Diabolik Lovers: More brides...

By adoKure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Diabolik Lovers. However I do own these OC characters. *AU* Yui is now a vampire, an... More

Chapter 1: More brides?
Chapter 2: Run away brides
Chapter 3: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 1
Chapter 4: To Teach Untamed Brides Part 2
Chapter 5: Brides in a Nutshell
Chapter 6: Sweeping Brides of their feet Part 1
Chapter 7: Sweeping Brides off their feet Part 2
Chapter 8: Going Under
Chapter 9: Not Your Average Brides
Chapter 10: Full Moon Lovers
Chapter 11: Paradise and Horror Part 1
Chapter 12: Paradise and Horror Part 2
Chapter 14: Paradise and Horror Part 4
Chapter 15: Green with Envy
Chapter 16: Confessions of a Vampire
Chapter 17: Coming Clean
Chapter 18: Say I Love You
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 20: Fated Part 1
Chapter 21: Fated Part 2
Chapter 22: Fated 3
Chapter 23: Fated 4
Chapter 24: Tension, and Nothing Less
Chapter 25: More Surprises
Chapter 26: Caught Up
Chapter 27: Let's Talk
Chapter 28: Unstable Mess
Chapter 29: The Time Is Now Part 1
Chapter 30: The Time is Now Part 2
Chapter 31: Overcome Part 1
Chapter 32: Overcome Part 2
Chapter 33: Overcome Part 3
Chapter 34: Overcome Part 4
Chapter 35: 60 minutes
Chapter 36: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 1
Chapter 37: A Wedding Without Boundaries Part 2
Chapter 38: The After Dance Part 1
Chapter 39: The After Dance Part 2
A very very Big Sorry..

Chapter 13: Paradise and Horror Part 3

1.6K 18 11
By adoKure


"Karlheinz," murmured a voice from behind him.

Subaru jerked his head around and spotted a figure standing in the entryway. It was a female with seaweed green long hair and brown eyes. She wore a long white dress that torn and she looked kind of filthy.

With a smiled, she rushed towards him but went straight through his body. A sad look formed on her face and she looked at her hands and body.

"Why can't I touch you? What happen to me Karlheinz?" She whined.

Subaru looked barfed.

"Answer me! I am your wife," she cried out.

Subaru POV

The horrifying barf look on his face planted there momentarily. It was impossible for some else to be on this island besides him and his family. Subaru never met this young woman before today. More importantly, why was she calling him Karlheinz? Feeling somewhat offended, he didn't like being compared to his father just because they have similar features.

Subaru wanted an explanation to how she found her way on this island. When did she and his father ever get married and why did she flow pass him like a ghost. All these questions kept nailing him in the head.

Stepping towards the entrance to his room, he never removed his red eyes from her brown ones. She extended her hand out in attempt to grab him.

"K-Karlheinz, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Please? Just don't leave me alone again," she begged. The young woman wept on the floor beneath him. She looked like she been through hell and back on this island.

"Your cries are making my ears bleed," Subaru grumbled.

She tilted her head at him with a bewilder look. "I-I don't understand. Whatever do you mean?"

"It means that you're making me deaf! Get a hold of yourself already!"

"B-But Karlheinz-"

To interrupt her protest, Subaru fist went flying into the wall beside him in frustration. "Stop calling me that! I am not him nor will I ever be him!"

Her eyes grew bigger as she blinked at him. "If you're not Karlheinz than whom may you be?"

"I'm...I'm his son," he mumbled with his forearm covering the lower half of his face.

The young woman stood up quickly, gliding towards him with their mouth nearly touching. Subaru stumbled back in shock, "You're right. You aren't him." she turned away from him with her eyes flowing shut. "I could I be so foolish not to realize that?" With the switch of her eyes, she glanced at him from head to toe. "And you definitely don't dress like him. Karlheinz would never wear something so tacky."

"Oi, watch your mouth. You don't have slightest clue who you're dealing with," Subaru warned with both his fist clutched together.

