Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2

895 10 20
By adoKure

Shu... Aren't you going to say anything," asked Reina. She was standing by the doorframe with her hand clenching the copper knob.

The tall blond vampire rose up from the bed and walked toward them without saying anything. Reina bat her eyelashes confusedly; Shu seemed different after hearing the news about his father showing up at the house, and his silent treatment didn't help her figure out what's wrong with him either. Sure enough, he walked straight pass her and out of the bedroom, he didn't even bother to glance back at her, not even once.

Nora, Reina's mother smiled awkwardly with her mouth gaping open at him. She assumed that he wasn't too thrilled about his old man being at the house. However, his expression was blank, so she couldn't really tell what he was thinking about.

"What's his problem?" Nora whispered to her pregnant daughter.

Instead of answering her mother's question directly, Reina found herself gazing longingly at her boyfriend as he disappeared down the hall.

"Oh Shu..."

He walked down the stairway and suddenly felt edgy about the man being at his girlfriend's home. He knew that his father didn't normally visit, it was impracticable. So he reckoned that it had something to do with Reina being pregnant. That had to be the only logical reason why the vampire king was there.

The sound of laughter drifted into Shu's ears from downstairs as he walked down the stairwell. The moment he foot touched the bottom step, he immediately caught a glimpse of a man with blond long hair and glasses on, which meant that his father was in disguise.

Karl chuckled to himself ones again. "What an excellent suggestion, Honda-san. I'd definitely look into it," he told Ryuu who was sat on the recliner chair with his back towards Shu. Karl glanced at his son from the corner of his glasses, smug face and all. "Well, look who it is... My eldest son has finally arrived."

Ryuu gazed over his shoulder at Shu with a warm smile and then he waved him over. "Hey, why don't you come over here and join us, Shu!"

He calmly entered the living room area. Unfortunately, his eyes never left his father as he sat down on the couch beside him.

"I was just telling your father here that I'm an architect," Ryuu began to speak. "What do you think about my company rebuilding the infirmary at your school?"

Shu shrugged as his eyes never left the man sitting next to him. "I don't know... As far as I know, I don't attend Ryoutei Academy anymore."

"That's right. You and Reina graduated last spring. My daughter told me all about how she skipped another grade. I'm glad that she got to finished high school successfully."

"Your daughter was at the top of the class at Ryoutei Academy in only such a short time. It's a shame that pregnant. Now her life has to be put on hold for my son's carelessness." Karl sighed.

Shu clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white.

"Now, I wouldn't put all the blame on your son, Tougo." Ryuu referred his statement to Karl. "He a good kid... and besides, my daughter has a mind of her own and she can surely think for herself."

"You got a valuable point there, Ryuu," Karl agreed with his hand resting under his chin. "It seems that our children got themselves in a bit of a mess... Marriage looks like the solution to fix this... Don't you think?"

Suddenly Shu eyes snapped open wider. He couldn't believe what he heard out of his father's mouth. How dare he get involved.

Ryuu went to open his mouth and respond, but then he heard footsteps coming down the staircase. Reina and her mother stopped in front of the entryway and took a look at their surroundings.

"What are you fellas talking about, hmm?" Nora questioned with her hand was on her hip.

"Eh," Ryuu looked from Shu and Karl before he finally decided to answer his wife. "We were discussing our children future, dear."

Nora eye twitched while she tried to maintain a smile on her face. "What am I, the invisible woman? How dare you discuss our daughter's future without me being presence in the room, Ryuu!" She stammered. "I WAS IN LABOUR WITH REINA FOR 36 HOURS AND I DEMAND SOME RESPECT, YOU UNGRATEFUL HUMAN BEING!"

Ryuu shrunk to the floor when looking at his wife with a terrified look.

Karl stood up from the couch and took a bow. "My deepest apologies, ma'am, it was I who brought up the subject of marriage."

"MARRIAGE," Reina blurted out accidentally.

The vampire king narrowed his eyes up at her and lifted his head. "Yes... Does the subject make you feel uncomfortable, my dear?"

