Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

77.5K 1K 820

Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 15: Green with Envy

1.5K 15 2
By adoKure

Several months passed since everybody arrived back from their two-week vacation that was cut shortly after the misfortune event that happen on the island. By then, summer turned into autumn which only meant that a second semester of school had started. On the night of September 21, the sun shall before turning into darkness. Yui gazed at the horizon getting a clear view of the full red moon that appeared after moonrise.

She almost forgot how beautiful the sky looked after dark from the estate. It was relaxing and refreshing to sit under the oak tree in back of the Sakamaki's home on top of the grassy knoll. Once in a while she'd wander back there aloneand mused about everything that happened in the past year.

Now she was getting married in another month. The engagement ring on her finger never shined so brightly. When Yui first answered Ayato's proposal, she assumed that it was the spur of the moment; reasons being, he didn't have a ring for her when he proposed, and he wasn't very fond of materialistic things like diamonds and jewelry.

Furthermore, what changed his heart were the little changes in him that she saw from time-to-time since they got back together. He did little things like rub her feet, help her wash her hair, hold her bags while they went shopping together and take her out on numerous occasions that he swore wasn't a date. On the evening of the summer festival he surprised her by taking her to a private Jeweler to pick out her engagement ring.

Yui was convinced that maybe Ayato drunk one too many of Reiji's concoction, but he immediately got offended by Yui's thoughts and almost walked out on her. From that day on, she never questioned his kindness. Everything he did for her was out of love in which she was grateful for it.

While resting her head back under the oak tree, Yui swiftly turned around when she heard a crackling noise from behind her. She spotted her friend Reina who was walking up the knoll in her direction. The brown-headed girl looked troublesome, she was wearing a pair of large glasses that she rarely wore and her hair was braided up in two French braids. The blonde wondered what was bothering her friend so much that she came all the way out here to see her.

Blonde sat up straight from the tree and waved to her friend with a polite smile. "Hey, what brings you out here?"

"Nothing..." Reina lied. "I was taking a walk, and noticed that you were back here." Reina smile didn't reach her face after she said that. Truth be told, there were some things that made her unsettled. The fact that Shu was the cause of it made her fill even worst.

Yui almost cocked an eyebrow at her best friend sitting beside her. Taking a walk outside in the middle of the night alone? That doesn't sound like something she'd do alone...

"Do you ever fell like you're being deceived by others," Reina curiously asked the blonde out of the blue.

Yui blinked.

"R-Reina, where did this come from all of a sudden?"

She shrugged with despair, "curiosity, I guess... Just forget that I even asked."

The blond rested her right hand on top of Reina's. "If you have something to say then say it. I'm always here for you regardless of what the situation is."

At this, Reina rolled her eyes and sighed, "Fine... I think that Shu's keeping something very important from me and I tried asking him about it more than once, but he'd always shut me out. I'm his girlfriend. Shouldn't I have a right to know what's going on through my boyfriend's head?"

"Yes, you do," Yui agreed. "Although, it depends on the situation and if he's comfortable with telling you yet –"

"And I completely understand that!" Reina said loud and clear as she stood up from the ground, cutting her friend off. "He made promises to change his ways and open up to me, but I haven't seen that since before we went to that stupid island. Not only that, Yuma has his suspicions about Shu as well."

Yui causally tilted her head and stared into her friend's eyes. "Yuma? As in Yuma Mukami? Where does he fit into this?

Reina bashfully looked away from her friend as she hesitated. "Y-Yuma told me that he lost his memory before he was turned into a vampire at the orphanage."

"I kind of knew that already. Ruki told me," Yui mumbled.

Reina scolded suspiciously at her friend. "Did Ruki also tell you that Yuma had a dream about his village burning down and Shu was also there at the scene of the crime?"

Yui jaw fell as she blinked her eyes. "S-surely you don't think that Shu did it? ...Do you?"

One again, Reina hesitated, "he wasn't exactly nice when I first met him Yui!" Reina reminded. "What if he was there and he doesn't want me to know?"

"Or maybe just maybe he has a reason for why he doesn't want to tell you," Yui snapped. Shu would never harm any of those village people. He had friends there that were like his family. How was he the cause of the fire?!"

Reina was dumbfounded by the fact that Yui knew more about Shu's past than she did. Her eyes watered to the break of tear. "How did you know? What do you know about any of this?!"

"Reina calm down," Yui pleaded in a soft tone.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I want to know!"

"Fine! Shu told me about the fire when we were searching for Kanato that day on the island. I don't know why he suddenly told me, but the village was like his second home," she explained.

"He told you before me, huh?" Reina questioned with a teardrop running down her cheek. "I see where my relationship stands with him."

Yui stood up and firmly gripped Reina's shoulder. "Let me explain, it's not what you think. The subject sort of came up in a conversation we were having."

Reina looked down at Yui's hand on her shoulder and tugged it away. "I know exactly what's going on Yui and I don't need you to explain that me. He obviously feels more comfortable with telling you about important events in his life.