She turned back towards him and folded her arms to her chest. "I can't believe this, all this time Karlheinz left me and had a kid with someone else. It's impulsive."

"Technically, he has five other sons with 2 other wives. I am the sixth and youngest son to his third wife."

"Karlheinz has three wives," she voiced when asking.

Subaru huffed, "that's what I said. Don't make me repeat myself please."

"That's impossible," she announced.

This made his blood boil and his face fluster, "are you calling me a liar?"

"No of course not, I'm his wife as well. There has to be a logical explanation to what brought us both here today," she started to explained. "When I knew Karlheinz, he wasn't married to anyone. I was his eve and he married me when I was still human. We came on this island together on a holiday. He said that he was going to change me into a vampire and I'll finally be able to live forever with him."

"Not to come off like a jerk but it's obvious that you're a ghost," Subaru added. "You wouldn't still be alive if you were stuck out here all those years. That explains why you flew straight through me."

"It seems that I am," she said sadly from the back of her throat. "I don't even remember dying. All I remember is walking on the beach, picking seashells for my husband."

"You have some unfinished business here if you're still moping around for all these years. Maybe it has something to do with my father," he concluded.

"Unfinished business, you say? Do you mean that I have to figure out whatever is keeping me here before I cross over to the other side?"

Subaru nodded, "Precisely yes."

"Then help me. I'd be most grateful if you did," she said with pleading eyes.

The lower-half of his mouth jarred open. The more he looked at her made him feel terrible. She was exceptionally beautiful and her breasts were one of the biggest racks he had ever seen. She put Mayu's rack to shame. How could he possibly have any secret desires about another man's wife, especially when he had a wonderful girlfriend of his own?

"Is something wrong," the young woman asked blankly.

Subaru turned his head away as he blushed. "It-It's nothing. By the way, what's your name?"

She flashed him a pleasant smile, "My name was Nanami Takahashi, but you can just call me Nanami. What about yours?"

"Subaru Sakamaki," he answered immediately. "And why the hell are you staring at me like that? It's annoying, stop it!"

Nanami lowered her head down sadly, "Sorry Subaru-kun. You just look so much like him. What about your brothers? Do they look anything like him?"

"Not the slightest. I'm the only that was cursed with his looks and my brother Reiji also has the same eyes as he does. Some of my brothers do have similar personality traits. My brother Laito does pick up some of his perverted ways and their styles are similar and Ayato wants to become the best at everything."

She gasped with her hands to her mouth, "by any chance are those people downstairs your relatives?"

"Yeah, enough with the questions now, I'm getting tired of explaining myself," he huffed tiredly.

"Then don't explain no more. I have more than enough information. I just really want closure; do you think that you can helpless young woman out with that?"

Subaru shrugged, "I don't know if I'd be any use to you. Plus I'm on vacation with my girlfriend. You'd just be taking up my time."

"Oh please, Subaru. I'm begging you! I promise that I stay out of sight when you're with your girlfriend. Just please help me."

"Fine," he spat. "Meet me here at the same time tomorrow."

Kanato and Izumi

That mid-afternoon a heavy storm clouded the island. Izumi looked out the window with the palm of her hand placed up against the glass. She could hear the relaxing sounds of rain against her windows, but the sound was violently replaced with a loud thundering sound that made her leap in the air and her heart jump. she grabbed her chest, feeling somewhat uneasy about this whole trip now.

Today was supposed to be a special day for her and Kanato. So far, the last 2 days weren't all that great. Due to the storm, she knew that they couldn't have their picnic today; on top of that she was still worried about Kyoyo, who was on bed rest for the next few days. Of course they all knew each other for only a short time, regardless of that Izumi felt closer to all the girls, they became her best friends.

Needless to say, unless the storm stopped, then her anniversary with Kanato might not be such a disaster. She was anxious for the weather to clear up. "I can't believe it, this storm is utterly ridiculous. I tell you!"

"Does the storm upset you, my sweet?" Kanato asked from his bedside.

She turned away from the window, walking over to their bed, "yes! Under the circumstances, I have every right to be upset. I'm furious that our anniversary plans might be taking its toll."