The brunette looked down and blushed deeply. "W-Well I... I don't really know."

Shu interruptedly stood up from the couch and proclaimed "Father, can I talk to you in private, please." He didn't give his father a chance to reply, so instead he led him out to the front of the house.

"This better be urgent, my son."

Shu turned around and glared at him. "How could you do this to me?"

The elder vampire arched his eyebrow. "How could I do what, son?"

"Don't act dense, old man! I'm one step ahead of you," he retorted rashly. "This is my girlfriend's family..." Shu jabbed his index finger at the house behind him. "And I will not have you ruin them, like how you and mother ruined me!"

Karl sighed and shook his head. "Who said I was here to ruin them? I only came here to check up on you and Laito, since the both of you haven't been home in almost two weeks."

"You could've called first," Shu told him flat out.

This made his father chuckle. "You silly boy, you never carried a cell phone a day in your life! I'm still dumbfounded that you can even pick up the landline when I call."

Shu turned his back to him. "Then maybe I should get cell phone. So I can avoid such unwanted measures from taking place again."

Everything went silent for the next 10 seconds before Karl opened his mouth again. "She can't stay mortal forever, Shu. Eventually, you'll have to turn her into a vampire before her child is born."

He huffed. "I know what I have to do and I don't need you to tell me either."

The vampire king nodded once. "Splendid! I'm assuming you also know every rule of the underworld as well."

"What do you mean... every rule?" Shu narrowed his eyes at him.

"As sad as this sound, son –when you and Reina decide to leave this place, she'll have to end all ties with her family and never see them again." His father explained in a sorrowful tone.

Shu thought he was going to tumble over after hearing his father spat nonsense.

Karl smirked in an optimistic manner. "Yet, I'm sure you already knew that."

"Shu," said a soft voice near the entrance of the house. He glanced over at the front door where he saw Reina waving at him from. "Sorry to intrude, are you gentlemen done over there? We have some things to discuss," she asked in a respectful manner.

Shu couldn't help but noticed the huge smile that was plastered on her face.

"Pity, I wonder how Reina will take the news when you tell here," Karl spoke with an expressionless face.


"Hmm... Yes?"

"Please, I beg of you. You have to abolish that rule." He pleaded.

Karl took off his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose in between the eyes. "Oh, I don't know, son. That's a lot of you to ask of me. Then again, you always found a way to make me think otherwise."

"Shu, didn't you hear me," Reina impatiently called out as she walked over to them.

Shu closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I'll do anything... you name it."

His father grinned widely while waving at Reina. "We'll talk more about this later, Shu. You just worry about breaking the news to girlfriend." Karl walked pass him and bowed his head down in front of Reina before he walked back inside the house.

"Hey, what were you guys talking about," Reina asked.

Shu wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tugged her body against his chest. "Nothing you should worry yourself about," he answered.

The brunette body betrayed her. At first, she felt her face getting hot and then her heart started to flutter, but afterwards she immediately lost control of her arms as they happily curled around his waist tightly.

Eventually, she returned her gaze back at him and saw his sapphire eyes staring deeply into hers. There was love reflected in his eyes, but they also seemed troubled by something else.

"I can trust you when you say not to worry, right?"

Shu swiftly nodded. "You have my word."

Ayato carried his pregnant fiancée through the front gate that led outside of the park minutes later. As for Ruki, he quickly motioned to his car that was parked out in front somewhere.

"Ouch!" Yui hissed through her teeth.

Ayato glanced at her with an alarm look. "W-W-What's wrong? Are-you... Are you having another contraction again?"

"No," she breathed out in agony. "It feels like someone is trying to crawl their way out of my vagina!"

His mouth dropped in utter shock. "That can't be too good," he gulped. The redheaded vampire gazed over at the black-haired vampire and panicked. "Oi, Ruki! Can you hurry up and find out where you missed place your car!"

Ruki pulled out his car keys and the alarm went off at the sound of a beep as he clicked the button to unlock the doors. "You were saying, impatient brat?"

