Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected

1.4K 18 15
By adoKure

Ayato fingers brushed against the smooth skin of his fiancée's small baby bump. His eyes glued to her stomach as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. He couldn't remove his eyes, not even if he tried –and the fact that it was completely impossible, made him even more watchful.

The redhead surprisingly couldn't wait to test him abilities as a father. He promised himself that he'd be a better father then Karlheinz ever was. He wanted to stay by Yui's side to the very end, making sure that his children are well taking care of.

When trialing his fingers up her stomach, he suddenly saw small bump appear in the same spot his fingertips halted at. The wide-eyed vampire jumped off the bed in astonishment.

"Oi! What the hell was that?" He jabbed his finger at her stomach.

Yui giggled with one of her hands pressed over her mouth. "It was the baby." She responded, while setting her book on the nightstand. "You never saw a baby move inside the mother's womb before?"

"Hell no I haven't!" He huffed, when crossing his arms to his chest. "Why would I be interested in some other woman's womb? Tch...how does that sound?

"It sounds like you haven't been around any women long enough besides me," his fiancée carefully responded with a grateful smile.

Ayato thought that she looked exceptionally beautiful while carrying his offspring. She had that golden glow that pregnant woman had, especially when they're happy. The thoughts of them having a baby filled him with so much joy and satisfactory. He even surprised himself when he found out the news a few days go.

"Ayato..." Yui called.

"Hmm... Yes?"

"How soon do you think our baby will be here?" She asked him curiously.

Ayato mused when sitting back down on their bed. "Well...vampire births are a lot different from human births, so it really depends on how quickly the child develops in your womb. It could take two to four months or maybe even more. Either way, the offspring decide when he/she is ready to come out."

"Like how Cordelia gave birth to you and your brothers one day apart from each other?" She easily questioned.

The redhead halfway glared at her. "Don't ever mention that woman's name in my presence again!" He snapped. "And yes... I was the one furthest in the womb. Thus, I was born last."

Yui tapped her chin. "So technically you're the oldest. That's explains why she was so much harder on you to become the best. You were her ticket to the throne. Weren't you?"

"Breastless!" He tried to speak calmly. "Let's not talk about this. The matter is old and I don't want to talk about it anymore.

"Okay, we won't anymore." She said, while wrapping her arms around him from the back. "But when the time comes, I will bring up the subject again," she whispered near his ear.

He turned his head around to look at her directly. "Tch, hopefully it doesn't come anytime soon. I want to give you and our baby all my affection."

Yui grinned. "I look forward to that." She stated before kissing him.

Mayu stood in front of the vanity mirror pulling her hair up in a ponytail after a very long night of love-making with her boyfriend. Subaru suddenly came behind her in his boxers and wrapped both his manly arms around her waist. His chin rested on her shoulder when looking at her through the mirror.

"You always look beautiful with your hair up like that," he complimented.

"Thank you darling," She smiled at him. "It was getting really hot in here."

"You think so," He questionably smirked at her. "Maybe it's because I just got finish finding every spots on your body that makes you squirm and scream with my tongue. Which is bizarre, because I never knew a woman could have so many."

Mayu blushed hard. "Subaru, please...You always know the right things to say to me."

He suddenly lifted his chin from her shoulder and looked away. "Not always...You were quite mad at me a few days go."

"Well that's in the past now. We are better now than we ever were before."

"You're right," He turned her around in his arms. "I think it's time to start a new. Just the two of us."

Mayu tilted her head to the side. "You mean like move out together?"

He shook his head. "Not exactly...but that can happen somewhere down the line."

"So what did you exactly mean by start a new?"

"For starters, we can take trips together, just you and me. Who knows, somewhere down the line we can get engaged and get married. Those are just some ideas I can think of." He said with his eyes everywhere else but on her.

Mayu gasped. "A-are you...is this a proposal? Do you want to get married?!"

"That's not what I meant," He mumbled before looking into her ocean blue eyes. "I mean, someday I'd like to, if that okay with you."

"Of course I want to," She immediately replied back with her fingers intertwined with his. "It's always been my dream to have a huge wedding with all my friends and family there."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves now," he chuckled. "At least, we can try to get through the first couple years together."

She cheerfully smiled at him. "All right. That's sounds like a plan."

"And Mayu, we need a new bed. It kind of broke when we...you know."

Mayu redden. "And who fault is that?"

"I guess I'll have Reiji order us a new one." he blushed while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I can't argue with that." she sighed.

