Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 18: Say I Love You

1.5K 21 13
By adoKure

On a dark and foggy Monday night Kanato was sitting on the roof top with his jaw propped on his knee and his arms wrapped around his leg. For awhile now, he sat there waiting and contemplating on whether Izumi would arrive or not.

It would've been difficult to peer through the cloudy fog from where he was sitting if he was human. Thankfully the purple eyed vampire could see clear as day. And nothing was going to stop him from earning her love back.

After several minutes of waiting, a luxurious limo appeared on school grounds in front of the entrance. Right away, Kanato recognized who the limo belonged to. The driver got out of the vehicle and walked around the other side to open the back door. Izumi stepped out in her school uniform while flipping her long bluish hair over her shoulder.

Kanato mouth curled into a smile as he watched her fix herself up and look around. After watching her, he stood up on the roof and prepare himself to jump down.

To his dismay, another figure stepped out of the vehicle and he made Kanato's skin crawl. Azusa stood beside Izumi with his long white ribbons blowing in the air behind him. His smile was very smugly and he had gripped Izumi hand like they were an item again.

This set the purpled-headed vampire's teeth on edge. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Something had to be done before he loses Izumi to Azusa forever.

Suddenly he launched off the roof and landed on his feet in front of them. Izumi looked startled and she immediately released Azusa's hand.

"Izumi-chan...we need to talk." Kanato spoke in a husky tone of voice.

Azusa laughed. "How troublesome... you're like a leech that can't be removed."

Kanato glared at him. "You're irrelevant to me and I refuse to let you take Izumi away from me."

The dark-headed vampire snorted. "Please, take her away from you? I believe that I had her first."

"Like hell," Kanato snorted. "She was never yours to begin with... because the truth of the matter is, it's always been me!"

"Take a look...she's will me not with you. Now get that through your thick head," Azusa argued back.

"That's enough," Izumi yelled at the top of her lungs. "I'm done, okay? And I don't want to hear you two fight over me anymore."

Kanato and Azusa lowered their heads in guilt. "Sorry..." They both said at the same time.

"I'm going to head to class now, so don't bother me." She warned.

She brushed pass Kanato and dashed inside the school.

"Are you happy now," Azusa asked him, before running inside and chasing after her.

Yui and Kyoyo walked in the corridor together deep in conversation. Kyoyo rented about Laito getting suspended two days from school and waited last-minute to tell her about it.

The raven hair girl sighed to herself and shook her head in disappointment. No wonder he woke her up this evening in high spirits. He was ecstatic about having more time off school alone.

"I can't believe him Yui," Kyoyo continued. "He actually waited until I got inside the limo to tell me that he wouldn't be joining me for the next couple of days. And to think I gave my body to him this past weekend. I would have gave him nada if I knew he was acting out at school."

"Who knows...maybe he couldn't wait anymore and he didn't want to spoil the fun. That's the only explanation I can think of," Yui implied.

Kyoyo bobbled her head. "True... In that case, I would've made him wait a little longer just to see him squirming." She smirked.

"You're evil. You know that?"

Kyoyo giggled. "Tell me something I don't know. But he deserves it, that lying perv."

"Good morning ladies," Ruki greeted with Kou by his side.

"Oh good morning Ruki...Kou..." Yui bowed her head to each of them.

Kyoyo scowled back and forth at them. "What do you guys want? Better yet, what are you doing here Ruki? You graduated."

Yui tugged her best friend by the sleeve. "Stop being so rude," she whispered.

"I'm sorry Yui but these guys are asshole," she glared once more.

"Yui she's right...and I apologize for me and my brother's actions," said Ruki with a bow. "Anyways I'm here on personal business with the principle."

"What my brother said," Kou spoke when looking at Kyoyo. "However, I feel greatly regretful that I tried to harm you."

Kyoyo huffed. "Serve you right! You also hurt one of my best friends, so it's her that you need to apologize to."

"True...However... I too was hurt by your friend's actions. Our relationship didn't exactly end on the good note." He reminded.

Ruki nodded, "Indeed. Ayato and Subaru Sakamaki came to our home causing a bit of trouble. Ayato even set our lawn on fire."

Kyoyo's purple eyes widen in pleasant surprise. "He did what?"

"Oh right, you weren't there when it happen Kyoyo," Yui shamefully blushed when looking down at her feet.

Kyoyo grinned. "I think that I'm starting to like Ayato a little more every day."