"Perhaps we shouldn't jump to termination. Besides, the day just started. Don't let this hurricane ruin our fun," He said, pulling her in his arms. "The forecast said that it will clear up sometime tomorrow.

"Wait," Izumi murmured, turning her head around. "How do you know? We weren't informed about this!"

"Oh? Maybe you should watch the weather forecast more offend."

"Kanato, why didn't you tell me that you knew that a hurricane was coming? This different ruins the mood." She snapped when removing herself from his arms.

"I wanted to avoid any doubts of us not being able to enjoy our day together. It sounded like the best idea at the time. Right teddy?" he said, glancing over at the stuff bear sitting up on the wall on top of the bed.

Izumi face turned flush with anger. She quivered unsettled in the middle of the floor, biting her tongue violently. "Let me guess, you made that discussion with that stupid stuff animal, didn't you? Because your teddy told you not to, you went ahead and listened to the imaginary voice in your head again."

"How dare you make a mockery of me," He yelled in an angry tone when scowling at her.

"Well grow up! I'm sick of playing doll house with you and that...that bear! You're in a relationship with me now and unless you want to lose me you better stop playing around with stuff animals."

Kanato eyebrow twitched as he continued to scowl at her calmly, "are you asking me to choose between you and teddy?"

Izumi slowly nodded with hesitation "that's exactly what I'm saying. It's that one eyes teddy bear or me. Take your pick."

Without further notice, Kanato flew towards her like a bat out of hell with his hands wrapped around her neck. "You lied to me Izumi! You told me that you accepted me for who I am. Now you're making me choose between something very dearest to me and my love for you? What kind of game are you playing at," he grumbled, between gripping her neck tighter with his trembling hands.

Izumi reached out to grab both of his hands and stared at him with a hint of regret in her eyes. "I do accept you and I never lied to you before. I just hate sharing you with something that isn't alive. I want all your attention, Kanato. I want you to realize that you'd always have me and you don't have to carry that thing around forever. Why can't you accept that there are more important things to life? I'm tired of being jealous over a stuff bear! Look at me, I even sound delusional."

A chuckle from the back of his throat slipped out. He looked down at his feet with his hands still wrapped around her neck. "You don't know me at all, Izumi. I thought you understood me like no one else did, but that was my mistake for letting you get inside my head," he stated. His hands fell to his sides, seconds later. "It's over between us, Izumi Sato. I never want to see you again."

Those last few words hit her like a ton of bricks. Kanato vanished out of thin air, leaving her vulnerable and helpless. She couldn't get it through her head that he had broken up with her. He disappeared before her as if she wasn't there.

Once Izumi flopped back on the bed, she wondered about his whereabouts and why he left so sudden. She hoped that he was somewhere in the house rethinking their break-up and not somewhere in this horrible weather.

Ayato and Yui

Becoming one with the love of his life never felt so good to Ayato Sakamaki since he came on this trip. He growled in ecstasy while releasing inside Yui for the fourth time that evening. Grabbing the bed sheets, he fell back beside her with a smug grin of his young handsome face. They were off and on like this through the afternoon. Ayato couldn't get enough of his soon to become bride; he wanted to have her morning, noon and night and on the clock.

The heavy rain and thunder only made their love-making more eventful and superior. Nothing was going to ruin their first vacation together, not even the tropical hurricane that invaded the island.

The bed sheets wrapped around Yui's body stuck to her like silk. Her blond curly hair was draped on the pillow with her head turned in Ayato direction. She still couldn't believe that he asked her to marry him. It felt like a dream, she was ecstatic and truly happy about his proposal.

When she first arrived to the Sakamaki manor almost a year ago, Ayato and his brothers gave her hell. But the more she got to know them, while living in the same house; she grew closer to each of them.

Now she had her friends there too. At first they were all terrified, yet within the next 3 ½ months, they all matched up with each the guys. Maybe the choice her father made wasn't such a bad one or maybe he had no idea that she was offered as a sacrifices bride. Either way, this was she was glad that it happen.