"W-What! N-No! I -"

"Anyways, you should probably be heading back, school starts in forty-five minutes and you don't wanna be late." Reina didn't have the patients to hear anything else blonde had to say. She brushed pass her and walked down the grassy knoll carefully to avoid from falling. It wasn't because she was mad at Yui. It was only because she envied her friend's ability to open up the best out of people. That was one of the main reasons why they remained good friends. Overall, Shu was the blame for this. He should have told her from the start and she wouldn't have doubted him. There was no way she could face her tall handsome vampire now.

At School

Izumi strutted down the school's corridor earning whistles from some of her male peers in the hallway. She flipped her bluish hair over her shoulder and flashed a confident grin. Just because she acted self-assured in front of everybody else didn't exactly mean that she wasn't hurting inside because deep down she was. There were times when she wanted to cry during class and there were other times when she wanted to transfer out of night school and got during the day.

The break up between her and Kanato a few months ago pained her until this day. He won't even look at her the same way anymore. And every time she tried to confront him, he'd disappear or runaway. Did her words really wound him that much? Why did he despise her if he loved her? More importantly, when were they going to make amends? Izumi thought that avoiding each other was childish, but then she remembered that this was Kanato she was dealing with.

She stopped in front of a window looking up at the dark sky. The moon turned into blood, which only meant that she was going to have a rough night controlling her emotions.

"Would you look at that," giggled a voice from beside her. "The moon almost looks edible."

Izumi sighed with distaste in her mouth, keeping her eyes up on the sky. "Can I help you with something Azusa-kun?"

"It pains my heart that you're still not talking to me," he playfully frowned.

"I'm talking to you now, aren't I?" She gazed at him.

"True...however, that doesn't say that you forgive me wholeheartedly. I need better convincing than that." He huffed.

Izumi painfully closed her eyes. "Azusa-kun, I'm not in the mood tonight."

Azusa was curious about why she was letting the purple hair freak bother her so much. He predicted that this day would come and he'd be the one comfort her. "I know. You haven't been you adorable self since that no-good bastard broke your heart."

"Leave Kanato out of this," She barked while scowling at him heatedly. "H-he has his reasons," she mumbled with her head lowered down.

Azusa turned a deep shade of red in frustration. "Stop making up excuses for him! I can't stand in the background and watch you die inside anymore. If you want to ease your pain then share it with me. You'll feel better after you do. I promise."

Izumi narrowed her eyes at him, looking horrified. "If you're asking for physical abuse, then the answer is no."

Azusa smirked widely when she said that. That thought never crossed his mind until now, "Oh come on! I promise it'll be worth your wild. You'll feel better"

"The answer is still no. How does hurting you help me feel better?"

"You used to do it before when we were dating," he pouted.

"Only because you provoked me to," she spat. "Plus we were playing around."

"And I love how easily you're provoke," He sharply reminded.

Izumi shook her head before walking past him. "I'm sorry, but no."

Azusa grabbed Izumi's wrist earning a flustered look from her. "Please! Share your pain with me," he begged on his knees.

Izumi looked around before glaring at him. "Azusa, get off the floor, you'll get filthy and you're embarrassing me," she gritted through her teeth.

"I won't. Not until you give me what I deserve."

"Are you seriously doing this in the hallway," she argued. "It's indecent."

"Zuzu-chan, you know me better than anybody besides me brothers. Does it look like I'm serious?" He gazed intensely into her eyes.

The blue-headed vampire kneeled down in front of him, pressing her soft urgent lips on his. Azusa's eyes widen in surprise with excitement. He wasn't expecting her to seal his mouth with a kiss.

"What are you?!"

Izumi pulled away when she heard whose voice it was. She quickly glanced up at the person and saw that it was Kanato. He looked livid and disgusted by her actions. For a second, she could've sworn that she caught a hint of jealousy.

"You bug! What does it look like we're doing? K-I-S-S-I-N-G, now get lost," Azusa hissed.

"I believe I was talking to Izumi," Kanato replied calmly, refusing to remove his eyes from hers. "Well... are you going to explain yourself?"

"I really don't like being ignored," Azusa complained. He stood up from the floor and dusted himself off. "Haven't you done enough Kanato-kun? It's bad enough that you stomp on my Zuzu-chan heart with your two left feet. Now you want to question her? It's a shame that you don't have any home training."

"Please don't address me like you know me. This is between me and Izumi. Now step aside," the purple hair vampire cried.

Azusa shook his head, "I'm afraid that I can't do that."

Kanato glared over at Izumi with a pleading look. "Izumi I...I –"

"He's right," Izumi mumbled. "You've done enough. For weeks I waited and cried over you. I even thought about asking you to kill me, so that I can see that smile on your face again. I couldn't live with myself as long as you continued to ignore me. Yes it was wrong for me to assume that you cared little about me and over something so small. However, you didn't give me a chance to make things right with you. I'm tired of being shut out Kanato. Things were better off when I had a crush on you and you knew zero about it."

The purple eyed vampire gazed longingly into her eyes with an unsettled feel of regret in his chest. He had no idea that she was feeling this way towards him. He gripped the stuff in his arms as he lower his gaze to the ground. "I didn't know you felt that way," he chuckled dryly.

