Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

Oleh adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1

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Oleh adoKure

Almost another week had when by since Reina went back home with her parents. Even with Shu around to date on her and care to her every need, the brunette with big green eyes still couldn't fancy the reality of being with child, Shu's child. 'Was it a girl or boy?' The girl pondered. Most importantly, was she able to carry out this pregnancy to the end? She wasn't precisely a vampire like Yui was, and she didn't know if she could quite handle the birth of the child either. Shu told her that everything will be fine. He even said that he will turn her into a vampire before the kid arrives. His words only made her more of a nervous wreck and timid. Thus, how on earth was she going to break the news to her parents about Shu being a vampire and their grandchild not being entirely human? It wasn't like they didn't see her drinking his blood before. Over the week she was home, they acted like it never happened.

"You know, Reina, we should probably start picking out baby names for my grandchild. I'm not getting any younger here." Her mother spoke, trying to break the ice between them. She happily sat on a recliner chair and knitted up a baby's blanket for her first grandchild who she was expecting soon.

Reina cocked her head at mother from the couch she was laying down on. "That sounds like a good idea mom. What names do you have in mind?"

Nora placed her needles and yarn down on the night table to her right and clapped her hands together joyfully. "Oh, I was thinking we name it Yukiko if it's a girl or Toma if it's a boy!"

"Mm... Yukiko is a pretty name, but I'm not quite sure about Toma for a boy."

"Why not," Nora questioned her daughter. "I think Toma is a great name for a boy..." she said before giggling to herself. "You know, I dated a Toma for 3 years before I met your father."

The brunette eyes widen as she broke her neck to look back at her mother. "What! You want me to name my son after a guy you dated for 3 years?!"

The lady stared at her daughter with a blank face. "It was the best three years of my life. You wouldn't even be here if I hadn't cheated on him with your father."

Reina plugged her ears with her index fingers. "La-la-la, I don't want to hear it! That was a bit too much information than I needed to know."

Nora picked back up her needle and yarn off the nightstand again and continuously knitted up a blanket. "I'm simply stating the facts, sweetheart. Giving birth to you was the best decision I ever made. You're a blessing and I'm grateful to have you as my daughter."

Reina merrily smiled at her mother. "I love you too, mom... The baby names you picked out are nice, but I think I'm gonna go with the names Shizuka which means 'Quiet' or Eiji which means 'Eternity' and 'Great'."

Nora sighed. "If it can't be helped, then pick whichever name you and Shu-kun can agree on together.

At the sound of a click, Ryuu and Shu entered the house as the house became silent again. They were carrying boxes inside one at a time, and Ryuu looked like he had a hard time carrying them. "We're home," he announced as he dropped the box on the floor.

Reina and her mother walked inside the entrance room and their eyes darted around.

"What's going on," asked Reina.

"Yeah... and where did all these boxes come from," Nora added with a hand placed on her hip.

"As you can see, all these boxes are filled with gifts for my grandson," Ryuu cheerfully responded.

The brunette eyes zoomed passed her father over at her boyfriend. He quietly stood behind the man and shrugged without a care in the world. "Well don't look at me. It wasn't my idea," Shu told her.

"I pretty sure it wasn't Shu-kun." Nora said, narrowing her eyes at her husband. "How could you, Ryuu? How could you go out and buy all this stuff without telling me? We don't even know if Reina's having a boy!"

"From what Shu told me, there are only boys in his family," Reina's father informed his wife proudly.

"So what?! Just because there are only boys in his family doesn't mean he'll carry on the tradition too," Nora retorted. "What if it's a girl?"

"I doubt that, hun! I have faith that Champ will have a boy."

"Oh really," his wife sharply responded back. "You think you have it all figured out, do you?"

In the meantime, Shu silently snuck over to his pregnant girlfriend and entwined their fingers together as he led the brunette upstairs to her bedroom. When they arrived to her door, the blond turned the knob and nudged the door open. Reina slowly walked in and turned around when she suddenly heard the door click close.

"Finally, we're alone," Reina exclaimed happily.