"No time for the insults Ruki! We need to get Yui back to the Sakamaki estate, her contractions seem really bad." Ayato demanded as he helped his fiancée inside the backseat of the car. He subsequently turned around to face his rival. "When we get there, I need you to assist Yui to her room, while I call the doctor."

The ruffled-haired vampire quirked an eyebrow "Excuse me? Are you giving me orders, because I don't remember offering you my assistance?"

Ayato bit down on his lip hard and clenched his fist tightly. "Goddammit, Mukami! For a few seconds, can we forget about the complication you and I have? It's for Yui's sake?"

"Of course," Ruki directly answered with a hand on his hip. "At least there's something we both can agree on."

"What's that?" Ayato wondered as he bit down on his tongue now.

"We both love the same girl," Ruki declared in a serious tone.

The auburn-haired vampire squinted his eyes at him bitterly.

"Can you two please hurry up before I give birth in this car," Yui demanded loud enough for the whole city to hear. She gestured down to her lower half while swinging her legs over the backseat. "Oh gosh, I'm so uncomfortable. I think these pants need to come off!"

Ruki's eyes shot open wide as he gaped at her in awe. "What! Not in my car, you don't! You can choose any place in the planet to give birth to your demon babies, livestock! So why does it have to happen inside my car?"

Yui scowled at him exhaustedly.

"...You know what, never mind. Let's forget that I said anything." He immediately sat in the driver's seat and started up the engine.

Ayato mouth curved up into a lip-sided grin. "Tch, cocky bastard..."

"Ayato," Yui called, snapping him out of his daze. "You better whip that look off your face or I'll leave here without you!"

"Oi, you better not leave here without me!" Ayato hurried to be by his fiancée's side and closed the backseat door behind him.

Over nineteen minutes later they were back at the Sakamaki mansion. Ruki helped Yui to her bed and he sat beside her, holding her hand for comfort.

"Everything is going to be alright, livestock. Ayato is downstairs calling the doctor as we speak," Ruki said with reassuring smile.

Yui gritted her teeth and jolted slightly as a wave of pain washed over her. "I don't know how much longer I can take of this, Ruki!"

"Ay, you convinced me to let you take off your pants inside my car when I drove you here. So what else would you like me to do for you?"

She tapped her finger on her chin in thought. "Well, there is something you can help me with..."

The corner of his mouth flickered upwards and he scooted closer to her. "What will it be?"

"I need you to help me deliver the first baby... it coming, like right now," She pointed out to him in a hurry.

Ruki fell off the bed and picked himself back up. "Please tell me you're joking," he grumbled.

Yui stared at him. "I wish I was. Unfortunately, this is not a joke." Her legs bent at the knees as she opened her tights wide enough for him to see for himself. "Well, how does it look down there?"

Ruki got to his feet and slowly walked around the bed. He nervously bent his head down to check lower region. Butwhat he saw down there, made his eyeballs pop out of his head and jaw drop to the floor.

"So, can you see something?"

He stared and his head bobbed up and down. "I can shorta see a head, it's –"

"The doctor said he'll try to be here soon," Ayato announced after he appeared inside the bedroom. His eyes immediately fixed on the ruffle-haired vampire with his head between fiancee's legs. "What the fuck do you think you're doing, Mukami!" He growled after gripping him up by the collar.

"Stop! He's helping me deliver the babies," Yui announced

The redhead glared at her. "You're a fool if you believe every bit of word he says!"

"I asked him to look," She loudly clarified out of breath. "Check for yourself if you don't believe me."

The selfish redhead lift up her shirt lightly when looking between her tights. "Bloody Hell!" he yelled with wide eyes

"Oh wow, I think you need to push, like right now" Ruki commanded. He pushed a stunned Ayato out the way and opened her legs wide enough for the first baby to enter the world safely.

"Ayato! Will you snap out of it and hold my hand please," The blond reached out to her fiancé. so he rushed over to her side and held her hand with a firm grip.

Push," Ruki demanded, loud and clear.

Yui pushed with all her might and slightly felt the baby move down her birth canal.

"Good, good" Ruki praised.

The blond gasped when trying regain her composure.