"Oi Breastless," Ayato muttered from the right side of the bed. He narrowed his green eyes at her and smirked. "You think too loud. Quiet down."

"Well, you're sexual favors are a bit too extreme." She bluntly retorted, smirking proudly.

Ayato smirk formed into a grin. "What's wrong with my sexual favors? I thought they sounded quite exciting."

"Ayato, I am not letting you handcuff me ever again. You don't play fair and it's abusive."

"Tch, I not going to abuse you, that wasn't my plan. I was thinking of new sex games for us to play."

"I know," she interrupted, "and that's why I said that your sexual favors were a bit too extreme. You don't have self-control."

"Ay! I do have self-control. Take yesterday for example, we didn't engage in any sexual intercourse," he thoroughly reminded.

"That was only because we were busy trying to help Kyoyo and the others. You couldn't go one day without touching me."

"Ha! Is that a challenge," he asked.

"I don't know if I'd call it a challenge..." she said.

"All right, then, let's make this a bet. I bet you that I could go a whole day without touching you and if I'm right then you have no other choice but to heed to my every command, especially my sexual favors."

"Make that three days Ayato. One day is obviously too easy for you," she reminded

"Agh, you're evil! I've been a bad influence on you," He sighed. "Very well then, three days and that's my last decision."

"You got yourself a deal," She agreed.

Ayato slipped out of bed and walked to the bathroom door. "I'm going to take a bath now and you're not invited."

Laito and Kyoyo

"How is she," Laito asked Mayu as he walked inside the room.

Mayu continuously rubbed her friends long black hair while looking down at her. Kyoyo looked very peaceful when she slept. This was the first time she ever saw her friend look this way. Mayu knew that Kyoyo kept a lot bottled up inside her and even though she was strong and flashed a smile, deep down inside she was fragile and insecure about herself.

"She looks like she's doing better," Mayu answered. "Reiji poison is working really well."

"Oh, yeah? Well he isn't the useless one of the bunch," Laito pointed out. "By the way, Subaru is looking for you. He seemed legit when I touched paths with him in the hallway earlier."

"Oh, but I don't want to leave Kyoyo alone," said Mayu.

"She's not alone. She'll be with me."

"No offence Laito, but you almost killed her. What were you thinking, kissing her like that after you consumed those berries? Common since would've told you that they're dangerous to human beings like us. "

Laito quickly glared at her when grumbling, "Thanks for the enlightenment; it's as though I haven't already figured that out."

"It's not his fault," Kyoyo murmured exhausted from her bed.

Mayu attention went on her friend. She took one of her hands and held it tightly. "You're awake, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine..." she mumbled. "Look, can you give Laito and I some alone time, please?"

"All right, sure." Mayu got up from her chair and walked past Laito with a knowing glare on her face. She frowned at Kyoyo when closing the door behind her.

"You look better Kyoyo-chan," Laito said, with a smile that didn't match how he really felt.

"What happen to calling me love-kitten?"

"I'd love nothing more than to call you by the nickname I gave you. Unfortunately, I don't deserve to call you by that name."

Kyoyo blinked with a parted open mouth. "I beg to differ. The Laito I know would never stop calling someone by their nickname because he felt at fault for something. What happen to the perverted, cheerful and playful sicko that I fell in love with? Because that is who I want now."

He sneered at her when narrowing his green eyes. "You are something else. It's so cute how you easily forgive others for their actions. I, however am not forgivable. Punishment before forgiveness, that's the vow I live by."

"Then let me punish you," Kyoyo whispered as she stepped out of the bed to unbutton her nightgown. After she finished unbuttoning her nightgown, it dropped on the floor. She stalked over to him, placing both her hands on his cheeks. "I'm gonna punish you until every thought of regrets is out of that head of yours, and don't expect me to be gentle or go easy on you. Your punishment will begin from here on out."

"Give me everything you got then."

"Oh I plan too." She pressed her lips upon his. The lower part of her mouth opened as she wrenched his bottom lip with her teeth. A sharp moan escape Laito throat when pressing her body closer to his. He could feel her soft ivy skin beneath his clothes; he tempted to take on the floor.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Laito grumbled. His hands roam all over her naked body.