Before Shu had the chance to protest, her lips were already on his. The softness of her lips nearly made him melt against the door frame. The impact coming from that one kiss impelled his eyes to roll to the back of his head. Reina's hands moved to cuff his face and prompted Shu to close his eyes afterwards.

The brunette was in control from that moment on, she knew what she was doing and she didn't care where they were doing it. Nothing was going to stop her, not even her parents who were probably looking for them right there and then.

"Mm," Shu moaned. "You seem urgently happy to see me," he gaped out against her lips.

"Yes, it came as a surprise to me too. Now take this off." Reina demanded as she ripped her lips away from his and recklessly tugged the hem of his shirt up.

"Little bit, slow down." Shu calmly spoke.

"I can't! We have a least 5 more minutes to spare before my parents come looking for us... So let's make this quick." She pulled him towards her bed, and grabbed a handful of his hair as they fell back on the bed.

"Look, I don't think we should do it," he immediately blurted out.

"Why the hell not," Reina inhaled before releasing a breath she held inside. Her face was flushed and her chest rise and dropped rapidly.

Shu quirked an eyebrow, "Believe it or not, I want to make a good impression on your parents. This is still their home, Reina. So how does it look, you and I having sex while your parents are still downstairs, huh?"

Reina frowned at her boyfriend as she picked up a pillow and hit him with it. "You're no fun! My father interrogated you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did," her boyfriend confessed. "This is the 5th time he had 'the talk' with me."

She bat her eyelids with her mouth slightly parted open. "The talk, you say?"

The blonde vampire nodded. "Uh-huh, he worried about you. I think it's because I'm older and his 17-year-old daughter pregnant... It's obvious that he felt like it was his fault for leaving you alone."

"But it wasn't his fault, it was mine! I'm the one to blame here!"

The vampire shook his head. "He left his daughter alone for almost a year to go on a business trip. Any decent parent would've felt like they were at fault for leaving their child to fend for themselves. So just be happy that your father cherishes you. He loves you."

Her cheeks were tinted pink as she looked away. "I'm happy... I'm even more happier now since you and I got back together. The first half of the month was really difficult for me... I even thought about running -"

The blonde vampire interrupted his pregnant girlfriend by connecting his forehead with hers. "Shh, Just don't... I don't want to think about what happened... "I'm here now, so that's all that matters, and if I have to stay here until you get better, then I'll do it... I won't leave you again."

Shu lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently. "I love you, little bit."

His words made her heart lurch as he did once before when he said 'I love you.' "I love you too."

He broke the open space between them as he leaned forward to ravish her mouth with his. Before he even got the chance to, a knocking sound came from the door.

"Reina, Shu..." called Nora from the other side. "Are you both in here?"

"I'm coming, mom!" In a hurry, Reina pushed her boyfriend off her and swung her legs out of the bed. Then she hurried over to the door while fixing up her wrinkled shirt and opened the door.

Her mother stood there looking at her with a hidden smile and looked pass her daughter at the blonde leaning back on the bed. "You both descent... That's good."

Reina rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "We didn't do anything if that's what you're thinking."

"Whatever you say... I was a teenager too, you know?"

"Why are you here mom," her daughter said, getting straight to the point.

The woman sighed. "Shu's father is here."

Reina gaped at her mother with wide eyes after hearing the news about Shu's father being at the house. The brunette nearly broke her neck as she whipped her head around to glance at Shu. The blue-eyed vampire was also in shock, but he didn't show any emotions that determined he was. It was an unlikely for his father to travel all the way there for a visit. So why was he there?

The cool night air blew lazily through Yui's curly long hair as she watched the starry sky glistened with stars that night. She sat on a bench at a park inside the city that was only seventeen minutes away from the Sakamaki mansion. This park was known for its best view to gaze up at the stars.

The blonde had a lot to think about over the week. She even refrained from interacting with a certain redhead back at home. Of course he tried to talk and get her to understand where he was coming from, but she just wouldn't hear it, because her stubbornness wouldn't allow her.