Aiko lay back on the sofa flipping through an interested book that she found in the Sakamaki home. She knew Reiji didn't tolerate people snooping around, especially when it came to his personal stuff. However, she became rather curious when she came across a particular book that was in his room.

This book caught her eye right away. It had resourceful information about every well-known vampire hunter that ever lived. She wondered how her boyfriend got access to this kind of information. Did he know that much about vampire hunters? When she first came to his home, he knew right all the back that she was one of them. It still amazed her how nothing got pass the four eye bloodsucker.

When going down the page, Aiko came across the name Seiji Komori and her mouth dropped. She had no idea that Yui's father was a vampire hunter. Yeah, she knew that he was a priest, but a vampire hunter? Something was extremely odd.

"How can this be?" she mouthed.

"What are you doing," asked a formal voice.

Aiko quickly hid book under the sofa. "Nothing! Why do you ask?"

Reiji suspicious raised his eyebrow. "Is that so?" He slowly walked towards her. "Why do I get the feeling that I'm being lied to?"

She sighed. "Oh, come on darling. Would I ever lie to you?" She responded with a flirtatious smile.

He was now hovering over her with his intense red eyes peering over his glasses. "Stand up. Now!"

She looked up at him with her golden ones and quickly got up from the sofa. "Geez! I'm up, I'm up! Happy now?"

Reiji tugged the book from under it and scowled at her. "You know how much I hate lying."

"Okay so I took it." She shrugged. "I was curious about what was inside, and when I looked in there I came across some information that shocked me."

Reiji never took his eyes off her. "I should cut you with my whip. How dare you invade my privacy!"

Aiko pointed to herself. "How dare I? How dare you," she retorted. "How dare you keep something like that around me? Yui father's name was even in there, and they were all vampire hunters like me. What are you planning?"

"Milady, I assure you that I'm not planning anything. It's all in your head."

"Whatever, you're not giving me the answers I'm looking for, so I'll be leaving first."

When she tried to walk past him, he quickly grabbed her wrist and pushed her up against the bookshelf with her hand wrenched behind her back.

"Ouch, let go of me." She grumbled.

"Not until I taught you a lesson about going through other people property." He whispered inside her ear.

Aiko wiggled around trying to get out of his grasp. "Reiji, get off me! I'm warning you!"

He laughed. "I got a confession to make."

She snorted. "Like I care!"

"You will, once I'm through with you." He said, kissing her neck.

She moaned. "Stop! Don't do that!"

"You mean this," He said, sinking his teeth inside her.

Aiko wrenched when bitten her lip. "Stop! I learned my lesson."

He detached his fangs and licked the blood of his bottom lip. "I don't think you have. Honestly, I've been wanting to do something with you for some time now." He sneered.

Warning: Smut Scene

He unzipped her trousers from behind her and tugged them down her thighs. What she was wearing underneath the trousers left little to the imagination. He became hard at the rear sight in front of him, and refused to wait another second to slip his hand between her legs.

Aiko jolted. "Reiji wait! This is all so sudden."

"That's the way I like it," Reiji whispered before nibbling on her ear. He pushed two fingers inside, making her jolt again.

"You're teasing me, this is so unfair," she cried out.

"Shhh! Not another word out of you." He commanded while wiggling his fingers inside her. Reiji free hand grabbed her firm bottom and slapped it hard.

"Ow! Take a easy!"

"Uh-Hun, I said not another word." He immediately unbuckled his belt then unfasten his trousers to release what was hidden inside. "Are you ready for your first lesson?" the well mannered vampire asked. He didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he placed his fingers inside her mouth that was covered in her juices. "Lesson number one: Never talk with your mouth full." He roughly pushed up against her on the bookshelf and positioned his cock at her entrance. "Lesson number two: Never slouch if you know what's good for you. You'll regret the back pains later." He demanded, before penetrating his cock inside her.

"Aha!" She loudly cried, when gripping on to the third shelf. Books started to fall everywhere.

"And rule number three: Always expect the unexpected." He whispered inside her ear as he started to pound his manhood inside her. "Otherwise, you'll never know the outcome in return for your actions."

Aiko gasped as she held on for dear life. "Aha, I think I got that!"

End of smut..

"Good! Now kiss me." the sly vampire grinned before kissing her passionately on the mouth.