"Don't speak. I want you to kneel before me and nothing more," she demanded in an intense voice.

"Excuse me, I didn't quite hear that," he smirked.

"Shut your trap and kneel before me," She whispered closely to his ear before biting down on it and tugging.

Laito got down on his knees, hiding his excitement. "Is this what you want Kyoyo?"

"That's love kitten to you blood-sucker. Mess that up again and I'll make you swallow those words. Understood?"


Kyoyo picked up her foot and placed it on his back, forcing the rest of his body to fall to the floor. This shock Laito, not only was she being forceful but she dominated him like no other. "I said understood?"

"As you wish, love kitten," he proudly smirked.

Shu and Reina

The bell rang at the end of the class. Reina picked up all her books and placed them in her backpack. Standing up, she walked out of the classroom with Shu on her tail. His hand gripped her shoulder when walking out the entryway. A few stares from other classmates didn't really faze them, because it was still unclear if they were dating or not, only because they preferred it that way.

"I have somewhere to be now. So I'm leaving school early. Do you think that you'd be alright for the rest of the night," Shu asked.

Reina nodded her head repeatedly, "I will be fine. Don't worry about me." She smiled cheerfully.

Shu stared, "when you smile like that only makes me want to stay with you. I refuse to let you out of my sight. Unfortunately this is important, wait for me in front of the school. I will come pick you up myself."

"You don't have to go out of your way like this Shu-"

"Actually I do, I'm your savior remember?" After saying this, he turned on his heel and disappeared down the corridor.

"Tch, as I suspected. I knew he'd end up leaving you out of his sight sooner or later," said a voice from behind Reina.

She turned her head around to see Yuma standing there with a cutesy expression. "Good evening, Honda-san, pleasure seeing you here."

"Is it really a pleasure or are you just being a moron," Reina retorted.

Yuma hands hemmed into his pockets, "Not exactly. I saw you alone finally and thought this would be a perfect opportunity to talk to you."

Reina exhaled everything she had. Every time she saw Yuma gave her chills. He was very handsome with a bad boy image that obviously covered his kindness. He'd be the prefect boyfriend if she wasn't in love with Shu and dating him.

"Is something troubling you, Honda-san," Yuma said close enough to her face.

Reina back up against the locker a bit. "Yes. You're a little too close."

"My apologies, it looked like something was bothering you."

"I'm fine really," she blushed.

"I haven't been completely honest with you since I got here, Honda-san. I'm here before you today to warn you about your boyfriend and his brothers," he started to say.

"What about them," she asked with concern.

"I don't remember much about my childhood, but at onetime I was a mortal just like you. The village I live in was burn down to the ground and I became a vampire afterwards. It's been centuries since I thought about the incident and now I can't stop thinking about it since two of the Sakamaki brothers started a ruckus in front of my home and set the lawn on fire.

"What does that have anything to do with me," she asked in a confused tone.

"It doesn't. It has something to do with your boyfriend, Shu Sakamaki. After that fire that Ayato and Subaru started I can't stop picturing Shu as a small boy. It seems like he was there when my village burned down. Why is that?"

Reina shrugged, "I have no clue to be honest."

Yuma chuckled with a grin, "Watch your back around him Reina Honda. I'll get to the bottom of this and when or if I find out that Shu is responsible, I will kill him and you'll be mine."

"Reina, you're shaking like a leaf in your slumber. What's wrong," Shu asked when pulling her closer against his body.

"Ah, n-nothing, It was just had a bad dream of a sort," she told him.

"What about?"

"Something that's been bothering me off and on for a while now," she replied.

"Is that so? Tell me about it if it can't be helped."

"Okay...It's about you Shu...Did you know Yuma as a child," she question.

Shu was dumbfounded. How did she know? "Why bring up something so random like that?"

"I was curious, that's all," she mumbled.

"It really isn't your concern and I forbid you to bring it up again. Think twice before you ask a question like that again."