The fact that she knew about Ayato and his father conversation, drove her insane. At some point, she wished that she never heard them. Why was it so hard to choose his family over the throne? Wasn't family good enough for him?

Yui was now 7 months into her pregnancy, so that left about 2 more weeks before the twins are born. Because a female vampire's pregnancy was different from a normal pregnancy, it only lasts up to 4 months. The blonde looked down and ran her petite hand over her swollen baby bump.

Now she was patiently waited for her friend's arrival at the bench she sat at. Mayu and Subaru couldn't come, because Mayu was struggling with her Multiple Personality Disorder, which meant that Subaru would have to stay behind to keep an eye on her. As for Izumi and Kanato, they were hard to track down. The last time Yui talked to Izumi, she was complaining about Kanato pressuring her to tell Azusa about the engagement. Yui thought Kanato wasn't completely wrong. Azusa had every right to know about their engagement. After all, Izumi and Azusa were good friends and she needs to tell him before he resent her later on in life. Then there came Aiko and Reiji. Apparently, they were deeply in love and spent all their time with each other. Yui never saw Reiji so happy before. So she decided not get them involved in her problems. So she made a last minute decision to call up a certain vampire.

"Have you been waiting long," asked a deep manly voice in the distance.

Yui glanced up from her stomach at the 6 foot male with ruffled black hair and gray eyes standing 5 feet away from her.

"Ruki, you made it."

His mouth curled into a grin as he sauntered over to her and took a seat beside her on the bench. Those gray eyes of his darted down at her stomach briefly before he stared back at her. "The last time I saw you, your stomach was a little smaller, livestock."

Yui giggled. "The last time we ran into each other, you said something like that before."

"And I'll continue to say it until those little rascals are here. Mark my words, livestock; you won't hear the end of it until they're born."

She bobbed her head and smiled. "Yes, I'll remember to write that down for the next time we meet."

"Good!" Ruki crossed his leg over the other one and rested his arm over the edge of the bench. "So, why did you call me here?"

The blond took a deep breath before she answered "First I'd like to invite you and your brothers to my wedding. I know the relationship between the Mukami brothers and Sakamaki brothers has been bumpy for many years, but I still would like for you guys to come as my guest."

Ruki raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

She lowered her head and shook it. "No it's not... I have some other things I need to say too."

"Like what exactly?"

After a second, she drew another breath and turned her head to look at him. "Ayato was my first everything, but you were my first boyfriend, Ruki... You were good to me when we first started dating, but then later on you became strict, over protecting and controlling. I wasn't even allowed to go outside unless you were there with me. You even locked me in a dungeon while you were at school... How was I supposed to feel about that?"

"I'm sorry," he immediately responded. "I regret treating you the way I did. I guess... I guess I had something to prove to you. It didn't help that I knew about your feelings for Ayato either. He paused for that moment. "I wanted you to be over him, so that we could be in a real relationship." He blushed.

"B-But we were in a real relationship."

"No we weren't, not exactly..." Ruki sincerely gazed at her from the corner of his eye. "Technically, you were my girlfriend, but I wasn't your boyfriend. I was basically a body replacement for Ayato... Of course I knew that thought. Yet, I didn't really care. I wanted to you for myself, even if that meant taking you away from him. I rather take the risk than do nothing at all, so I did it."

"Why didn't you tell me that you felt that way," she questioned.

"My pride wouldn't allow me to swallow it, so I kept it inside my mouth for this long," he clarified. "I still care about you a lot, livestock... but losing you as a friend isn't worth me trying to win you over. That's why I surrendered to that bastard for your happiness a long time ago."

Ruki flinched and froze when a set of arms hugged him tightly. He sat there for a few seconds before hesitantly wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in the crook of her neck.

"Thank you, Ruki," Yui mumbled with sorrowful eyes.

He smiled over her shoulder, "No, thank you... for your forgiveness."

Suddenly they heard an angry voice go on a rampage "What the heck is this?"

Yui gasped when she heard her fiancé voice clear as day. So she wrenched away from Ruki's embrace and turned around to face him. "Ayato! What are you doing here?!"