Izumi barged inside her home with Kanato trailing close beside her. They rushed up the spiral staircase to where Izumi's room was located. When they got there shortly after, she quickly opened the door and pushed her boyfriend against the wall.

A naughty smirk curved on her lip as she said, "I finally got you alone and all to myself."

"Now that you do, what are you planning to do with me?" Kanato questioned with an expressionless look on his face.

She automatically shrugged. "I don't know. But I kind of like being in control of you."

Kanato instantly switched positions with her; instead of him being pressed against the wall, she was the one pressed against the wall now. He lightly brushed the back of his hand against her cheek and lifted her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. "I think I like being in control of you more, and I'm sorry that I couldn't meet your standards a long time ago."

She shamefully looked away from him. "About that Kanato...I don't want to change you. I went about it the wrong way and I'm sorry that this happened."

The purple hair vampire shook his head while holding her. "I was wrong also. So please, don't blame yourself for my childish ways. There are reasons why I'm the way I am, and maybe one day I'll be able to tell you them."

With a graceful smile, she wrapped her arms around him. "You were always my shelter, I'm just glad that I'm finally home."

Straightway, Kanato flung her on top of the bed. Izumi giggled at his violent attempt to fulfill her request. He fumbled with the buttons of her blouse for a while before becoming impatient. "Izumi, do you like this blouse?" He asked her in an urgent tone.

She sat up on the bed with a grin on her face. "Actually yes, it's one of my favorites."

"Please forgive me," he warned in a polite way. "I'll replace it later." With a sharp look in his eyes, he suddenly tore her blouse open. Izumi could hear the buttons fall off her favorite blouse, and she didn't do anything about it.

Warning: smut scene

His hands traveled up her thighs as he kissed all over her stomach and breasts. Izumi moaned quietly with her eyes closed. She enjoyed his mouth pressed against her smooth skin. Chills fluttered her heart when he sucked on both her breast.

She clawed her fingers through his scalp as a reminder that he ripped her favorite blouse. Kanato didn't like the silent treatment. Therefore, his hips roughly buckled into her. The sound of flesh smacking together filled the room that night. He frowned, while thrusting inside her like a maniac. The sound of her cries felt like music to his ears.

Their moans and gasps created a temp that was excessively arousing. Izumi face became flushed as she focused on her own pleasure. She could feel herself almost near, so she dug her long nails in his back.

A sudden roar of ecstasy struck Kanato hard. He clasped on top of her with his face falling in the pillow beside her.

End of smut

"You were incredible, yet perfect," she said

Kanato lifted his head and looked at her for a long time before staying, "Izumi...Marry Me?"

Yui interruptedly appeared in front of Mayu and Subaru bedroom door. She gently knocked waiting for permission to come inside.

"Come in," Mayu answered.

The blonde walked inside the room and spotted Reina and Kyoyo sitting on the bed next to Mayu. "Oh hey guys! What's the emergency?"

"Well I called everybody in here because it's been awhile since we had some girl time together," Mayu explained.

"But everybody not here," Kyoyo reminded. "Where are Aiko and Izumi?"

"Aiko is king of preoccupied at the moment." Mayu sighed.

"Izumi is too," Yui added. "She and Kanato are at her house. Apparently, they finally made up."

Reina huffed. "At least she got her happy ending."

Kyoyo glanced at her. "What got your panties in a knot?"

"I really don't want to talk about it," the brunette pouted.

"Oh come on Reina." Mayu pleaded. "We're all friends here. I mainly called this girl meeting because I was worried about you the most."

"Fine!" She gave in. "Shu broke up with me."

Yui eyes widen. "He did what!"

Reina warily gazed at her bewilder friend. "You heard me. He broke up with me on my birthday."

"That jerk," Kyoyo announced. "How dare he do that to you, and on the day of your birthday?"

"I hope it wasn't because of me," said Yui. "Reina I'm so sorry."

The brunette gestured her hand out. "It's not your fault, honestly. I'm the one who did something reckless."


"I'm really not supposed to say, but I hung out with Yuma the night before my birthday and" Reina stopped to take a deep breath. "He kissed me in front of the house."

"Yuma kissed you," Yui repeated just to make sure she wasn't hearing things correctly.

She nodded.

"Yuma? Isn't he the really good-looking guy with long dirty blond hair and he wears it in a ponytail sometimes," Mayu questioned.

"Oh my god, you noticed his hotness too," Kyoyo exclaimed. "Man, if only my heart didn't settle on Laito."

