Give it back! It doesn't belong to you!"

"No duh," Ayato retorted as he rolled his eyes. "If it wasn't for me, finding it and returning it back! You'd be shit out of luck. Wouldn't you?"

"How do I know if it wasn't you that took it on purpose to make me mad?"

"Tch, don't flatter yourself. Unlike you, I'm careful. I remember where I put things, especially important things like the ring I'm planning to give my fiancée."

The purple eyed vampire lowered his head down. "It's not like I misplaced it on purpose. That ring is very important to Izumi. I need to make up for how I've been acting to her, and that ring is the key to everything."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Save your sob story for somebody who cares." Ayato told him before he tossed the jewelry box in his brother's hands. "Just watch where you place thing next time. And by the way, she's already downstairs waiting for you."

Kanato eyes widen as he followed his brother walk away after telling him that. When he no longer could see him, his feet picked up and he rushed down the stairs to greet his fiancée. To his surprise, Ayato was right. Izumi was there and she was sitting down next to Yui on the ruby red sofa, sipping tea.

She must've realized by now that he was also in the room, because her gray eyes turned away from Yui and landed directly on him. Yui also glanced in the direction she was looking at and smiled when she saw a nervous looking Kanato standing in front of the entryway.

"I think I better go check on the twins," Yui announced as she stood up from the sofa.

"Okay, I want to see them, so I'll be upstairs shortly," Izumi told her.

The blonde nodded before making her way out of the room. However, she stopped in front of the entry and placed her hand on Kanato's shoulder and whispered "Good luck." low enough, so Izumi couldn't hear her.

Kanato nodded once and that's when Yui left the room.

"You're looking lovely today, Izumi." He commented.

"Thank you, but I look like this everyday," she spoke under her breathe.

He scratched the back of his neck and walked over to the couch, taking a seat beside her. "Look, I know what I did was childish. But can't you look pass my mistakes and forgive me for how I acted? I wasn't the only one out of line here."

"You're right, you wasn't."

"My thought exactly! Wait, what?" He paused after realizing what she said.

Izumi had her head down, looking shamefully. "I said you're right... If I would've told Azusa sooner about the engagement, none of this would've happened. When he kissed me out of spite, I did nothing about it. I knew he was only trying to make you mad. Yet, I didn't push him away like I should've. This hold thing is my fault, Kanato and I'm so sorry." She muffled with her hands covering her face now.

"You don't look very pleasant when you cry, Izumi."

"I know, I know." She sobbed, trying to wiped the tears away from under her eyes.

"Don't do that! You'll mess up your mascara," Kanato pointed out. He pulled out a silk checkerboard handkerchief from out of his vest and wiped the wet spots under her eyelids. "There! Now you look pretty again."

Izumi sniffled and gave him a puzzled look. "I wasn't pretty before?"

"Not when your crying like that," he joked with a straight face.

She punched him in the shoulder hard two times. "Not funny, Kanato."

He giggled. "I know... sorry about that."

"Uh-huh, you better be," she responded with a secret smirk on her face.

Kanato didn't waste another second, so he got down on one knee in front of her and held a box out with the same diamond ring that she picked out at the jewelry a few weeks go.

Her mouth fell open in surprise as she stared directly at it the same exact ring they saw in the store that day they got into an altercation. Now that she saw it up close, it looked even more beautiful to her than it did behind the display case.

"Is that ring... for me," she asked him with her mouth still hanging open.

The childlike vampire knitted his eyebrows together. "Of course it's for you! Who else would it be for?"

"Oh, I don't know... maybe, you." She pointed out with her finger jabbing his chest.

"Don't be silly! I bought this ring for you because I know how badly you wanted it."

"Now I feel bad that I didn't get you anything." she said, showing him her best pouty face.

"Just take the damn ring and put it on already." He huffed.

"Okay, if you say so!" She picked up the ring out of the box and slipped it on her ring finger. "It's perfect!" She exclaimed, looking down at her sparking finger.

"I bet," the vampire mumbled with his face turned away and his cheeked propped against his fist.

Izumi scooted over to his side of the couch and pulled him into a tight hug before giving him a big wet kiss on the cheek. "You're the best fiancé ever. Even if your propose was a little crappy, but the ring makes up for that."