Ayato heatedly scowled at the both of them. "What do you mean 'What am I doing here?' I came to find my wife! But it seems like you already fell into another man's arms!" His face was bright red from anger.

"Wow... you truly are a complex idiot, you know that?" Ruki insulted as he stood up from the bench and shook his head.

Ayato legs went into autopilot as step in front of him. "Shut your goddamn mouth, Mukami! I had enough of your shit, and to think I showed you mercy the first time... I was a fool for letting you slide!"

"Ayato," Yui called while pulling him back by the arm. "I called Ruki here, okay? He didn't do anything wrong!"

He looked down at her with narrowed eyes and ripped away his forearm from her grasp.

"Don't touch me," he demanded with distaste. Yui stared at him in shock. "This is all you fault! If you don't have the enough courtesy to respect me as your spouse and not see another man behind my back, then why do I bother marrying someone like you?"

The ruffled-haired vampire gripped a handful of Ayato's shirt and hissed at him "Ay, don't talk to her like that! You have no idea how good you have it!"

"It's okay Ruki. He's right... It was reckless of me not to tell him where I was going and who I was going to be with. I'm about to be a married woman soon... and the least I could do was tell my fiancé where I was going," she explained under her breath.

Ayato puffed his chest out proudly and smirked at his rival. "Ha, in your face Ruki!"

The annoyed ruffled haired vampire crossed his arms as he turned away. "Tch, how old are you, 2?"

Yui moved to sit back down when she felt a sharp pain in her vaginal area. Suddenly she felt a gush of fluid rush down her legs, and when she stared down at her crotch, her pants was damp. The blond moaned when she felt another contraction hit her painfully.


Ayato and Ruki glanced over at her with concern, then they rushed over to the bench to be by her side.

"Wow, you don't look to well, livestock." Ruki commented.

"Yui, what's wrong," Ayato asked urgently.

"The... the... The babies..." She struggled to say when trying to endure the pain.

Ayato blinked at her confused. He didn't exactly get the hint she was giving him. "What? Speak clearer breastless, I can't understand you!"

Ruki shook his head. "Tsk-tsk, you seriously have the worst communication when it comes to girls."

Ayato was fluming as the hairs on the back of his neck prickled up. "Shut up, you inconvenience jackass!"

"When you grow enough sense then maybe I shut -"


Aguri instantly jumped out the way as a dart cut through the air moments before Laito purposely threw it directly at his head. The terrified man has been running from the redhead since he arrived back home earlier that week. He refused to give in, especially to a blood sucking monster who sore to make him cave in by the end of that week. Another dart soared through the air not long after, and this time it grazed his ear and landed on the wall.

His eyes widen at in horror as he lifted his hand to touch his ear. When sliding down on the floor, Aguri looked at the blood that was now coating two of his fingers. The man nearly had a heart attack when he saw how much blood it was.

Laito had an evil smirk on his handsome face as he picked up another dart to throw at hin. "Stay still, will you. I refused to miss my target this time."

Aguri gulped as he back up more against the wall. "Why are you doing this, haven't you had enough yet?"

"No... Have you had enough yet?" Laito cocked an eyebrow

The elder man nervously chuckled at his respond. "You're a FOOL! I'll never confess to killing my brother! So you're wasting your time here!"

Laito pushed Aguri's head down against the ground and balanced his foot on top of his head after his retort. Words couldn't explain how furious he was with the man beneath his foot. Mainly because he was a tough nut to crack and he didn't like the fact that he could laugh like everything was a game. Luckily, Laito had a plan of his own.

"Rest assured, if I had it my way, you'd be buried six feet under a long time ago."

Aguri spit on the floor and mumbled the words "Fuck you, drag!"

Straightway, Laito pulled out a small recorder from out of his jacket and played the recording.

"Why are you doing this, haven't you had enough of yet?"

"No... Have you had enough yet?"

"You're a FOOL! I'll never confess to killing my brother! So you're wasting your time here!"