"I reckon your friend doesn't really like us very much Yui." Ruki chuckled.

Yui awkwardly laughed. "No, what makes you think that?"

"Because she keeps scolding us," Ruki nodded his head towards Kyoyo when lifting his eyebrow.

Yui fixed her eyes on the grinning girl standing next her.

Kyoyo shamelessly looked back at her. "What? They had it coming."

"Yui, do you mind if I borrow your friend for a few," Kou nervously asked.

Kyoyo crossed her arms to her chest and shook her head. "No you may not borrow me."

He took her by the wrist and dragged her across the hallway anyways. "Unhand me blonde!" She demanded.

Ruki interruptedly laughed. "Your friend is something else. I hope she doesn't give Kou too much of a hard time."

Yui looked at him with a warm smiled. "That's just how Kyoyo is. But when you get to know her she could be the sweetest human bean ever."

The lanky tall handsome vampire nodded with agreement. "I believe you...Anyways, if you don't mind me asking, how are things back at the Sakamaki manor?"

"Well...things could be better," she muttered.

He sighed. "Let me guess...you and Ayato are having problems."

The blonde looked away with sadness. "You can say that... We had a bit of a misunderstanding."

"So why haven't you worked it out with him," he curiously wondered.

Yui uncontrollably turned pink. "Believe me. I want to. It's just that he doesn't want...to..."

Ruki shook his ruffed hair. "My advice to you is...talk to him regardless if he doesn't want to. You guys are in this relationship with each other. And if I knew that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have let him take you away from me."

She stared up at him, long and hard. Her face was fluster and she bite down on her bottom lip gently. Ruki was right. They were in a relationship, and even though it was her fault for pushing him away, she needed to make it right with him, even after he tried multiple times.

"Yui, are you still with me," Ruki asked. He waved his hands in front of her face trying to gain her attention.

"Yeah I'm fine. I lost my train of thought for a sec." She blinked.

Ruki smiled with sorrowful eyes. "I see...I almost lost you there."

"Will you stop pulling me," Kyoyo shouted.

Kou stopped at a dead-end in the corridor, letting go of Kyoyo's arm.

"Geez, I nearly lost my arm because of your death grip." she complained, rubbing her arm.

Kou turned around to look at her with his hand pressed out against the wall.

"Um...are you and Laito Sakamaki still going strong," he bashfully questioned.

Kyoyo gaped at him. "I don't exactly comprehend what you're asking me."

Kou glared at first. "What is there not to understand?"

She tapped her finger on her chin. "Well how about being more specific! That could work."

"How more specific can I be," He retorted back.

When rolling her eyes, she dramatically placed propped hands on her hip. "Well obviously not specific enough.

He continued to stare at her with hungry eyes and a clever smile. "You're most definitely heroic. I like that about you."

When looking dumbfounded, she took a step back. "Wait...What is this? Are...a-are you flirting with me?"

Kou slightly chuckled. "Why is that a shock to you?"

"Well it's a shock to me because you were crazy about my friend at one point and now you're making a move...on me." She pointed her thumb to herself.

"So what, what of it? She made her choice –and I may have said some untrue hurtful things to you. Truth be told, I didn't know you well back then. But the more I got to see you made me realize how fascinating and attractive you are."

Kyoyo took a deep breath with her hands wrapped around her stomach. Is he toying with me? He had to be. She took another deep breath and looked up and down at him. He is pretty hot! Oh my god! What am I saying? Whatever you do, just play it cool Kyoyo. You're dating Laito.

"I don't get it...why are you saying this to me now?" She questioned.

"Because I wanted closure...Whether you decide to return my feelings or not I just wanted to let you know how I feel. That's all." He blushed.

Kyoyo googled him suspiciously now. "Are you on drugs?"

"What?! Just go before I do something you'll regret," He snapped.

"Okay, I'm going"

She took one last glance at him before slowly walking up the stairs to her classroom. Kou was saddened by the way she look at him, which wasn't even a good thing. He didn't usually ponder over a girl like this. He rarely cared about anybody expect his brothers. Why did he have to realize now how she made him feel? What was so important about her that made him break his neck every time she passed by?

He knew that she was in love with Laito Sakamaki, the school playboy that always got in trouble for unidentified reasons. But Kou knew better. He thought that Laito didn't deserve her. She deserved someone better, someone more like him.