Mayu laughed with her forefinger pointing at her. "I said the same thing about Subaru."

"Girls, this isn't the time for that," Yui started. "Reina is obviously going through a tough time. Shu obviously took things the wrong way."

"It's alright Yui. It's not like we'll never get back together. I just have to prove to him that my heart belongs only him," Reina told her.

"That should be piece of cake! You love Shu more than anything. There's no denying that you guys will get back together," the blond said with a cheerful smile.

"She right," Mayu agreed.

Kyoyo nodded. "Besides you don't have feelings for Yuma, regardless of how hot he is."

"Actually...I kind of do have feelings for Yuma," she muttered.

Yui cocked an eyebrow. "You do...Since when?"

"Since he kissed me... But that doesn't mean anything. I'm positive that I'm in love with Shu."

"If you were, then why would he question it," Yui stated.

"You know what they say, if you love with someone else other than your partner then he wasn't true love," Mayu quoted.

Reina cover her face with her hands and shook her head. "Oh no. What am I going to do?"

"Don't believe in that nonsense," Kyoyo said. "People make mistakes. It's okay to like another guys and still be in love with your partner. You can like a ton of guys and that won't make it any different. If you love someone, you just know. And if you don't then you need to figure it out quick before it gets too late. Besides, I also was bewitched by another guy other than Laito. It wasn't long, but it sort of crept up on me when we were talking at school yesterday."

Yui rapidly blinked. "Kyoyo...you wouldn't happen to be talking about Kou by any chance?"

"Wait a minute, My Kou?" Mayu made it known. "B-but how? You don't even like him and he doesn't like you either."

"You're right I don't." Kyoyo responded. "But let me remind you that he came to me first and confessed his feelings to me. Not the other way around."

"She's right," Yui defended. "When Kyoyo and I were heading to our classes the other day, we ran into Kou and Ruki. Kou was the one that pulled Kyoyo away even after she scolded them."

"I do not doubt that she didn't. It just surprised me. That's all," Mayu said.

"Why." Kyoyo crossed her arms. "Are you shocked that there's another guy out there that actually likes me more than some idol?"

She shook her head. "You know that's not what I meant Kyoyo."

"It doesn't matter how you meant it. The world doesn't involve around you, and who belonged to who you first," she retorted

"I don't even know where this conversation is going anymore," Reina gave up.

"Please, just calm down you two," Yui begged.

"So what if I did like him back," Kyoyo continued. "Then what would you do about? Huh?"

"You are taking it too far Kyoyo," Mayu snapped.

"Well maybe you should be more careful with your words," she snapped back. "You sounded almost jealous when you heard that he likes me."

"I'm happy with the guy I chose, okay? Subaru is the best thing that's happen to me, by far. Not only that, we decided to take our relationship to the next level. I'm giving up on music so I can enjoy life. I even decided to make a huge decision that will change everything for me."

"And what is that?" they all spoke at the same time.

"I want to become a vampire," Mayu announced.

"Are you sure that's what you really want," Yui asked.

Mayu bobbed her head. "I haven't told anybody yet, not even Subaru. I want him to turn me like how Ayato turned you, Yui."

"I didn't exactly have a choice," she said.

"There's something that never crossed my mind before," said Reina.

"Me neither..." Kyoyo added. "I don't know if I ever want to become a vampire."

"I want to stay by Subaru side forever, and if you guys are willing to stay by Shu and Laito side, then you have to think about the possibility of that happening."

Reina and Kyoyo both lowered their heads. The possibility of becoming vampires has never crossed their minds, not even once. They were too deep in their fantasies that they completely forgot about reality. They even forgot about the families that they left early that year. Their parents might be worrying sick about their whereabouts. How could they allow this to go on for so long?

On the other side of Mayu's bedroom door, a very angry Laito was standing against the wall. He was listening in on their conversation. Of course, the redhead told himself that he wouldn't intrude long, but when he heard his love-kitten bring up Kou Mukami name, he became infuriated and uneasy. Words couldn't explain how much he wanted to barge in there and take Kyoyo away from everyone. Love could make you do crazy things and he wasn't thinking straight. The thoughts of taking her far away from everybody wasn't a possibility until. He couldn't allow her to get away from him. Not now, not ever.

Otherwise, He wouldn't have waited this long to get where they are today. Then he thought maybe he should get rid of the blond bastard that tried to pursue his lover or how about the other one that she claimed was so hot. Something had to give, and fast.

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