"Of course you didn't," she continued. "With all that running away, how could you possibly know how I was feeling? You want to break someone Kanato, well you just did. I hope you're satisfied now."

Izumi gripped Azusa hand and yanked him by the arm inside their classroom. Azusa smirked back at Kanato who was still standing in the same spot like a statue before walking inside and closing the door.

Kanato trembled in rage. He didn't like being made a fool of in public. Not because Izumi words struck him painfully for some unknown reason. Only because Azusa pissed him off to no avail. His aura stunk up the hall and he didn't like how Azusa clings to Izumi when she belonged to him.

"Don't worry teddy...we'll get her back."

"Ayato! What are you doing?!" Yui screamed, while being forced inside a storage closet. He swiftly bent down and swoop her up in his arms with a manly grunt.

"Oi Breastless! You packed on a few pounds."

She quickly turned flustered when hearing him saying this. "I did not! Now put me down," she demanded, squirming around in his grasp.

"Ay, stop squirming before I drop you."

"Then put me down!"

Ayato uncontrollably lost bounce with Yui falling back with him in his arms. The second his head hit the hard tile floor, he jolt in pain with Yui body landing on top of him. Her cleavage was lingering against his mouth long enough for him to realize with wide eyes. While moving his mouth from under her, he grabbed one of her breast and squeezed it firmly.

"Wait a second..."

Yui forcefully blushed. "Ow! Ayato, that hurts! Let go!"

The redhead vampire tilted his head, looking up at her confusedly. "Are they sore?"

"Yes they're sore! Now let go." She pushed his hand away and immediately got off the floor.

Ayato also stood up from the ground staring at Yui's back side. "Tch, I don't know what your problem is, but it's obviously a woman's thing."

"That's exactly what it is," She agreed. "They got a little bigger, that's all."

The green-eyed vampire rolled his eyes and chuckled. "I can see that. I like it."

Yui frowned. "Yea...that's exactly what it is," she reminded herself. "Ayato, I gotta go now."

"Oi! Wait up!" he said, grabbing her wrist before she could make a move. "Yours truly wasn't done with you yet."

"Ayato..." Yui grumbled. "Unless you want to go back to taking cold showers every day for the next month, I suggest you let go."

The redhead was taken aback by Yui threat. He slowly let her hand fall and looked away disappointed. "Fine, you're dismissed."

"Thank you," she muttered, before walking towards the exit.

Ayato was left in the storage closet. Speechless.

"Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere," Kyoyo questioned Laito while tapping her foot on the ground.

Laito secretly smirked to himself. He always enjoyed the way his love-kitten worried about him. "I was on my way here when something interesting caught my eye," he explained.

The purple eyed beauty scowled at him and crossed her arms. "What could be more important than me?"

"It involves a certain blonde and a twin of mine."

Kyoyo eyes slight widen," Yui and Ayato?"

"Well aren't you the smartest kitten out of the litter," Laito lamely joked.

"Stop joking around." She sat on top of one of the desk, waiting patiently to hear the news about her best friend and future brother-in-law. "So... what did you see?"

Laito propped his elbow on the desk while sitting down and leaned his cheek against the palm of his hand "I may have heard a few things or so..."


The red-head questionably stared at Kyoyo. "Have you looked at bitch-chan really good lately?"

"Uh, I don't think so...but now that you're saying this, she did pack on a few pounds and her chest seems a little out there lately –"Kyoyo gasped in the middle of her sentence with wide eyes. "Oh my god! She's pregnant!"

"Bingo," Laito sneered.

"How come I didn't notice this before? She's my best friend. I should've seen the signs." Kyoyo got off the desk pacing back and forth.

"It's okay love-kitten. We all can't be up-to-date on the status of peoples lives."

The dark hair girl glared, "This is your fault! If I wasted less time paying attention to you, then this wouldn't have happened."

Laito literally almost fell off his chair while hearing her say this. "Are you saying that I'm the one who knocked up bitch-chan? Sadly you are mistaking."

"No you moron! I'm saying that I should have paid less attention to you and more on my friends. I don't even notice what's going on with them anymore."

"I don't see what the problem is. They aren't exactly angels themselves," Laito bluntly put it out there. "They did their fair share of neglecting you. Don't blame yourself for their actions."

Kyoyo turned red with frustration. "Why do you always have to be so...ugh!"

"I'm not gonna lied to you love kitten...I'm kind of jealous. Ayato and Bitch-chan have been sexually intimate for months, they're getting married and now there's a possibility that bitch-chan is pregnant."

Kyoyo blinked confusedly. "I don't understand where you're going with this."

The red-headed vampire tilted his head back and laughed. "I'm a little green with envy at the moment."

"Are you saying that you want kids," she asked.

Laito glanced over at her, "Oh I want that and much more."

Kyoyo bashfully lowered her head with rosy red cheeks. "But we haven't even had sex yet. We only ever engaged in role play."

Before she could blink, Laito was standing in front of her. He tapped his index finger under her chin, pulling her face up to meet his. "Then I think it's time we take that next step in our relationship.

He smirked. "I love you love-kitten."

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