Aguri struggled to get off the ground and Laito pushed his head further down until he didn't dare move again. "What – You can't do this to me! It'll break Chiyo and Kyoyo hearts if they find out that I was the master mind of Yusuke murder."

Laito laughed like a mad man as he held the recorder against his chest, then he cradled his arms to his stomach while trying not to fall over the man who looked like he been through hell down there.

"I think I got more than enough information that I need. Don't you think?" Laito smirked down at him smugly.

Kyoyo walked inside her uncle's studies a few seconds later. "Uncle Aguri, have you seen – She stopped midway pass the door in awestruck. What was witnessed inside the room made her jaw drop and eyes pop out of its sockets. Her boyfriend had her uncle face pressed against the ground with no remorse shown on his face. What the hell happen when I was gone? She loudly thought to herself. "L-Laito, what are you doing?!" The raven haired girl yelled after gaining conscious. She stalked over to her boyfriend and pulled him off her uncle before kneeling down to help the pitiful man on the floor.

"Uncle, are you alright?"

"No, I'm not alright," he retorted heatedly. "Your blood sucking boyfriend tried to kill me once again!"

Kyoyo narrowed her eyes at Laito before looking back at him. "Are you sure that he was trying to kill you? Laito doesn't just do anything without a reason."

"You're right," Aguri wrenched his arm away from his niece's grasp and quickly got off the floor.

Laito helped his confused girlfriend off the floor and yanked her behind him. "Why don't you tell your niece why I've tortured you all this time, Aguri?"

The elder man huffed with his hands flying in the air "Fine! I'm going to hell anyways, so I might as well get this over with."

"What are you talking about, uncle," Kyoyo asked him in a calm tone.

He looked at her dead in the face with no expression. "I planned your father's murder and got him killed! Do I regret it? No I don't. I'm actually glad that he's gone!"

After hearing those words, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and everything with black.

1 hour later...

When Kyoyo opened her eyes an hour and a half later, she came face-to-face with Kou staring back at her. He was hovering above her with a relief smile on his face, but it didn't meet his eyes.

"I see, sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up," he said.

"What happened to me to," She questioned him.

"Laito, she's awake!" Kou called out to the redhead.

Her eyes suddenly widen as she remembered the event that took place that evening. "Where's my uncle," she questioned Kou when sitting up from the couch.

"The police enforcement came here and arrested him earlier," he started to tell her. "They took him out of here over 45 minutes ago."

"And my mom? Does she know about..."

There was sadness in his eyes as he spoke again "She's not doing well. I think the news about your uncle killing his brother, stunned her. She won't come out of her room now and your aunt is doing everything she can. I'm sorry."

Kyoyo sobbed in her hands with her head down. "I can't believe this is happening... My uncle was like a second father to me and now I find out that he killed my father, his brother... What has this world come to?"

"Apparently, rock bottom," Kou sighed. "I have to honest though... I'm relieved that he didn't hurt you. For a week, Laito tried to get him to confess. How tiresome." The curly blond yawned.

When he said that, it finally hit her...

She gasped. 'That's what Laito was talking about at the hospital.'

"Kyoyo, you're awake," Laito exclaimed as he rushed to her side. "Are you alright, my pet?"

"Does it look like I'm alright," she mumbled with her head down.

Kou chuckled. "Smooth work, detective Conan."

Laito glared at him. "I know this is a lot to take in love-kitten, I –"

"Why didn't you just tell me about this?" She interrupted him.

"I didn't want to say anything until I got more evidence that he did the crime."

She scowled at him with her cheeks glistening with tears. "You still should've told me, I was living with a murder for crying out loud! I can't believe you kept that from me!"

A gleam of betrayal flashed through his eyes. "You said you trusted me... Why is today any different?"

"I do trust you. But people got hurt, Laito! My mom won't come out of her room, and my Aunt is probably having a hard time finding out that her husband is a murderer!" She paused and massaged her temple. "I starting to think going overseas doesn't seem like a bad idea after all."

Laito's eyes widen in shock after hearing the news his girlfriend accidentally revealed.

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