A few seconds later another wave of pain washed over her again.

"Push," he insisted again, focusing her to push harder then the last time.

Every time he told her to push, Yui would continue to push a little harder until they were finally making progress.

"Um, I think the baby head is crowning," Ruki informed.

"What does that mean," Ayato asked curiously.

"It means that the baby is ready to come out," Yui groaned and gripped his hand tighter.

Another cramp seized her powerfully and caused her to push to expelled until the baby left the birth canal.

Not long after, Yui heard a cry coming from the mouth of her first born. Ruki stared down at the baby and cradled it to his arms. "It's a boy," he exclaimed with a smile.

Ayato grinned proudly. "Tch, that little rascal! He came into this world giving his mother a hard time."

"Ah," Yui yelped as she jolted in pain again. "She's coming, fast!"

"Here, Ayato, hold him!" Ruki guild the little boy in the father's arms.

Ayato panicked. "W-W-What am I supposed to do with him?!"

Four minutes later, a baby girl was born. After drying them off and wrapping them in their blankets, Yui happily had her daughter bundled up inside her arms.

Ayato stared down at his son in amazement. The redhead couldn't believe that something so small could belong to him, and when he reached up to rub his finger against the smooth skin of his son tiny hand, the small boy grabbed his finger. He was in shock.

How can something this small be incredibility strong?' He mused to himself.

Every so often, he would gaze at his daughter with a desire to hold her. In time, he knew that she'd be a handful and give him a run for his money. So hypothetically, he was looking forward to it.

Both children had cherry blond hair with the same features exactly like their father. The little boy had pink eyes just like mother, while the little girl had the same green eyes as her father.

"So... have you picked out names for them, yet," Ruki asked.

"Yes... I was thinking that their names should be Apollo and Luna," Yui proclaimed. "I decided on my own a few days ago, when a certain someone and I weren't on speaking terms."

Ayato huffed when he heard her statement that was obviously directed at him. "And who fault is that? It most certainly wasn't mine!" He glared.

"Oh, I see..."The black-haired vampire stammered with his chin propped on his fist. "That explains why livestock invited me to the park tonight. You lovebirds obviously have a lot of unresolved problems. Times like these, makes me glad that I'm still single."

"Oh, jump off a cliff, Ruki!" Ayato retorted.

Ruki sighed. "You should be a lot nicer to the guy that helped deliver your babies, Ayato. ...Anyhow, where the hell is this doctor anyways?"

"Oh yeah, that's right!" Yui glanced at her fiancé. "Ayato?"

The redhead shrugged. "Tch, how the hell would I know? He said that he'll be here."

Ruki snorted. "Looks like you guys need to search for a new doctor."

Who you telling," Ayato agreed.

"Ruki, can I ask you something?"

"Yes, Yui?"

"How would you like to become a godfather to the twins?"

"What?!" Ruki and Ayato exclaimed at the same time.

"You did help deliver both of the twins and I'm grateful for that. So I couldn't let the suggestion slide."

Ayato gaped at her in shock. "Are you out of your goddamn mind, Yui?! When were you planning to tell me about this?"

She looked over at him. "It was a last minute decision," she responded before glance back at Ruki. "So what do you say?"

Ruki was overjoyed from the news before he finally replied to her offer "I'd love to be a godfather to the twins." He grinned. "It'd be an honor."

"Overseas?" Laito repeated when trying to control his temper. "What the hell do you mean you're thinking about going overseas?"

Kyoyo looked everywhere else in the room, instead of looking at her boyfriend directly in the face. "It was decided before I met you. My family called from New York recently and they asked me if my decision to move there was still valid."

Laito banged his fist on the table so hard that it nearly scared the life out of her. "For how long, Kyoyo? ...What can possible be out there that you can't do here in Japan?"

"I think that's my cue to leave," Kou pronounced as tip-toed out of the livingroom.

Kyoyo finally met his stare. "Well... most of my family on my mother's side live in America. Plus, there's this really good school in New York that I'd like to attend in the spring."

The redhead was trembling with rage. "How long with that take," he asked her with a shaky voice.