Reina scowled. "Screw you, you wanted to know what was bothering me and I told you what I was thinking. If you can't answer that directly, then why do I even bother with you?" She pushed the covers off her and slipped out of bed quickly.

"Where are you going now, get back in bed" he spoke in a lazy tone.

"None of your damn business," Reina shouted, while throwing on a pair of shorts and tank top. "Idiot," She stuck out her tongue at him before walking out of the room and slamming the door closed.

"Tch, I'm an idiot? How immature can she get," he grumbled.

Subaru and Mayu

Subaru warmly kissed Mayu on the forehead as she slept in their bed peacefully. He enjoyed watching her sleep there beside him for the past few nights they stayed together. How can a group of teenage girls change him for the better? He never really opened up to anybody before he met Yui and now there was Mayu. She made him see that there was more to him then just destruction. How did she become so important to someone like him?

"You look at her with such enthusiasm, it almost makes me wish that it was me sleeping in that bed," Nanami said.

Shu turned towards her in surprise, "Are you stupid? Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I-I apologize. I honestly didn't mean to. Forgive me!"

Subaru was becoming impatient by the second, "shut up! You're going to wake her up with that loud mouth of yours."

Nanami was taken aback, "I beg your pardon?"

His finger lingered an inch away from her mouth. "I don't want Mayu to know that there is a ghost in our room. It will only freak her out."

Hearing this, she quietly snorted, "What about you? Why isn't she freaked out by a hot-tempered vampire?"

"I don't expect you to understand. You hardly know me. You don't even know why you're still stuck on this island, let alone why you still exist," he taunted.

"Wow, you're cruel. You have no idea how hard it was for me to stand there and watch Karl with his lovers. I even watch after you and your brothers when nobody else was there!"

"What?" Subaru said with wide eyes. "What do you mean you watch us over the years?"

She turned away from him and walked out to the balcony. Subaru quickly followed after her in search for answers. "I asked you a question Nanami? What do you mean you watch us? You knew about my family and you acted like you didn't!"

"I only did it because...because I-I wanted to get closer to you. You reminded me the most of Karlheinz out of all your brothers and it breaks my heart every minute to see you with another girl. I want you for myself," she muttered.

Subaru rubbed the back of his neck with a sigh, "look, I'm flattered and somewhat offended. I'm flattered that you would be interested in a guy like me, but I am nothing like my father. I don't even wanna be put in the same class as that man. If it wasn't for him raping my mom all those times, I wouldn't be here talking to you now. You seem like a nice lady and I kind of feel sorry for you. However, you're a ghost; you and I will never work out."

"Don't you think I know that," she yelled. "And I don't need you to remind me."

"Fine, be like that. I won't then," Subaru said walking back inside the room.

"Subaru, wait! I do have one request though..."

He glanced back at her, "Make it quick. What is that?"

"This," she said kissing him on the lips before he could blink.

Subaru couldn't move his body. He was stun that she was able to touch him. He was starting to wonder if she was able to touch him this whole time. Was this just a game of hers? What did she really want?

A gasped came from behind them. Nanami removed her lips from his and turned towards the dark figure in the room. "Oh, I see sleeping beauty is finally awakes."

Subaru slowly turned his head towards the same direction. He spotted his girlfriend standing there in shock with her hands over her mouth. She looked like she was about to pass out instead she backed up against the door.

"Mayu," Subaru said, walking towards her.

"No, stay back," she said sharply.

"But... it's not what you think."

"I said no Subaru! Stay the hell away from me," She cried out, when rushing out the room.

Subaru hand reach out to grab for Mayu, but she was already gone.

"Pitiful. What a shame," Nanami said with a smirk.

"You planned this," Subaru gritted through his teeth.

Nanami clapped, "Bravo, it only took you 15 minutes to figure that out. Now all you have to do is devote yourself to me and be done with that dumb bimbo you call a girlfriend."

"I will never devote myself to you. Your dead to me, you hear me!"

"We'll see about that," Nanami said, before disappearing.

I know it's sad for Kanato and Izumi relationships!

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