After having a conversation with Ruki in the hallway earlier Yui dashed to her classroom once she realized what time it was. She was twenty minutes late and she knew that her teacher wouldn't be too pleased by this. When making a left turn around the corner she smashed right into a hard firm chest.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." She said.

When bending down to pick up her books off the floor, someone else beat her to it. "Thank you." she said, meeting Ayato's eyes.

"You should be more careful breastless!" He extending his hand out and helped her off the floor.

"Thanks again Ayato," she bowed with her eyes to the ground. "What are you doing out of class?"

"Tch...I should be asking you the same thing!" He spat.

"I was just on my way there now."

"That doesn't explain why you were late and made me worry about you. Gosh Yui! You can be so careless at times." He blushed hard while rolling his green eyes.

Yui blinked when she thought she was hearing wrong. "Y-you... you were worried about me?"

"So what if I was?" He huffed. "You should be more careful and think about what you're doing before you do it...If something would have happened to you and our unborn child, I could never forgive myself."

"Aww Ayato," she cried and threw herself at him. "I'm so happy to hear you say that." She sobbed.

The redhead propped his head on top of her and combed his fingers through her blond locks. "I guess I'll have to get used to this...your mood swings and the tears...damn it this is hard."

Yui gaze up at him with a watery smile. "Don't worry. As long as I have you by my side, I will always be happy."

Ayato smiled back down at her. "Good...I love you Yui."

"I love you too Ayato."

His lips locked on to hers, passionate and longing. She held both her hands on his cheek and angled her head sideways as her tongue playfully darted inside his mouth. Ayato directed them to a wall where Yui backside pressed up against. His hands gently roamed all over her breast and stomach when he kissing her breathless. Yui jolt as she felt his hand travel up her shirt and in her bra. She couldn't control the groan that came from the back of her throat and she felt her body temperature starting to rise. When grabbing her sore breast it made her shiver with all her might that she nearly almost clasped on the floor.

Ayato chuckled. "Don't pass out on me just yet breastless."

"I'm sorry." she said, standing up straight.

"Don't worry about it. Let's get back to class, even though I'd rather be here with you."

"You want to go to class?" She joked.

"Oh hush!"

Izumi peeked out the ladies restroom for the first time since she got to school. She had been in there for more than 3 hours, hiding away from Kanato and Azusa.

She couldn't face them, not now at least. The thoughts of making a choice between them wounded her. Knowing where her heart truly lies made the situation even worse.

When sighing in relief, she stepped out of the bathroom and quickly walked towards the front entrance. Before she could exit the building, Kanato stepped in front of her.

"Where are you going Izumi?" He sadly asked her.

"Home...Now move," she demanded.

"Not until I tell you what I want to say," He retorted.

"M-maybe I don't want to hear what you have," she lied. Her hands were trembling and her eyes were leveled on the floor.

"Izumi...I didn't mean for things to go on for so long like this. My attention wasn't to break your heart, but I see that I did and I'm sincerely sorry."

"Is that all?" she asked with a trembling voice. "Can I go now?"

"I love you...Isn't that enough?" he announced.

Izumi gaped at him in shock then shook it off. "I don't really know..."

"I don't enjoy feeling this kind of pain Izumi. It hurts... and I refuse to sit back and endure living without you. Even if that means giving up teddy for your happiness then I will do it. Just don't leave me alone anymore." He stated.

"How come it took you so long," she muttered.

"What?" He said, looking at her with his enormous purple eyes. "What do you mean?"

"How come it took you so long to tell me this?"

"I...I really don't know why," he lowered his head in shame.

"I waited for you all summer and endured the same exact pain you talk of. I cried every night while calling your name, but you never came. It tore me apart, knowing that you might loathe me forever," she paused. "And I pined over you for three years Kanato. Three long years. It was like a dream come true when we started dating. I would have done anything for you and the only request I really ever wanted was for you to forgive me."

"I made a mistake Izumi back then! Why can't we forgive each other now," He cried.

"I'm scared to, okay? This isn't easy for me as you think," she admitted.

"Then allow me to make it easier for you."

Kanato put his arms around her waist, embracing her tenderly. Izumi always enjoyed the warmth of his body against hers, only this time she was caught off guard by his kiss. He aggressively kissed her on the mouth and held her body close to his. Her eyes fluttered close when giving in to his soft smooth lips. Usually their kisses were always sloppy and playful, but this time it was intense and eager. She wrapped her arms around his neck, hoping that this kiss would last forever.