"I... I don't know... maybe four years."

Laito breath hitched as he covered his face with his hands. "So you have it all figured out, huh!" He scowled dangerously at her. "You were planning to leave me behind like nothing ever happened between us? Is that it?"

Kyoyo opened her mouth to retorted, but he cut her off. "I guess that's the thanks I get for giving my all and heart to you!"

"Laito, can you please just let me explain?"

He stood up from the couch and Kyoyo felt her heart break within seconds. "What else is there to explain? You stomped on my heart and broke it, along with the rest of me! So go to New York with your family and I'll try my best to remove you like a stain, instead of holding onto precious memories."

Her vision started to blur with tear, so she whipped her eyes away with her forefingers. "You don't mean that, I know you don't."

An evil smile crept on his face. "That's where you're wrong... I mean every word of it. I don't want to hold on to somebody that doesn't see me in their future for the next four years."

"Can you just listen to me," she shouted. "I haven't decided to go to America because of you! I also wanted to tell you as soon as my family called me, but you told me to wait."

"Well let me make it easier for you," He said with a quick pause in his voice. "Let's break up. You can go to America and live there with an eased mind now."

"Laito, don't do this!"

He didn't have the heart to look at her in the eyes anymore, so instead he exited through the front door before he regretted it.

"Laito," she cried out to him. "Come back, please?!"

Chiyo stroked her daughter's hair, later on that night, as she rested it on her lap.

"You have to give him time, Kyoyo. He'll come around," she told her daughter.

Kyoyo sobbed. "You don't know him like I do mom. When Laito says things, he usually means business."

"And that applies to you, how? He loves you, sweetheart. I even heard it for myself."

Kyoyo got up from her mother's lap and sat up straight on her mother's bed. "I don't know about that anymore, mom. You didn't see the way he looked at me earlier. I felt like my world was crumbling down. I should've never brought up anything about going overseas."

Chiyo narrowed her eyes over at her daughter. "Why would you bring that up? I thought you weren't going anymore."

"After finding out about what my uncle did, I ended up having a change of heart. Although, who wouldn't? My uncle is a murder... my aunt is slowly falling apart... and my mom is on her death bed. I only thought about leaving to New York after the event that took place here earlier today."

"So truth be told, you only thought about going away to clear your head for a while?"

The raven-haired girl nodded. "That's exactly what I'm saying. But Laito took it the wrong way and thanks to that I lost a reliable life partner."

"You know, Kyoyo. Vampires handle their feelings differently from humans."

Kyoyo put her head down and snorted. "Well that's quite obvious. Don't you think?."

Suddenly, her eyes widen as she glanced back at her in awe. "How did you... how did you know that Laito was a vampire?"

Believe It or not, I used to be a vampire hunter and so is Yui's father. I only stopped hunting vampires because I realized that not all of them were monsters. Seiji Komori helped me see that over time. He even introduced me to the vampire king and after I met him, my theory of vampires changed forever. As for Mayu and Aiko's parents, Myra and Soma... they didn't exactly agree with me. They believed that all vampires were evil and blood sucking thieves that feed on the lives of humans. That's why it surprised me that Aiko is dating one of Laito's siblings. She wasn't necessarily a fan of vampires the last time I saw her."

"Wow," Kyoyo breathed out. "How come you didn't tell me this before?"

"To protect you, that's for one... When Laito first entered my room I didn't know what to say at first. I assumed that you already knew, so I kept my mouth shut."

"Oh wow! ...Mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can, ask away."

"Did you really meet the vampire king?"

Chiyo nodded. "Indeed I did. Why, have you met him too?"

"No, but I do know one thing... he is Laito's father."

Her mother eyes widen at the news she just heard. "Are-Are-Are you... Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I am," she responded seriously. "He is Shu's father also."

"So this whole time I've been having the vampire king's son stay at my house?"

Kyoyo looked at her with a apologetic look. "I hope you're not mad at me."

"Why on earth would I be mad? I saw how easily I accepted him into the family!"

"Does this mean you still approve of him?" she nervously smiled.

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