"I don't get it. Are you praising me or insulting me? Which one is it," he questioned her.

"Technically both," she grinned.

"Your a pain Izumi. I'm applaud that you think very little of me. Our wedding day is on the 13th of November and this is the thanks I get?"

Izami looked baffled when she gazed at him. "Wait, isn't Yui and Ayato wedding on November 13th?"

He nodded. "Yes... and so is ours. We're having our wedding day at the same time and place."

"You mean to tell me that Ayato and Yui let us have our wedding the same date and place as them?!"

"I said yes! Are you deaf?!"

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, jumping up from the sofa in excitement. "We're having a double wedding! That's perfect! I have to prepare."

Kanato sighed. "Don't overdo it, Izumi. It's not that serious."

"Guess what?" Yui exclaimed, as she slipped back inside the bedroom and closed the door behind her. When she turned around to face her fiancé, he didn't look very pleasant nor did he look happy to see her.

In fact, the redheaded vampire sat up against the headboard that was attached to their bed. He had both twins bundled up in his arms sleeping peacefully and he stared at Yui with an strange expression.

"From that look on your face, I reckon you don't want to be bother," said Yui

"Precisely, I'd like nothing more than to close my eyes and get some sleep. Unfortunately, I couldn't because I got stuck with both whiny brats, while you were too busy being nosey downstairs."

"Ay, don't call our kids brats and Kanato asked me to stay around incase something went wrong."

Yui sat down on the edge of the bed and carefully took one of the twins from Ayato's grasp.

"I love how you try to help and fix everybody else problems," said her fiancé.

The blond blinked at him in awe. "Really?"

"No," he snapped. "I think you should stop! Focus on me and the twins only."

She huffed. "I can't believe this! Are you seriously being jealous right now?"

"So what if I am? I'm not ashamed of it. For the first time in awhile, you and I are finally happy. I'd like to take advantage of the time we have, Yui." He admitted to her with stern look. "Don't forget the twins... they're only a couple of days old and they need our attention 24 hours a day."

"I know that Ayato... and I'm surprise you know that too, since you slack off when it's your turn to change one of the twins stinky diapers."

"Oi, I don't do funk and shit. They're your children when it comes time to change the shitty diapers."

"Heck no," Yui snapped. "I didn't make them myself, Ayato. I had some help from a certain redhead that doesn't know how to stop calling his newborns brats!"

"But they are brats! I was the biggest brats out of all my brothers when I was a kid. There's no denying that. Soooo, it's only nature for them to grow up and become brats too."

"I wasn't a brat as a kid. Who's says they'll grow up to be like you? They may take after me," she pointed out.

Ayato chuckled out loud. "I highly doubt that, Yui. You have no idea what you're in for."

She stuck out her tongue at him and tended to her daughter who was now awake and stretching her little arms. "Well hello there. Did you sleep well," Yui spoke in a sweet and warm tone.

"Tch, now both brats are up," the redhead complained as he looked down at his son crying hysterically.

"It's amazing how they can see us clearly and they're only a couple of days old," said Yui.

"Yeah, vampire children develop faster than mortal children," Ayato explained. "Apollo has beautiful pink eyes like you do, but his pupils are narrowed like mine." He mentioned before making funny faces at his son to stop the crying.

"Luna has big green eyes almost like yours. At first I thought they would be exactly the same, but they aren't. I wonder why."

"Does it matter? They're both mine and that is that," he claimed, trying his best to end the discussion.

The blond smiled over at fiancé cradling their son back and forth in his arms. She quietly sighed and shook her head at the funny faces face expressions he was making "What am I going to do with you, Ayato?"

Reiji sighed as he just finished brewing up a potion for Mayu. Now that the potions were completely done, he carefully swirled the glass bottle that contained yellowish brown fluid between his fingers. When the colors mixed together he set the bottle down on the table with the other potions he made earlier.

The black-haired vampire exhaustedly walked over to his favorite chair and plopped down on it lazily. When taking off his frames and setting them down on the table stand beside him, he massaged his temple and lets his eyes flutter close.

There was so much work to do in such little time. Not only did he have to help plan a wedding, but now he had to make arrangements and expand. Even if both weddings were on the same day, there was a lot of changes to be made. Later that day, he'd have to write an additional guest list for Izumi and Kanato's guest that they were inviting. He also had to put in another order for more decorations and another wedding cake. Not only did he have to plan a double wedding, but he had to make preparations for his own worldwide tour with Izumi.