Reina was incredibly worried. She waited all morning and night for Shu to return to their bedroom, only he didn't. He left her there without a trace of where he went and why he didn't return to her. Reina didn't quite understand what was going on. He said he had a surprise to give her then disappeared from the house.

She searched every room in his home, she even search estate. But sadly he was nowhere to be found. Worst, of all the days he could've ran off, why did he have to ditch her on her Birthday?

Reina asked the others if they saw him and they all gave her the same answer. They didn't know. Her friends offered to help look for him, yet she decline.

The brunette fell back on Shu favorite sofa. No matter how bad she wanted to cry, she held it in. Was he mad at her? Did something come up that he couldn't tell her about? It was strange not having him around. It felt like he was never there from the start.

After eighteen hours of waiting and pleading, he finally came inside the house.

It was really strange. He didn't look like himself, but it was definitely him. He walked towards her with his hand inside his pockets and his head lowered to the floors.

Reina immediately stood up from the sofa and fixed her dressed. She was wearing the same clothes that she wore since yesterday. She also had heavy bags under her eyes from the lack of sleep.

"Where have you been? I was worried sick!"

The blond scowled at her painfully. "I dare you question me in my own home? If you have a problem the door is right there, see yourself out. Otherwise stay out of my way."

Reina was appalled. He walked passed her as if she was nobody. He was also cold and bitter. What did she do so wrong that led him to dismiss her?


Reina gasped with her hands to her mouth and ran after him. "Shu! Please talk to me!"

"I'm warning you Reina. Just stay away from me," he alerted.

"Not until you let me explain," she retorted.

Shu viciously turned on his heel and pushed her up against the wall. "Explain what? How you went out for drinking with one of my oldest friends or how you talked about me behind my back or how about you letting him kiss you in front of my home? In front of my house Reina! How could you do this me?!" He gripped her shoulders.

Reina unruly sobbed in front of him. "I'm really sorry Shu. It wasn't my intention to upset you." She whimpered. "Yuma has some suspicions about you burning his home down and I wanted to make things right. Maybe you guys could've become friends again. I don't know. I didn't expect him to kiss me outside the house. As soon as it happened, I swear that I pulled away."

When saying this, Shu begin to weep. "Why did you tell him without talking to me first?! Maybe I didn't want him know! Have you ever thought about that?!"

"Why? He's your best friend! He has the right to know the truth..."

The infuriated vampire shook his head. "No! You had no right...Because of you, he will never let this go now. Thanks a lot."

"I don't understand what I did so wrong?" She questioned. "Yes he kissed me, but I didn't say anything that would make him hate you even more."

Shu scowled. "It's not like I expect for you to understand."

"Then make me understand...I want to make everything right between us."

"It's too late. He has something against me now," he mumbled low to himself.

"What do you mean?" She asked, walking closer to him. "Shu tell me."

"Fine." Shu shrugged. "He's using you against me. He figures that I owe him one."

"Me!" She pointed to herself. "But how?"

"Because I couldn't save him when the fire started... or maybe it's because I took you away from him that day I went looking for you," he guessed.

"Shu, I love you. I'm truly sorry that I went behind your back to talk to Yuma."

Shu sighed. "I need to ask you something."

"Sure, ask me anything you want to know," she said.

He looked long and hard into her big green eyes. "When you kissed Yuma...did you feel anything?"

Reina couldn't answer him right away. The brunette didn't know how she truly felt about Yuma. "I...I don't know." She responded with her eyes wide open. "But I do know one thing...I love you... and I know you already heard that, but this is how I truly feel."

"I'm not so sure it is Reina. You talk about you love me, but you hesitated when I asked you about Yuma. I'm not even sure if we should be together or not..."

"No...No!" She repeated when grabbing a handful of his shirt. "Don't do this to me! I love you so much. Why don't you believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you," he cleared his throated. "I need to see for myself. And when I do fine out where your heart lies, then we will be together again. I'm not even sure if you know your own feelings yet –"

"Stop right there Shu!" She demanded. "You are making a huge mistake!"

"Then show me so I could regret it." He announced. "By the way, Happy Birthday..."

He walked pass her and disappeared into the darkness. Reina was lost for words and she couldn't pick up her feet to go after him. How could she possibly prove that her heart only burned for him? Even if she did have some feelings for Yuma, she was sure that it wasn't anything romantic...or was it? Reina sunk to her to floor against the wall and leaned her head back in tears.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

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