Therefore, he had a lot on his plate at that moment. He even felt that he was neglecting Aiko for the past few days since they didn't spend much time together. She might of assured him that everything was fine, but he knew her better then she knew herself. Thing were not okay, even if they were both excited about the trip. This vacation was the best thing for the both of them and he wanted to have the best time of his life with her, because let's face it, he never did anything out of his comfort zone before. He was just glad that her sister and Yui were there to keep her company for the time being. Now that the twins were born, the Sakamaki mansion felt a lot more lively and crowded.

When he officially fell asleep, several minutes later, Aiko peeked her head in and walked in his laboratory. She smiled at the sleeping figure slouched on the chair and walked over to him to confirm if he was fast sleep. Aiko's smile suddenly formed into a sly smirk as she sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Reiji suddenly started to moan in his sleep again which always worried her. She assumed that maybe he was having a bad dream. If not that, then he must've been having a pretty good one. Using her index finger, she trace her finger along the side of his pale white skin.

Straightaway, Reiji woke up and grabbed her moving hand the wrist, his eyes shot open and they stared deep into her golden pool of eyes. "What are you doing?" He questioned her with that deep well mannered voice of his.

Aiko grinned widely. "What does it look like? I was trying to wake you up."

He arched his eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yes." She turned her legs around and straddled herself on top of him correctly.

"You succeed in completing your mission then... because not only am I awake now, but you also managed to make me horny. Good job."

The next thing she knew, they were on the floor and he was straddling her now. Aiko yelped in surprised when she realized the position they were in. The handsome vampire extended his hand out and bushed two of his fingers against her bottom lip slowly. She gasped when he slid his fingers into her mouth and watched her suck on them seconds later.

"That a girl! Suck it like it's your profession." he demanded, as he ran his tongue across his own lip and grinned proudly at the girl swirling her tongue around his fingers.

He immediately took his wet fingers out of her mouth and used his other hand to move up her dress. "Good work, Aiko. Are you ready for your reward now?"

Aiko nodded while biting on her lips hard and moaned out "Yes sir!"

Warning: Smut Scene

The sound of her reply was like music to Reiji's ears. So he slid two finger along her wet folds, just to hear her moan out "Yes sir" once more. Her back arched, as he pumped his fingers deep inside of her and he messaged the clit with his thumb. This made her gasp and moaned out loud uncontrollably.

Reiji smirked down at her with his bang covering his eyes. "Mmm, nice and wet, just how your master likes it. You may need something bigger to feel your walls completely."

The girl beneath him sat up and glared at him. "If you don't shut up and fuck me, damn it!"

"Patience milady, you will have a full house soon enough. So just relax," he told her calmly.

He sat up to undo his tie and pulled it from around his neck with one tug. Then he unfasten a few buttons on his dress shirt that revealed a bit of his chest. When working his way down to his belt buckle Aiko hungrily licked her lips. When she saw his belt come undone and his pants fall down his legs, she immediately pulled him down on top of her. She couldn't resist any longer.

Reiji laughed. "What an impatient woman you are."

"You know I can't help it." She spoke seductively.

"Since it's that hard. You'll be the one ride me tonight."

He lifted himself off the floor and yanked her over to the chair he was sitting down on earlier. While pulling her down on top of him, he positioned his massive cock at her entrance and she slowly lowered herself down on it. She begin to roll her hips against him, wanting to feel him all inside of her.

"Wonderful! Ride me, faster," he commanded.

When she didn't move immediately, Reiji thrust his cock deep inside of her sex. An earth shattering cry traveled from her core all the way to her throat as he drilled hard and relentlessly. Finally she begin to ride him aggressively and strong until they both reach their orgasm together.

End of smut.

Aiko's heart was beating so fast that she couldn't control her own breathing. She forcefully fell against her man's firm chest and panted out of breath. "Next time you pull a stun like that, I will cut off your dick. Mark my word."

Reiji laughed dramatically. "If you do that, then you will have nothing to play with any more."

"Tch, like I care!"

"Keep talking like and you'll be fetching my whip."

"Oh, whip yourself!"

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